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IT-20 Schedule F                               Indiana Department of Revenue
State Form 49104 
(R23 / 8-24)                            Allocation of Non-Business Income and 
                                        Indiana Non-Unitary Partnership Income

                 For Tax Year Beginning                                  2024 and Ending

 Name as shown on return                                                                    Federal Employer Identification Number

Complete all applicable sections. See separate instructions for IT-20 Schedule F in income tax booklet. Attach additional sheets if 
necessary. Identify each item of income.  Indicate the amount of related non-business expenses (other than state income taxes) for 
each income source. For every line with an entry, subtract column B from column A and enter the net amount in column C. Also enter 
the net amount in column D if the income is attributable to Indiana. Use a minus sign to denote negative amounts. Round all entries.

                 Column AA                     Column BB    Column A        Column B              Column C       Column D
(1)  Dividends (not from DISC or FSCs)         Percent      Total           Related               Net Amount     Net Amount 
 Excess after federal and state foreign        Owned        Amount          Expenses              All Sources Indiana Source
 source dividends deduction:                   (if foreign)
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
Carry forward subtotals from additional sheets                           00                 00    00                                      00
Total Dividends, Expenses, and Net Amounts                               00                 00 1C 00          1D                          00
(2)  Interest (Do not include interest from U.S. government obligations.)
Source and Type                                Short / Long 
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
                                                                         00                 00    00                                      00
Carry forward subtotals from additional sheets                           00                 00    00                                      00
Total Interest, Expenses, and Net Amounts                                00                 00 2C 00          2D                          00
(3)  Net Capital Gains or Losses from Sale or Exchange of Personal Property and Real Estate (Indicate if tangible or intangible property.)
Source and Type                         Gross Proceeds
                                               00                        00                 00    00                                      00
                                               00                        00                 00    00                                      00
                                               00                        00                 00    00                                      00
                                               00                        00                 00    00                                      00
                                               00                        00                 00    00                                      00
                                               00                        00                 00    00                                      00
                                               00                        00                 00    00                                      00
Carry forward subtotals from additional sheets                           00                 00    00                                      00
Total Net Gains, Expenses, and Net Amounts                               00                 00 3C 00          3D                          00


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IT-20 Schedule F 

               Column AA                       Column BB      Column A                 Column B       Column C           Column D
(4)  Rents and Royalties from                  Former or        Gross                  Related        Net Amount         Net Amount 
Tangible Personal Property                     Current          Amount                 Expenses       All Sources     Indiana Source
and Real Estate                                Business 
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
Carry forward subtotals from additional sheets                         00                      00     00                 00
Total Rents / Royalties, Expenses, and Net Amounts                     00                      00  4C 00              4D 00
(5)  Patents, Copyrights, and Royalties from Intangible Property
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
Carry forward subtotals from additional sheets                         00                      00     00                 00
Total Patents / Royalties, Expenses, and Net Amounts                   00                      00  5C 00              5D 00
(6)  Other (Non-Business Income)
Source and Type
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
                                                                       00                      00     00                 00
Carry forward subtotals from additional sheets                         00                      00     00                 00
Total Other Income, Expenses, and Net Amounts                          00                      00  6C 00              6D 00
(7)  Total Non-Business Income  
(add subtotals in column A)                          7A                00                                             Indiana IN K-1 
(8)  Total Related Expenses                                                                                           Distributive Share of 
(add subtotals in column B, lines (1) through (6))                     8B                      00     Federal K-1        Income from 
(9)  Distributive Share Income from Non-Unitary Partnerships and Tiered Partnerships               Distributive Share    Non-Unitary/ 
                                                                                                   of Income from     Tiered Partnership 
                                Column AA                                              Column BB   Non-Unitary/Tiered    (including 
Name of Partnership (List previously apportioned/allocated partnership distributions.) LLC or LLP  Partnership(s)     modifications)
                                                                                                      00                 00
                                                                                                      00                 00
                                                                                                      00                 00
Carry forward subtotals from additional sheets                                                        00                 00
Total Federal Non-Unitary Partnership Income; Net Amount Attributed to Indiana                     9C 00              9D 00
(10)  Total Net Non-Business and Non-Unitary Partnership Income  
(add subtotals in column C, lines 1C through 6C plus line 9C) 
Carry total of line 10C to line 14 of Form IT-20.                                              10C    00
(11)  Total Net Non-Business and Non-Unitary Partnership Income from Indiana Sources 
(add subtotals in column D, lines 1D through 6D plus line 9D) 
Carry total of line 11D to line 18 of Form IT-20.                                                     11D                00


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