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       UI-HA Report for Household Employers Instructions

You may file on-line at https://mytax.illinois.gov
                                                                                           Line 15  If              you had more than eight household employees  during  2022, use    
                                                                                                    an additional sheet   of paper and include the          information  in   Step 2 
Step 1                                                                                              for each additional worker. Total each Column C through F on the
Line 1a Enter your 7-digit Illinois Unemployment Insurance Account Number.                          attachment, and write the totals on Line 15 in the appropriate
Line 1b Enter the nine digit Federal Employer's Identification number (FEIN)
        assigned to you by the Internal Revenue Service.                                   Line 16a Add Lines 7 through 15 within each column. This   is the total
Line 2  Enter your first name, middle initial and last      name.                                   wages paid for each quarter.

Line 3  Enter the street address         .

.                                                                                          Step 3
Line 4  Enter the city, state and zip code
                                                                                           Line 16b Copy totals from line 16a above.
Step 2                                                                                     Line 17  Write in the total wages paid in excess of the unemployment
                                                                                                    insurance taxable wage base amount for                each worker. For 2022, 
Lines 7 through 1        5 - use one line for each employee                                         the taxable wage base amount   is $12,            960 for each worker.
        Column A                                                                                    An employer must pay unemployment insurance contributions on                    
                                                                                                    only the first $12,          960   in wages for each employee.
        Print the last and first name(s)   of your household employee(s).
        Column B                                                                                    Example: You              have one    household employee that you pay
                                                                                                    $5,000 each quarter.  During the first          and  second quarter, the   
        Complete this item by         entering your employee’s social security                      wages paid   to the employee total $10,000, so you would enter “0”              
                                                                                                    in each column for the first and second quarters. During the          third   
        Columns   C through   F (quarters)                                                          quarter, the total amount paid   to the employee reaches $15,000             
                                                                                                    which exceeds the $12,              960  unemployment insurance taxable 
        Enter the total wages paid        to   each employee for each quarter  of   the             wage base by             $2,040. So the amount   to be entered on Line 17   
        year.   If no wages were paid for that      quarter, please enter "0".                      for the third quarter,   is $2,       040  ($15,000-$12,960  ). The fourth 
        Wages include (a) salaries, commissions          and  bonuses,   tips reported              quarter wages   of $5,000 must be entered on            Line 17 for the   
        to the employer, separation pay, vacation pay,          prizes, sick pay,                   fourth quarter since the wage base was met during the third              
        payments on account   of retirement; (b)      the  reasonable    cash value                 quarter.
        of remuneration paid other than        cash, such   as goods, meals   and    
                                                                                                                            1st quarter      2nd quarter  3rd quarter   4th quarter
        lodging; and (c) any remuneration for        services performed   within  the    
        State which   is considered wages         under the Federal Unemployment                    Ex Line 17              $   0            $  0         $2,040        $5,000
        Tax          Act.

UI-HAinstructions  (2/2023)

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Step 3 continued

Line 18    Subtract Line 17 from Line 16b and enter the result on Line 18.                 Step 6
           These are your taxable wages.
                                                                                           Line 30    If you have stopped employing workers, write the date of the last
Lines 19 and 20                                                                                       day you employed workers.

           For each quarter, calculate your unemployment insurance          
           contribution. Within each column, complete either Line 19   or 20,         
           whichever   is applicable.                                                      Step 7

                                                                                           Line 31    This report must be signed by the person named in Step 1, Line 2.
Line 21    Quarter totals: Enter the amount from Line 19 or   20 in   each column.                    If signed by any other person, a Power of Attorney must be
           This   is your contribution due for each quarter.                                          attached.
Line 22.   Grand total. Add the quarterly totals from Line 21    (Columns   C,     D, E   
           and   F) and enter the result on Line 22. This is   your total  
           unemployment insurance contributions       for 2022.                             MAIL YOUR COMPLETED REPORT ALONG WITH YOUR CHECK TO:

                                                                                                ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY 
Step 4                                                                                          PO BOX 19300
                                                                                                SPRINGFIELD IL 62794-9300
Line 23-26 Enter the total number of employees (full or part time) who are
           covered by unemployment insurance and        who  performed     services      
           during   or received pay for the payroll period including  the  12th    of   
           each month   of the quarter. Include      workers who have earned                                      General Instructions
           more than $12,  960   in the calendar year and those on vacation        or   
           paid sick leave. Exclude workers on strike.
                                                                                           What if I do not file or pay by the due date?
                                                                                           If you do not file a processable return or pay the tax you owe by the due
                                                                                           date, you will owe penalty and interest.
Step 5
Line 27    Write the amount shown on line 22. This is your 
                                                                                           What if I need to correct information I reported?
           total unemployment insurance contribution for 2022.
                                                                                           Where may I obtain help or more information?
Line 28    Write the amount   of any previous  payment    made   to   the Illinois         For other related forms   or help with questions regarding unemployment   
           Department   of Employment Security    for the liability shown  on              insurance, please call the Unemployment Insurance Hotline toll-free at   
           Line 27.                                                                         800)247-4984.
Line 29    Subtract Line 28 from Line   27.                                                The TTY number for the hearing impaired is   (866) 212-8831. 
           This   is the amount   of unemployment insurance    contribution due. 

