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Nonprofit Organization Unrelated Business 

Income Tax Booklet

This booklet contains forms and instructions for preparing the Indiana  
adjusted gross income tax return on unrelated income of nonprofit organizations.

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                                     SP 155 
                                     (R20 / 8-22)
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Nonprofit Organization Unrelated Business Income Tax Booklet Year 2022

What’s New for 2022 ..............................................................................................................................................................4
General Information ..............................................................................................................................................................4
General Instructions for Form IT-20NP .............................................................................................................................4
Instructions for Completing Form IT-20NP ......................................................................................................................7
Certification of Signatures and Authorization Section ...................................................................................................12
Mailing Options ....................................................................................................................................................................12
Instructions for Indiana Apportionment of Adjusted Gross Income ............................................................................12
Other Credits Available to Nonprofit Organizations .......................................................................................................14
About Enterprise Zone Tax Credits  ..................................................................................................................................15
Other Related Income Tax Filing Requirements of a Nonprofit Organization ............................................................18

               IT-20NP Nonprofit Booklet 2022                         Page 3

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INTIME e-Services Portal Available
INTIME, DOR’s e-services tax portal available at intime.dor.in.gov,  General Information
provides the following functionalities for IT-20NP customers:
   Make payments using a bank account or credit card                Computing the Tax Rate
   View and respond to correspondence from DOR                      The corporate AGI tax rate is 4.9%. 
   Request and print return transcripts on-demand
   Electronic delivery of correspondence                            Annual Public Hearing
   Online customer service support through secure messaging         In accordance with the Indiana Taxpayer Bill of Rights, the 
                                                                     Indiana Department of Revenue will conduct an annual public 
Increased Online Support for Tax Preparers                           hearing in Indianapolis in June of 2023. Event details will be listed 
In addition to the functionality listed above, INTIME provides       at www.in.gov/dor/news-media-and-publications/dor-public-
increased access and functionality for tax preparers. INTIME         events/annual-public-hearings. Please come and share feedback 
provides the following functionality for tax preparers:              or comments about how DOR can better administer Indiana tax 
   Gain access to view and manage multiple customers under          laws. If not able to attend, please submit feedback or comments 
    one login                                                        in writing to: Indiana Department of Revenue, Commissioner’s 
   Ability to file returns, make payments, and view file and pay    Office, MS# 101, 100 N. Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204. 
    history for clients                                              Our homepage provides access to forms, information bulletins 
   Request electronic power of attorney (ePOA) authorization to     and directives, tax publications, email, and various filing options. 
    view customer accounts                                           Visit www.in.gov/dor/. 
   View and respond to correspondence for clients 

We strongly encourage all taxpayers to make payments and file 
returns electronically whenever possible. INTIME allows customers    General Instructions for Form IT-20NP
to make estimated payments electronically with just a few clicks.    If filing federal Form 990 or 990T, enclose a copy of the federal 
                                                                     return(s) with Form IT-20NP.

                                                                     Who Must File Form IT-20NP
What’s New for 2022                                                  All nonprofit organizations must file Form IT-20NP to report any 
                                                                     unrelated business income over $1,000 during the tax year. For 
References to the Internal Revenue Code                              further information concerning filing requirements and how to 
The definition of adjusted gross income (AGI) is updated to          obtain status as a nonprofit organization, see Income Tax Information 
correspond to the federal definition of adjusted gross income        Bulletin #17 at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/ib17.pdf.
contained in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). Any reference to 
the IRC and subsequent regulations means the Internal Revenue        Nonprofit Corporations (Domestic and Foreign) 
Code of 1986, as amended and in effect on March 31, 2021. For a      A corporation can be formed for profit or nonprofit purposes. 
complete summary of new legislation regarding taxation, please see   A nonprofit organization is an association whose purpose is to 
the Synopsis of 2022 Legislation Affecting the Indiana Department of engage in activities that do not provide financial profit to the 
Revenue at www.in.gov/dor/files/2022-legislative-synopsis.pdf.       benefit of its members. Such corporations must obtain nonprofit 
                                                                     or tax exempt status from the IRS and Indiana Department of 
Credits                                                              Revenue to be free from certain tax burdens.
   School Scholarship Tax Credit Contribution ceiling 
    increased. The total of allowable net contributions to the       Accounting Methods and Taxable Year
    program has increased to $18.5 million for the program’s         DOR requires the use of the method of accounting that is used for 
    fiscal year of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.               federal income tax purposes. The taxable year for the unrelated 
   A new credit (867) is available for qualifying donations to      business income tax must be the same as the accounting period 
    approved foster care organizations. See page 15 for more         adopted for federal adjusted gross income tax purposes. If the 
    details.                                                         apportionment provisions do not fairly reflect the organization’s 
   A new credit (868) is available for the venture capital          Indiana income, the taxpayer must petition DOR for permission 
    investment credit for amounts provided to a Qualified            to use an alternative method.
    Indiana Investment Fund. See page 18 for more 
    information.                                                     Due Date for Filing Form IT-20NP 
   A new credit (869) is available for qualified film and media     The Form IT-20NP return is due on or before the 15th day of the 
    productions. See page 15 for more information.                   5th month following the close of the tax year.
   Beginning in 2022, the Headquarters Relocation Credit 
    (818) must be reported on Schedule IN-OCC.                       When an organization does not file a federal return pursuant to 
                                                                     the Internal Revenue Code, its tax year shall be the calendar year 
Utility Receipts Tax and Utility Services Use Tax                    unless permission is otherwise granted.
The utility receipts tax has been repealed for gross receipts 
received after June 30, 2022. In addition, the utility services use 
tax has been repealed for billings issued after June 30, 2022.

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Exempt Organization                                               Extensions for Filing Return
The unrelated business income of an exempt organization is        DOR accepts the federal extension of time application (Form 
subject to the AGI tax and must be reported on Form IT-20NP.      7004) or the federal electronic extension. If already approved for 
If any part of the gross income received by such an organization  a federal extension of time application (Form 7004) or the federal 
is used for the private benefit or gain of any member, trustee,   electronic extension, it is not necessary to contact DOR before 
shareholder, employee, or associate, the organization will not be filing the annual return. Returns postmarked within one month 
granted an exemption. The term “private benefit or gain” does not after the last date indicated on the federal extension are considered 
include reasonable compensation paid to employees for work or     timely filed. If a corporation does not need a federal extension of 
services actually performed.                                      time but needs one for filing a state return, an extension request 
                                                                  and prepayment of 90% can be submitted via INTIME, DOR’s 
To preserve the exemption, a specific group or organization       e-services portal at intime.dor.in.gov, or by submitting a letter 
cannot be organized or maintained for private gain or profit.     requesting an extension prior to the annual return’s due date.

                                                                  To request an Indiana extension of time to file by letter, contact 
                                                                  the Indiana Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 7228, Indianapolis, 
                                                                  IN 46207-7228.

Forms for Specific Nonprofit Organizations
                       Federal Form 
Type of Entity               Filed or   Indiana 
                       Requirement      Form                      Due Date             Miscellaneous Information
                                                15th day of the 5th month 
Homeowner’s                                     following close of the          Not considered nonprofit organization for 
Association            Federal 1120-H   IT-20   taxable year                    Indiana tax purposes.
                                                15th day of the 5th month  If nonprofit is filing an 1120-POL, report such 
Political Organization                          following close of the          income on IT-20NP, not the IT-20.
                       Federal 1120-POL IT-20   taxable year
                                                                                A nonprofit organization or corporation must 
                                                                                file Form IT-20NP and/or Form NP-20. After 
                                                                                nonprofit status is granted, the organization 
                                                                                must file the annual report (NP-20) to maintain 
                                                                                state recognition of its sales tax exemption. If 
                                                                                the organization has unrelated business income 
                                                                                over $1,000 during the tax year, it must also file 
                                                                                Form IT-20NP. For information about nonprofit 
                                                                                filing requirements, get Income Tax Information 
                                                                                Bulletin #17 at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/
                                                                                ib17.pdf. DOR recognizes the exempt status 
                                                                                determined by the IRS. An organization 
                                                                                registered as a nonprofit is subject to the AGIT 
Nonprofit                                                                       unless the income is specifically exempt from 
Organization                                                                    taxation under the Adjusted Gross Income Tax 
                                                                                Act (IC 6-3-2-2.8 and 6-3-2-3.1). The nonprofit 
                                                15th day of the 5th month  organization is subject to both federal and state 
                       Federal Form 990         following close of the          tax on income derived from an unrelated trade 
                       or 990T          IT-20NP taxable year                    or business, as defined in IRS Section 513.
                                                                                For new nonprofits beginning in 2022 or later, 
                                                                                May 15 of the fifth year following formation 
                                                                                (i.e., May 15, 2027). For nonprofits formed in 
                                                                                2021 or earlier, see IC 6-2.5-5-25(d) for the 
                       Federal Form 990                                         applicable deadline for the first report after 
                       or 990T          NP-20R  May 15 every five years         2022, then every five years thereafter.
                                                15th day of the 4th month 
                       Utility Service          following close of taxable 
                       Provider         URT-1   year
                                                15th day of the 4th month 
Religious or Apostolic 
                       Federal Form             following close of the 
                       1065             IT-65   taxable year
                                                                           IT-20NP Nonprofit Booklet 2022                  Page 5

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An extension of time granted under IC 6-8.1-6-1 waives the late         the amount to be credited on line 40 of the IT-20NP return. An 
payment penalty for the extension period on the balance of tax          overpayment of estimated payments must be claimed on the 
due, provided 90% of the current year’s total tax liability is paid     annual return to obtain a refund. After a check is remitted for the 
on or prior to the original due date. Use Form IT-6 to make an          remainder of a year’s estimated income tax liability, no further 
extension payment for the taxable year. This payment is processed       estimated returns should be filed with DOR after the date of 
as a fifth estimated payment. (See Income Tax Information Bulletin  payment. All checks remitted to DOR should be accompanied 
#15 at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/ib15.pdf for more details.)       by a return or a complete explanation for the payment. A zero 
Any tax paid after the original due date must include interest.         liability for a quarter does not require Form IT-6 to be filed.

