PDF document
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W ൾඌඍ  V ංඋ඀ංඇංൺ 
Personal Income Tax Forms & Instructions 



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Important Information for 2022  ............................................................................  14

Tips on Filing a Paper Return  ...............................................................................  15

General Information  ..............................................................................................  16

Form IT-140 Instructions  ......................................................................................  21

Schedule M Instructions  .......................................................................................  23

Schedule A Instructions  ........................................................................................  26

Schedule E Instructions  .........................................................................................  29

Form IT-210 Instructions  ......................................................................................  30

Tax Credit Recap Schedule Instructions  ...............................................................  33

Senior Citizens Tax Credit Information  ................................................................  33

2022 Tax Rate Schedules  ......................................................................................  34

2022 West Virginia Tax Table  ..............................................................................  35

2022 Family Tax Credit Tables  ............................................................................  40

Schedule UT Instructions  ......................................................................................  42

Index  .....................................................................................................................  53


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    REV 06-22      B    WEST VIRGINIA PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURN                                                                                            2022
SOCIAL                                Deceased                                        **SPOUSE’S                                                    Deceased
SECURITY                                                                   SOCIAL SECURITY 
NUMBER                                Date of Death*                                  NUMBER                                                        Date of Death*
LAST NAME                                                                  SUFFIX                         FIRST                                                   MI
SPOUSE’S                                                                   SUFFIX                         FIRST                                                   MI
LAST NAME                                                                                                 NAME
FIRST LINE                                                                            SECOND LINE 
OF ADDRESS                                                                            OF ADDRESS

    CITY                                                                   STATE                  ZIP CODE
TELEPHONE                             EMAIL                                                                                                         DUE DATE
NUMBER                                                                                                                                              MM/DD/YYYY

FILING STATUS           1 SINGLE      2 HEAD OF                            3 MARRIED,   4 MARRIED, FILING SEPARATE                                                5 WIDOW(ER) WITH 
    (CHECK ONE)                       HOUSEHOLD                            FILING JOINT          **Enter spouse’s SS# and name in the boxes above                 DEPENDENT CHILD
(a) YOURSELF            To claim an exemption for yourself, enter 1. If someone can claim you as a dependent, leave box (a) blank.)                               (a)

(b) SPOUSE              To claim an exemption for your spouse, enter 1. They may not be claimed as an exemption by anyone else.                                   (b)

(c) DEPENDENTS          List your dependents. If over four dependents, continue on Schedule DP on page 11. Enter total number of dependents                       (c) 
              Dependent First name                                         Dependent Last name                  Social Security Number                      Date of Birth (MM DD YYYY)

(d) SURVIVING SPOUSE    (See page 21) Decedents SSN                                     Year Spouse Died:
(e) Total Exemptions    (add boxes a, b, c, and d). Enter here and on line 6 below. If box e is zero, enter $500 on line 6 below.                                 (e) 

1.  Federal Adjusted Gross Income or income to claim senior citizen tax credit from Schedule SCTC-A                                               1                       .00

2.  Additions to income (line 58 of Schedule M).............................................................................................      2                       .00

3.  Subtractions from income (line 49 of Schedule M)....................................................................................          3                       .00

4.  West Virginia Adjusted Gross Income (line 1 plus line 2 minus line 3)......................................................                   4                       .00

5.  Low-Income Earned Income Exclusion (see worksheet on page 25)........................................................                         5                       .00

6.  Total Exemptions as shown above on Exemption Box (e) ________ x $2,000 ........................................                               6                       .00

7.  West Virginia Taxable Income (line 4 minus lines 5 & 6) IF LESS THAN ZERO, ENTER ZERO ............                                            7                       .00

8.  Income Tax Due (Check One)  ................................................................................................................. 8                       .00
         Tax Table      Rate Schedule Nonresident/Part-year resident 
                                      calculation schedule
                                               (W-2s, 1099s, Etc.)                                              P40202201A

- 4 -
 PRIMARY                                                     SOCIAL SECURITY                                      8.Total Taxes Due 
 LAST NAME                                                   NUMBER                                               (line 8 from previous page)                .00

 9.  Credits from Tax Credit Recap Schedule (see schedule on page 5 ) ............................................................             9             .00

 10. Line 8 minus 9. If line 9 is greater than line 8, enter 0                                                                                 10            .00

 11. Overpayment previously refunded or credited (amended return only) ...........................................................             11            .00
                                                CHECK IF REQUESTING WAIVER/ANNUALIZED 
 12. Penalty Due from Form IT-210               WORKSHEET ATTACHED                                              If you owe penalty, enter here 12            .00
 13. West Virginia Use Tax Due on out-of-state purchases 
 (See Schedule UT on page 41).                                                                  CHECK IF NO USE TAX DUE ...............        13            .00

 14. Add lines 10 through 13. This is your total amount due..................................................................................  14            .00

                                                                                                Check if withholding from NRSR  
 15. West Virginia Income Tax Withheld (See instructions page 22)                               (Nonresident Sale of Real Estate)              15            .00

 16. Estimated Tax Payments and Payments with Schedule 4868 .......................................................................            16            .00

 17. Non-Family Adoption Tax Credit if applicable (include Schedule WV NFA-1) ................................................                 17            .00

 18. Senior Citizen Tax Credit for property tax paid (include Schedule SCTC-A) ..................................................              18            .00

 19. Homestead Excess Property Tax Credit for property tax paid (include Schedule HEPTC-1 and Class II receipt)                                19            .00

 20. Amount paid with original return (amended return only) ................................................................................   20            .00

 21. Payments and Refundable Credits (add lines 15 through 20) .......................................................................         21            .00

 22. Balance Due (line 14  minus line 21). If Line 21 is greater than line 14, complete line 23 .....     PAY THIS AMOUNT                      22            .00

 23. Line 21 minus line 14. This is your overpayment ......................................................................................... 23            .00
 24. Indicate donations from line 23. Enter below and enter the sum of columns 24A, 24B, and 24C on Line 24
       24A.                                       24B.                                                24C.
 CHILDREN’S TRUST                          WV DEPT. OF VETERANS                              STATE VETERANS 
       FUND                                       ASSISTANCE                                    CEMETERY                                       24            .00

 25. Amount of Overpayment to be credited to your 2023 estimated tax...............................................................            25            .00

 26. Refund due to you (line 23 minus line 24 and line 25).............................................................. REFUND                26            .00
 Direct Deposit             
 of Refund                  CHECKING                                SAVINGS                     ROUTING NUMBER                                 ACCOUNT NUMBER
 I authorize the Tax Division to discuss my return with my preparer          YES         NO
 Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, accompanying schedules, and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete.

Your Signature                                    Date                       Spouse’s Signature                          Date                     Telephone Number
 Preparer: Check 
 HERE if client is 
 requesting NOT 
 to e le
                         Preparer’s EIN           Signature of preparer other than above                                 Date                     Telephone Number

 Preparer’s Printed Name                          Preparer’s Firm
                   WV TAX DIVISION                                           WV TAX DIVISION
                         P.O. BOX 1071                                       P.O. BOX 3694
               CHARLESTON, WV 25324-1071                             CHARLESTON, WV 25336-3694
   Payment Options: Returns           led with a balance of tax due may pay through any of the following methods:
       Check or Money Order payable to the WV Tax Division - Enclose check or money order with your return. 
       Electronic Payment - May be made by visiting mytaxes.wvtax.gov and clicking on “Pay Personal Income Tax”.
       Credit Card Payment – May be made by visiting the Treasurer’s website at: epay.wvsto.com/tax                    *P40202202A*

