Enlarge image | New Hampshire Department of DP-175 *0DP1752311862* Revenue Administration 0DP1752311862 ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER ACH CREDIT REGISTRATION FOR BUSINESS TAX PAYMENTS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS PRENOTE TEST WHAT TO FILE All taxpayers participating in New Hampshire's ACH CREDIT program are Any business taxpayer interested in making tax payments via ACH required to complete a successful Prenote Test at least 10 calendar days CREDIT, must submit this form to register as an ACH CREDIT taxpayer prior to the due date of their first ACH CREDIT payment. Do not send with the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration. The payment via ACH CREDIT until you have received confirmation of a information provided on this form should include the name, address and successful prenote. telephone number of the primary and secondary contact person(s) for ACH New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration's Bank Account CREDIT purposes. In addition, this form should be used to report any information will be provided to you along with the Department's approval for changes in your registration information (i.e., a change in taxpayer contact, the New Hampshire EFT ACH CREDIT program. telephone number, etc.). WHEN TO FILE WHERE TO FILE This form must be filed at least 30 days prior to the due date of your first New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration, Taxpayer ACH CREDIT payment. Any changes in the registration information must be Services Division, PO Box 637, Concord, NH 03302-0637. provided to the Department at least 30 days prior to the change. Any changes of financial institution and contacts require additional prenote tests. NEED HELP? Call Taxpayer Services at (603) 230-5920, Monday through Friday, WHO CAN FILE 8:00am-4:30pm. Hearing or speech impaired individuals may The New Hampshire ACH CREDIT program is limited to filers making call TDD Access: Relay NH at 1-800-735-2964. . payments for Business Enterprise Tax and Business Profits Tax liabilities. PRINT OR TYPE Taxpayer First Name Taxpayer Last Name Taxpayer Identification Number 4 6 5 8 4 7 9 8 4 Business Name DIN FEIN SSN TIMBER CONSTRUCTION INC Number and Street Address 72 PLEASANT ST Address Continued City/Town State Zip/Postal Code CONCORD NH 0 3 3 0 2 Primary Contact First Name Primary Contact Last Name Primary Contact Email Primary Contact Phone Number Primary Contact Fax Number SARA EVANS S.EVANS@TEST.COM 6 0 3 1 2 3 6 5 4 9 Secondary Contact First Name Secondary Contact Last Name Secondary Contact Email Secondary Contact Phone NumberSecondary Contact Fax Number JOSHUA EVANS J.EVANS@TEST.COM 6 0 3 5 2 1 5 2 1 1 Please check one of the following: New Registration Change Request ENTITY TYPE (Check one of the following): NOTE: If you are filing as a Combined group, you must check Combined Group. Corporation-2 Combined Group-6 Fiduciary-4 Non-Profit-5 Partnership-3 Proprietorship-1 MAIL TO: NH DRA, TAXPAYER SERVICES, PO BOX 637, CONCORD NH 03302-0637 THIS REGISTRATION IS FOR THE ACH CREDIT PROGRAM ONLY. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REGISTER TO FILE ACH DEBIT. Print Form Reset Form DP-175 Rev: 1. 0 04/2023 |