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Scanband Version of Form 72-300-01-5
Distribution of Sales Tax by Cities Report

This form is not to be used by your taxpayer until the July 2001 tax period that is due by August 20, 2001. The use of the
attached form prior to August 2001, will result in such form being sent back to the taxpayer without processing. A penalty may
be assessed to you or the taxpayer.

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                                                                                                                Form 72-300-01-5-1-000 (Rev. 7/01)
                           MS                    Mississippi
                        Distribution of Sales Tax by Cities Number
                                                           IMPORTANT: Photocopies or hand completions of this form are NOT acceptable.

AC                      C1                       C9  C17    T1                                                 T9                     T17
             PM         C2                       C10 C18    T2                                                 T10                    T18
        PO              C3                       C11 C19    T3                                                 T11                    T19
                        C4                       C12 C20    T4                                                 T12                    T20
                        C5                       C13 C21    T5                                                 T13                    T21
                 AM     C6                       C14        T6                                                 T14                    T22
                        C7                       C15        T7                                                 T15
                        C8                       C16        T8                                                 T16
                                                                                                                For Computer Use Only - Do Not Write Above This Line

Instructions                                                                                      Due Date
Round to nearest dollar. Do not include pennies.                                                  Due 1st to 20th; delinquent after 20th. Add penalty if delinquent.
This return must be filed, even if no tax is due.

                                                                                                  Filing Period                                   Month      Year
Name                                                                                                                           MONTHLY

Address                                                                                                        QUARTERLY OR    First Month        Last Month Year
                                                                                                               ANNUAL                 thru
City                       State                     ZipZip
     Account Number                                                                                            You MUST use the filing period assigned by the Tax
                                                                                                               Commission. Only standard filing periods may be used.
                                                                                                               The periods are:
Change of Status                                                                                                Quarterly: 01 to 03, 04 to 06, 07 to 09, or 10 to 12
                                                                                                                Annual: 01 to 12

                       (Column 1)                                                                 (Column 2)             (Column 3)
                 Name of City (See Instructions)                                                  City Number         Total Sales Tax Inside the City
                                                                                                  (See Reverse)

                 (Column 1)Column


- 3 -
                    MS Mississippi
                    Distribution of Sales Tax by Cities Number
                                                                 IMPORTANT: Photocopies or hand completions of this form are NOT acceptable.

10/10to 18/10       23/10 to 25/10 29/10 to 31/10 35/10 to 37/10 41/10 to 50/10 54/10 to 63/10 67/10 to 76/10
15/11to 18/11       23/11 to 25/11 29/11 to 31/11 35/11 to 37/11 41/10 to 50/10 54/11 to 63/11 67/11 to 76/11
13/12 to 18/12      23/12 to 25/12 29/12 to 31/12 35/12 to 37/12 41/10 to 50/10 54/12 to 63/12 67/12 to 76/12
                    23/13 to 25/14 29/13 to 31/13 35/13 to 37/13 41/10 to 50/10 54/13 to 63/13 67/13 to 76/13
                    23/14 to 25/14 29/14 to 31/14 35/14 to 37/14 41/10 to 50/10 54/14 to 63/14 67/14 to 76/14
              18/15 23/15 to 25/15 29/15 to 31/15                41/10 to 50/10 54/15 to 63/15 67/15 to 76/15
                    23/16 to 25/16 29/16 to 31/16                41/10 to 50/10 54/16 to 63/16
                    23/17 to 25/17 29/17 to 31/17                41/10 to 50/10 54/17 to 63/17

                                                                                For Computer Use Only - Do Not Write Above This Line

The beginning and ending positions of each box are referenced in the box.

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                                                                                                                 Form 72-300-01-5-1-000 (Rev. 7/01)
                           MS    Mississippi
                       Distribution of Sales Tax by Cities Number
                                                         IMPORTANT: Photocopies or hand completions of this form are NOT acceptable.

    025025461          44        0                     0                                           500                       0                                0
             1001      192       0                     0                                           300                       0                                0
                0      0         0                     0                                               0                     0                                0
                       0         0                     0                                               0                     0                                0
                       0         0                     0                                               0                     0                                0
                N      0         0                                                                     0                     0                                0
                       0         0                                                                     0                     0
                       0         0                                                                     0                     0
                                                                                                                 For Computer Use Only - Do Not Write Above This Line

Instructions                                                                                       Due Date
Round to nearest dollar. Do not include pennies.                                                   Due 1st to 20th; delinquent after 20th. Add penalty if delinquent.
This return must be filed, even if no tax is due.

