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9. Does your organization have a religious leader? 9.
If "Yes", state the leader's name, address, and seminary or university attended, if any, year of ordination,
from what higher body, if any, received authority to act.
If "Yes", state whether the organization's spiritual leaders have performed any marriages, burials, baptisms, or
other sacerdotal functions for members of the organization within the past year and, if yes, how many?
10. Is solicitation of funds confined to your membership? 10.
If "No", please describe the method of solicitation.
11. State any other facts you consider pertinent to the consideration of your exemption request.
Under penalty of perjury, the undersigned declares and certifies
that this exemption form and the accompanying registration
statement have been examined by me and all information contained
therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Name and Title
Signature and Date Signed