           Make your check payable   to the    Illinois Department of      
           Employment Security.

UI-HAinstructions  (2/2023)

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    State   of Illinois                                                                                                     Illinois Department of Employment Security
    Form UI-HA  2022                                Report for Household Employers                                          File on-line   at https://mytax.illinois.gov
Step 1: Tell us about yourself
1a ________________________________                     b ___ ___–___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
   Illinois account number (Unemployment Insurance)       Federal employer’s identification number
2  ___________________________________________________________________
   Your name (first, middle initial, last)
3  ___________________________________________________________________
   Street Address
4  ___________________________________________________________________
   City                                                        State      Zip
Step 2: Report your household employee information
5  For unemployment insurance reporting, complete Columns A-F
6  ABD F                                                                       C E
   Name                                                     Social             1/2022                    2/2022                      3/2022                4/2022
   (last, first)                                         Security No.     QTR. ending Mar.        31QTR. ending June 30     QTR. ending   Sept. 30    QTR. ending Dec. 31
7   _____________________________ ______________                      __________________      ___________________________________           _________________
8   _____________________________ ______________                      __________________      ___________________________________           _________________
9   _____________________________ ______________                      __________________      ___________________________________           _________________
10  _____________________________ ______________                      __________________      ___________________________________           _________________
11  _____________________________ ______________                      __________________      ___________________________________           _________________
12  _____________________________ ______________                      __________________      ___________________________________           _________________
13  _____________________________ ______________                      __________________      ___________________________________           _________________
14  _____________________________ ______________                      __________________      ___________________________________           _________________
15 Other (attach)          ________________________ ________________________________________  ____________________________________________  _____________________
16a Column totals: Add Lines 7 through 15 in each column                  ______________________  ____________________________________________  _____________________
Step 3: Figure your unemployment insurance
           contribution due for each quarter                                 1st quarter            2nd quarter                  3rd quarter               4th quarter
16b Column totals: Copy totals from line 16a above.                       ______________________    ______________________  ______________________    _____________________
17  Write the total wages paid   in excess   of the taxable 
    wage base amount ($12,        960 per employee for  2022).            ______________________    ______________________  ______________________    _____________________
18  Subtract Line 17 from Line 16b.                                       ______________________    ______________________  ______________________    _____________________
19  If Line  16a   is less than $50,000, multiply Line 18 by              ______________________    ______________________  ______________________    _____________________
    your 2022 contribution rate   or 5.400%, whichever   is less.
20  If Line 16a is $50,000 or more, multiply                              ______________________    ______________________  ______________________    _____________________
    Line 18 by your 2022 contribution rate.
21  Quarter totals: Enter the amount from Line 19 and/or 20.              ______________________    ______________________  ______________________    _____________________
22  Grand total: Add the quarter totals from Line 21 (Columns C, D, E and F) and write the result on Line 22.                                   22    _________________

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Step 4: Number of employees who are covered for unemployment insurance
   Write the total number of covered workers (full and part time) who performed services during or received pay for the payroll period including the
   12th of each month of each quarter. If none, write “0”
23 1st quarter                   A January 12 __________ B       February 12 __________ C March 12    ___________
24 2nd quarter                   A April 12   __________ B       May 12      __________ C June 12     ___________
25 3rd quarter                   A July 12    __________ B       August 12   __________ C September 12 ___________
26 4th quarter                   A October 12 __________ B       November 12 __________ C December 12 ___________

Step 5: Figure your total unemployment insurance contribution due
27 Write the amount from Line 22.                                                                                                                                               27 ____________I ____
28 Write the amount of any previous payment to the Illinois Department of Employment Security for the liability shown on Line 27.                                               28 ____________I ____
29 Subtract Line 28 from Line 27. Make your check payable to the Illinois Department of Employment Security.                                                                    29 ____________I ____

Step 6: Complete if you are no longer employing workers
30 Write the date you stopped employing workers.                                                                                                                                30 ____/_____/____
                                                                                                                                                                                   month day            year

Step 7: Sign below
   Under penalties of perjury, I state that I have examined this report and, to the best of my knowledge, it is true, correct, and complete.

31  ____________________________________________________________                                   ____/____/__________                                                         (_____) ______________
    Household employer’s signature (full name)                                                     month day                       year                                         Daytime telephone number

Filing deadline: April 15, 2023
You may   file and pay on-line   at https://  mytax.illinois.gov 
Mail your completed report along with your check to:

            PO BOX 19300
            SPRINGFIELD IL 62794-9300

                                   This state agency is requesting information that is necessary to accomplish the statutory purpose as outlined under 820 ILCS405/100-3200.
                                   Disclosure of this information is REQUIRED. Failure to disclose this information may result in statutorily prescribed liability and sanction,
                                   including penalties and or interest. This form has been approved by the Forms Management Center.
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