Bell South                                                                                         Filing Period                                   Month      Year
Name                                                                                                                         MONTHLY               10         01
Rt 1
Address                                                                                                         QUARTERLY OR First Month           Last Month Year
                                                                                                                ANNUAL               thru
Atlanta                GA                        12345
City                   State                     ZipZip
     Account Number
Change of Status

                      (Column 1)                                                                   (Column 2)             (Column 3)
                Name of City (See Instructions)                                                    City Number         Total Sales Tax Inside the City
                                                                                                   (See Reverse)
                      Baldwyn                                                                      44                        500
                   Aligator                                                                        192                       300

                (Column 1)Column

Total.............................................................................................                           800

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Key to Data Fields for the Mississippi Distribution of Sales Tax Cities Return 72-300-01-5

Key to the data fields for the occupancy tax return scanband version for 2001/2002, Form Number 72-300-01-5. All grid locations are
presented as: x/y the beginning location to x/y as the ending location on the 10/6 grid.

Page 1
      The top left corner of the barcode is located at position 6/4 to 20/4.
      The top right registration mark is located at the top right corner at grid 80/4.
      The lower left corner of the scanband must be located on the left and bottom edge of grid 6/15.
      "MS" in the header must begin at grid 27/4 and end at grid 28/4 and is in a Courier 12pt.

If a draft version of this form is released in your software, the print function must be disabled. If a draft version is filed, it will be returned to
the taxpayer and a penalty may apply to you or your customer.

Provider forms are only accepted after approval. It is not acceptable for a taxpayer to print out a blank copy of the form and hand complete it.
A hand completed version of a provider form will be sent back to the taxpayer and a penalty may apply to you or your customer. All forms
must be original laser printed forms. Photocopies are NOT acceptable.

The following is the labeling and the description of the items to be included in the Scanband of this form. The beginning and ending data
positions are included in one of the templates for this form. The field length is included in this key for each data position. Grid positioning given
is from the first grid space and through the last grid space included in a data field. (Example 27/10 to 36/10 is 10 grid spaces). You should use
this information to position the data on the returns. Do not use a grid overlay to determine the positions from a printed paper form. The field
length specified assumes using a Courier 12pt. font or OCR-A 12pt. font, which are the required fonts. All data fields in the scanband
should be right justified. All fields in the scanband must be filled. If the field is blank a "0" should be used for numeric field; and "N" for all
alpha and alpha/numeric fields.

The money field in the scanband should not contain any commas, cents, decimals or other formatting information except for the negative signs
(-) as a leading indicator for any negative amount. The amounts in the body of the return should contain commas. Pennies should always be
rounded to whole dollars. No pennies or decimals should be anywhere on the return. Example -123,456 in the body of the form would appear
a -123456 in the scanband.

Field Name Description

      AM   Amended Return - Should be Y or N in the scanband. X or blank in the body of the form. If checked, this return
           should replace the original return, not supplement it. This field is 1 character long. Data position is 18/15.

      AC   Account Number - The account number field should be 9 digits long and contain leading zeros. Example
           001-23456-7 in the body of the form would appear as 001234567 in the scanband. Data position is 10/10 to 18/10.

      PM   Period Monthly - Period of return if taxpayer is a monthly filer. Example - July of 2001 should appear as 07 01 in
           the body of the form but as 0701 in the scanband. This field is 4 characters long. Data position is 15/11 to 18/11. If
           other than monthly filer, should enter "0" zero in the scanband and leave a blank in the body.

      PO   Period Other - Period of return if taxpayer is filing quarterly or annual. Example - The third quarter of 2001 sales
           tax year should appear as 07 09 01 in the body of the form but as 070901 in the scanband. Allowable periods are:
           Quarterly- July thru Sept., 01, Oct. thru Dec., 01, Jan. thru Mar., 02, Apr. thru June, 02. Annual- Jan.thru Dec., 01.
           If none of these periods apply, enter a "0" zero in the scanband and leave a blank in the body.This field is 6
           characters long. Data position is 13/12 to 18/12.

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C1  This is Column 2, line 1. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 23/10 to 25/10.

C2  This is Column 2, line 2. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 23/11 to 25/11.

C3  This is Column 2, line 3. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 23/12 to 25/12.

C4  This is Column 2, line 4. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 23/13 to 25/13.

C5  This is Column 2, line 5. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 23/14 to 25/14.

C6  This is Column 2, line 6. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 23/15 to 25/15.

C7  This is Column 2, line 7. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 23/16 to 25/16.

C8  This is Column 2, line 8. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 23/17 to 25/17.

C9  This is Column 2, line 9. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 29/10 to 31/10.

C10 This is Column 2, line 10. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 29/11 to 31/11.

C11 This is Column 2, line 11. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 29/12 to 31/12.

C12 This is Column 2, line 12. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 29/13 to 31/13.

