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                                                                                                           ET 35 
                Department of                                                                              Rev. 7/03 
Ohio I          Taxation 
                Estate Tax Unit                          Reset Form
                P.O. Box 183050 
                Columbus, OH 43218-3050 
                1-(800) 977-7711 

          Worksheet for Developing the Value of Qualifi ed Farm Property 
 Estate of: Decedent’s last name              Decedent’s fi rst name and initial            Estate tax fi le number 

 County in Ohio                 Case number              Decedent’s Social Security number Date of death 

 Part I – Identification                                                                    Date Received by 
                                                                                           Ohio Department of Taxation 

 Name of preparer 
 City, state and ZIP code 
 Telephone number of preparer 

 Designation, please check one:         Attorney Executor  Administrator(s) 

 Part II – Computation – list acreage in each crop or land use for last year 

                                   Soil Management  Land Capability
 Land Use         Soil Type                                        Acres                   Price Per Acre* Value 
                                        Group            Class 


 *Price per acre as shown in the current current agricultural use valuation tables – see Ohio Revised Code section 5713.30 and 
 Show the total numbr of acres from the tax duplicate. For total acreage of less than 30 acres, please provide the farm income for last 
 year: $                         . 

 Part III – Signature and Verification 

 Under penalties of perjury, I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements made herein are true and correct. 

                                   Signature of preparer                                   Date 

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