Enlarge image | FIT-20 Schedule FIT-NRTC Department of Revenue State Form 44625 (R16 / 8-19) Indiana Financial Institution Nonresident Tax Credit (See instructions) Name of Corporation Federal Employer Identification Number Part I: Identification Section Column A Column B Column C Name of Borrower Principal Amount of Loan Receipts Attributed to Loan Totals $ $ Part II: Calculation Section 1. Enter the total receipts from Part I................................................................................................ 1 2. Enter the total receipts attributable to nonresident ....................................................................... 2 3. Divide line 1 by line 2. Express as a percentage (i.e., .5086 = 50.86%) ...................................... 3 % 4. Enter the amount of tax attributable to nonresident (from a pro forma schedule) ........................ 4 5. Multiply the percentage from line 3 by the amount on line 4 ........................................................ 5 6. Enter the amount of taxes paid to your state of commercial domicile for the qualified loans listed in Part I................................................................................................................................ 6 7. Enter the lesser of the amounts from lines 5 and 6. Enter this amount on line 28 of Form FIT-20 .................................................................................................................................. 7 *24100000000* 24100000000 |
Enlarge image | Instructions for Completing Schedule FIT-NRTC The following schedule is to be used for nonresident taxpayers Line 2. Enter the total receipts attributable to the nonresident. claiming the nonresident taxpayer credit for taxes paid to their state of commercial domicile and attributable to Indiana. A Line 3. Divide the amount on line 1 by the amount on line 2. This taxpayer filing on a unitary basis must compute this credit on an is the apportionment percentage used to attribute receipts from individual taxpayer basis. The principal amount of the loan must qualified loans to the amount of tax due. exceed $2 million to qualify for this credit. Line 4. Enter the amount of Indiana financial institution tax due Part I — Identification Section from a pro forma schedule. The schedule must be enclosed. In this section, identify the borrower, the principal amount of the loan, and the receipts less principal attributed to the loan during Line 5. Multiply the percentage on line 3 by the amount on line the tax year. Enclose additional sheets if necessary. 4. This is the amount of credit available to be applied against the taxpayer’s domiciliary state for the qualified loans. Part II — Calculation Section In this section, you calculate the amount of eligible credit. Line 6. Enter the amount of tax paid to the domiciliary state for the The credit is equal to the lesser of the actual taxes paid to the qualified loans, less any credit that the domiciliary state grants for domiciliary state for the loan transaction or the amount due taxes paid to other states. Indiana for the loan transaction. Line 7. Enter the lesser of the amount on line 5 or line 6. Enter Line 1. Enter the total from Part I (receipts attributable to the loan this amount on line 28 of Form FIT-20. transaction). Enclose a copy of your domiciliary state’s tax return with Form FIT-20. *24100000000* 24100000000 |