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Illinois Department of Revenue
BOA‑2 Application for Voluntary Disclosure Program
Step 1: Identify yourself and the tax you are voluntarily disclosing
Taxpayer’s name ___________________________________ If business, business name ____________________________
Street address _____________________________________ SSN or FEIN ______________________________________
City, state, ZIP _________________________________ Tax period from __ __/__ __ /__ __ __ __through __ __/__ __ /__ __ __ _
Month Day Year Month Day Year
Phone no. (____)______________________________ Tax type (check all that apply):
Mobile phone no. (____)______________________________ ___IL-1040 ___IL-1041 ___IL-1065 ___IL-1120-ST
Email address _____________________________________ ___IL-1120 ___IL-941 ___IL-990-T ___ST-1/Use
Spouse’s name (if applicable) _________________________ ___Excise tax/Other (identify type)______________________
Step 2: Complete this step if you are being represented by someone else
1 Attach a completed Form IL-2848, Power of Attorney, to your completed Form BOA-2.
2 Identify the representative(s) you appointed as attorney-in-fact (Step 3 of your Form IL-2848, Power of Attorney).
________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Name of individual Name of firm (if applicable)
________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Name of individual Name of firm (if applicable)
Step 3: Taxpayer must sign below
I state that prior to making this application for voluntary disclosure of the tax type shown above, the above named taxpayer has
not been notified of the initiation of an audit or criminal investigation by the Illinois Department of Revenue.
I state that I have examined this Form BOA-2 application and, to the best of my knowledge, it is true, correct, and complete.
Individual debt This application must be signed by the taxpayer (not a power of attorney or representative of the taxpayer). If
the application is for a joint return, it also must be signed by the spouse.
Business debt This application must be signed by the owner of the business (if a corporation, an officer; or if a partnership,
a partner) (not a power of attorney or representative of the taxpayer).
_________________________________________________________________________ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __
Your signature or authorized officer (if officer, write title) Month Day Year
Printed name
_________________________________________________________________________ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __
If applicable, spouse’s signature Month Day Year
Printed name of the spouse
Board of Appeals approval (Department use only)
___________________________________________________________________ ___ ___/___ ___/___ ___ ___ ___
Board member’s signature Date
Return this completed and signed application using one of the three options below:
PO BOX 19014
SPRINGFIELD, IL 62704‑9014 Fax to: 217 785-2643
BOA-2 (R-10/18) front This form is authorized as outlined by Section 3-10(c) of the Uniform Penalt y and Interest Act. Disclosure of information is REQUIRED. Printed by authority of the State
Failure to provide information could result in rejection of your application. of Illinois - web only - one copy
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