Interest on the balance of tax due must be included with the return     The quarterly estimated payment must be equal to the lesser of 
when it is filed. Interest is computed from the original due date until 25% of the adjusted gross income tax liability for the taxable year 
the date of payment. In November of each year, DOR establishes the      or the annualized income installment calculated in the manner 
interest rate for the next calendar year. See Departmental Notice #3    provided by IRC Section 6655(e) as applied to the corporation’s 
at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/dn03.pdf for interest rates.          liability for adjusted gross income tax. 

If a valid extension of time or a federal electronic extension to       Electronic Payment Requirements
file, check box L on the front of the return. If applicable, enclose a  If the amount of the nonprofit organization’s tax on unrelated 
copy of the federal extension of time with the return when filing a     business income exceeds an average liability of $5,000 per quarter 
state return.                                                           (or $20,000 annually), quarterly estimated tax payments must 
                                                                        be remitted electronically via INTIME, DOR’s e-services portal 
Amended Returns                                                         at intime.dor.in.gov, or with an electronic funds transfer (EFT). 
To amend a previously filed Form IT-20NP, a corrected copy              Because there is no minimum amount of payment, DOR encourages 
of the original form must be filed. Check the box at the top of         all taxpayers, even if not required to remit payment electronically, do 
the form if filing an amended return. To claim a refund of an           to so via INTIME or participate voluntarily in our EFT program.
overpayment, the return must be filed within three years from the 
latter of the date of overpayment or the due date of the return.        Note. Taxpayers remitting by EFT should not file quarterly IT-6 
                                                                        coupons. The amounts are reconciled when filing the annual 
IC 6-8.1-9-1 entitles a taxpayer to claim a refund because of a         income tax return.
reduction in tax liability resulting from a federal modification. 
The claim for refund should be filed within 180 days from the date  If notified of its requirement to remit payment electronically, the 
of modification by the Internal Revenue Service. If an agreement        organization must begin remitting tax payments via INTIME or 
to extend the statute of limitations for an assessment is entered       by EFT by the date/tax period specified by DOR.
into between the taxpayer and DOR, the period for filing a claim 
for refund is likewise extended.                                        Failure to comply may result in a 10% penalty on each quarterly 
                                                                        estimated income tax liability not paid electronically. 
Estimated Quarterly Tax Payments
A nonprofit organization whose adjusted gross income tax                Note. The Indiana Code does not require the extension of time 
liability on unrelated business income exceeds $2,500 for a taxable     to file payment or final payment due with the annual return to 
year must file quarterly estimated tax payments.                        be paid electronically. Claim any INTIME or EFT payment as 
                                                                        an extension or estimated payment credit. Do not file a return 
If the organization’s estimated payments exceed the tax liability,      indicating an amount due if any remaining balance has been paid 
credit should be claimed on the annual return, Form IT-20NP,            or will be paid via INTIME or by EFT.
to request a refund or carry over the excess amount to the next 
year’s estimated tax account. If an estimated account needs to be       Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Taxes 
established, obtain Form E-6 to remit the initial payment and to        Organizations estimating income taxes are subject to a 10% 
request preprinted quarterly estimated IT-6 returns.                    underpayment penalty if they fail to timely file estimated tax 
                                                                        payments or fail to remit a sufficient amount. To avoid the 
The quarterly estimated tax payments are submitted with an              penalty, the required quarterly estimated payments must be at 
appropriate Indiana voucher, Form IT-6, or via INTIME, DOR’s            least 25% of the total income tax liability for the current taxable 
e-services portal at intime.dor.in.gov, or by electronic funds          year or 25% of the organization’s final income tax liability for the 
transfer (EFT), depending on the amount of the payment due.             previous tax year. The penalty for the underpayment of estimated 
The quarterly due dates for estimated income tax payments for           tax is assessed on the difference between the actual amount paid 
calendar-year organizations are April 20, June 20, Sept. 20, and        by the organization for each quarter and 25% of its final income 
Dec. 20. Fiscal-year and short-year filers must remit by the 20th       tax liability for the current tax year. Refer to Schedule IT-2220, 
day of the 4th, 6th, 9th, and 12th months of the tax period.            Penalty for the Underpayment of Corporate Income Taxes, 
                                                                        which is available online at www.in.gov/dor/tax-forms/2022-
Claim the credit for estimated and extension payments on lines          corporatepartnership-income-tax-forms/.
20 and 21 of Form IT-20NP. Taxpayers should note that refunds 
reflected on the annual corporate income tax return may be 
applied to the next taxable year’s estimated liability by entering 
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Use Schedule IT-2220 to show an exception to the penalty if the              900002     Rental of tangible personal property
nonprofit organization underpaid its income tax for any quarter. If          900003     Passive income activities with controlled 
an exception to the penalty is not met, payment of the computed                         organizations
penalty must be included with the return. The required estimate              900004     Exploited exempt activities
should exceed the annualized income installment calculated in                999999     Unclassified establishments (unable to classify)
the manner provided by IRC Section 6655(e) as applied to the 
corporation’s liability or 25% of the final tax liability for the prior     Questions K, L and M
taxable year. If either of these conditions is met, no penalty will be      K.  Check or complete all boxes that apply to the return. 
assessed for the estimated period.                                            
                                                                             Check the “final return” box only if the nonprofit is dissolved, 
Special rules may apply if the current or previous taxable year are          liquidated, or has withdrawn from the state. Also, Form 
short taxable years. If the previous taxable year was a short year,          BC-100 must be filed to close out any sales and withholding 
prorate the previous year’s tax to reflect the tax for current year. If the  accounts. Go to www.in.gov/dor/tax-forms/business-tax-
current taxable year is a short year, then follow the same periods and       forms/ to complete this form online.  
percentages necessary to compute federal estimated tax payments. 
See the instructions for Form IT-20 for further information.                L.  Check the Yes box if an extension of time to file the return is 
                                                                             in effect. If applicable, enclose a copy of federal Form 7004 
                                                                             when filing a state return. 
Instructions for Completing 
                                                                            M.  Check the box if you have income or losses from multiple 
Form IT-20NP                                                                 lines of unrelated trades or businesses for the current taxable 
                                                                             year and/or you are reporting a loss from a previous year 
Filing Period and Identification                                             in which you had a suspended net operating loss due to the 
File a 2022 Form IT-20NP return for a taxable year ending Dec.               operation of multiple lines of unrelated trades or business in 
31, 2022, a short tax year beginning in 2022, or a fiscal tax year           a taxable year after 2017.
beginning in 2022 and ending in 2023. For a short or fiscal tax 
year, at the top of the form fill in the beginning month and day            Report of Unrelated Business Income
and the ending date of the taxable year.                                    All organizations described in Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 
                                                                            Section 501(c) and IRC Section 401(a), including churches, 
The identification section of the return must be completed                  religious organizations, hospitals, social organizations, business 
regarding the tax year, name, address, county, date organized,              leagues, pension trusts, and all other institutions, that are subject 
Federal Employer Identification Number, business activity code              to the tax imposed by IRC Section 511 are also subject to Indiana 
number, and telephone number. Please use the full legal name of             adjusted gross income tax on unrelated business income.
the organization and its current mailing address.
                                                                            IC 6-3-2-3.1 provides that only the unrelated business income (as 
For foreign addresses, please note the following:                           defined in IRC Section 513) of an organization otherwise exempt 
 Enter the name of the city, town, or village in the box labeled           from adjusted gross income tax under IC 6-3-2-2.8(1) is subject 
  City;                                                                     to adjusted gross income tax. (This section does not apply to the 
 Enter the name of the state or province in the box labeled State;         United States, its agencies or instrumentalities or to the State of 
 Enter the postal code in the box labeled ZIP Code; and                    Indiana, its agencies or political subdivisions.)
 Enter the 2-digit country code.
                                                                            Pension trusts that would be taxed as a trust were it not for the 
For a name change, check the box at the top of the return and               exemption under IRC Section 501(a) will be taxed as a trust on 
enclose copies of the amended Articles of Incorporation 4162 or             any unrelated business income (as defined in IRC Section 513) 
Amended Certificate of Authority filed with the Indiana Secretary           and should file a Form IT-41.
of State with the return. The Federal Employer Identification 
Number shown in the box in the upper-right corner of the return             Income from bingo events; raffles; door prizes; charity game nights; 
must be accurate and the same as used for federal purposes.                 festival events; and the sale of pull tabs, punchboards, and tip boards 
                                                                            are considered unrelated business income unless the organization 
Enter the principal business activity code, from the North                  uses completely volunteer labor and is properly registered with the 
American Industry Classification System (NAICS), in the                     Indiana Gaming Commission to conduct such activities.
designated block of the return. Use the six-digit activity code 
reported on the federal corporation income tax return.                      The organization may have income from the sources enumerated on 
                                                                            IT-20NP schedules that is not subject to tax as unrelated business 
Other Unrelated Business Activity numbers that might be                     income. To be subject to tax, the income must be from a trade or 
applicable:                                                                 business activity regularly carried on by the nonprofit organization 
  900000    Unrelated debt-financed activities                              that is not substantially related to its exempt purpose. Indiana 
            (other than rental or real estate)                              follows the Internal Revenue Service’s rulings regarding types of 
  900001    Investment activities by Section 501(c)(7),                     income substantially related to or not related to an organization’s 
            (9), or (17) organizations                                      exempt purpose. Refer to Internal Revenue Service Publication 598.
                                                                                    IT-20NP Nonprofit Booklet 2022                    Page 7