C13 This is Column 2, line 13. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 29/14 to 31/14.

C14 This is Column 2, line 14. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 29/15 to 31/15.

C15 This is Column 2, line 15. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 29/16 to 31/16.

C16 This is Column 2, line 16. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 29/17 to 31/17.

C17 This is Column 2, line 17. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 35/10 to 37/10.

C18 This is Column 2, line 18. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 35/11 to 37/11.

C19 This is Column 2, line 19. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 35/12 to 37/12.

C20 This is Column 2, line 20. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 35/13 to 37/13.

C21 This is Column 2, line 21. This is a data field and is 3 characters long. Data Position is 35/14 to 37/14.

T1  This is Column 3, line 1. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 41/10 to 50/10.

T2  This is Column 3, line 2. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 41/10 to 50/10.

T3  This is Column 3, line 3. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 41/10 to 50/10.

T4  This is Column 3, line 4. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 41/10 to 50/10.

T5  This is Column 3, line 5. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 41/10 to 50/10.

T6  This is Column 3, line 6. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 41/10 to 50/10.

T7  This is Column 3, line 7. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 41/10 to 50/10.

T8  This is Column 3, line 8. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 41/10 to 50/10.

T9  This is Column 3, line 9. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 54/10 to 63/10.

- 7 -
T10 This is Column 3, line 10. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 54/11 to 63/11.

T11 This is Column 3, line 11. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 54/12 to 63/12.

T12 This is Column 3, line 12. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 54/13 to 63/13.

T13 This is Column 3, line 13. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 54/14 to 63/14.

T14 This is Column 3, line 14. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 54/15 to 63/15.

T15 This is Column 3, line 15. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 54/16 to 63/16.

T16 This is Column 3, line 16. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 54/17 to 63/17.

T17 This is Column 3, line 17. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 67/10 to 76/10.

T18 This is Column 3, line 18. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 67/11 to 76/11.

T19 This is Column 3, line 19. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 67/12 to 76/12.

T20 This is Column 3, line 20. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 67/13 to 76/13.

T21 This is Column 3, line 21. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 67/14 to 76/14.

T22 This is Column 3, line 22. This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data Position is 67/15 to 76/15.

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             Form 72-300-01-2-5-000 (Rev. 7/01)
                                               Distribution of Sales Tax by Cities Report