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            M         B
     Form IT-140              MODIFICATIONS TO ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME                                                                                                      2022
Modi cations Decreasing Federal Adjusted Gross Income                                                                                  Column A (You)                Column B (Spouse)
27. Interest or dividends received on United States or West Virginia obligations, or 
    allowance for government obligation income, included in federal adjusted gross income                                                                         .00                  .00
    but exempt from state tax                                                                                                        27
28. Total amount of any bene t (including survivorship annuities) received from certain 
    federal retirement systems by retired federal law enforcement o  cers ........................                                  28                           .00                  .00
29. Total amount of any bene  t(including survivorship annuities) received from WV 
    state or local police, deputy sheri s’ or  remen’s retirement system, Excluding PERS                                                                        .00                  .00
    – see page 23 .................................................................................................................  29
30. Military Retirement Modi cation .....................................................................................
                                                                                                                                     30                           .00                  .00
31. Other Retirement Modi cation             Column A (You)        Column B (Spouse)
(a)  West Virginia Teachers’ and 
     Public Employees’ Retirement                        .00                          .00                                               Add lines 31 (a) and (b). If that sum is greater than $2000, enter $2000
(b)Federal   Retirement Systems 
    (Title 4 USC §111)                                   .00                          .00                                            31                           .00                  .00
32. Social Security Bene ts                                                                                                                     You cannot claim this modi cation if 
(a) TOTAL Social Security Bene ts.                      .00                          .00                                                                your Federal AGI exceeds
                                                                                                                                        $ 50,000 for SINGLE or MARRIED SEPARATE       lers
(b) Bene ts exempt for Federal tax                                                                                                     $100,000 for MARRIED JOINT  lers 
    purposes                                             .00                          .00
(c) Bene ts taxable for Federal tax purposes (line a minus line b) .....................................                            32                           .00                  .00

33. Certain assets held by subchapter S Corporation bank..................................................                           33                           .00                  .00
34. Certain Active Duty Military pay (See instructions on page 18) ......................................
    If not domiciled in WV, complete Part II of Schedule A instead.                                                                  34                           .00                  .00
35. Active Military Separation (see instructions on page 18)  
    Must enclose military orders and discharge papers .......................................................                        35                           .00                  .00

36. Refunds of state and local income taxes received and reported as income to the IRS ...                                           36                           .00                  .00
37. Contributions to the West Virginia Prepaid Tuition/Savings Plan Trust Funds 
    Annual Statement must be included ...............................................................................                37                           .00                  .00

38. Railroad Retirement Board Income received ..................................................................                     38                           .00                  .00

39. Long-Term Care Insurance ............................................................................................            39                           .00                  .00

40. IRC 1341 Repayments ...................................................................................................          40                           .00                  .00

41. Autism Modi cation (instructions on page 19) ................................................................                   41                           .00                  .00
42. ABLE Act  
    Annual Statement must be included ...............................................................................                42                           .00                  .00
43. West Virginia Jumpstart Savings Program deposits made (not to exceed $25000)
    Annual Statement must be included................................................................................                43                           .00                  .00
44. PBGC Modi cation ..................... 
(a)  retirement bene ts that would have been            .00                          .00                                               Subtract line 44 (b) from (a)
    paid from your employer-provided plan                                                                                            
(b) retirement bene  tsactually received  
    from PBGC                                            .00                          .00                                            44                           .00                  .00

45. Quali ed Opportunity Zone business income .................................................................                     45                           .00                  .00
                                                                    Modi cations Decreasing Federal Adjusted Gross Income
                                                                    Continues on next page


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        M        B
     Form IT-140    MODIFICATIONS TO ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME                                                                                 2022
Modi cations Decreasing Federal Adjusted Gross Income                                                                 Column A (You)      Column B (Spouse)
          (  a)        (b)                       (c)     (d) 
      Year of         Year of  Income not included       Add 
          birth     disability in lines 33 to 45         lines 27                                                      Subtract line 46 column (d) from (c) 
46.   (65 or older)            (NOT TO EXCEED $8000)     through 32                                                                 (If less than zero, enter zero) 
                                                     .00            .00                                                                .00
                                                     .00            .00                                             46                                              .00

47. Surviving spouse deduction (instructions on page 26) ....................................................       47                 .00                          .00

48. Add lines 27 through 47 for each column ....................................................................... 48                 .00                          .00

49. Total Subtractions (line 48, Col A plus line 48,Col B)   Enter here and on line 3 of FORM IT-140 .............................                                  .00

Modi cations Increasing Federal Adjusted Gross Income 
Do not provide negative amounts in this section. 

50. Interest or dividend income on federal obligations which is exempt from federal tax but subject to state tax                    50                              .00

51. Interest or dividend income on state and local bonds other than bonds from West Virginia sources ...........                    51                              .00

52. Interest on money borrowed to purchase bonds earning income exempt from West Virginia tax...................                    52                              .00

53. Qualifying 402(e) lump-sum income NOT included in federal adjusted gross income but subject to state tax                        53                              .00

54. Other income deducted from federal adjusted gross income but subject to state tax ..................................            54                              .00

55. Withdrawals from a WV Prepaid Tuition/Savings Plan Trust Funds  NOT used for payment of qualifying expenses                     55                              .00

56. ABLE ACT withdrawals NOT used for qualifying expenses ......................................................................... 56                              .00

57. West Virginia Jumpstart Savings Program withdrawals NOT used for qualifying expenses .............................              57                              .00

58. TOTAL ADDITIONS (Add lines 50 through 57). Enter here and on Line 2 of Form IT-140 ..........................                   58                              .00


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      RECAP B
Both thisFormsummaryIT-140form and the appropriate creditTAXcalculationCREDITschedule(s)RECAPor form(s) mustSCHEDULEbe enclosed with your return to claim a tax credit.2022 Information for these tax 
credits may be obtained by visiting our website at tax.wv.gov or by calling the Taxpayer Services Division at 1-800-982-8297. 
See additional instructions on page 33. 
                                                            WEST VIRGINIA TAX CREDIT RECAP 
                                       TAX CREDIT                                                                         SCHEDULE                  APPLICABLE CREDIT
1.  Credit for Income Tax paid to another state(s) 
     (§11-21-20)......................................................................................................    E                      1                                          .00
                                                                                                                          **You cannot claim for taxes paid to KY, MD, OH, PA or VA for 
** For what states?                                                                                                       withholdings from wages and salaries.
2.  Family Tax Credit (see page 6)
     (§11-21-22)......................................................................................................    FTC-1                  2                                          .00
3.  General Economic Opportunity Tax Credit 
     (§11-13Q)........................................................................................................    EOTC-PIT               3                                          .00
4.  High Technology Manufacturing Business 
     (§11-13Q-10a)................................................................................................        EOTC-HTM               4                                          .00
5.  WV Environmental Agricultural Equipment Credit
     (§11-13K).........................................................................................................   AG-1                   5                                          .00
6.  WV Military Incentive Credit 
     (§11-24-12).....................................................................................................     J                      6                                          .00
7.  Neighborhood Investment Program Credit 
     (§11-13J)........................................................................................................    NIPA-2                 7                                          .00
8.  Historic Rehabilitated Buildings Investment Credit 
     (§11-24-23a)....................................................................................................     RBIC                   8                                          .00
9. Quali  edResidential Rehabilitated Buildings Investment Credit 
     (§11-24-23a).....................................................................................................    RBIC-A                 9                                          .00
10. Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit
     (§11-13W).......................................................................................................     ATTC-1          10                                                .00
11. Alternative-Fuel Tax Credit
     (§11-6D)...........................................................................................................  AFTC-1          11                                                .00
12. Conceal Carry Gun Permit Credit 
     (§61-7-4).........................................................................................................   CCGP-1          12                                                .00
13. Farm to Food Bank Tax Credit
     (§11-13DD).....................................................................................................                      13                                                .00
14. Downstream Natural Gas Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit 
     (§11-13GG)......................................................................................................     DNG- 2          14                                                .00
15. Post Coal Mine Site Business Credit 
     (§11-28)............................................................................................................ PCM-2           15                                                .00
16. Natural Gas Liquids 
     (§11-13HH).....................................................................................................      NGL-2           16                                                .00
17. Donation or Sale of Vehicle to Quali ed Charitable Organizations 
     (§11-13FF)......................................................................................................     DSV-1           17                                                .00
18. Small Arms And Ammunition Manufacturers Credit 
     (§11-13KK).....................................................................................................      SAAM-1          18                                                .00
19. West Virginia Jumpstart Savings Program Credit (Employer Use Only)
     (§11-24-10a)...................................................................................................      JSP- 1          19                                                .00
20. Capital Investment in Child-Care Property Tax Credit 
     (§11-21-97)......................................................................................................    CIP             20                                                .00
21. Operating Costs of Child Care Property Tax Credit 
     (§11-21-97)...................................................................................................       OCF             21                                                .00

