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State of New Hampshire
Filing fee: $35.00 Form 52
Use black print or type RSA 293-A:1.24
PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS of the New Hampshire Business Corporation Act, the undersigned
corporation submits the following Articles of Correction for the purpose of correcting a document filed by
the secretary of state:
FIRST: The name of the corporation is
SECOND: On , the corporation filed the following document (check one):
A. (Describe document):
B. The attached document.
THIRD: This document was incorrect in the following manner (specify the incorrect statement and the
reason it is incorrect or the manner in which the execution was defective):
FOURTH: The incorrect matters stated in the above third article should be revised as follows:
(Corporate Name)
(Print or type name)
Date signed:
* Must be signed by chairman of the board of directors, president or other officer; or see RSA 293-A:1.20(f) for
alternative signatures.
For effective date of these Articles of Correction, see RSA 293-A:1.24(2)(c).
DISCLAIMER: All documents filed with the Corporation Division become public records and will be available for public
inspection in either tangible or electronic form.
Mailing Address - Corporation Division, NH Dept. of State, 107 N Main St, Rm 204, Concord, NH 03301-4989
Physical Location - State House Annex, 3rd Floor, Rm 317, 25 Capitol St, Concord, NH
Form 52 (9/2015)