                                               Alphabetical List of Incorporated Cities and Towns
             288 Abbeville                     204 Crosby                         163      Inverness        105           New Albany       253            Shaw
             45  Aberdeen                      220 Crowder                        130      Isola            59            New Augusta                  86 Shelby
             96  Ackerman                      221 Cruger                         157      Itta Bena        241           New Hebron       131            Sherman
             296 Algoma                        78  Crystal Springs                31       Iuka             57            Newton           147            Shubuta
             192 Alligator                     297 d'Iberville                    1        Jackson          242           North Carrollton 176            Shuqualak
      STAPLE 70  Amory                         141 D'Lo                           174      Jonestown        151           Noxapater        254            Sidon
             178 Anguilla                      69  Decatur                        287      Jumpertown       153           Oakland          269            Silver City
             155 Arcola                        182 DeKalb                         198      Kilmichael       12            Ocean Springs    255            Silver Creek
             186 Artesia                       222 Derma                          175      Kosciusko        158           Okolona          256            Slate Springs
      NOT    164 Ashland                       159 Doddsville                     231      Kossuth          171           Olive Branch     257            Sledge
             44  Baldwyn                       63  Drew                           232      Lake             203           Osyka                        75 Smithville
             205 Bassfield                     177 Duck Hill                      293      Lake Center      95            Oxford           299            Snow Lake Shores
      DO     172 Batesville                    291 Dumas                          233      Lambert          243           Pace             292            Southaven
             32  Bay Springs                   180 Duncan                         5        Laurel           195           Pachuta          282            Soso
             22  Bay St. Louis                 123 Durant                         29       Leakesville      244           Paden                        18 Starkville
             42  Beaumont                      223 Ecru                           234      Learned          10            Pascagoula       152            State Line
             206 Beauregard                    224 Eden                           33       Leland           8             Pass Christian   185            Stonewall
             91  Belmont                       72  Edwards                        116      Lena             268           Paulding         258            Sturgis
             106 Belzoni                       80  Ellisville                     133      Lexington        281           Pearl            128            Summit
             207 Benoit                        99  Enterprise                     154      Liberty          97            Pelahatchie      162            Sumner
             208 Bentonia                      194 Ethel                          38       Long Beach       284           Petal                        20 Sumrall
             209 Beulah                        71  Eupora                         196      Louin            60            Philadelphia     166            Sunflower
             210 Big Creek                     278 Falcon                         135      Louise           55            Picayune         276            Sylvarena
             4   Biloxi                        300 Farmington                     142      Louisville       74            Pickens          259            Taylor
             140 Blue Mountain                 274 Faulkner                       54       Lucedale         245           Pittsboro                    83 Taylorsville
             211 Blue Springs                  37  Fayette                        235      Lula             246           Plantersville    146            Tchula
             212 Bolton                        25  Flora                          43       Lumberton        275           Polkville        143            Terry
             35  Booneville                    225 Florence                       236      Lyon             68            Pontotoc         283            Thaxton
             168 Boyle                         226 Flowood                        161      Maben            247           Pope             260            Tillatoba
             40  Brandon                       19  Forest                         118      Macon            61            Poplarville                  73 Tishomingo
             213 Braxton                       227 French Camp                    103      Madison          15            Port Gibson      261            Toccopola
             13  Brookhaven                    191 Friars Point                   94       Magee            125           Potts Camp       285            Tremont
             173 Brooksville                   82  Fulton                         64       Magnolia         110           Prentiss         262            Tunica
             100 Bruce                         179 Gattman                        277      Mantachie        249           Puckett                      48 Tupelo
             92  Bude                          295 Gautier                        237      Mantee           16            Purvis           150            Tutwiler
             214 Burnsville                    183 Georgetown                     239      Marietta         98            Quitman                      88 Tylertown
             144 Byhalia                       229 Glendora                       279      Marion           126           Raleigh          119            Union
             215 Caledonia                     298 Glenn                          238      Marks            81            Raymond                      49 Utica
             79  Calhoun City                  165 Gloster                        111      Mathiston        290           Renova           187            Vaiden
             52  Canton                        271 Golden                         267      Mayersville      286           Richland         104            Vardaman
             216 Carrollton                    167 Goodman                        46       McComb           36            Richton                      50 Verona
             76  Carthage                      23  Greenville                     189      McCool           112           Ridgeland                    6  Vicksburg
             193 Cary                          51  Greenwood                      181      McLain           117           Rienzi                       301 Village of Memphis
             217 Centreville                   41  Grenada                        77       Meadville        85            Ripley                       87 Walnut
             134 Charleston                    2   Gulfport                       120      Mendenhall       148           Rolling Fork     156            Walnut Grove
             218 Chunky                        201 Gunnison                       7        Meridian         89            Rosedale         263            Walthall
             127 Clarksdale                    190 Guntown                        160      Merigold         101           Roxie            122            Water Valley
             28  Cleveland                     197 Hatley                         289      Metcalfe         47            Ruleville                    62 Waveland
             30  Clinton                       3   Hattiesburg                    129      Mize             250           Sallis                       27 Waynesboro
             294 Coahoma                       67  Hazlehurst                     65       Monticello       115           Saltillo         184            Webb
             108 Coffeeville                   121 Heidelburg                     240      Montrose         136           Sandersville     138            Weir
             137 Coldwater                     66  Hernando                       145      Moorhead         169           Sardis                       90 Wesson
             109 Collins                       230 Hickory                        272      Morgan City      251           Sartartia        265            West
             17  Columbia                      200 Hickory Flat                   39       Morton           273           Schlater                     24 West Point
             14  Columbus                      84  Hollandale                     11       Moss Point       252           Scooba                       58 Wiggins
             170 Como                          124 Holly Springs                  132      Mound Bayou      139           Sebastopol                   93 Winona
             34  Corinth                       280 Horn Lake                      113      Mt. Olive        107           Seminary         266            Winstonville
             219 Courtland                     114 Houlka                         149      Myrtle           102           Senatobia        264            Woodland
             199 Crawford                      56  Houston                        9        Natchez          270           Shannon          202            Woodville
             188 Crenshaw                      26  Indianola                      53       Nettleton                                                   21 Yazoo City


             Filling in the return                                                               Line by line instructions
             Round to the nearest whole dollar. Use black ink when preparing your return.           Column 1
                                                                                                    Enter the name of the city in which local sales or services are made.
             Sending in the return                                                                  Column 2
             Mail this form with your Sales Tax return in the envelope provided with your           Enter the City Number corresponding to the city in Column 1, from the
             Sales Tax return to P.O. Box 960, Jackson, MS 39205.                                   Alphabetical list of Incorporated Cities and Towns.
             Account Number                                                                         Column 3
             If your return does not have your account number preprinted, or if you are             Enter the amount of tax due for each city in which sales or services are made.
             filing a return without a label, please enter your account number in the boxes
             provided to the right of the label or area for your name and address.
                                                                                                    Enter the totals for Column 3.
             Filing Period
             Please enter the month and year this return covers in the boxes using numbers
             to indicathe month and year.

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