22.  Industrial Advancement Act Tax Credit ..........................................................                                     22                                                .00

23. TOTAL NON REFUNDABLE CREDITS — add all recap lines above. Enter on IT-140 line 9 .............                                        23                                                .00


- 8 -
          FTC-1       B
   Form IT-140                                          FAMILY TAX CREDIT                                                                                   2022
A Family Tax Credit is available to certain individuals or families that may reduce or eliminate their West Virginia personal income tax. You may be entitled 
to this credit if you meet certain income limitations and family size. Individuals who   letheir income tax return with zero exemptions cannot claim the 
credit. Persons who pay the federal alternative minimum tax are not eligible to claim this credit. In order to determine if you are eligible for this credit, 
complete the schedule below and attach to Form IT-140. If  ling status is married  ling separate use Family Tax Credit Table 2.
If this schedule is not enclosed with Form IT-140, the credit will be disallowed.

1. Federal Adjusted Gross Income (enter the amount from line 1 of Form IT-140).................................................                           1     .00

2. Increasing West Virginia modi cations (enter the amount from line 2 of Form IT-140).......................................                            2     .00
3. Tax-exempt interest reported on federal tax return (enter the amount shown on Federal Form 1040 that is not 
   already included on line 2 of Form IT-140)..........................................................................................................   3     .00

4. Add lines 1 through 3.This is your Modi ed Federal Adjusted Gross Income for the Family Tax Credit............                                        4     .00
5. Enter the number of exemptions claimed from Form IT-140, sum of boxes a, b, and c (This is your Family Size 
   for the Family Tax Credit)............................................................................................................................ 5
6. Enter the Family Tax Credit Percentage for your family size AND Modi   ed Federal Adjusted Gross Income level 
   from the tables on page 40. If the exemptions on line 5 are greater than 8, use the table for a family size of 8                                       6
7. Enter your income tax due from line 8 of Form IT-140........................................................................................
                                                                                                                                                          7     .00
8. Multiply the amount on line 7 by the percentage shown on line 6
   This is your Family Tax Credit. Enter this amount on line 2 of Form IT-140 RECAP .....................................                                 8     .00


- 9 -
       H                                          CERTIFICATION FOR 
     Form IT-140            PERMANENT AND TOTAL DISABILITY                                                                      2022
A person is permanently and totally disabled when he or she is unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity because of a mental or physical condition 
and that disability has lasted or can be expected to last continuously for at least a year or can be expected to lead to death. 
If you or another individual were certified by a physician as being permanently and totally disabled during the taxable year 2022 OR were the surviving 
spouse of an individual who had been certified disabled and DIED DURING 2022, a reducing modification to income may be allowed.  
To take the modification, enter the name of the disabled taxpayer and social security number on the certificate below.  Second, have the physician 
complete the remainder of the certificate and return to disabled taxpayer.  Third, complete Schedule M to determine the modification. Last, enclose the 
completed certification with the West Virginia personal income tax return. 
A copy of the federal Schedule R (Part II) may be substituted for the West Virginia Schedule H. 
Note: If an approved Schedule H was provided in a prior year and the disability status did not change for 2022, do not submit this certification with the 
return; however, a copy of the original Schedule H or Schedule R (Part II) must be kept should the Tax Division request verification at a later date. 
If, in your opinion, the individual named on this certification is permanently and totally disabled during 2022, please certify by entering your name, address 
and FEIN number.  Sign and date the certification.
Note: By signing the certification, you agree that the person is permanently and totally disabled when he or she is unable to engage in any substantial 
gainful activity because of a mental or physical condition and that disability has lasted or can be expected to last continuously for at least a year or can be 
expected to lead to death.  

     I Certify under penalties of perjury that the taxpayer named below was permanently and totally disabled on or before December 31, 2022.

                            Name of Disabled Taxpayer                                                             Social Security Number

                            Physician’s Name                                                     Physician's FEIN Number

                            Physician’s Street Address

                            City                                                           State                       Zip Code

Physicians                                                                    Date
Signature                                                                                  MM    DD                             YYYY


- 10 -
A Separate Schedule E must be completed for each state for which credit is claimed. You must maintain any information or withholding statements 
provided by the other state tax return in your files. In lieu of a return you may maintain an information statement and the withholding statements provided by 
the partnership, limited liability company or S-Corporations. No credit is allowed for income tax imposed by a city, township, borough, or any other political 
subdivision of a state or any other country.
                                              RESIDENCY STATUS


                                             Part-year residents cannot claim credit for taxes paid to another state unless that states' income is included in WV taxable income on SCHEDULE A.





1  INCOME TAX COMPUTED ON YOUR 2022                            RETURN. DO NOT REPORT TAX WITHHELD             1
                                            STATE ABBREVIATION                                                                                                                                 .00
2  WEST VIRGINIA TOTAL INCOME TAX (LINE 8 OF FORM IT-140)                                                     2                                                                                .00

3  NET INCOME DERIVED FROM ABOVE STATE INCLUDED IN WEST VIRGINIA TOTAL INCOME                                 3                                                                                .00

4  TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA INCOME (RESIDENTS–FORM IT-140, LINE 4. PART-YEAR RESIDENTS-SCHEDULE A, LINE 26)        4                                                                                .00

5  LIMITATION OF CREDIT (LINE 2 MULTIPLIED BY LINE 3 DIVIDED BY LINE 4)                                       5                                                                                .00
                                              RESIDENTS – SUBTRACT LINE 3 FROM LINE 7, FORM IT-140
6   ALTERNATIVE WEST VIRGINIA TAXABLE INCOME                                                                  6
                                              PART-YEAR RESIDENTS – SUBTRACT LINE 3 FROM LINE 4                                                                                                .00

7  ALTERNATIVE WEST VIRGINIA TOTAL INCOME TAX (APPLY THE TAX RATE SCHEDULE TO THE AMOUNT SHOWN ON LINE 6)     7                                                                                .00

8  LIMITATION OF CREDIT (LINE 2 MINUS LINE 7)                                                                 8                                                                                .00

9  MAXIMUM CREDIT (LINE 2 MINUS THE SUM OF LINES 2 THROUGH 22 OF THE TAX CREDIT RECAP SCHEDULE)               9                                                                                .00

10 TOTAL CREDIT (SMALLEST OF LINES 1,2, 5, 8, OR 9) ENTER HERE AND ON LINE 1 OF THE TAX CREDIT RECAP SCHEDULE 10                                                                               .00


- 11 -
    Schedule                        NONRESIDENTS/PART-YEAR RESIDENTS
    Form IT-140    B                                   SCHEDULE OF INCOME
                                 PART-YEAR RESIDENTS:                                  FROM:                                                    TO:
                       Enter period of West Virginia residency                         MM/DD/YYYY                                           MM/DD/YYYY
  (To Be Completed By Nonresidents and Part-Year Residents Only)                       COLUMN A:                         COLUMN B:                    COLUMN C: 
                       INCOME                                                       AMOUNT FROM  FEDERAL RETURN  ALL INCOME DURING PERIOD       WV SOURCE INCOME DURING 
                                                                                                                 OF WV RESIDENCY                NONRESIDENT PERIOD

