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                                 Form 41ESR                                                                                                          2024
                                 Underpayment of Estimated Tax
                                 Include with Form 41 or Form 41S
Business name                                                                                        Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Part I — Underpayment Computation
1.  Enter the 2024 total tax ....................................................................................................................  1 
2.   Enter the total of the fuels tax, sales/use tax, tax from recapture of the QIE, and the tax 
     reimbursement incentive credit from the 2024 corporate return ......................................................                          2 
3.   Subtract line 2 from line 1. If the result is less than $500, don’t complete this form ........................                               3 
4.   Multiply line 3 by 90% ...................................................................................................................... 4 
5. Enter the total tax less the total of the fuels tax, sales/use tax, tax from recapture of the 
     QIE, and the tax reimbursement incentive credit from the 2023 tax return .....................................                                5 
6.   Estimated tax. Enter the smaller of line 4 or line 5 ..........................................................................               6 
                                                                                     A           B             C                                     D
7.   Enter the installment due dates that correspond 
     to your required federal estimated tax payments ........
8.   Enter 25% of line 6 in each column. (If income is 
     annualized, use amounts from line 33) .......................
9. Amount paid or credited for each period .....................
10.  Enter the amount from line 14 of the preceding 
     column .........................................................................
11.  Amount applied to previous installment .......................
12.  Add lines 9 and 10, then subtract line 11 ....................
13.  Underpayment. If line 12 is less than or 
     equal to line 8, subtract line 12 from line 8 ..................
14.  Overpayment. If line 8 is less than line 12, 
     subtract line 8 from line 12 ..........................................
Part II — Underpayment Interest Computation
15. Enter date of payment or the 15th day of the 4th 
     month after end of tax year, whichever is earlier .........
16.  Number of days from due date of installment 
     on line 7 to the date shown on line 15 ...............................
17.  Number of days on line 16 before 1/1/2025 ................
18.  Number of days on line 16 after 12/31/2024 ...............
19. Number of days on line 17 X 6% (.06) .......................
20.  Number of days on line 18 X 6% (.06) ......................
21.  Multiply line 19 by the underpayment on line 13 .........
22.  Multiply line 20 by the underpayment on line 13 .........
23.  Add lines 21 and 22 ....................................................
24.  Add line 23 columns A through D. Enter here
     and on Form 41, line 50 or Form 41S, line 57 .............
Part III — Annualized Income Installment Method
                                                                                     1           2             3                                     4
25. Enter Idaho annualized taxable income ......................
26.  Multiply line 25 by 5.695% ...........................................
27.  Enter other taxes for each payment period .................
28.  Enter tax credits for each period ..................................
29. Total tax. Add lines 26 and 27, then subtract line 28 ...
30.  Applicable percentage .................................................         22.5%       45% 67.5%                                           90%
31.  Multiply line 29 by line 30 ............................................
32.  Annualized periodic estimates. (See instructions) .......
33.  Subtract line 32 from line 31. Enter on Part I, line 8 ....

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                        Form 41ESR — Instructions
                        Underpayment of Estimated Tax                                              2024

