Enlarge image | 01 0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 04 Schedule PTET Indiana Department of Revenue State Form 57284 05 (8-23) Pass Through Entity Tax Return 06 07 Check box if no Schedule Composite tax is due (see instructions) Computation Code 08 09 Check box if no Schedule Composite-COR tax is due (see instructions) 10 11 Entity’s Tax Year 2023 or Other Year Beginning 2023 and Ending 12 13 Name of Entity Federal Employer Identification Number 14 15 16 See instructions. Enclose with Form IT-20S, IT-65, or IT-41. Use additional sheets if necessary. 17 State of Entity Adjusted Pass Through 18 Residency Type Gross Income Entity Tax 19 A B C D 20 Enter the Enter the Adjusted gross income attributed Multiply C by the 21 2-character entity type to Indiana from IT-20S/IT-65 individual tax rate 22 Individual’s Social Security Number or Corporate state of IN K-1, Part 4, Line 9, or IT-41 (.0315; .0305 for 23 Entity’s Federal Employer Identification Number residency IN K-1,Part 4, line 9 years ending in 2024) 24 1. 25 26 2. 27 3. 28 29 4. 30 5. 31 32 6. 33 7. 34 35 8. 36 9. 37 38 10. 39 11. 40 41 12. 42 13. 43 44 14. 45 15. 46 47 16. 48 17. 49 50 18. 51 19. 52 53 20. 54 21. 55 56 22. Subtotal Column D ............................................................................................................................................ 57 23. Carryover totals from Column D from additional sheets .................................................................................... 58 59 24. Total tax (22D + 23D). Enter this amount on line 16 of Form IT-20S; 60 line 6c of Form IT-65; or, on Form IT-41, Schedule 1, line 3.. ........................................................... Total Tax 61 62 *24100000000* 63 24100000000 64 65 66 |