1.  Wages, salaries, tips (withholding documents) ..........                        1                        .00                            .00                 .00

2. Interest ....................................................................... 2                        .00                            .00                 .00

3. Dividends ...................................................................    3                        .00                            .00                 .00

4.  IRAs, pensions and annuities .....................................              4                        .00                            .00                 .00
5.  Total taxable Social Security and Railroad Retirement 
    bene ts (see line 32 and 38 of Schedule M) ................                    5                        .00                            .00
6.  Refunds of state and local income tax 
    (see line 36 of Schedule M) ........................................            6                        .00                            .00

7.  Alimony received .......................................................        7                        .00                            .00

8. Business pro  t(or loss) ..............................................         8                        .00                            .00                 .00

9.  Capital gains (or losses) ............................................          9                        .00                            .00                 .00

10. Supplemental gains (or losses) .................................. 10                                     .00                            .00                 .00

11. Farm income (or loss) ................................................ 11                                .00                            .00                 .00

12. Unemployment compensation insurance ..................                          12                       .00                            .00                 .00
13. Other income from federal return (identify source) 
                                                                                    13                       .00                            .00                 .00

14. Total income (add lines 1 through 13) ........................ 14                                        .00                            .00                 .00

15. Educator expenses ...................................................           15                       .00                            .00                 .00

16. IRA deduction ............................................................      16                       .00                            .00                 .00

17. Self-employment tax deduction .................................                 17                       .00                            .00                 .00

18. Self Employed SEP, SIMPLE and quali ed plans ...... 18                                                  .00                            .00                 .00

19. Self-employment health insurance deduction ............ 19                                               .00                            .00                 .00

20. Penalty for early withdrawal of savings ...................... 20                                        .00                            .00                 .00

21. Other adjustments (See instructions page 28) ...........                        21                       .00                            .00                 .00

22. Total adjustments (add lines 15 through 21) .............. 22                                            .00                            .00                 .00
23. Adjusted gross income 
    (subtract line 22 from line 14 in each column) ............ 23                                           .00                            .00                 .00
                                                                                    24. West Virginia income 
                                                                                       (line 23, Column B plus column C)                    24                  .00
                                                                                    25. Income subject to West Virginia Tax but exempt 
                                                                                       from federal tax.................................... 25                  .00
    *P40202207A*                                                                    26. Total West Virginia income (line 24 plus line 25). 
         P40202207A                                                                    Enter here and on line 2 on the next page            26                  .00

- 12 -
           A     B                      NONRESIDENTS/PART-YEAR RESIDENTS
  Form IT-140                                       SCHEDULE OF INCOME
                                                    SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED)


1.  Tentative Tax (apply the appropriate tax rate schedule on page 34 to the amount shown on line 7, Form IT-140).....                                      1       .00

2.  West Virginia Income (line 26, Schedule A)............................................................................................................. 2       .00

3.  Federal Adjusted Gross Income (line 1, Form IT-140)..............................................................................................       3       .00
4.  Tax (divide line 2 by line 3, round to 4 decimal places and multiply the result by line 1). 
Enter here and on line 8, Form IT-140 .................................................................................................................     4       .00
ELIGIBILITY:  Complete this section ONLY if ALL THREE of the following statements were true for 2022.
You were EITHER a resident of Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania or Virginia 
  OR a member of the military assigned to active duty in West Virginia whose domicile is outside West Virginia
Your only West Virginia source income was from wages and salaries.
West Virginia income tax was withheld from such wages and salaries by your employer(s).
If you were a non-military, domiciliary resident of Pennsylvania or Virginia and spent more than 183 days in West Virginia, you are also considered a 
resident of West Virginia and must  le Form IT-140 as a resident of West Virginia.
NOTE: If you were a resident of any state other than Kentucky, Ohio, Maryland, Pennsylvania, or Virginia, you are ineligible to complete Part 
II. You must check the box Filing as Nonresident or Filing as a Part-Year Resident and Complete Schedule A and Part I to report any income 
from West Virginia sources.
I declare that I was not a resident of West Virginia at any time during 2022, I was a resident of the state shown OR was in West Virginia 
pursuant to active duty military orders, my only income from sources within West Virginia was from wages and salaries, and such wages 
and salaries were subject to income taxation by my state of residence.
                                             YOUR STATE OF RESIDENCE (Check one):
   1 Commonwealth of Kentucky            4 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania   Number of days spent in West Virginia

   2 State of Maryland                   5 Commonwealth of Virginia       Number of days spent in West Virginia

   3  State of Ohio                      6 Active Military, stationed in West Virginia but not domiciled here (Must enclose military order and DD2058)
                                                                                                              (A)                                             (B)
                                                                                                              Primary Taxpayer's Social                       Spouse's Social Security 
                                                                                                              Security Number                                 Number

5.  Enter your total West Virginia Income from wages and salaries in the appropriate column                 5                 .00                                   .00
6.  Enter total amount of West Virginia Income Tax withheld from your wages and 
salaries paid by your employer in 2022 .................................................................... 6                 .00                                   .00

7.  Line 6, column A plus line 6 column B. Report this amount on line 15 of Form IT-140 .........................................                           7       .00


- 13 -
  DP        B
Use this schedule to continue listing dependents. 
If space is needed for more than 25 dependents, a copy of this form may be obtained from the West Virginia Tax Division’s 
website: tax.wv.gov.
            First Name                            Last Name Social Security Number Date of Birth 
                                                                                   MM DD YYYY


- 14 -
      HEPTC-1    B
   Form IT-140         HOMESTEAD EXCESS PROPERTY TAX CREDIT                                                                                                   2022

There is a personal income tax credit for OWNER-OCCUPIED residential real property taxes paid in excess of 4% of your income. The maximum 
refundable tax credit is $1,000. You must complete the schedule below to determine the amount of your credit. No credit may be  taken for any 
homestead which is owned, in whole or in part, by any person who is not a low-income person.
             If this schedule is not enclosed with Form IT-140, the credit will be disallowed.

Part I Determine if your income falls within the  nancial guidelines needed to take this credit.
    Check here if you were required to pay Federal Alternative Minimum Tax.
         Are you required to  le a federal return?
   YES – Your federal adjusted gross income reported to the IRS must meet the following guidelines for you to qualify for this credit:
               If there is only 1 person living in your home, your federal adjusted gross income  must be $40,770 or less.
               If there are 2 people living in your home, your federal adjusted gross income must be $54,930 or less.
               If there are 3 people living in your home, your federal adjusted gross income must be $69,090 or less.
               If there are 4 people living in your home, your federal adjusted gross income must be $83,250 or less.
             **For each additional person add $14,160.
   NO Your income less social security bene   ts must meet the following guidelines for you to qualify for this credit:
               If there is only 1 person living in your home, your income must be $40,770 or less.
               If there are 2 people living in your home, your income must be $54,930 or less.
               If there are 3 people living in your home, your income must be $69,090 or less.
               If there are 4 people living in your home, your income must be $83,250  or less.
             **For each additional person add $14,160.

