New Hampshire
Secretary of State

Domestic and Foreign Nonprofit Corporation

Domestic Forms

Click here for helpful information regarding nonprofits!

Filing Online: On June 15, 2004, the N.H. Legislature passed House Bill 1348 into law that created RSA 5:10-a. As of July 1, 2004, all fees received electronically by the State of New Hampshire will be charged an additional $2.00 handling charge.

Paper Filing: For your convenience, all forms can be filled out online then printed and mailed to us. Please ensure that forms are printed on 8.5" x 11" paper in black ink.

Subsequent to filing with the Secretary of State, a copy shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the town or city in which the mailing address of the corporation is located.

Checks should be made payable to "State of New Hampshire".

For information regarding name availability, please click here.

If you intend to apply for IRS federal tax exemption as a charitable organization, your articles of incorporation must contain a required purposed clause and a dissolution of assets provision. Detailed information on filing a Section 501(c)(3) organization can be found here; it includes sample articles of incorporation. Other information on 501(c)(3) qualification can be found on the IRS website, by clicking on the “Charities and Nonprofits” link at the top of the IRS home page and then on Life Cycle of an Exempt Organization link in the left menu.

Available Online
Forms Fees
File Online Form NP-1 NH Nonprofit Application
(Please see important information below)
File Online Form NP-3 NH Nonprofit Amendment $25
Nonprofit Merger
No standardized form available; see RSA 292:7
File Online Form NP-5 NH Nonprofit Dissolution No Fee

ATTENTION ALL NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS: Any nonprofit organization that 1) will be applying to the IRS to be a 501(c)(3) organization and/or 2) will solicit donations or distribute funds in the state of N.H. and/or 3) is formed for any purpose enumerated in NH RSA 7:21, II is required to register with and report to the Attorney General, Charitable Trusts Unit on form NHCT-11. You may download the form here or file online HERE.


Domestic and Foreign Nonprofit Corporation

Foreign Forms

Filing Online: On June 15, 2004, the N.H. Legislature passed House Bill 1348 into law that created RSA 5:10-a. As of July 1, 2004, all fees received electronically by the State of New Hampshire will be charged an additional $2.00 handling charge.

Paper Filing: For your convenience, all forms can be filled out online then printed, signed and mailed to this office. Please ensure that forms are printed on 8.5" x 11" paper in black ink.

Checks should be made payable to "State of New Hampshire".

For information regarding name availability, please click here.

Available Online
Forms Fees
File Online Form FNP-1 Foreign Nonprofit Application
(Please see important information below)
File Online Form FNP-3 Foreign Nonprofit Amendment $25
File Online Form FNP-5 Foreign Nonprofit Withdrawal $25
File Online Form 10 Statement of Change of Registered Office or
Registered Agent or Both
Foreign Nonprofit Plan of Merger (not involving a N.H. domestic nonprofit) - submit a certified copy of merger (certified by survivor's Secretary of State) $35

Foreign Nonprofit Conversion - submit a certified copy of the filed conversion (certified by Domestic State Secretary of State)

Conversion documents must be submitted with the new
creation documents for the newly formed entity and the
appropriate filing fee for that form.


ATTENTION ALL NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS: Any nonprofit organization that 1) will be applying to the IRS to be a 501(c)(3) organization and/or 2) will solicit donations or distribute funds in the state of N.H. and/or 3) is formed for any purpose enumerated in RSA 7:21, II is required to register with and report to the Attorney General, Charitable Trusts Unit on form NHCT-11. You may download the form here or file online HERE.