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Exclusions from Unrelated Business Income                            Form 990T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return. 
Items that do not constitute income from an “unrelated trade or      If you are including a loss from Schedule IN-UBI, include the 
business” include:                                                   amount of unrelated business taxable income allowed to be used 
 Any trade or business in which substantially all the work is       as a federal net operating loss for the taxable year.
  performed for the organization without compensation;
 Any trade or business carried on by a charitable organization      Line 2. Enter the amount of non-unitary partnership income 
  or by a state college or university primarily for the convenience  included in Line 1. Attach information detailing the sources 
  of its members, students, patients, officers, or employees;        of income, including the name of the partnership, federal K-1 
 Any trade or business consisting of selling merchandise,           distributive share of income from a partnership, and Indiana IN 
  substantially all of which has been received by the                K-1 share of income from the partnership. This should be in the 
  organization as gifts or contributions;                            form provided by Schedule F of the IT-20, lines 9 through 11. List 
 The furnishing by a qualified hospital at or near cost of          each partnership separately.
  certain common services, including purchasing, billing and 
  collection, and record keeping, to small hospitals, i.e. serving   Line 3. In computing unrelated business taxable income, a 
  fewer than 100 in-patients;                                        specific deduction of $1,000 is allowed. However, the $1,000 
 Qualified public entertainment activities of certain types         specific deduction is not allowed in computing a net operating 
  of exempt organizations when a qualifying organization             loss (NOL) deduction. Generally, the deduction is limited to 
  regularly conducts as one of its substantial exempt purposes       $1,000 regardless of the number of unrelated businesses in which 
  an agriculture and educational fair or exposition;                 the organization is engaged. An exception is provided in the case 
 Qualified convention and trade show activities of a qualifying     of a diocese, a province of a religious order, or a convention or an 
  organization that regularly conducts, as one of its substantial    association of churches that may claim a specific deduction for 
  exempt purposes, a show that stimulates interest in, and           each parish, individual church, district, or other local unit, to the 
  demand for, the products of a particular industry or segment       extent these unrelated businesses are not separate legal entities. In 
  of an industry;                                                    these cases, the specific deduction is limited to the lower of $1,000 
 Certain charity gaming events as long as the organization is       or the gross income derived from an unrelated trade or business 
  properly licensed;                                                 regularly carried on by the local unit.
 Certain pole rentals, by a mutual or cooperative telephone or 
  electric company;                                                  Line 4. Subtract line 2 and line 3 from line 1.
 Certain distributions of low-cost articles, incidental to the 
  solicitation of charitable contributions, and the exchange or      Lines 5 through 8. Add or subtract any modifications to Indiana 
  rental of mailing lists by charitable organizations; and           adjusted gross income. Enter the applicable 3-digit code for each 
 Sponsorship payments for which the payer receives                  modification beside “Code No.” If an amount is an addition to 
  no substantial return benefit other than the use or                Indiana adjusted gross income, enter the amount as a positive 
  acknowledgement of the name, logo, or product lines of the         number. If an amount is a deduction or otherwise reduces Indiana 
  payer’s trade or business in connection with the organization’s  adjusted gross income, enter the amount as a negative number. 
  activities.                                                        If you have more than four modifications, include a separate 
                                                                     schedule as an attachment listing those modifications, three-digit 
Adjusted Gross Income Tax Computation for                            codes, and modification amounts.
Unrelated Business Income
Under the Adjusted Gross Income Tax Act, DOR recognizes the          Adding Back Depreciation Expenses
method of accounting used for federal income tax purposes. If        Several of the discontinued add-backs were created by timing 
income is received from activity outside Indiana that is subject     differences between federal and Indiana allowable expenses. 
to tax in another state, the apportionment formula must be           Following is an example of how to report a difference.
used. Enclose the completed Schedule E or Schedule E-7 with 
the return.                                                          Example. ABC Company has qualified restaurant equipment. For 
                                                                     federal tax purposes, they use the accelerated 15-year recovery 
Note. Round all entries to the nearest whole dollar amount. Do       period for an asset placed in service in 2009. Since 2009, ABC 
not use a comma in dollar amounts of four digits or more. For        Company has been adding back the depreciation expense taken 
example, instead of entering “3,455” enter “3455.”                   for federal purposes that exceeded the amount allowable for 
                                                                     Indiana purposes. The accumulated depreciation on such an asset 
Important. If you are completing Schedule IN-UBI, lines 1-8 and      through 2012 is, therefore, different for federal and state purposes. 
12 apply only to income the lines of business that have generated    This difference will remain until the asset is fully depreciated or 
positive unrelated business taxable income for the taxable year.     until the time of its disposition.
However, if you are using a net operating loss from an unrelated 
line of business against income from that line of business, you will In this example, the asset was acquired in January 2009 at a 
use the portion of amounts reported on Schedule IN-UBI from          purchase price of $120,000. This normally would have a 25-year 
the loss year.                                                       recovery period, but IRC Sec. 168 allows for a 15-year recovery 
                                                                     period. Tax year 2012 is the last year ABC Company will have 
Line 1. Enter unrelated business taxable income (before net          reported a qualified restaurant equipment add-back until the end 
operating loss deduction and specific deductions) from federal       of the 15-year recovery period.
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If this asset was sold before being fully depreciated, the catch-up  year of purchase and in later years must be adjusted to reflect the 
modification would be reflected in the year of the sale. However, if additional first-year depreciation deduction, including the special 
this property is held through 2023 (the 15th year of depreciation),  depreciation allowance for 100% bonus depreciation property, 
ABC Company will report a negative $9,600 catch-up add-back          until the property is sold or otherwise fully depreciated for 
on the 2023 state tax return.                                        Indiana purposes. 

Enter the following modifications on these lines.                    Note. The net amount determined for the net bonus depreciation 
                                                                     or the IRC Section 179 add-back might be a negative figure 
Federal Gross Repatriated Dividend Add-Back (3-digit code: 138)      (because of a higher depreciation allowable in subsequent years). 
Enter the amount reportable on federal Form 965, Part II, Line 17    If it is, use a minus sign to denote that. (If the taxable income is a 
and reportable as unrelated business income for federal income       loss, this adjustment increases a loss when added back.) Enclose a 
tax purposes.                                                        statement to explain the adjustment. 

