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2017 Ohio IT 1040
Rev. 9/17
Individual Income Tax Return 17000202
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7a. Amount from line 7 on page 1 ........................................................................................................7a. .
0 0
8a. Nonbusiness income tax liability on line 7a (see instructions for tax tables)............................................... 8a. .
0 0
8b. Business income tax liability – Ohio Schedule IT BUS, line 14 (include schedule) .................................... 8b. .
0 0
8c. Income tax liability before credits (line 8a plus line 8b) .............................................................................. 8c. .
0 0
9. Ohio nonrefundable credits – Ohio Schedule of Credits, line 33 (include schedule) ....................................9. .
0 0
10. Tax liability after nonrefundable credits (line 8c minus line 9; if less than zero, enter zero)........................10. .
0 0
11. Interest penalty on underpayment of estimated tax (include Ohio IT/SD 2210)..........................................11. .
12. Use tax due on Internet, mail order or other out-of-state purchases (see instructions).
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Check here to certify that no use tax is due .................................................................................... .... 12. .
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13. Total Ohio tax liability before withholding or estimated payments (add lines 10, 11 and 12) ................... 13. .
14. Ohio income tax withheld (W-2, box 17; W-2G, box 15; 1099-R, box 12). Include W-2(s), W-2G(s)
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and 1099-R(s) with the return .....................................................................................................................14. .
15. Estimated (2017 Ohio IT 1040ES) and extension (2017 Ohio IT 40P) payments and credit
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carryforward from previous year return ....................................................................................................... 15. .
0 0
16. Refundable credits – Ohio Schedule of Credits, line 40 (include schedule) ............................................... 16. .
0 0
17. Amended return only – amount previously paid with original and/or amended return .............................17. .
0 0
18. Total Ohio tax payments (add lines 14, 15, 16 and 17) ............................................................................ 18. .
0 0
19. Amended return only – overpayment previously requested on original and/or amended return ..............19. .
0 0
20. Line 18 minus line 19. Place a "-" in the box at the right if the amount is less than zero ........................... .... 20. .
If line 20 is MORE THAN line 13, skip to line 24. OTHERWISE, continue to line 21.
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21. Tax liability (line 13 minus line 20). If line 20 is negative, ignore the "-" and add line 20 to line 13 ............. 21. .
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22. Interest and penalty due on late filing or late payment of tax (see instructions) ..............................................................22. .
23. Total amount due (line 21 plus line 22). Include Ohio IT 40P (if original return) or IT 40XP (if
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amended return) and make check payable to “Ohio Treasurer of State” ........... AMOUNT DUE23. .
0 0
24. Overpayment (line 20 minus line 13) .......................................................................................................... 24. .
0 0
25. Original return only – amount of line 24 to be credited toward 2018 income tax liability ............................ 25. .
26. Original return only – amount of line 24 to be donated:
a. Wishes for Sick Children b. Wildlife species c. Military injury relief
. 0 0 0 0 0 0
. .
d. Ohio History Fund e. State nature preserves f. Breast / cervical cancer
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
. . . Total .... 26g. .
0 0
27. REFUND (line 24 minus lines 25 and 26g) .................................................................YOUR REFUND27. .
Sign Here (required): I have read this return. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that, to the best of my knowledge If your refund is $1.00 or less, no refund will be issued.
and belief, the return and all enclosures are true, correct and complete. If you owe $1.00 or less, no payment is necessary.
Your signature Date (MM/DD/YY) NO Payment Included –Mail to:
Ohio Department of Taxation
Spouse’s signature Phone number P.O. Box 2679
Columbus, OH 43270-2679
Check here to authorize your preparer to discuss this return with Taxation Payment Included –Mail to:
Preparer's printed name Ohio Department of Taxation
P.O. Box 2057
Phone number Preparer's TIN (PTIN) P Columbus, OH 43270-2057
2017 Ohio IT 1040 – page 2 of 2