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Form 83-401-22-8-1-000 (Rev. 07/22)
                                                                                                                   Print Form
                                                    Tax Credit Summary Schedule
FEIN                                                                                                               (*Carryover Not Available)
                                                    TAX CREDIT CODES
CODE                               CREDIT                CODE                                               CREDIT
 02     Premium Retaliatory                                  24                      Alternative Energy Jobs
 03     Finance Company Privilege                            25                      Child Adoption
05      Jobs Tax                                             26                      Historic Structure Rehabilitation (Attach Statement)
06      National or Regional Headquarters                    27                      Long Term Care
07      Research and Development Skills                      28                      New Markets
08      Employer Child / Dependent Care                      29                      Biomass Energy Investment
10      Reforestation                                        30                      Wildlife Land Use
 11     Gambling License Fee                                 31                      Prekindergarten Credit
 12     Financial Institution Jobs                           32                      Headquarters Relocation Credit
13      Mississippi Revenue Bond Service                     34                      Qualifying Charitable Contribution Credit Approved by DOR
14      Ad Valorem Inventory                                 35                      Foster Care Charitable Credit
15      Export Port Charges                                  36                      Business Contributions to Eligible Charitable Organizations
16      Insurance Guaranty                                   37                      Endowment Fund Charitable Credit
17      Import Credit                                        38                      Inland Water Transportation
 18     Land Donation                                        39                      Pregnancy Resource Charitable Contribution Credit
19      Broadband Technology                                 40                      Railroad Infrastructure Tax Credit
 21     Brownfield Credit                                    41                      Blood Donation
 22     Airport Cargo Charges                                50                      Bank Share
 23     Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit

       A                       B                                 C                                     D                                      E                                     F                                   G                
   CODE CREDIT                     CREDIT RECEIVED  *CREDIT                          CREDIT USED            CREDIT           CREDIT   
        EARNED                         FROM PASS-   CARRYOVER                        THIS YEAR              EXPIRED THIS CARRYOVER  
        THIS                       THROUGH  ENTITY  FROM PRIOR                                                  YEAR     AVAILABLE   
        YEAR                                        YEAR                                                                 FOR NEXT YEAR

1     Total franchise tax credit used this year (total column E; enter on Form 83-105, page 1, line 3)                 1

2     Total franchise tax credit available for next year (total amounts in column G)                                   2

       A                       B                                 C                                     D                                      E                                     F                                   G                
   CODE CREDIT                     CREDIT RECEIVED  *CREDIT                          CREDIT USED            CREDIT           CREDIT   
        EARNED                         FROM PASS-   CARRYOVER                        THIS YEAR              EXPIRED THIS CARRYOVER  
        THIS                       THROUGH  ENTITY  FROM PRIOR                                                  YEAR     AVAILABLE   
        YEAR                                        YEAR                                                                 FOR NEXT YEAR

3     Total income tax credit used this year (total column E; enter on Form 83-105, page 1, line 8 or                  3
       Form 83-391, page 1, line 4 or Form 83-310, column B, line 5; if more than three income tax 
       credits taken, see instructions, Form 83-100)

4     Total income tax credit available for next year (total amounts in column G)                                      4

5     If code 36 or code 39 is selected, enter the name of charitable organization  
       (attach statement if needed)

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