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                               General Information for ST3 TL
If you have an existing fi xed place of business and are moving             address as shown on the permit. If you move to a new loca-
to a new location not within the same county, you must                     tion within the same county, you must contact the Ohio 
cancel your vendor’s license and obtain a new vendor’s                     Department of Commerce, Division of Liquor Control, 
license from the county auditor where your new place of                    to have the permit transferred to the new location ad-
business will be located or apply online at Ohio Business                  dress. The Department of Taxation will not issue a transfer 
Gateway (obg.ohio.gov). To cancel your vendor’s license,                   license until we have been notifi ed by the Ohio Department 
you must fi le a fi nal sales tax return and you must indicate               of Commerce, Division of Liquor Control, that the permit has 
your last day of business.                                                 been transferred. 
If you hold a permit issued by the Ohio Department of Com-                 NOTE: This form should be used to request a “Transfer 
merce, Division of Liquor Control, the vendor’s license and                of Vendor’s License” ONLY.  For all other changes, please 
permit must have the identical name and be for the identical               use form ST 3C.

                               Please detach here – DO NOT USE PENCIL to complete this form.
                                                     Vendor’s License Number                                                  ST 3TL
                                                                                                                              Rev. 12/13

                                                                                                            This form only applies 
                                                                                                            to vendors with license 
                           Request for Transfer of Vendor’s License                                         numbers beginning with 
Dear Vendor:
If you have an existing place of business and are moving to a new location WITHIN THE SAME COUNTY, please complete the area under “New business 
location” and the “Effective date of transfer of vendor’s license.” Also, verify that the vendor’s license number, employer identifi cation number, social security 
number and/or charter number is correct. If any of this information is incorrect or missing, please provide the correct information. Once this form has been 
completed, please mail to the address listed below. After it has been verifi ed that the “new location address” is within the same county, a “transfer vendor’s 
license” with the new address will be mailed to you. If you hold a liquor permit or are moving your business to a fi xed location in another county, 
please see reverse side for additional information.
                               Submit  only if transfer of vendor’s license is being requested. 

Employer Identifi cation Number Social Security Number                      New business location:

                  Ohio Charter or License Number

                                                                                 City, state, ZIP code
Old business location:

                                                                                 Effective date of transfer of vendor’s license:
                                                                                                      M M D D Y Y             
                                                                           Send business location corrections to: Ohio Department of 
                                                                           Taxation, Taxpayer Services Division, P.O. Box 182215,  
                                                                           Columbus, OH  43218-2215 • FAX  (614) 387-2165

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