A corporation must make estimated tax payments        Line 6. Enter the smaller of lines 4 or 5. If you used 
to the Tax Commission if it’s required to make        annualized income to determine your estimated 
estimated tax payments to the Internal Revenue        tax payments, use Part III to show the annualized 
Service and owes Idaho income tax of $500 or          computation.
more. Estimated tax payments aren’t required if 
the corporation wasn’t required to file an Idaho      Line 7. Enter the installment dates for your 
return the previous tax year. Estimated payments      estimated tax payments. The installment due dates 
aren’t required on tax due on income you report for   for Idaho’s estimated tax payments are the same 
individual owners.                                    due dates required for your federal estimated tax 
Each estimated tax payment must be 25% of the 
lesser of:                                            For S corporations electing ABE, make estimated tax 
                                                      payments by December 31 of the tax year.
•  100% of the corporation’s income tax for 2023, or 
•  90% of its income tax for 2024                     Line 8. Multiply the amount on line 6 by 25%. This is 
                                                      the required installment for each quarter. If income is 
Use Form 41ESR to determine whether the               annualized, enter the amounts from line 33.
corporation underpaid its estimated tax and to 
compute the interest on any underpaid amount.         Line 9. Complete lines 9 through 14 for one column 
                                                      before completing the next column.
Multiple Payments
You may need to use additional copies of this form    Column A    Include the amount credited to 2024 
if you make multiple payments, and they’re applied                estimated tax from your 2023 return 
to the underpayment of a prior period.                            and estimated tax payments made by 
                                                                  the 15th day of the 4th month of the 
Part I — Underpayment Computation                                 tax year
Complete Part I to determine if you have an           Column B    Enter payments made after the 15th 
underpayment for any of the payment periods.                      day of the 4th month through the 15th 
                                                                  day of the 6th month of the tax year
Line 1. Enter the total tax amount reported on the 
2024 return. For Form 41, this is the amount on line  Column C    Enter payments made after the 15th 
49. For Form 41S, this is the amount on line 56.                  day of the 6th month through the 15th 
                                                                  day of the 9th month of the tax year
Line 2. Enter the total of the fuels tax, sales/use 
tax, tax from recapture of qualified investment 
                                                      Column D    Enter payments made after the 15th 
exemption (QIE) and the tax reimbursement 
                                                                  day of the 9th month through the 15th 
incentive credit claimed on the corporate return. For             day of the 12th month of the tax year
Form 41, this is the total of lines 46 through 48 and 
line 56. For Form 41S, this is the total of lines 53  Line 10. Enter any overpayment shown on line 14 of 
through 55 and line 63.                               the previous column.

Line 5. Enter the total tax amount less the total of  Line 11. If you had any underpayment in the previous 
the fuels tax, sales/use tax, tax from recapture of   column, enter the amount of this period’s payment that 
QIE and the tax reimbursement incentive credit        will be applied to the underpayment. Don’t enter more 
reported on the 2023 return. For Form 41, this        than the amount on line 9.
is the amount on line 49 minus the total of lines 
46 through 48 and line 56. For Form 41S, this is      Line 13. If your payments on line 12 are less than the 
the amount on line 56 minus the total of lines 53     payments due on line 8, subtract line 12 from line 8 
through 55 and line 63.                               and enter your underpayment here. If line 13 shows 
                                                      an underpayment, complete Part II to compute the 

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                                                              Form 41ESR — Instructions     2024     (continued)

Line 14. If your payments on line 12 are more than      Line 24. Add the amounts shown on line 23, 
the payments due on line 8, subtract line 8 from line   columns A through D. Enter the total here and on 
12 and enter your overpayment.                          Form 41 or Form 41S.

Part II — Underpayment Interest Computation           Part III — Annualized Income 
If you computed an underpayment on Part I, line 13,   Installment Method
complete lines 15 through 24 to determine the           If your estimated tax payments are based on 
amount of the interest due on the underpayment.         annualized income for federal purposes, you may 
                                                        use that same method to make Idaho estimated tax 
Line 15. Enter the date you made a payment that         payments. Use Schedule A, Part II of the federal 
was applied to the underpayment amount shown            Form 2220 to compute the federal annualized income.
on line 13 or enter the 15th day of the 4th month 
following the close of the tax year, whichever is       Line 25. For a 100% Idaho corporation, enter its 
earlier.                                                federal annualized income adjusted for Idaho additions 
                                                        and subtractions for each period. For a multistate 
Line 16. Enter the number of days from the due          corporation, multiply the federal annualized income 
date of the installment shown on line 7 to the date     adjusted for Idaho additions and subtractions by the 
shown on line 15.                                       apportionment factor, and enter the result.

Line 19. Divide the number of days shown on             Line 32.
line 17 by 366. Multiply the result by 6%, the 
                                                         Column 2         Enter the amount from line 33, 
interest rate for 2024. Compute the percentage 
                                                                          column 1
to two places to the right of the decimal point 
(00.00%).                                                Column 3         Enter the amount from line 33, 

          Divide the number of days shown on                              column 2
Line 20.
line 18 by 365. Multiply the result by 6%, the 
                                                         Column 4         Enter the amount from line 33, 
interest rate for 2025. Compute the percentage 
                                                                          column 3
to two places to the right of the decimal point 
Complete columns B through D, lines 7 through 23. 
For a short period return, complete the appropriate 
number of columns.

                                                  Contact us:
                     In the Boise area: (208) 334-7660  Toll| free: (800) 972-7660
                               Hearing impaired (TDD) (800) 377-3529
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