Page not available?



2024-08-20 12:52:44 - Wsw_BeforeCheck> Adjust pagetype and checkmethod
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - WebSite-Watcher 2024 (24.3) - Build:
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - checkid: 940377764-1.21000912.20240530162130
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - date: 2024-08-20 12:52:44
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - bookmark:
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - filename: 2022072909481437225391.htm
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - check webpage (automatic method):
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - Use CookieDB
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Open (InternetOpen)
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Open done
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Connect (InternetConnect) -
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Connect done
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Open request (HttpOpenRequest)
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Open request done
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Set additional headers
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Send request done
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Cache-Control: private,max-age=0
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Content-Type: text/html
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Expires: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 16:52:45 GMT
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> X-SharePointHealthScore: 0
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Public-Extension:
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> SPRequestGuid: 152e48a1-e7fb-c037-eef8-3f50efaeb680
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> request-id: 152e48a1-e7fb-c037-eef8-3f50efaeb680
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> X-FRAME-OPTIONS: SAMEORIGIN
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> SPRequestDuration: 10
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> SPIisLatency: 0
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> X-MS-InvokeApp: 1; RequireReadOnly
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 16:52:44 GMT
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Content-Length: 778
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> GET /rev/research/publications/bulletins/Documents/2016/fy-2016-12.pdf HTTP/1.1
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> upgrade-insecure-requests: 1
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> dnt: 1
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> cache-control: max-age=0
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> sec-fetch-site: none
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> sec-fetch-mode: navigate
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> sec-fetch-user: ?1
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> sec-fetch-dest: document
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> accept-language: en
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Host:
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Connection: Keep-Alive
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - Statuscode: 404
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - WSW> done (OnBeforeDocDownload -> bCancel)
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Close
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - WSW> Current URL is:
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - Status: Page not available?
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - Wsw_BeforeCheck> Adjust pagetype and checkmethod
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - === Second check ===
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - WebSite-Watcher 2024 (24.3) - Build:
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - checkid: 940377764-1.21000912.20240530162130
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - date: 2024-08-20 12:52:44
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - bookmark:
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - filename: 2022072909481437225391.htm
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - check webpage (automatic method):
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - Use CookieDB
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Open (InternetOpen)
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Open done
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Connect (InternetConnect) -
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Connect done
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Open request (HttpOpenRequest)
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Open request done
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Set additional headers
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Send GET request (HttpSendRequest)
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Send request done
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Cache-Control: private,max-age=0
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Content-Type: text/html
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Expires: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 16:52:45 GMT
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> X-SharePointHealthScore: 0
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Public-Extension:
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> SPRequestGuid: 162e48a1-6710-c037-eef8-3021f50f4f9e
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> request-id: 162e48a1-6710-c037-eef8-3021f50f4f9e
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> X-FRAME-OPTIONS: SAMEORIGIN
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> SPRequestDuration: 65
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> SPIisLatency: 0
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> X-MS-InvokeApp: 1; RequireReadOnly
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 16:52:44 GMT
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Content-Length: 778
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> GET /rev/research/publications/bulletins/Documents/2016/fy-2016-12.pdf HTTP/1.1
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> upgrade-insecure-requests: 1
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> dnt: 1
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> cache-control: max-age=0
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> sec-fetch-site: none
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> sec-fetch-mode: navigate
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> sec-fetch-user: ?1
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> sec-fetch-dest: document
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> accept-language: en
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Host:
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - hdr> Connection: Keep-Alive
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - Statuscode: 404
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - WSW> done (OnBeforeDocDownload -> bCancel)
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - cmd> Close
2024-08-20 12:52:44 - WSW> Current URL is:

WebSite-Watcher error message