Part II Determine the amount of your credit (complete this Part only if your income falls within the above guidelines)
1. Enter the total West Virginia property tax paid on your OWNER-OCCUPIED home during 2022
(Calculation to be used is after discount and before interest is added) ............................................................                      1       .00

2. If eligible for the Senior Citizen Tax Credit enter allowable credit from line 2 of Form SCTC-A. ....................... 2                                     .00

3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 and enter total (Total of property tax less Senior Citizen Tax Credit) ....................... 3                                   .00

4. Enter your Federal Adjusted Gross Income ....................................................................................................... 4             .00

a. Enter the amount of increasing income modi cations reported on line 58 of Schedule M ..............................                                   a       .00

b. Enter federal tax-exempt interest income ............................................................................................................. b       .00
c. Enter amount received in 2022 in the form of earnings replacement insurance (Workers’ Compensation 
   Bene ts)                                                                                                                                              c       .00
d. Enter the amount of Social Security bene ts, including SSI and SSDI, received that are NOT included in 
   your Federal Adjusted Gross Income ..............................................................................................................      d       .00

e. Enter the income of all individuals living in the householdbut would  le a separate tax return ....................                                   e       .00

5. Add amounts on lines 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, and 4e ...................................................................................................        5       .00

6. Total Gross Income: Add amount entered on line 4 and line 5 .......................................................................... 6                       .00

7. Multiply amount on line 6 by 4% (0.04) ............................................................................................................. 7         .00
8. Is the amount on line 3 greater than the amount on line 7?
    Yes. Continue to line 9 below             No. Stop — you are not eligible for this tax credit
9. Subtract the amount on line 7 from the amount on line 3 and enter the result or $1,000 whichever is lower 
and enter on line 19 of IT-140 ............................................................................................................................ 9     .00


- 15 -
              F             B                      STATEMENT OF CLAIMANT 
     Form IT-140                           TO REFUND DUE DECEASED TAXPAYER
Attach completed schedule to decedent’s return
  NAME OF                                                                   NAME OF 
  DECEDENT                                                                  CLAIMANT
  DATE OF                     SOCIAL SECURITY                               SOCIAL SECURITY 
  DEATH                       NUMBER                                        NUMBER
  (permanent residence or                                                   ADDRESS
  domicile at date of death)
  CITY                            STATE            ZIP                        CITY                      STATE           ZIP 
                                                   CODE                                                                 CODE

I am  ling this statement as (check only one box):
A.     Surviving wife or husband, claiming a refund based on a joint return                                     ATTACH A LIST TO THIS SCHED-
                                                                                                                ULE CONTAINING THE NAME 
B.     Administrator or executor. Attach a court certi cate showing your appointment.                          AND ADDRESS OF THE SURVIV-
                                                                                                                ING SPOUSE AND CHILDREN OF 
C.     Claimant for the estate of the decedent, other than above. Complete the rest of this schedule and attach     THE DECEDENT.
       a copy of the death certi cate or proof of death*
                                  TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF BOX C ABOVE IS CHECKED
                                                                                                                                                                                                           YES NO

  1. Did the decedent leave a will?....................................................................................................................................................................

  2(a).Has an administrator or executor been appointed for the estate of the decedent?......................................................................................

  2(b) If "NO" will one be appointed?......................................................................................................................................................................
     If 2(a) or 2(b) is checked "YES", do not  le this form. The administrator or executor should  le for the refund. 

  3. Will you, as the claimant for the estate of the decedent, disburse the refund according to the laws of the state in which the decedent 
     was domiciled or maintained a permanent residence?.................................................................................................................................
     If "NO", payment of this claim will be withheld pending submission of proof of your appointment as administrator or execu-
     tor or other evidence showing that you are authorized under state law to receive payment.

                                                   SIGNATURE AND VERIFICATION
I hereby make request for refund of taxes overpaid by, or on behalf of the decedent and declare under penalties of perjury, that I have 
examined this claim and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete.

Signature of claimant _____________________________________________________   Date _______________________________

*May be the original of an authentic copy of a telegram or letter from the Division of Defense notifying the next of kin of death while in 
active service, or a death certificate issued by the appropriate officer of the Division of Defense.


- 16 -
                                   IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR 2022
•  You are required to submit your original withholding documents, such as W-2’s, 1099’s, K-1’s, and NRW-2’s. Failure to submit this 
documentation will result in the disallowance of the withholding amount claimed. 
•  Additional municipalities are now subject to the Municipal Use Tax. Visit www.tax.wv.gov for a complete list of West Virginia municipalities 
that impose a Use tax.
•  You can now interact with us online at mytaxes.wvtax.gov. Services offered include bill pay and secure communication about your return. 
Before you call, please use our MyTaxes portal. At this time, we do not offer online filing through that portal. Online filing options are available 
on our website. 

                                   RETURNED PAYMENT CHARGE
The Tax Division will recover a $15.00 fee associated with returned electronic bank transactions. These bank transactions include but 
are not limited to the following:
•  Direct Debit (payment) transactions returned for insufficient funds.
• Stopped payments. 
•  Bank refusal to authorize payment for any reason.
•  Direct Deposit of refunds to closed accounts.
•   Direct Deposit of refunds to accounts containing inaccurate or illegible account information.
Paper Checks returned for insufficient funds will incur a $28.00 fee.
The fee charged for returned or rejected payments is to recover the amount charged to the Tax Division by the financial institutions.

•  Be sure that you are using the most current bank routing and account information. 
•  If you have your tax return professionally prepared, the financial information used from a prior year return often carries over to the current 
return. It is important to verify your bank routing and account information from a check with your tax preparer. This will ensure the information 
is accurate and current in the event that a bank account previously used was closed or changed either by you or the financial institution.  
•  If you prepare your tax return at home using tax preparation software, the financial information used from a prior year return often carries over to 
the current return. It is important that you verify this information by reviewing the bank routing and account information from a current check. 
This will ensure the information is accurate and current.  
•  If you prepare your tax return by hand using a paper return form, be sure that all numbers entered when requesting a direct deposit of refund 
are clear and legible.
•  If making a payment using MyTaxes, be sure that the bank routing and account numbers being used are current.
•  If scheduling a delayed debit payment for an electronic return filed prior to the due date, make sure that the bank routing and account numbers 
being used will be active on the scheduled date.  
•  Be sure that funds are available in your bank account to cover the payment when checks or delayed debit payments are presented for payment.

14 — 2022 West Virginia Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions                                       tax.wv.gov

- 17 -
                                           TIPS ON FILING A PAPER RETURN
The Tax Division processes E-filed returns more quickly than paper returns. However, if you file a paper return there are several things 
you can do to speed-up the processing of your return. Faster processing means faster refunds!
•  Make sure you have received all W-2s, 1099s, and other tax documents for the 2022 tax year.
•  Complete your federal income tax return first.
•  Do not use prior year forms.
•  IT 140W has been discontinued. SEND all W-2s, 1099s, K-1s or WV NRW-2s.
•  Paper returns are electronically scanned. The processing of the return (and any refund) is delayed when information on the return is not clear. 
•  Use BLACK INK. Do not use pencils, colored ink, or markers.
•  Do not write in the margins unless specifically instructed to do so.
•  Always put entries on the lines, not to the side, above or below the line.
•  Do not submit photocopies to the Division. 
•  Lines where no entry is required should be left blank. Do not fill in with zeros.
•  Do not use staples.
•  Make sure all required forms and schedules are included with the tax return.
•  Sign your return.
•  Write your name and address clearly using BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS as in the following example:

 SMI       TH                                                 JR  LI                AM                                    W
                      Last Name                               Su  x                          Your First Name            MI

 M LLERI                                                                      AMEL A I                                   H
Spouse’s Last Name Only if di erent from Last Name above   Su  x                   Spouse’s First Name               MI

  2  N 5TH STl 34
                      First Line of Address                                                   Second Line of Address

 ANYWHERE                                                                     WV  55555                              6789
                                 City                                        State            Zip Code

•  NEVER USE COMMAS when filling in dollar amounts.
•  Round off amounts to WHOLE DOLLARS – NO CENTS.
•  Do not use parentheses ( ) for a negative number. Use a dark, bold negative sign: -8300 rather than (8300).
•  Print your numbers like this: 0 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9    Do not use:  0 1 4 7
•  Do not add cents in front of the preprinted zeros on entry lines. Numbers should be entered as shown below:

