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Estate of:
Schedule B – Stocks and Bonds
(Jointly owned property must be listed on Schedule E)
Furnish number of shares, whether common or preferred dividends due as separate items. List all bonds including lo-
at par value. List the exchange, such as New York Stock cal, state and U.S. government. Include total face amount,
Exchange (N.Y.S.E.), American Stock Exchange (A.S.E.), obligor, kind and rate of interest, date of maturity, interest due
and NASDAQ National Market (O.T.C.). Include any accrued dates plus accrued interest to date of death.
Did the decedent, at the time of death, own any interest in an unincorporated business or any
Yes No
stock in an inactive or closely held corporation? If yes, please provide the valuation method
on an attached sheet. All partnership and sole proprietorship interests should be listed under
Schedule F.
Item Alternate Alternate Value at Date
Number Description Valuation Date Value of Death
Total from continuation schedule(s)
Total (also enter on Recapitulation of Assets, page 2)
Schedule B