Charitable Contributions                                             Special rules may apply if the Section 179 expensing is taken 
Enter an amount equal to any IRC Section 170 deduction claimed       against property acquired in a like-kind exchange. See Income 
on the federal return.                                               Tax Information Bulletin #118 at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/
                                                                     ib118.pdf for additional information.
State Income Taxes (3-digit code: 100) 
Enter all taxes based on or measured by income levied at the state   OOS Municipal Obligation Interest (3-digit code: 137)
level and claimed on the federal return. Do not enter any property   Interest earned from a direct obligation of a state or political 
taxes or local income taxes on this line.                            subdivision other than Indiana (out of state, or OOS) is taxable by 
                                                                     Indiana if the obligation is acquired after Dec. 31, 2011. Interest 
Bonus Depreciation (3-digit code: 104)                               earned from obligations held or acquired before Jan. 1, 2012, is 
Add or subtract an amount to bonus depreciation in excess of any     not subject to Indiana income tax and should not be reported as 
regular depreciation that would be allowed had not an election       an add-back.
under IRC Section 168(k) been made as applied to property 
in the year that it was placed into service. Taxpayers who own       Note. Interest earned from obligations of Puerto Rico, Guam, 
property for which additional first year special depreciation        Virgin Islands, American Samoa, or Northern Mariana is not 
for qualified property, including 100% bonus depreciation, was       included in federal gross income and is exempt under federal 
allowed in the current taxable year or in an earlier taxable year    law. There is no add-back for interest earned on these obligations. 
must add or subtract an amount necessary to make the adjusted        For more information, see Income Tax Information Bulletin #19, 
gross income equal to the amount computed without applying           online at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/ib19.pdf.
any bonus depreciation. The subsequent depreciation allowance 
is to be calculated as if no bonus depreciation was allowed until    Meal Deduction Add-Back (3-digit code: 149)
the property is disposed or fully depreciated for Indiana purposes.  If you:
Income Tax Information Bulletin #118 at www.in.gov/dor/files/         claimed a deduction for meal expenses with regard to food 
reference/ib118.pdf explains this initial required modification on     and beverages provided by a restaurant in computing your 
the allowance of depreciation for state tax purposes.                  federal taxable income; AND
                                                                      the deduction would have been limited to 50% of the meal 
Special rules may apply if the bonus depreciation is taken against     expenses if the expenses had been incurred before Jan. 1, 2021,
property acquired in a like-kind exchange. See Income Tax            add back the amount deducted for federal purposes in excess of 
Information Bulletin #118 at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/         50% of the food or beverage expenses. 
ib118.pdf for additional information.
                                                                     Do not add back any amount for which an exception to the 50% 
Section 179 Expense (3-digit code: 105)                              limitation was in effect for amounts paid before Jan. 1, 2021.
Add or subtract the amount necessary to make the adjusted gross 
income of the taxpayer that placed any IRC Section 179 property      Example. Monosyllabic, Inc. incurs $2,000 in meal expenses 
in service in the current taxable year or in an earlier taxable year during 2022 and deducts the entire $2,000 in computing its 
equal to the amount of adjusted gross income that would have         2022 federal taxable income. The meal expenses would have 
been computed as if the federal limit for expensing under IRC        qualified for only a 50% limitation under pre-2021 IRC § 274. 
section 179 was $25,000 as opposed to $1,000,000 (adjusted for       Monosyllabic, Inc. is required to add back $1,000.
                                                                     Indiana Lottery Winnings Annuity Deduction (3-digit code: 629)
Indiana has adopted an expensing cap of $25,000. This                Proceeds from a winning Hoosier Lottery ticket from a lottery 
modification affects the basis of the property if a higher Section   held prior to July 1, 2002, may be deducted from Indiana adjusted 
179 limit was applied. The federal increase to a $1,000,000          gross income. Entities that have purchased Hoosier Lottery prizes 
deduction was not allowed for purposes of calculating Indiana        from a winning ticket holder for valuable consideration are not 
adjusted gross income. However, the $2,500,000 threshold for         eligible for this deduction.
phase-out (adjusted for inflation) is allowed for purposes of 
calculating Indiana AGI. The depreciation allowances in the 
                                                                               IT-20NP Nonprofit Booklet 2022             Page 9

- 10 -
COVID-related Employee Retention Credit Disallowed                   Schedule IN-UBI and otherwise added into the Lines 1-8 and 12.
Expenses Deduction (3-digit code: 634)
If you had a deduction that was disallowed for federal purposes      Line 14. Add lines 11 and 12, and subtract line 13.
because an employer claimed a federal COVID-related employee 
retention credit, deduct the amount that was:                        Line 15. Enter any income from Form 1120-POL.
 disallowed for federal purposes; and
 that otherwise would have been allowable in determining            Line 16. Add line 14 and line 15. Indiana adjusted gross income 
  Indiana adjusted gross income.                                     tax for taxable year. 

Do not deduct any amounts for amounts disallowed for non-            If line 16 is a negative figure, enter zero.
COVID related employee retention credits such as disaster-related 
employee retention credits.                                          Line 17. Multiply line 16 by the tax rate. (See page 4 for the tax 
                                                                     rate and how to compute it.) 
For 2022, amounts deducted under this section generally should 
reflect amounts passed through from partnerships or trusts           Summary of Calculations
that had taxable years beginning in 2021 or cases where the          Line 18. IC 6-2.5-3-2 imposes a use tax at the rate of 7% on the 
modification was suspended due to federal loss limitations for       use, storage, and consumption of tangible personal property in 
nonprofits with multiple lines of business. If the deduction is from Indiana when sales tax was not paid at the point of purchase and 
a source other than a partnership or trust, you may be asked to      no exemption from tax exists. Nonprofit organizations qualify for 
provide IRS Form 941 to the department.                              exemption from use tax under the following conditions:
                                                                       The nonprofit organization is exempt from the gross retail 
Indiana-only Tax-exempt Bonds Deduction (3-digit code: 636)             sales tax under IC 6-2.5-5-22 through 26;
If you had interest from a bond issued by or in the name of certain    The property or service is used to further its nonprofit 
Indiana government subdivisions or entities or amounts received         purpose; or
upon redemption or maturity of the bond, deduct any interest or        The organization is not operated predominantly for social 
other income included in federal gross income. Do not deduct            purposes.
any bond interest that is excluded from federal gross income. 
In addition, if you sell the bond, do not deduct any amounts for     Purchases of tangible personal property to be used by 
which the bond is sold in excess of your purchase price. See IC      organizations operated predominately for social purposes are 
6-8-5-1 for further information regarding the deduction.             subject to use tax. If more than 50% of the expenditures are for or 
                                                                     related to social activities such as food and beverage services, golf 
Line 9. Add lines 4 through 8.                                       courses, swimming pools, dances, parties, and other similar social 
                                                                     activities, the organization is considered to be predominately 
Line 10. If apportioning income, enter the Indiana percentage        operated for social purposes. In no instance will purchases for the 
(rounded to two decimal places) from line 9 of IT-20 Schedule E,     private benefit of any member of the organization or any other 
Apportionment of Adjusted Gross Income. Do not enter 100%.           individual, such as meals or lodging, be eligible for exemption.

Enclose Schedule E and see instructions on page 12 for this          Registered merchants for Indiana will report nonexempt purchases 
schedule.                                                            on Form ST-103, Indiana Sales/Use Tax Return. If Form ST-103 
                                                                     is not required or all taxable purchases have not been properly 
Line 11. Multiply line 9 by the Indiana apportionment percentage     included on the ST-103 return, complete the Sales/Use Tax 
for state tax on line 10. If line 10 is not applicable, enter the    Worksheet on page 11 and report the tax due on this line. 
amount from line 9.
                                                                     Caution. Do not report any amounts from the ST-103 on this 
Line 12. Enter the amount of non-unitary partnership income          worksheet or on Form IT-20NP. Find additional information 
attributable to Indiana . See the instructions for Form IT-20 for    regarding sales/use tax for nonprofit organizations in Sales Tax 
further information. Include a schedule detailing the sources        Information Bulletin #10 (www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/sib10.
of income, including the name of the partnership, federal K-1        pdf) or by calling (317) 232-2240.
distributive share of income partnership, and Indiana IN K-1 share 
of income from the partnership. List each partnership separately.    Line 19. Add lines 17 and 18.

Line 13. Enter as a positive figure the full amount of the available Credits and Payment Computation
Indiana NOL carryover deduction as calculated on revised             Line 20. Enter the total amount of estimated quarterly income 
Schedule IT-20NOL. If carrying over an NOL deduction, enclose        tax payments made for the tax year. Itemize each payment in the 
Schedule IT-20NOL, as effective on or after Jan. 1, 2004. This       spaces provided.
corporate form is available from DOR at www.in.gov/dor/tax-
forms/2022-corporatepartnership-income-tax-forms/.                   Line 21. Enter the total amount paid with valid extension.

Please review Schedule IT-20NOL and its instructions before          Line 22. Enter the amount of prior-year overpayment credit.
entering an amount on line 11. Do not include amounts reported on 
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                                            Sales/Use Tax Worksheet
                         List all purchases made during the tax year from out-of-state retailers.
Column A                                                                             Column B                                                        Column C
Description of personal property purchased from out-of-state retailer                Date of purchase(s)                                            Purchase Price of 
Magazine subscriptions:
Mail order purchases:
Internet purchases:
Other purchases:
1. Total purchase price of property subject to the sales/use tax: enter total of Columns C ..............................                           1
2. Sales/use tax: Multiply line 1 by .07 (7%) ..................................................................................................... 2
3. Sales tax previously paid on the above items (up to 7% per item) ...............................................................                 3
4. Total amount due: Subtract line 3 from line 2. Carry to Form IT-20NP, line 18. If the amount is negative, 
enter zero and put no entry on line 18 of the IT-20NP ..................................................................................            4

Line 23. Enter any withholding credits from Schedule IN K-1s                Line 31. If claiming any credits on IN-OCC including credits passed 
that you may have received. In addition, if you have a portion of           through from Schedule IN K-1 Part 2, enter the total of those credits 
a Headquarters Relocation Credit that is refundable, include the            here and enclose Schedule IN-OCC with the return. The credit 
refundable portion on this line. You must provide any Schedule              codes reported on IN-OCC are 818, 820, 835, 849, 858, 860, 863, 
IN K-1s necessary to verify withholding credits as well as any              865, 867, 868, 869, 1818, 1820, 1835, 1849, 1858, 1860, 1863, 1865, 
certifications from IEDC supporting the refundable Headquarters             1867, 1868, and 1869. Failure to enclose the IN-OCC with the return 
Relocation Credit.                                                          will result in the denial in any of the credits listed above.