                                       Federal Adjusted Gross Income                4 0000.00

                                       Additions to Income                                    .00

                                       Subtractions from Income                       8000.00

                                       West Virginia Adjusted Gross Income          32000.00

tax.wv.gov                                                              2022 Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions — 15

- 18 -
                                              GENERAL INFORMATION
                    WHO MUST FILE                                        trust that derives income from West Virginia sources may elect 
You must file a West Virginia income tax return if:                      to be included on a nonresident composite return.  If this election 
•  You were a resident of West Virginia for the entire taxable year.     is made, the IT-140NRC is filed by the pass-through entity and 
•  You were a resident of West Virginia for a part of the taxable year   eliminates the need for the individual to file a separate nonresident/
  (Part-Year Resident).                                                  part-year resident return for income reported on the IT-140NRC. 
•  You were not a resident of West Virginia at any time during 2022,     A $50 processing fee is required for each composite return filed.
  but your federal adjusted gross income includes income from West       If a separate individual return is filed, the nonresident must include 
  Virginia sources (nonresident).                                        the West Virginia income derived from the pass-through entity 
You are required to file a West Virginia return even though you  filing the composite return. Credit may be claimed for the share 
may not be required to file a federal return if:                         of West Virginia income tax remitted with the composite return.
•  Your West Virginia adjusted gross income is greater than your         The IT-140NRC is available on our website at tax.wv.gov.
  allowable deduction for personal exemptions ($2,000 per exemption, 
  or $500 if you claim zero  exemptions). Your income is to be 
  determined as if you  had been required to file a federal return. Your                   AMENDED RETURN
  exemptions are to be determined following the rules on page 21.        Use the version of Form IT-140 that corresponds to the tax year to 
•  You are claiming a SCTC or HEPTC credit                               be amended and check the “Amended Return” box. These forms and 
•  You are due a refund.                                                 corresponding instructions are available on our website at tax.wv.gov. 
You are not required to file a West Virginia return if you and  You must file a West Virginia amended return if any of the 
your spouse are 65 or older and your total income is less than  following conditions occur:
your exemption allowance plus the senior citizen modification.           •  To correct a previously filed return; or
For example, $2,000 per exemption plus up to $8,000 of income            •  You filed an amended federal income tax return and that change 
received by each taxpayer who is 65 or older. However, if you are        affected your West Virginia tax liability; or
entitled to a refund you must file a return.                             •  The Internal Revenue Service made any changes to your federal 
                                                                         return (i.e., change in federal adjusted gross income, change in 
                   RESIDENCY STATUS                                      exemptions, etc.).  If either you or the Internal Revenue Service 
                                                                         make a change to your federal return which causes either and 
                  IT-140 RESIDENT                                        increase or decrease in your Federal Adjusted Gross Income, an 
A resident is an individual who:                                         amended West Virginia return must be filed within ninety (90) 
•  Spends more than 30 days in West Virginia with the intent of West     days after a final determination for such change is made. A copy 
  Virginia becoming his/her permanent residence; or                      of your amended federal income tax return must be enclosed 
•  Maintains a physical presence in West Virginia for more than 183      with the West Virginia amended return. Do not enclose a copy 
  days of the taxable year, even though he/she may also be considered    of your original return.
  a resident of another state.
                                                                         If you are changing your filing status from married filing jointly 
            IT-140 PART-YEAR RESIDENT                                    to married filing separately or from married filing separately to 
A part-year resident is an individual who changes his/her  married filing jointly, you must do so in compliance with federal 
residence either:                                                        guidelines. If your original return was filed jointly and you are 
•  From West Virginia to another state, or                               amending to file separately, your spouse must also file an amended 
•  From another state to West Virginia during the taxable year.          separate return.
  IT-140 FULL-YEAR NONRESIDENT                                           If the amended return is filed after the due date, interest and penalty 
                                                                         for late payment will be charged on any additional tax due. An 
A full-year nonresident is an individual who is:                         additional penalty will be assessed if you fail to report any change 
•  A resident of West Virginia who spends less than 30 days of the       to your federal return within the prescribed time.
  taxable year in West Virginia, and maintains a permanent place of 
  residence outside West Virginia; or                                    Space is provided on page 49 to explain why you are filing an 
•  A resident of another state who does not maintain a physical presence amended return.
  within West Virginia and does not spend more than 183  days of the 
  taxable year within West Virginia.                                       NONRESIDENT/PART-YEAR RESIDENT
                                                                         A part-year resident is subject to West Virginia tax on the 
A Special Nonresident is an individual who is:
                                                                         •  Taxable income received from ALL sources while a resident of West 
•  A resident of Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Virginia     Virginia;
  for the entire taxable year; and                                       •  West Virginia source income earned during the period of 
•  Your only source of West Virginia income was from wages and           nonresidence; and
  salaries.                                                              •  Applicable special accruals.
Nonresidents who DO NOT have West Virginia source income 
or withholdings are not required to file a West Virginia return.                WEST VIRGINIA SOURCE INCOME
                                                                         The West Virginia source income of a nonresident is derived from 
Mark the nonresident special box on the front of the return and          the following sources included in your federal adjusted gross 
complete Part II of Schedule A.                                          income:
                                                                         •  Real or tangible personal property located in West Virginia;
  IT-140 NRC- COMPOSITE RETURN                                           •  Employee services performed in West Virginia;
Nonresident individuals who are partners in a partnership,               •  A business, trade, profession, or occupation conducted in West 
shareholders in a S corporation or beneficiaries of an estate or         Virginia;
16 — 2022 West Virginia Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions                                                   tax.wv.gov

