Enlarge image | Employer's Correction Report for the Quarter Ending: Fax: 217-557-1948 Revenue Division - 307 E. Jackson Street, 3rd Floor Phone: 800-247-4984 Springfield, Illinois 62701 ACCOUNT NUMBER: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Prepare a separate correction report for each quarter. Retain a copy for your files. 2. Give complete explanation. 3. Always complete Schedule A. 4. Be sure to complete Schedule B if you are correcting wages reported for individual workers. Enter complete account number, name and address in the space above. SCHEDULE A - QUARTERLY WAGE INFORMATION EXPLANATION As Reported on UI-3/40 Should Be Line 2. Total Wages Paid Line 3. Less: Excess Wages Line 4. Taxable Wages Line 5. Contribution Due NOTE: The taxable wage base is subject to change annually. Please refer to your original quarterly wage report (form UI-3/40) for the wage base of the year you are correcting. SCHEDULE B - INDIVIDUAL WAGE CORRECTIONS LIST ONLY THOSE WORKERS WHOSE WAGES ARE TO BE CORRECTED Worker's Social Security UI-3/40 W A G E S Account Number Worker's Name (Type or Print) Page # As Reported Should Be TOTAL I certify that the information in the foregoing report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date ________________________________________ Signed ___________________________________________________ This report MUST be signed by owner, partner, officer, or authorized Title ______________________________________________________ agent within the employing enterprise. If signed by any other person, a Power of Attorney must be on file. UI-40C (Rev.04/24) |