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                                                                                                                   Print Form             Reset Form

                                       New Hampshire                 202  
                                                Department of                                  3             *DP22102311862*
                                       Revenue Administration                                                            DP22102311862

                                              EXCEPTIONS AND PENALTY FOR THE UNDERPAYMENT OF ESTIMATED TAX
Taxpayer Name
Taxpayer Identification Number                                                                      MMDDYYYY                              MMDDYYYY
                                                                     For the CALENDAR year 202  or 
9         8 2 7     4                  9      0 8 1                                          3      0 1 0    1 2 0 2   3 and ending:      1 2     3 1 2      0 2 3
                                                                     other taxable period beginning:

Check One:                                    Business Tax Return(s) Interest & Dividends Tax Return             Other

PART I - CALCULATE YOUR UNDERPAYMENT                                                                                                      Round to the nearest whole dollar
1  Current year tax                                                                                                                     $           6 5      1 0 7

2   90% of Line 1 (Line 1 x .90)                                                                                                        $           5 8      5 9 6

3(a)  Enter in Columns A through D the installment dates                                   A                 B                C                       D
          that correspond to the 15th of the 4th, 6th, 9th, and 
          12th months of your tax period or specify statutory  
          due dates. (I&D filers see instructions)                   0 4 1 5 2 0 2 3                  0 6 1 5 2 0 2 3  0 9 1 5 2 0 2 3            1 2 3 1 2 0 2 3
3(b)   Applicable percentages                                                              25%               25%         25%                          25%
3(c)   Enter Line 2 multiplied by Line 3(b) for Columns A  
          through D                                                                        1 4 6 4 9         1 4 6 4 9                  1 4 6 4 9     1 4 6 4 9

4       Amount paid timely or credited for each period                                     1 4 5 0 0         1 6 7 5 0                  1 1 0 0 0     1 4 6 4 9

5       Overpayment of previous installment calculated on Line 7                                                                          2 1 0 1

6       Total (Line 4 plus Line 5)                                                         1 4 5 0 0         1 6 7 5 0                  1 3 1 0 1     1 4 6 4 9
7       Overpayment (Line 6 minus Line 3(c)). Enter in Line 5 of  
          next column                                                                                          2 1 0 1

8       Underpayment (Line 3(c) minus Line 6)                                                   1 4 9                                     1 5 4 8                0


9       Cumulative amount paid or credited from the beginning                              A                 B                C                       D
          of the tax year through the installment dates  
          (see instructions)                                                               1 4 5 0 0                          4 2 2 5 0
10     Applicable percentages                                                              25%               50%         75%                          100%
11     Exception, prior period’s tax (prior year must be  
          12 full months) (RSA 21-J:32, IV(a))                                             1 5 0 0 0                          4 5 0 0 0
12     Applicable percentages                                                              25%               50%         75%                          100%
13     Exception, prior period’s tax base and facts using 
          current years tax rate (RSA 21-J:32, IV(b))                                      1 5 0 0 0                          4 5 0 0 0
14     Applicable percentages                                                             22.5%              45%         67.5%                        90%
15     Exception, tax on annualized income  
          (RSA 21-J:32, IV(c)) (Attach schedule)                                           1 4 7 5 0                          4 5 0 0 0

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                                   New Hampshire                                       202  
                                            Department of                               3              *DP22102321862*
                                   Revenue Administration                                                        DP22102321862

Taxpayer Name
Taxpayer Identification Number                                                              MMDDYYYY                     MMDDYYYY
                                                             For the CALENDAR year 202  or 
9     8 2     7   4                9      0 8 1                                        3    0 1 0      1 2 0 2 3       and ending: 1 2 3 1 2      0 2 3
                                                             other taxable period beginning:


                                                                                         A                 B           C                 D

16    Amount of underpayment from Part I, Line 8                                            1 4 9                        1 5 4 8                      0
17    Enter the date of payment or statutory due date of tax,     
         whichever is earlier                                                          0 6 1 5 2 0 2 3 0 8 1 7 2 0 2 3 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 0 2 3
18   Enter the number of days from installment date (Line 3(a)) 
        to date shown on Line 17                                                              6 2              6 4                 3 1                1

19   Interest due through   Number of Days              x  % 7  x      Underpayment 
  12/31/2 3 at  %:                7             365                   amount (Line 16)        2                                      9                0
  (see instructions)
20   Interest due after                     Number of Days  9  xx  %  Underpayment
  12/31/2 3 at  %:         9                    365                   amount (Line 16)        2                                    1 2                0
  (see instructions)
21   Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Tax (Line 19 plus Line 20)                         4                                    2 1

22   Total Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Tax (Total of Columns A through D, Line 21).                                                       2 5

Note:  For interest rate in other years see instructions

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