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                                                                                                   Instructions for
                   Ohio Use Tax                                                          Completing the Ohio VP Use Form
The Ohio use tax was enacted in 1936 as a companion to                             a. Enter your sales tax account number (if you have one) 
the Ohio sales tax. All states that levy a sales tax also levy a                     and your FEIN or Social Security number.
use tax. The use tax was primarily enacted to protect Ohio 
businesses from sales lost to out-of-state retailers. Because                      b. Reporting period for which your purchase records were 
some out-of-state retailers are not compelled to collect sales                       reviewed (generally the previous 12 months, but could be 
tax, they may have an unfair advantage over Ohio retailers                           for more or less time).
when selling to Ohio consumers. The use tax also protects                          c. Enter the two-digit county code from the list on page 2 
the state of Ohio from lost revenue from such sales and from                         to indicate where goods or services were used.
improper use of claims for exemption from sales tax. Ohio 
consumers (businesses and individuals) who purchase tax-                           Box 1. Taxable purchases – The total amount of taxable 
able goods and services without payment of Ohio sales tax                          purchases on which no sales tax was paid at the time of 
to retailers owe use tax on those purchases. The use tax rate                      purchase.
in your county is equivalent to the sales tax rate.
                                                                                   Box 2. Tax liability – The total amount of taxable purchases 
If you are not currently registered with Ohio for reporting con-                   reported on line 1 multiplied by the use tax rate in effect in 
sumer’s use tax, you should review your purchase records                           your county during the reporting period. Remember that the 
for the last year and determine if Ohio use tax is due. If use                     use tax rate is equivalent to the prevailing sales tax rate in 
tax is due, please complete the use tax voluntary payment                          your county.
form and submit it with payment of the amount due.
                                                                                   Box 3. If, on a regular basis, you are making taxable pur-
Make your check payable to the Ohio Treasurer of State and                         chases upon which no tax is being charged, you should check 
mail both the form and payment to the Ohio Department of                           the box and a consumer’s use tax registration form will be 
Taxation, Sales and Use Tax Division, P.O. Box 530, Colum-                         sent to you, or you may apply for a consumer’s use tax ac-
bus, OH 43216-0530.                                                                count online at the Ohio Business Gateway (obg.ohio.gov).
                                                                                   Please do not combine your payment of the VP USE form 
                                                                                   with the payment of any other return.

                                                     Please detach here – DO NOT USE PENCIL to complete this form.

                                                                                                                             VP Use
                                                                                                                             Rev. 12/09

                          Ohio Use Tax Voluntary Payment Form

Sales tax account no.                                                               FEIN 
Reporting period M M  D D Y                        Y         to M M   D        D YY SSN                                County code



City, state, ZIP
                   Do not fi le unless you are reporting taxable purchases and paying use tax.

                                                                Make remittance
This space for state use only                                     payable to:      1 Taxable
                                                                Ohio Treasurer       purchases                    ,  ,       .
                                                                  of State
                                                                Mail To:Ohio 
                                                                  Dept.          ¨ 2 Tax liability                   ,       .
I declare under penalties of perjury that this form, includ-      of Taxation, 
ing any accompanying schedules and statements, has              P.O. Box 530, 
been examined by me, and to the best of my knowledge            Columbus, OH                       Check box to request consumer’s use 
and belief is a true, correct and complete report.                43216-0530.      3     §         tax registration.

Signature                                                         Date

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                          County Codes

   Name             Code          Name                    Code  
  Adams             01           Licking (COTA)           94  
  Allen             02           Logan                    46  
  Ashland           03           Lorain                   47  
  Ashtabula         04           Lucas                    48  
  Athens            05           Madison                  49     
  Auglaize          06           Mahoning                 50  
  Belmont           07           Marion                   51  
  Brown             08           Medina                   52  
  Butler            09           Meigs                    53  
  Carroll           10           Mercer                   54  
  Champaign         11           Miami                    55  
  Clark             12           Monroe                   56  
  Clermont          13           Montgomery               57  
  Clinton           14           Morgan                   58  
  Columbiana        15           Morrow                   59  
  Coshocton         16           Muskingum                60  
  Crawford          17           Noble                    61  
  Cuyahoga          18           Ottawa                   62  
  Darke             19           Paulding                 63  
  Defi ance          20           Perry                    64     
  Delaware          21           Pickaway                 65     
  Delaware (COTA)   96           Pike                     66     
  Erie              22           Portage                  67  
  Fairfi eld         23           Preble                   68     
  Fairfi eld (COTA)  93           Putnam                   69     
  Fayette           24           Richland                 70     
  Franklin          25           Ross                     71  
  Fulton            26           Sandusky                 72  
  Gallia            27           Scioto                   73     
  Geauga            28           Seneca                   74     
  Greene            29           Shelby                   75  
  Guernsey          30           Stark                    76  
  Hamilton          31           Summit                   77  
  Hancock           32           Trumbull                 78     
  Hardin            33           Tuscarawas               79  
  Harrison          34           Union                    80  
  Henry             35           Union (COTA)             98  
  Highland          36           Van Wert                 81  
  Hocking           37           Vinton                   82  
  Holmes            38           Warren                   83  
  Huron             39           Washington               84  
  Jackson           40           Wayne                    85  
  Jefferson         41           Williams                 86     
  Knox              42           Wood                     87  
  Lake              43           Wyandot                  88  
  Lawrence          44           State Rate               89
  Licking           45            
 For current local sales tax rates, please go to our Web site at tax.ohio.gov and click on the Finder or call taxpayer assistance at 

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