Enlarge image | Schedule PTET Indiana Department of Revenue State Form 57284 (8-23) Pass Through Entity Tax Return Check box if no Schedule Composite tax is due (see instructions) Computation Code Check box if no Schedule Composite-COR tax is due (see instructions) Entity’s Tax Year 2023 or Other Year Beginning 2023 and Ending Name of Entity Federal Employer Identification Number See instructions. Enclose with Form IT-20S, IT-65, or IT-41. Use additional sheets if necessary. State of Entity Adjusted Pass Through Residency Type Gross Income Entity Tax A B C D Enter the Enter the Adjusted gross income attributed Multiply C by the 2-character entity type to Indiana from IT-20S/IT-65 individual tax rate Individual’s Social Security Number or Corporate state of IN K-1, Part 4, Line 9, or IT-41 (.0315; .0305 for Entity’s Federal Employer Identification Number residency IN K-1,Part 4, line 9 years ending in 2024) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Subtotal Column D ............................................................................................................................................ 23. Carryover totals from Column D from additional sheets .................................................................................... 24. Total tax (22D + 23D). Enter this amount on line 16 of Form IT-20S; line 6c of Form IT-65; or, on Form IT-41, Schedule 1, line 3.. ........................................................... Total Tax *24100000000* 24100000000 |