Line 24. Economic Development for a Growing Economy                         Line 32. Add lines 20 through 31. Note that certain credits may 
Credit (EDGE)                                                               not exceed the amount of tax liability on line 17.
This credit is for businesses that conduct certain activities 
designed to foster job creation in Indiana. It is a refundable tax          Line 33. If line 19 is greater than line 32, enter the difference here.
liability credit. Note. Schedule IN-EDGE must be completed and 
enclosed the return. Otherwise, the credit will not be allowed. A           Line 34. Enter the amount of calculated penalty for the 
PIN also must be obtained from the IEDC.                                    underpayment of income taxes from Schedule IT-2220. Enclose 
                                                                            a completed Schedule IT-2220, which is available at www.in.gov/
Contact the Indiana Economic Development Corporation at One                 dor/tax-forms/2022-corporatepartnership-income-tax-forms/. 
North Capitol, Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204, for eligibility           Corporations required to make quarterly estimated payments 
requirements. For more information call (317) 232-8800 or visit             are permitted to use the annualized income installment method 
www.iedc.in.gov for additional information.                                 calculated in the manner provided by IRC Section 6655(e) as 
                                                                            applied to the corporation’s adjusted gross income tax liability. If 
Line 25. Economic Development for a Growing Economy                         using this method, please check the box on this line and enclose 
Retention Credit (EDGE-R)                                                   a copy of the calculations when filing the tax return. DOR will 
This credit is for businesses that conduct certain activities designed      review each request on a case-by-case basis.
to foster job retention in Indiana. It is a refundable tax liability credit.
                                                                            Note. If a taxpayer’s annual liability exceeds $2,500, filing 
Note. Schedule IN-EDGE-R must be completed and enclosed                     quarterly estimated payments to remit 25% of the estimated 
with the return. Otherwise, the credit will not be allowed. A PIN           annual tax liability is required.
also must be obtained from the IEDC.
                                                                            Line 35. For the current rate of interest charged see Departmental 
Contact the Indiana Economic Development Corporation at One                 Notice #3 available at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/dn03.pdf.
North Capitol, Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204, for eligibility 
requirements. Visit www.iedc.in.gov for additional information.             Line 36. Enter the penalty amount that applies:
                                                                             If the return with payment is made after the original due date, 
Lines 26 through 30. Enter the total amount of offset                         a penalty that is the greater of $5 or 10% of the balance of tax 
(nonrefundable) credits.                                                      due on line 33 must be entered. The penalty for paying late is 
                                                                              not imposed if all three of the following conditions are met:
Note. Any credits required to be listed on Schedule IN-OCC                    ο      A valid extension of time to file exists;
should be included on Line 31 instead of lines 26 through 30.                 ο      At least 90% of the tax liability was paid by the original 
                                                                                     due date; and

                                                                                     IT-20NP Nonprofit Booklet 2022                                  Page 11

- 12 -
  ο      The remaining tax is paid by the extended due date.           statement to DOR. The statement must include a name, Federal 
 If the return showing no tax liability on line 19 is filed late, a   Employer Identification Number of the entity, and the year of the 
  penalty for failure to file by the due date will be $10 per day      tax return. Mail the statement to Indiana Department of Revenue, 
  that the return is past due, up to a maximum of $250.                P.O. Box 7206, Indianapolis, IN 46207-7206.

Line 37. Add lines 33 through 36. Make a separate payment for          Officer Information
each return filed. Payments to DOR must be made with U.S. funds.       An officer of the organization must sign and date the tax return and 
                                                                       enter the officer’s name and title. Please provide a daytime telephone 
Line 38. Enter the result of line 32 minus lines 19, 34, 35, and 36.   number DOR can call if there are any questions about the tax return. 
                                                                       Also, provide an email address if contact via email is desired.
Line 39. Enter the portion of the overpayment to be refunded.
                                                                       Paid Preparer Information
Line 40. If electing to credit all or a portion of the overpayment to  Fill out this area if a paid preparer completed this tax return. The 
next year’s estimated adjusted gross income tax account, enter the     paid preparer must sign and date the return. In addition, please 
amount of the overpayment to be applied. An election to apply an       enter the following:
overpayment to the following year is irrevocable.                       The paid preparer’s email address;
                                                                        The name of the firm the paid preparer is employed by;
The sum of lines 39 and 40 must equal the amount of the total           The paid preparer’s PTIN (personal tax identification 
overpayment on line 38. If the overpayment is reduced due to an          number). This must be the paid preparer’s PTIN; do not enter 
error on the return or an adjustment by DOR, the amount to be            an FEIN or Social Security number;
refunded (line 39) will be corrected before any changes are made        The paid preparer’s complete address.
to the amount on line 40. Any refund due may be applied to other 
liabilities under IC 6-8.1-9-2(a), IC 6-8.1-9.5, and IC 6-8.1-9.7.     Note. Complete this area even if the paid preparer is the same 
                                                                       individual designated as the personal representative.
Schedule IN-UBI
If you have multiple lines of business, please complete Schedule IN-
UBI before completing the lines below and follow the instructions on 
                                                                       Mailing Options
that schedule. Attach a copy of Schedule IN-UBI with your IT-20NP.     Please mail completed returns to:
                                                                         Indiana Department of Revenue 
                                                                         P.O. Box 7228 
Certification of Signatures and                                          Indianapolis, IN 46207-7228
Authorization Section
Sign, date, and print the entity’s name on the return. If a paid 
preparer completes the return, authorize DOR to discuss the tax        Instructions for Indiana Apportionment 
return with the preparer by checking the authorization box above 
                                                                       of Adjusted Gross Income
the line for the name of the personal representative.
                                                                       Use of Apportionment Schedule E
Personal Representative Information                                    If an organization has unrelated business (adjusted gross) income 
Typically, DOR contacts the entity if there are any questions          from both within and outside Indiana, the organization must 
or concerns about the tax return. If DOR can discuss the tax           apportion its income by means of the formula under IC 6-3-2-2.
return with someone else (e.g., the person who prepared it or a 
designated person), complete this area.                                DOR will not accept returns filed for adjusted gross income tax 
                                                                       purposes using the separate accounting method. IT-20 Schedule 
First, check the “Yes” box that follows the sentence “I authorize      E (or Schedule E-7 for interstate transportation companies) must 
the Department to discuss my tax return with my personal               be used unless written permission is granted from DOR. The term 
representative.”                                                       “everywhere” does not include sales of a foreign corporation in a 
                                                                       place outside the United States.
Next, enter:
 The name of the individual designated as the entity’s personal       Part I - Apportionment of Adjusted Gross Income 
  representative; and
 The individual’s email address.                                      Sales/Receipts. The sales factor is a fraction. The numerator 
                                                                       is the total receipts of the taxpayer in Indiana during the tax 
If this area is completed, DOR is authorized to contact the            year. The denominator is the total receipts of the taxpayer in 
personal representative, instead of the entity, about this tax return. all jurisdictions during the tax year. Only include receipts that 
After the return is filed, DOR will communicate primarily with         resulted from unrelated business income.
the designated personal representative. 
                                                                       In the case of certain receipts, all or a portion of the receipts are 
Note. The authorization for DOR to be in contact with the personal     not included. 
representative can be revoked at any time. To do so, submit a signed 
Page 12          IT-20NP Nonprofit Booklet 2022

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 For receipts includible under IRC section 965 or GILTI (IRC             Receipts from investments are attributed to Indiana if the 
  Section 951A), the amount included as a receipt is the amount            taxpayer’s commercial domicile is in Indiana. 
  included in adjusted gross income minus any amount claimed 
  as a foreign source dividend under IC 6-3-2-12.                         Gross receipts from the performance of certain communications 
 For receipts from the sale of securities, including stocks,              and broadcast services are attributed to Indiana if the income-
  bonds, options, and future and forward contracts, only the               producing activity is in Indiana. If such activities are conducted 
  net gain from the sale is treated as a receipt.                          partly within and partly outside Indiana, the gross receipts 
 For receipts from hedging or similar transactions, only the net          from the services are attributable to Indiana if the direct costs 
  gain resulting from both sets of transactions is treated as a receipt.   incurred in Indiana related to those receipts are greater than the 
                                                                           direct costs incurred in any other state, unless the activities are 
The numerator of the receipts factor must include the following to         otherwise directly attributed to Indiana according to IC 6-3-2-
the extent included in the receipts denominator:                           2.2 or IC 6-3-2-2(f). 
 All sales made in Indiana;
 All sales made from Indiana to the U.S. government;                     Receipts from other services and other intangibles are 
 All receipts from sales of business property in Indiana; and             attributed to Indiana if the benefit of the service or intangible 
 All interest, dividend, or other intangible income earned in             is received in Indiana. Please see Multistate Tax Commission 
  Indiana.                                                                 regulations for further information on whether the receipts 
                                                                           from a particular transaction are attributed to Indiana.
The numerator contains intangible income attributed to Indiana, 
including interest from consumer and commercial loans,                   Sales to the United States Government. The United States 
installment sales contracts, and credit and debit cards as               government is the purchaser when it makes direct payment to 
prescribed under IC 6-3-2-2.2.                                           the seller. A sale to the United States government of tangible 
                                                                         personal property is in Indiana if it is shipped from an office, a 
Total receipts include gross sales of real and tangible personal         store, a warehouse, or another place of storage in Indiana. See the 
property less returns and allowances. Sales of tangible personal         previous rules for sales other than tangible personal property if 
property are in Indiana if the property is delivered or shipped to       such sales are made to the United States government. 
a purchaser within Indiana regardless of the f.o.b. point or other 
conditions of sale. Indiana no longer requires the inclusion of          Other Gross Receipts. On line 6, report other gross business 
“throwback” sales in the numerator of the receipts factor.               receipts not included elsewhere and pro rata gross receipts from 
                                                                         all unitary partnerships, excluding from the factors the portion of 
Sales or receipts not specifically assigned above shall be assigned      distributive share income derived from a non-unitary partnership 
as follows:                                                              [45 IAC 3.1-1-153(b)]. Only include receipts that resulted from 
 Gross receipts from the sale, rental, or lease of real property        unrelated business income.
  are in Indiana if the real property is located in Indiana;  
                                                                         On line 7, report direct premiums and annuity considerations 
 Gross receipts from the rental, lease, or licensing of the use         received during the taxable year for insurance upon property 
  of tangible personal property are in Indiana if the property is        or risks in Indiana. The terms direct premiums and annuity 
  in Indiana. If property was both within and outside Indiana            considerations mean the gross premiums received from direct 
  during the tax year, the gross receipts are considered in              business as reported in the corporation’s annual statement filed 
  Indiana to the extent the property was used in Indiana;                with the Department of Insurance.