- 19 -
•  A S corporation in which you are a shareholder;                      •  Married Filing Jointly. You must have filed a joint federal return 
•  Your distributive share of West Virginia partnership income or gain; to be eligible to file a joint state return. If you filed a joint federal 
•  Your share of West Virginia estate or trust income or gain and       return, you may elect to file your state return as either “Married 
royalty income;                                                         Filing Jointly” using the state’s tax Rate Schedule I or as “Married 
•  West Virginia Unemployment Compensation benefits;                    Filing Separately” using Rate Schedule II.
•  Prizes awarded by the West Virginia State Lottery.                   •  Married Filing Separately. If you are married but filed separate 
West Virginia source income of a nonresident does not include the       federal returns, you MUST file separate state returns. If you file 
following income even if it was included in your federal adjusted       separate returns you must use the “Married Filing Separately” tax 
                                                                        Rate Schedule II to determine your state tax.
gross income:                                                           •  Widow(er) with a dependent child.
•  Annuities and pensions;
•  Interest, dividends or gains from the sale or exchange of intangible When joint federal but separate state returns are filed, each spouse 
personal property unless they are part of the income you received       must report his/her federal adjusted gross income separately as if 
from conducting a business, trade, profession, or occupation in West    the federal adjusted gross income of each had been determined on 
Virginia.                                                               separately filed federal returns.
•  Gambling winnings, other than prizes awarded by the West Virginia    If one spouse was a resident of West Virginia for the entire taxable 
State Lottery as described above, unless you are engaged in the         year and the other spouse a nonresident for the entire taxable year 
business of gambling (file a Schedule C related to gambling activity    and they filed a joint federal income tax return, they may choose to 
for federal income tax purposes) and you engage in that business,       file jointly as residents of West Virginia. The total income earned 
trade, profession, or occupation in West Virginia.                      by each spouse for the entire year, regardless of where earned, 
NONRESIDENTS AND PART-YEAR RESIDENTS MUST                               must be reported on the joint return as taxable to West Virginia. 
FIRST COMPLETE LINES 1 THROUGH 7 OF FORM IT-140,                        No credit will be allowed for income taxes paid to the other state.
THEN COMPLETE SCHEDULE A. Income earned outside                         A joint return may not be filed if one spouse changes residence 
of West Virginia may not be claimed on Schedule M as other              during the taxable year, while the other spouse-maintained status 
deductions. Please use Schedule A. To compute tax due, use              as a resident or nonresident during the entire taxable year.
the calculation worksheet located on page 10. (Instructions for 
Schedule A can be found on pages 26 through 28.)                                      DECEASED TAXPAYER
                          INCOME                                        A return must be filed for a taxpayer who died during the taxable 
In Column A of Schedule A, you must enter the amounts from              year. Check the box “DECEASED” and enter the date of death on 
your federal return. Income received while you were a resident          the line provided. If a joint federal return was filed for the deceased 
of West Virginia must be reported in Column B. Income received          and the surviving spouse, the West Virginia return may be filed 
from West Virginia sources while a nonresident of West Virginia         jointly. The surviving spouse should write on the signature line for 
must be reported in Column C.                                           the deceased “filing as surviving spouse”. If a refund is expected, 
                                                                        a completed Schedule F must be enclosed with the return so the 
                     ADJUSTMENTS                                        refund can be issued to the  surviving spouse or to the decedent’s 
The amounts to be shown in each line of Column B and/or                 estate. Schedule F may be found on page 13.
Column C of Schedule A are those items that were actually paid 
or incurred during your period of residency, or paid or incurred as                       EXEMPTIONS
a result of the West Virginia source income during the period of        You can no longer claim personal exemptions on your federal 
nonresidence. For example, if you made payments to an Individual        income tax return. West Virginia has retained personal exemptions 
Retirement Account during the entire taxable year, you may not          under the same rules applicable under federal law in prior years.  
claim any payments made while a nonresident unless the payments         The West Virginia personal exemption allowance is $2,000 
were made from West Virginia source income. However, you may            per allowable exemption, or $500 if someone else can claim an 
claim the full amount of any payments made during your period of        exemption for you on their return.  See the rules for personal 
West Virginia residency.                                                exemptions on page 21.
                SPECIAL ACCRUALS                                                      ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS
In the case of a taxpayer changing from a RESIDENT to a                 The State of West Virginia does not recognize itemized deductions 
NONRESIDENT status, the return must include all items of income,        for personal income tax purposes. Consequently, itemized 
gain, or loss accrued to the taxpayer up to the time of his change of   deductions claimed on the federal income tax return cannot be 
residence. This includes any amounts not otherwise includible on        carried to the West Virginia return. Gambling losses claimed as 
the return because of an election to report income on an installment    itemized deductions on the federal income tax return cannot be 
basis. The return must be filed on the accrual basis whether or not     deducted on the West Virginia tax return. There is no provision 
that is the taxpayer’s established method of reporting.                 in the West Virginia Code to offset gambling winnings with 
                                                                        gambling losses.
For example, a taxpayer who moves from West Virginia and sells 
his West Virginia home or business on an installment plan must                       PROPERTY TAX CREDITS
report all income from the sale in the year of the sale, even though  The Senior Citizen Tax Credit and Homestead Excess Property 
federal tax is deferred until the income is actually received.          Tax Credit are available to low-income taxpayers. Some taxpayers 
                                                                        may qualify for both. If you qualify for both credits, a state  return 
                    FILING STATUS                                       must be filed to receive the credits, even if you have no federal 
There are five (5) filing status categories for state income tax        requirement.
purposes. Your filing status will determine the rate used to 
calculate your tax.                                                       SENIOR CITIZENS TAX CREDIT
• Single                                                                Credit eligibility is restricted to taxpayers who participate in the 
•  Head of Household                                                    Homestead Exemption program (administered by the county 
tax.wv.gov                                                              2022 Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions — 17

- 20 -
assessor’s office), who incur and pay property taxes and whose  return and pay the tax due in the same manner as any other resident 
federal adjusted gross income is less than 150% of federal poverty  individual unless you did not maintain a physical presence in West 
guidelines.                                                             Virginia for more than 30 days during the taxable year.
The maximum federal adjusted gross income level is $20,385              If, during 2022, you spent more than 30 days in West Virginia, 
for a single person household plus an additional $7,080 for each  you are considered to be a West Virginia resident for income tax 
additional person in the household (e.g., $27,465 for a two-person  purposes and must file a resident return and report all of your 
household).                                                             income to West Virginia.
You will receive form WV SCTC-A by mail if you participate in  If there is no West Virginia income tax withheld from your military 
the Homestead Exemption program. If you are only claiming the  income, you may find it necessary to make quarterly estimated tax 
SCTC-A  and are not required to file a tax return, you only need to  payments using Form IT-140ES.
submit the SCTC-A form.  If you are claiming both the SCTC-A            If, during 2022, you did not spend more than 30 days in West 
and the HEPTC-1 you need to file a state tax return to claim the        Virginia and had income from a West Virginia source, you may 
credits. Additional information can be found on page 33 of this         be required to file an income tax return with West Virginia as any 
booklet and in Publication TSD-411 which can be found on our            other nonresident individual, depending upon the type of income 
website at tax.wv.gov.                                                  received.
  HOMESTEAD EXCESS PROPERTY TAX CREDIT                                  A member of the Armed Forces who is domiciled outside West 
The Homestead Excess Property Tax Credit provides a refundable          Virginia is considered to be a nonresident of West Virginia for 
credit of up to $1,000 for low-income property owners whose real        income tax purposes; therefore, his/her military compensation is 
property tax, less senior citizen tax credit, paid on your OWNER-       not taxable to West Virginia even though he/she is stationed in 
OCCUPIED home exceeds 4% of your income (gross household                West Virginia and maintains a permanent place of abode therein. 
income including social security benefits). Low-income is defined       Check the Nonresident Special box on Form IT-140 and complete 
as federal adjusted gross income that is 300% or less of the federal    Part II of Schedule A. A copy of your military orders and Form 
poverty guideline, based upon the number of individuals in the          DD2058 must be enclosed with the return. 
family. Eligibility for the Homestead Exemption program is not          Combat pay received during 2022 is not taxable on the federal 
necessary to qualify for this credit. Schedule HEPTC-1 on page  income tax return. Therefore, it is not taxable on the state return.
12 must be completed in its entirety to determine eligibility to 
claim the credit. A completed Schedule HEPTC-1 and Class II                      ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY PAY
receipt showing payment must be filed with you return to claim          A West Virginia National Guard and Reserve service member is 
the Homestead Excess Property Tax Credit.                               entitled to a decreasing modification while on active duty in support 
                                                                        of the contingency operation as defined in Executive Order 13223 
  SPOUSES OF UNITED STATES  MILITARY                                    and subsequent amendments-- such as those called to active duty 
                                                                        as part of Operation Noble Eagle, Operation Enduring Freedom, 
                  SERVICE MEMBERS                                       Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn, and Operation 
Effective for taxable year 2009, spouses of military service            Inherent Resolve, as well as any other current or future military 
members may be exempt from West Virginia income tax on wages            operations deemed to be part of the Overseas Contingent Operations 
received from services performed in West Virginia if all three of       (OCO).  The President’s memorandum applies to any West Virginia 
the following conditions are met:                                       National Guard and Reserve service members called to active duty 
•  The service member is present in West Virginia in compliance with    in support of the OCO, whether deployed or stateside. This income 
military orders;                                                        is shown on Schedule M, line 34, as a decreasing modification to 
•  The spouse is in West Virginia solely to be with the service member; your federal adjusted gross income. A copy of your military orders 
and                                                                     and W-2 must be included with the return when it is filed.
•  The spouse maintains domicile in another state.                      Active Military Separation: If you are a West Virginia resident on 
It is not a requirement for both spouses to have the same state of      active duty for at least 30 continuous days and have separated from 
domicile, nor in the case of border installations, live in the state    active military service, your active duty military pay from the armed 
where the service member is stationed. Eligible spouses wishing         forces of the United States, the National Guard, or Armed Forces 
to claim this exemption from income tax may file a revised Form         Reserve is an authorized modification decreasing your federal 
IT-104 with the spouse’s employer and must also attach a copy           adjusted gross income; however, only to the extent the active duty 
of their “spouse military identification card” when providing this      military pay is included on your federal adjusted gross income for 
form to their employer.                                                 the tax year it was received. A copy of your military orders, DD 
Any refunds for taxable year 2022 may be claimed on a properly          214, and W-2 must be included with your return when filed.
filed IT-140 indicating “Nonresident Military Spouse” above 
the title on the first page. Military spouses should check the            CERTAIN STATE AND FEDERAL 
Nonresident Special box on Form IT-140 and complete Part II of                     RETIREMENT SYSTEMS
Schedule A. A copy of their State of Legal Residence Certificate,  The modification for pensions and annuities received from the West 
form DD2058, must be enclosed with their return when it is filed.       Virginia Public Employees’ Retirement System, the West Virginia 
Nonresident military service members and their spouses may be           Teachers’ Retirement System, and Federal Retirement is limited 
liable for West Virginia income tax on other types of West Virginia     to a maximum of $2,000 and entered on Schedule M. The State 
income such as business income, interest income, unemployment           of West Virginia does not impose tax on the retirement income 
compensation, etc. These types of income are reported on the            received from any West Virginia state or local police, deputy 
Schedule A (see pages 9 & 10).                                          sheriffs’ or firemen’s retirement system, federal law enforcement 
                                                                        retirement, or military retirement, including survivorship annuities. 
  MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES                                           See instructions for Schedule M on page 23.
If your legal residence was West Virginia at the time you entered 
military service, assignment to duty outside the state does not 
change your West Virginia residency status. You must file your 
18 — 2022 West Virginia Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions                                           tax.wv.gov

