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Mississippi New Hire Reporting Form
Mail completed form to: Mississippi State Directory of New Hires
PO Box 437
Norwell, MA 02061
Or fax completed form to: 1-800-937-8668
Effective October 1, 1997, all Mississippi employers (or independent contractors) are required to report certain
information about personnel who have been newly hired, rehired, or have returned to work. Reports must be made
within 15 calendar days from date of hire. Employers must either (1) complete this form, or (2) submit a copy of
the worker’s IRS W-4 form with the “other information section” completed on this form, or (3) submit the
information by magnetic tape or floppy diskette. To submit new hire reports electronically, call 1-800-241-1330 to
obtain information.
Below, please complete all employer information
*Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN): !! - !!!!!!!
(Please the same FEIN for which listed employee(s) quarterly wages will be reported under)
State Employer Identification Number (SEIN): !! - !!!!!!!
*Employer Name: _________________________________________ DBA: ___________________________
*Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
(Please indicate the address where the Income Withholding Order will be sent)
*City: ___________________________ *State: _________ *Zip Code: ____________ +4: _________
Contact Name: _____________________________ Phone: ___________________________
Email: ____________________________________
Below, please complete one entry for each new employee
*Social Security Number: !!! !! !!!! - - Gender (circle one): Male Female
*First Name: ________________________________________ Middle: __________________________
*Last Name: ________________________________________
*Employee Address: ________________________________________________________________________
*City: ___________________________ *State: _________ *Zip Code: ____________ +4: _________
Date ofBirth: _____/_____/_______ *Date of Hire: _____/_____/_______ State of Hire _______
Employee Salary: ____________________ Payment Frequency (circle one) : Weekly Bi-weekly Monthly Annually
Is this employee eligible for medical insurance(circle one)? Yes No
For information please visit our website at www.ms-newhire.com or call us toll-free at 1-800-241-1330