 Interest income and other receipts from loans or installment           Total Receipts. Complete all lines as indicated. Add all the receipts 
  sales contracts that are primarily secured by or deal with real        in Column A (lines 1A through 7A), and enter the total on line 8A. 
  or tangible personal property are attributed to Indiana if the         In addition, enter the total receipts from everywhere on line 8B. 
  security or sale property is located in Indiana; consumer loans 
  not secured by real or tangible personal property are attributed       Apportionment of Income for Indiana 
  to Indiana if the loan is made to an Indiana resident; and             Divide line 8A by line 8B. Multiply by 100 to arrive at a percentage 
  commercial loans and installment obligations not secured by            rounded to the nearest second decimal place. This is the Indiana 
  real or tangible personal property are attributed to Indiana if        apportionment percentage; carry it to the apportionment entry 
  the proceeds of the loan are applied in Indiana.                       line on the return, line 10 on Form IT-20NP.

 Interest income, merchant discounts, travel and entertainment          DOR will not accept returns filed for AGI tax purposes using 
  credit card receivables, and credit card holder’s fees are attributed  the separate accounting method. Form IT-20NP, Schedule E 
  to the state where the card charges and fees are regularly billed.     or Schedule E-7 must be used unless DOR has granted written 
                                                                         permission. The term everywhere does not include sales of a 
 Receipts from the performance of fiduciary and other services          foreign corporation in a place outside the United States. Refer to 
  are attributed to the state where the benefits of the services         45 IAC 3.1-1-153 for tax treatment of unitary corporate partners.
  are consumed. Receipts from the issuance of traveler’s checks, 
  money orders, or United States savings bonds are attributed to 
  the state where those items are purchased.
                                                                           IT-20NP Nonprofit Booklet 2022                     Page 13

- 14 -
Important Note. Do not include Schedule E reflecting 0 receipts      Six credits are included in this group:
in the denominator unless you are apportioning 100% of taxable        Alternative fuel vehicle manufacturer credit;
income to Indiana. Failure to complete Schedule E or check the        Community revitalization enhancement district credit;
appropriate box if using another apportionment method may result      Enterprise zone investment cost credit;
in DOR computing tax due based on 100% of your taxable income.        Hoosier business investment credit;
                                                                      Industrial recovery credit; and
Use of any apportionment method other than Schedule E or              Venture capital investment credit.
Schedule E-7 requires prior permission from DOR. If permitted 
to use an alternative method, you must attach a supporting           Apply this restriction first when figuring credits.
schedule to compute apportioned business income.
                                                                     Alternative Fuel Vehicle Manufacturer Credit  845
Part II - Business/Other Income Questionnaire                        This credit has been repealed. However, any previously approved 
Complete all applicable questions in this section. If income is      yet unused credit is available to be claimed.
apportioned, enclose the completed Schedule E or Schedule E-7 
with Form IT-20NP.                                                   Enclose a certificate of verification from the IEDC for the 
                                                                     allowable amount of credit. Also enclose a proof of investment 
                                                                     with the return, otherwise the credit will be denied.
Other Credits Available to Nonprofit 
                                                                     College and University Contribution Credit  807
Organizations                                                        A corporate taxpayer might be eligible for a credit if it made any 
                                                                     charitable contributions to a college, university, or corporation 
The following credits cannot be refunded; their purpose is to        or foundation organized for the benefit of a post-secondary 
help reduce your state tax due. See Income Tax Information           educational institution located within Indiana. Complete and 
Bulletin #59 at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/ib59.pdf for more     enclose College Credit Schedule CC-40 with the return, otherwise 
information about the credits.                                       the credit will be denied. 

Order of Credit Application                                          See Income Tax Information Bulletin #14 at www.in.gov/dor/
If claiming more than one credit, first use the credits that cannot  files/reference/ib14.pdf for eligibility requirements. For more 
be carried over and applied against the state AGI tax in another     information, visit www.in.gov/dor/.
year. Next, use the credits that can be carried over for a limited 
number of years and applied against the state AGI tax. If one or     Community Revitalization Enhancement District 
more credits are available, apply the credits in the order that the  Credit  808
credits would expire. Finally, use the credits that can be carried   A state and local income tax liability credit is available for a 
over and applied against the state AGI tax in another year.          qualified investment for the redevelopment or rehabilitation of 
                                                                     property within a community revitalization enhancement district. 
Example. A taxpayer has a neighborhood assistance credit for 
which no carryover is available, a school scholarship credit that    To be eligible for the credit, the intended expenditure plan must 
can be carried forward to 2023, and a community revitalization       be approved by the IEDC before the expenditure is made. The 
enhancement district credit with an indefinite carryforward. The     credit is equal to 25% of the IEDC-approved qualified investment 
taxpayer would apply the credits in the following order until the    made by the taxpayer during the tax year. DOR has the authority 
credit is exhausted or the taxpayer’s liability is reduced to zero,  to disallow any credit if the taxpayer:
whichever comes first:                                                Ceases existing operations;
  Neighborhood assistance credit                                     Substantially reduces its operations within the district or 
  School scholarship credit expiring in 2023                          elsewhere in Indiana; or 
  Community revitalization enhancement district credit               Reduces other Indiana operations to relocate them into the 
For more information about Indiana tax credits, get Income Tax 
Information Bulletin #59 at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/ib59.pdf. The taxpayer can assign the credit to a lessee who remains subject 
                                                                     to the same requirements. The assignment must be in writing. 
Restriction for Certain Tax Credits – Limited to                     Also, any consideration may not exceed the value of the part of 
One per Project                                                      the credit assigned. Both parties must report the assignment on 
Within a certain group of credits, a taxpayer may not be granted     state income tax returns for the year of assignment. 
more than one credit for the same project. The taxpayer can 
choose the credit to be applied but is not permitted to change the   Contact the Indiana Economic Development Corporation at One 
credit selected or redirect the investment for a different credit in North Capitol, Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204, or visit the IEDC 
subsequent years. Refer to Income Tax Information Bulletin #59       website at www.iedc.in.gov for more information about this credit.
at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/ib59.pdf for more information. 
                                                                     Enclose the certification from the IEDC, otherwise the credit will 
                                                                     be denied.

