Enlarge image | 01 00000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888888899999999990000000000 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 04 Schedule Composite Indiana Department of Revenue State Form 49188 05 (R22 / 8-23) Entity’s Composite Indiana 06 Adjusted Gross Income Tax Return 07 08 Entity’s Tax Year 2023 or Other Year Beginning 2023 and Ending 09 10 11 Name of Entity Federal Employer Identification Number 12 13 14 See instructions. Enclose with Form IT-20S, IT-65, or IT-41. Use additional sheets if necessary. 15 Exception State of Enter Pro Rata Composite Adjusted Gross, Pass Through Entity, 16 Code residency Share and County Income Tax Total Tax 17 A B C D E F G 18 Enter Enter the Adjusted gross State Tax. Pass Through County tax. Enter partner/ exception code 2-character income attributed Multiply C by Entity Tax (Enter (see instructions) shareholder/ 19 (see instructions) state of to Indiana from .0315 (.0305 for total amount from beneficiary tax 20 residency IT-20S/IT-65 IN years ending in Schedule PTET) liability (D - E + F) for each non- K-1, Part 4, Line 2024; leave blank (If E > D, enter F. 21 Individual / Non-Corporate Entity Social Security resident listed 9, or IT-41 IN K-1, if less than zero) Leave blank if 22 Number or Federal Employer Identification Number Part 4, line 9 less than zero.) 23 24 1. 25 2. 26 27 3. 28 4. 29 30 5. 31 6. 32 33 7. 34 8. 35 36 9. 37 10. 38 39 11. 40 12. 41 42 13. Subtotal Column D, Column E, Column F, and Column G ....................................................................... 43 14. Carryover totals from Columns D, E, F, and G from additional sheets..................................................... 44 15. Total tax (13G + 14G). Enter this amount on line 15 of Form IT-20S; 45 line 6a of Form IT-65; or, on Form IT-41, Schedule 1, line 2. ......................................................................................................................................... Total Tax 46 47 *24100000000* 48 24100000000 49 50 51 |