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                                                                                                                                                                           First Report of Injury, 
                                                                                                                       Occupational Disease, or Death (FROI)  
Submit the form to BWC in one of the following ways. Online: www.bwc.ohio.gov, Fax: 1-866-336-8352, Mail: BWC Mail Processing Center, Attn: Claims, 30 W. Spring St. Columbus, OH  43215 
Note: If you work for a self-insuring employer, submit this form to your employer’s workers’ comp manager. 
 Injured worker information 
 First name, middle initial, last name                                                                      Date of injury/disease                   Social Security number                         Date of birth 
 Mailing address; add apartment number or P.O. Box, if applicable                                                                                    City                                            State        ZIP code 
                                                                    Email address                                                                   Home phone number                                                      Cell phone number                                                      
 Sex  Male   Female   
 Employer name                                                      Employer address                                                                City                                             State        ZIP code 
 Was the injured worker hired through a temp agency?   Yes   No                                           Mark the days of the week you usually work                                   Regular work hours (include a.m. p.m.) 
 If yes, name of temp agency                                                                                 Sun   Mon   Tues   Wed   Thurs   Fri   Sat                          From                                  To   
 Date hired             Job title                                                                State where hired       State where supervised     Wage rate; $ per hour          Number of hours scheduled to work the week of this injury 
 Work number for call-offs (Number injured worker calls to reach supervisor)                     Part(s) of body affected (For example: Left knee, right index finger) 
 Accident description (Describe the sequence of events that directly caused the injury or death.)                                                                                                   Will the incident cause the injured 
                                                                                                                                                                                                    worker to miss 8 or more days 
                                                                                                                                                                                                    from work?   Yes              No 
 Injured worker start time     Time of injury                       Date employer notified                Was any part of a workday missed due to   Date last worked               If the injured worker has returned to work, provide the 
 ______   am     pm          ______   am     pm                                                       the injury?   Yes   No                                                 date. 
 Was the place of the accident or exposure on employer's premises?   Yes   No If no, give accident location, street address, city, state, and ZIP code.                                    Was injured worker hospitalized overnight? 
                                                                                                                                                                                              Yes   No 
 Initial treatment date        Health-care office/Facility name                                  Treating physician/Provider name                   Telephone number                                Fax number 
 Health-care office/Facility street address                                                                                                         City                                            State         ZIP code 
 If the injury resulted in death, answer the following. 
 Date of death                                                      Decedent’s marital status   Single   Married   Divorced   Separated   Widowed               Decedent’s number of dependents 
 To be completed by the injured worker  
 By signing this form, I: Elect to only receive compensation, benefits, or both provided for in this claim under Ohio’s workers’ compensation laws.Understand, waive, and release my right to receive compensation and benefits under the workers’ compensation laws of another state for the injury, occupational disease, or deat                                      h resulting from 
             an injury or occupational disease for which I am filing this claim. Confirm I have not received compensation and benefits under the workers’ compensation laws of another state for this claim, and I will notify BWC immediately upon receivin                                    g any compensation 
             or benefits from any source for this claim.  Will not file and have not filed a claim in another state for the injury, occupational disease, or death resulting from an injury or occupational disease for which I am filing this claim.  
 Furthermore, I understand that: 
       •     Upon request, my treating providers may submit to BWC, my employer, my employer’s managed care organiz                      ation or qualified health plan, or their authorized representatives medical, psychological, psychiatric, 
             or vocational documentation relating causally or historically to physical or mental injuries relevant to this claim and necessary for me to obtain medical services, benefits, or compensation.  
       •     Proper administration of this claim may require BWC to review and share with the employers of record, their authorized representatives, or my authorized representative any information or record maintained in 
             this claim, or in my previous or future claims. 
       •     Information or records maintained in my previous or future claims may affect decisions made in this claim.   
       •     Any person who obtains compensation or benefits from BWC or self-insuring employers by knowingly misrepresenting or concealing facts, making false statements, or accepting compensation or benefits to 
             which he or she is not entitled, is subject to felony criminal prosecution for fraud (Ohio Revised Code 2913.48). 
 I certify that I have read, understand, and agree to the above statements and the information contained on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.             
 Injured worker signature                                                                                                                                                                           Date 
 To be completed by the treating provider 
 Diagnosis(es)-narrative description including as appropriate, the location and body part, and ICD code(s). Important: If there is an injury, list the condition or disease, not the symptoms or exposure. For example, “sprain 
 right knee” not “pain right knee”,“toxic effect of ammonia” not “exposure to ammonia” “contusion,          to the head” not “headache”.    

 Initial treatment date                             Are the medical conditions you have listed above causally related to the reported work-related accident or occupational disease?   Yes   No 
                                                    Are you the physician of record?   Yes   No 
 Treating physician/Provider’s name (Print)                                        Treating physician/Provider’s signature                                           BWC provider number            Date 
 To be completed by the employer 
 Employer name                                                                     Employer county          Phone number                            Fax number                         Email address 
 Employer policy number                        Federal ID number 
                                                                                                            Injured worker is (Check box, if applicable.)   ☐ Owner/Sole proprietor    Partner   ☐  Individual☐incorporated as a corporation       
 For all employers:  Certification  –I certify the facts in this application are correct and valid.                      Rejection  –I reject the validity of this claim for the reason(s) listed below. 
 For self-insuring employers only:  Medical only   Lost time 
 Clarification  –I clarify and allow the claim for the condition(s) below. 
 Employer signature and title                                                                                                                                                                       Date 
 To be completed by the submitter if the form is completed by someone other than the injured worker, treating physician, or employer 
 Signature of person completing this form                                                                                                                                                           Date 
BWC-1101 (Rev. June 22, 2022) 

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