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- 15 -
                                                                       Note. Schedule LIC must be enclosed if claiming this credit; it is 
                                                                       available at www.in.gov/dor/tax-forms/enterprise-zone-forms/. 
About Enterprise Zone Tax Credits 
Certain areas within Indiana have been designated as enterprise        Contact the Indiana Economic Development Corporation at 1 N. 
zones. Enterprise zones are established to encourage investment        Capitol Ave., Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204; call them at (317) 
and job growth in distressed urban areas.                              232-8800; or visit the website at www.iedc.in.gov for additional 
Enterprise zone maps are available at www.in.gov/dor/business-
tax/enterprise-zone-maps/.                                             Enclose Schedule LIC with the return, otherwise the credit will be 
For more information, get Income Tax Information Bulletin 
#66 at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/ib66.pdf. The Indiana            Ethanol Production Credit  815
Economic Development Corporation at 1 N. Capitol Ave. can be           This credit has been repealed. However, any previously approved 
contacted at (317) 232-8800, via website at www.iedc.in.gov, or in     yet unused credit is available to be claimed.
person at Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204. 
                                                                       Film and Media Production Tax Credit  869
Economic Development for a Growing Economy -                           Effective July 1, 2022, a credit is available for expenses incurred 
Nonresident Employees (EDGE-NR)  865                                   for qualified film and media production expenses. The amount 
This credit is for incremental state income tax amounts that would     of the taxpayer’s credit is equal to the taxpayer’s qualified film 
have been withheld on employees from reciprocal states if those        and media production expenses multiplied by a percentage 
employees had been subject to Indiana state tax withholding.           determined by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, 
Owners of pass-through entities such as S corporations,                but not more than 30% of the expenses.
partnerships, limited liability companies, etc., are eligible for this 
credit. Unlike the EDGE and EDGE-R credits, the EDGE-NR                Note. Certification for this credit must be obtained from the 
credit is a non-refundable credit.                                     Indiana Economic Development Corporation. See iedc.in.gov/
                                                                       indiana-advantages/investments/film-and-media-tax-credit for 
This credit is administered by the IEDC. Contact them at One           further information.
North Capitol, Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204, via website at 
www.iedc.in.gov, or by phone at (317) 232-8800.                        This credit must be reported on Schedule IN-OCC, found at www.
The approved credit must be reported on Schedule IN-OCC,               forms/. Make sure to enclose this schedule with your tax filing.
found at www.in.gov/dor/tax-forms/2022-individual-income-tax-
forms/. Make sure to enclose this schedule with your tax filing. If    Enclose the certification letter from the IEDC with the return, 
you are claiming this credit as an owner of a pass-through entity      otherwise the credit will be denied.
such as S corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, 
etc., make sure to keep Schedule IN K-1 with your records as           Foster Care Donations Credit  867
DOR can require you to provide this information.                       Effective starting in taxable year 2022, a credit for donations 
                                                                       to qualifying foster care organizations is available. The credit 
Enterprise Zone Employment Expense Credit  812                         is 50% of the donation made to qualifying organizations, up to 
This credit is based on qualified investments made within an           a maximum of $10,000 per taxable year. In addition, no more 
Indiana enterprise zone. It is the lesser of 10% of qualifying wages   than $2,000,000 in credits can be awarded during a state fiscal 
or $1,500 per qualified employee, up to the amount of tax liability    year. See www.in.gov/dor/tax-forms/foster-care-credit-donation-
on income derived from an enterprise zone.                             information/ for further information regarding the application 
                                                                       and approval process.
For more information on how to calculate this credit, get Indiana 
Schedule EZ Parts 1, 2, and 3 online at www.in.gov/dor/tax-            This credit must be reported on Schedule IN-OCC, found at www.
forms/enterprise-zone-forms/.                                          in.gov/dor/tax-forms/2022-corporatepartnership-income-tax-
                                                                       forms/. Make sure to enclose this schedule with your tax filing.
Enclose Schedule EZ 2 with the return, otherwise the credit will 
be denied.                                                             Enclose the approval letter from the Department of Revenue with 
                                                                       the return, otherwise the credit will be denied.
Enterprise Zone Loan Interest Credit  814
This credit can be for up to 5% of the interest received from all      Headquarters Relocation Credit  818
qualified loans made during a tax year for use in an Indiana           A business may be eligible for a credit if it meets one of two sets 
enterprise zone. However, this credit cannot be claimed for loans      of criteria. The first set of criteria (“first test”) is that the business 
made after December 31, 2017.                                          meets all of the following: 
                                                                        Has an annual worldwide revenue of $50 million; 
Get Income Tax Information Bulletin #66 at www.in.gov/dor/files/        Has at least 75 Indiana employees (for credits awarded before 
reference/ib66.pdf for more information on how to calculate this         July 1, 2022); and 
credit.                                                                 Relocates its corporate headquarters to Indiana.

                                                                                    IT-20NP Nonprofit Booklet 2022       Page 15

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The second set of criteria (“second test”) is that the business meets  Purchasing new onsite digital manufacturing equipment.
either (1) or (2), meets (3), and meets (4) or (5): 
1.  Received at least $4 million in venture capital in the six        This credit is administered by the IEDC. Contact them at One 
   months immediately preceding the business’s application for        North Capitol, Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Visit the IEDC’s 
   this tax credit.                                                   website at www.iedc.in.gov or call (317) 232-8800. See Income 
2.  Closes on at least $4,000,000 in venture capital not more than    Tax Information Bulletin #95 at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/
   six months after submitting the business’s application for this    ib95.pdf for additional information. Submit a certificate from the 
   tax credit.                                                        IEDC verifying the amount of the tax credit for the taxable year to 
3.  Has at least 10 Indiana employees (for credits awarded before     the Department of Revenue. 
   July 1, 2022).
4.  Relocates its corporate headquarters to Indiana.                  Note. See the section “Restriction for Certain Tax Credits - 
5.  Relocates the number of jobs equal to 80% of the business’s       Limited to One per Project” beginning on page 14.
   total payroll during the immediately preceding quarter to an 
   Indiana location.                                                  Enclose certification from the IEDC with the return, otherwise 
                                                                      the credit will be denied. 
The credit may be as much as 50% of the cost incurred in 
relocating the taxpayer’s headquarters. For more information          Indiana Comprehensive Health Insurance 
(including limitations on the credit and the application process),    Association (ICHIA)  821
see Income Tax Information Bulletin #97, available at www.            IC 27-8-10-2.4 provides that for each tax year beginning after 
in.gov/dor/files/reference/ib97.pdf.                                  Dec. 31, 2006, an insurance company can annually claim a credit 
                                                                      against AGI tax and premiums tax. This credit is equal to 10% of 
Beginning with the 2022 tax year, this credit must be reported on     the amount of the assessments paid before Jan. 1, 2005, against 
Schedule IN-OCC, found at www.in.gov/dor/tax-forms/2022-              which a tax credit has not been taken before Jan. 1, 2005. 
corporatepartnership-income-tax-forms/. Make sure to enclose 
this schedule with your tax filing.                                   To claim this credit, provide a signed copy of the completed State 
                                                                      of Indiana Assessment Tax Credit Form to show the amount of 
This credit is administered by the IEDC. You may contact them at      paid assessments against which a tax credit has not been taken as 
One North Capitol, Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204, via website     of Dec. 31, 2004, which was filed with the ICHIA. If the maximum 
at www.iedc.in.gov, or by phone at (317) 232-8800.                    amount of credit exceeds the tax liability for the year, the unused 
                                                                      portion of the credit year can be carried forward. 
Submit a copy of the certificate from the Indiana Economic 
Development Corporation verifying the amount of tax credit for the    Indiana Insurance Guaranty Association 
taxable year with the return. Otherwise, the credit will be denied.   Credit  817
                                                                      An insurance company might be eligible to claim a tax credit of 
Important. If the IEDC has granted a refundable credit under          up to 20% of an assessment paid to either the Indiana Insurance 
the second test, see the instructions on page 11 for completing       Guaranty Association or the Indiana Life and Health Insurance 
Form IT-20NP, Line 23.                                                Guaranty Association (see IC 27-6-8-15 and IC 27-8-8-16). 

Historic Building Rehabilitation Credit  819                          Enclose a supporting assessment and credit documentation with 
This credit has been repealed. However, any previously approved       the return, otherwise the credit will be denied. 
yet unused credit is available to be claimed.
                                                                      Indiana Research Expense Credit  822
Hoosier Business Investment Credit  820                               Indiana has a research expense credit similar to the federal credit 
This credit is for qualified investments, including costs associated  (Form 6765) for increasing research activities for qualifying expenses 
with the following:                                                   paid in carrying on a trade or business in Indiana. Compute the 
  Constructing special-purpose buildings and foundations;            credit using Schedule IT-20REC, which is available online at www.
  Making onsite infrastructure improvements;                         in.gov/dor/tax-forms/2022-corporatepartnership-income-tax-
  Modernizing existing equipment;                                    forms/. Enclose Schedule IT-20REC with the return, otherwise the 
  Purchasing equipment used to make motion pictures or               credit will be denied. Filers claiming the research expense credit 
   audio production;                                                  should keep documentation supporting the credit in a usable form. 
  Purchasing or constructing new equipment directly related to 
   expanding the workforce in Indiana;                                Individual Development Account Credit  823
  Retooling existing machinery and equipment;                        A credit is available for qualified contributions made to a 
  Constructing or modernizing transportation or logistical           community development corporation participating in an 
   distribution facilities;                                           Individual Development Account (IDA) program. The IDA 
  Improving the transportation of goods via highway, rail, air,      program is designed to assist qualifying low-income residents 
   or water; and                                                      in accumulating savings and building personal finance skills. 
  Improving warehousing and logistical capabilities.                 The organization must have an approved program number from 
  Purchasing new pollution control, energy conservation, or          the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority 
   renewable energy generation equipment; and                         (IHCDA) before a contribution qualifies for preapproval. The 
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credit is equal to 50% of the qualified contribution, which must     The carryforward portion of the previously approved credit must 
not be less than $100 and not more than $50,000.                     be reported on Schedule IN-OCC, found at www.in.gov/dor/tax-
                                                                     forms/2022-corporatepartnership-income-tax-forms/. Make sure 
Applications for the credit are filed through the IHCDA. To          to enclose this schedule with your tax filing. For more information 
request additional information about the definitions, procedures,    about this credit, see Income Tax Information Bulletin #109 
and qualifications for obtaining this credit, contact the Indiana    available online at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/ib109.pdf.
Housing and Community Development Authority, 30 S. Meridian 
Street, Suite 1000, Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317) 232-7777.          Neighborhood Assistance Credit  828
                                                                     If the taxpayer made a contribution or engaged in activities to 
Industrial Recovery Credit  824                                      upgrade areas in Indiana, a credit can be claimed for this assistance. 
This credit is based on a taxpayer’s qualified investment in         Effective July 1, 2014, contributions to organizations that provide 
a vacant industrial facility located in a designated industrial      services to individuals who are ex-offenders are also eligible for 
recovery site. If the Indiana Economic Development Corporation       this credit. For more information, contact the Indiana Housing and 
approves the application and the plan for rehabilitation, you        Community Development Authority, Neighborhood Assistance 
are entitled to a credit based on the “qualified investment.” The    Program, 30 S. Meridian Street, Suite 1000, or call (317) 232-7777 
minimum age for a facility to be eligible for this credit has been   within Indianapolis or (800) 872-0371 outside of Indianapolis.
reduced from 20 years to 15 years. This credit is available to pass-
through entities such as S corporations, partnerships, limited       Enclose an approved Form NC-20, otherwise the credit will be 
liability companies, etc.                                            denied.

Note. Effective July 1, 2019, except for in situations described     New Employer Credit  850
in the next sentence, a taxpayer is entitled to receive this credit  This credit has been repealed. However, any previously approved 
only for a qualified investment made before January 1, 2020. A       yet unused credit is available to be claimed. 
taxpayer is entitled to receive a credit for a qualified investment 
made after December 31, 2019, and before January 1, 2030, if the     Redevelopment Tax Credit  863
taxpayer is awarded a credit under:                                  You may be eligible for a credit if you make a qualified investment 
 an application approved by the Indiana Economic                    for the redevelopment or rehabilitation of real property located 
  Development Corporation (IEDC) before January 1, 2020; or          within a qualified redevelopment site. 
 an agreement entered into by the taxpayer and IEDC before 
  January 1, 2021.                                                   This credit is administered by the Indiana Economic Development 
                                                                     Corporation (IEDC), One North Capitol, Suite 700, Indianapolis, 
Important. Any unused credit existing before Jan. 01, 2020, is still IN, 46204. Visit the IEDC website at www.iedc.in.gov or call (317) 
eligible for carryforward for an unlimited number of years.          232- 8800 for additional information. 

For additional information regarding procedures for obtaining this   The approved credit must be reported on Schedule IN-OCC, found 
credit, contact the Indiana Economic Development Corporation,        at www.in.gov/dor/tax-forms/2022-corporatepartnership-income-
One North Capitol, Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204, call (317)     tax-forms/. Make sure to enclose this schedule with your tax filing. 
232-8800, or visit their website at www.iedc.in.gov.
                                                                     School Scholarship Credit  849
Note. See the section “Restriction for Certain Tax Credits -         A credit is available for contributions to school scholarship 
Limited to One per Project” beginning on page 14.                    programs. A taxpayer that makes a qualifying contribution to a 
                                                                     scholarship granting organization (SGO) is entitled to a credit 
Enclose an approval certification from the IEDC or a letter of       against the taxpayer’s state tax liability in the taxable year in which 
assignment with the return, otherwise the credit will be denied.     the contribution is made. The amount of a taxpayer’s credit is 
                                                                     equal to 50% of the amount of the contribution made to the SGO 
Military Base Investment Cost Credit  826                            for a school scholarship program. In some cases, the department 
This credit has been repealed. However, any previously approved      may round the credit down to the nearest dollar if the department 
yet unused credit is available to be claimed.                        receives information that the credit should be the amount as 
                                                                     rounded down. In some cases, the department may round the 
Military Base Recovery Credit  827                                   credit down to the nearest dollar if the department receives 
This credit has been repealed. However, any previously approved      information that the credit should be the amount as rounded 
yet unused credit is available to be claimed.                        down. Effective Jan. 1, 2013, this credit can now be carried 
                                                                     forward for nine years after the unused credit year. 
Natural Gas Commercial Vehicle Credit  858
This credit has sunset. However, any previously approved yet         Note. Credits that apply to taxable years beginning before Jan. 1, 
unused credit is available to be claimed.                            2013, may not be carried forward. 

This carryforward credit is available to pass-through entities, such To qualify for the credit, the taxpayer must:
as members of partnerships and S corporations.                         Make a contribution to a scholarship granting organization that 
                                                                        is certified by the Department of Education under IC 20-51;
                                                                               IT-20NP Nonprofit Booklet 2022             Page 17

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 Make the contribution directly to the SGO;
 Designate in writing to the SGO that the contribution is to be 
                                                                     Other Related Income Tax Filing 
  used solely for a school scholarship program or have written 
  confirmation from the SGO that the contribution will be used       Requirements of a Nonprofit 
  solely for a school scholarship program.                           Organization

Although there are no limits on the size of a qualifying             Utility Receipts Tax Form URT-1
contribution to an SGO, the entire tax credit program has a limit    IC 6-2.3-2-1 imposed a utility receipts tax on the gross receipts 
of $18.5 million in credits per state fiscal year of July 1, 2022    from the retail sale of utility services. For gross receipts received 
through June 30, 2023.                                               after June 30, 2022, the utility receipts tax no longer applies. The 
                                                                     utility services subject to tax include electrical energy, natural gas, 
Venture Capital Investment Credit  835                               water, steam, sewage, and telecommunications.
A taxpayer who provides qualified investment capital to a 
qualified Indiana business may be eligible for this credit. Per IC   Gross receipts are defined as the value received for the retail sale of 
6-3.1-24-8, for calendar years beginning after Dec. 31, 2010, the    utility services. If a taxpayer has more than $1,000 in gross receipts 
maximum credit available to a qualified business is $1 million.      from the sale of utility services, Form URT-1 (Utility Receipts Tax 
The carryforward provision is limited to five years.                 Return) might be required in addition to the annual Form IT-20 and 
                                                                     IT-20NP. For more information, refer to General Tax Information 
Note. Certification for this credit must be obtained from the        Bulletin #201 at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/gb201.pdf.
Indiana Economic Development Corporation, Development 
Finance Office, VCI Credit Program, One North Capitol, Suite         The URT-1 return is due on the 15th day of the 4th month 
700, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Apply online through the IEDC’s         following the close of the taxpayer’s tax year.
website at www.iedc.in.gov, or call (317) 232-8800 for more 
information.                                                         Utility Services Use Tax Form USU-103
                                                                     The organization might be subject to an excise tax on the 
This credit must be reported on Schedule IN-OCC, found at www.       consumption of utility services if the organization purchased 
in.gov/dor/tax-forms/2022-corporatepartnership-income-tax-           utility services from outside Indiana and became the end user 
forms/. Make sure to enclose this schedule with your tax filing.     in Indiana. Utility services use tax (USUT) is due if the utility 
If you are claiming this credit as an owner of pass-through entity   receipts tax is not payable by the seller. The person who consumes 
such as S corporation, partnership, limited liability company, etc., the utility service in Indiana is liable for the USUT tax based on 
make sure to keep Schedule IN K-1 with your records as DOR can       the price of the purchase. Unless the seller of the utility service 
require you to provide this information.                             is registered with DOR to collect the USUT on the organization’s 
                                                                     behalf, pay the tax on Form USU-103. For more information, 
Venture Capital Investment Credit – Qualified                        refer to General Tax Information Bulletin #202 at www.in.gov/
Indiana Investment Fund  868                                         dor/files/reference/gb202.pdf.
A taxpayer who provides qualified investment capital (either debt 
or equity capital) to a qualified Indiana investment fund may be     The USU-103 return is due monthly by the 30th day following the 
eligible for this credit.                                            end of each month. USUT is not due for billings issued after June 
                                                                     30, 2022.
Note. Certification for this credit must be obtained from the 
Indiana Economic Development Corporation, Development                Voluntary Disclosure Program
Finance Office, VCI Credit Program, One North Capitol, Suite         A taxpayer may have an unmet filing requirement with Indiana. 
700, Indianapolis, IN 46204.                                         To learn more about DOR’s Voluntary Disclosure Program, 
                                                                     contact DOR at: Voluntary Disclosure Program-MS#104, 
This credit must be reported on Schedule IN-OCC, found at www.       Indiana Department of Revenue, 100 N. Senate Ave., IGCN #241, 
in.gov/dor/tax-forms/2022-corporatepartnership-income-tax-           Indianapolis, IN 46204.
forms/. Make sure to enclose this schedule with your tax filing. 
                                                                     Application for Nonprofit Status and Registration
Apply online through the IEDC’s website at www.iedc.in.gov or        Contact the Internal Revenue Service for federal requirements to 
call (317) 232-8800 for more information.                            obtain nonprofit status. The IRS publishes an information booklet 
                                                                     titled “Tax Exempt Status for Your Organization,” Publication 557. 
Enclose the certification letter from the IEDC with the return, 
otherwise the credit will be denied. This credit may not be          Contact:
claimed before July 1, 2023.                                         Internal Revenue Service: (877) 829-5500 
                                                                     Publications: https://apps.irs.gov/app/picklist/list/

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To register for nonprofit status with the state, submit a Nonprofit 
Organization Application for Sales Tax Exemption (NP-20A). 

    Indiana Department of Revenue 
    P.O. Box 1261 
    Indianapolis, IN 46207-1261 
    (317) 232-2240

After nonprofit status is granted, file the Indiana Nonprofit 
Organization’s Annual Report NP-20R every five years to 
maintain state recognition of the sales tax exemption. If the 
organization has unrelated business income over $1,000 during 
the tax year, it must also file Form IT-20NP with DOR. For 
more about nonprofit filing requirements, refer to Income Tax 
Information Bulletin #17 at www.in.gov/dor/files/reference/ib17.

The Indiana Nonprofit Organization’s Report is due May 15 of 
the fifth year after formation and every fifth year thereafter (see 
IC 6-2.5-5-25(d) for special rules regarding organizations formed 
before 2022). The income tax return is due on the 15th day of 
the fifth month following the close of the organization’s tax year 
unless another date is specifically provided in this booklet.

Charity Gaming Activities
For information about charity gaming activities, please contact:
    Indiana Gaming Commission 
    101 W. Washington Street East Tower, Suite 1600 
    Indianapolis, IN 46204 
    (317) 23-BINGO ((317) 232-4646) 
    Web address: www.in.gov/igc/

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