- 21 -
            US  RAILROAD RETIREMENT                                     REFUND OF OVERPAYMENT
The State of West Virginia does not tax this income. All types  A return must be filed to obtain a refund of any overpayment. In 
of United States Railroad Retirement Board benefits, including  order to receive a refund of an overpayment of $2 or less, you 
unemployment compensation, disability and sick pay included on  must enclose a signed statement with your return requesting that 
the federal return should be entered on Schedule M, line 38. See  the refund be sent to you.
instructions on page 24.
                                                                        DIRECT DEPOSIT
             AUTISM MODIFICATION                                      You may have your refund directly deposited into your bank 
For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2011 a modification    account. To avoid delay of your direct deposit, verify your routing 
was created reducing federal adjusted gross income in the amount      and account numbers from a check before filing your return. 
of any qualifying contribution to a qualified trust maintained for    Refunds are issued in the form of United States currency. If you 
the benefit of a child with autism. Any established trust must first  choose to have your refund direct deposited, your depositor must 
be approved by the West Virginia Children with Autism Trust 
                                                                      be capable of accepting US currency.
Board. The modification is claimed on line 41 of Schedule M with 
maximum amounts of $1,000 per individual filer and persons who         PENALTIES AND INTEREST
are married but filing separately and $2,000 per year for persons 
married and filing a joint income tax return.                         Interest must be added to any tax due that is not paid by the due 
                                                                      date of the return even if an extension of time for filing has been 
    TAXPAYERS OVER AGE 65 OR  DISABLED                                granted. The rate of interest will be fixed every year to equal the 
An individual, regardless of age, who was certified by a physician    adjusted prime rate charged by banks (as of the first business day 
as being permanently and totally disabled during the taxable year,    of the preceding December) plus three percentage points. Visit 
or an individual who was 65 before the end of the taxable year may    www.tax.wv.gov in order to obtain the current interest rate.
be eligible for certain modifications that will reduce their federal  Penalties (i.e. Additions to Tax) for late filing can be avoided by 
adjusted gross income for West Virginia income tax purposes up  sending in your return by the due date. The law provides that a 
to $8,000. See instructions for Schedule M on page 25.                penalty of five percent (5%) of the tax due for each month, or part 
                                                                      of a month, may be imposed for the late filing of the return up to 
              SURVIVING SPOUSE                                        a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) unless reasonable cause 
Regardless of age, a surviving spouse of a decedent may be eligible   can be shown for the delay.
for a modification reducing his/her income up to $8,000 provided 
he/she did not remarry before the end of the taxable year. The        The law provides that an additional penalty may be imposed for 
modification is claimed on Schedule M. The decedent must have         not paying your tax when due. This penalty is one-half of one 
attained the age of 65 prior to his/her death or, regardless of age,  percent (½ of 1%) of the unpaid balance of tax for each month, 
must have been certified as permanently and totally disabled. See     or part of a month, the tax remains unpaid, up to a maximum of 
instructions for line 47 of Schedule M on page 26 to determine if     twenty-five percent (25%).
you qualify for this modification. The surviving spouse should write  You may access an Interest and Additions to Tax Calculator on our 
on the signature line for the  deceased “filing as surviving spouse”. website at tax.wv.gov or you may call (304) 558-3333 or 1-800-
A surviving spouse who has not remarried at any time before the       982-8297 for assistance.
end of the taxable year for which the return is being filed may claim  The West Virginia Tax Crimes and Penalties Act imposes severe 
an additional exemption for the two (2) taxable years following the  penalties for failing to file a return or pay any tax when due, or for 
year of death of his/her spouse.                                      making a false return or certification. The mere fact that the figures 
                                                                      reported on your state return are taken from your federal return 
  WEST VIRGINIA COLLEGE SAVINGS PLAN                                  will not relieve you from the imposition of penalties because of 
AND  PREPAID TUITION TRUST FUNDS                                      negligence or for filing a false or fraudulent return. The statute of 
Taxpayers making payments or contributions to programs of the         limitations for prosecuting these offenses is three years after the 
West Virginia Prepaid Tuition Trust and/or West Virginia Savings      offense was committed.
Plan Trust, operated under the trade names of  SMART529 TMor  West 
Virginia Prepaid College Plan, may be eligible for a modification on     PENALTY FOR UNDERPAYMENT OF 
the state return. This deduction can be claimed on Line 37, Schedule   ESTIMATED TAX
M. Unqualified withdraws from the plan/trust must be reported on Line If your return shows a balance due greater than $600, you may 
55, Schedule M. For more information regarding participation in this  be subject to a penalty for not prepaying enough personal income 
program, contact SMART529 TM   Service Center at 1-866-574-3542.
                                                                      tax through withholding and/or quarterly estimated tax payments. 
                                                                      The penalty is computed separately for each installment date. 
    FILING REQUIREMENTS FOR CHILDREN                                  Therefore, you may owe the penalty for an earlier due date even 
UNDER AGE 18 WHO HAVE UNEARNED                                        if you paid enough tax later to make up the underpayment. This 
            (INVESTMENT) INCOME                                       is true even if you are due a refund when you file your tax return. 
Any child under the age of 18 who has investment income and  However, you may be able to reduce or eliminate the penalty by 
whose parents qualify and elect to report that income on their return,  using the annualized income installment method. Use Form IT-
is not required to file a return with the State of West Virginia. This  210 on page 45 through 47 to calculate your penalty. Instructions 
election is made in accordance with federal guidelines.               can be found on page 22. If you do not complete form IT-210, the 
Any child under the age of 18 whose income is not reported on his/    West Virginia Tax Division will calculate the penalty for you. You 
her parent’s return must file their own West Virginia return and      will receive a notice for the amount of penalty due.
report all of their income. If the child is claimed as an exemption  To avoid future penalties, you should increase your withholding 
on their parent’s return, he/she must claim zero  exemptions on the  or begin making quarterly estimated payments for tax year 2023.
state return and claim a $500 personal exemption allowance.

tax.wv.gov                                                            2022 Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions — 19

- 22 -
       RETURNED PAYMENT CHARGE                                             records in the same manner as Form W-2 for a period of not less 
There will be a charge of $15 for each payment (Check or EFT)              than three years. This information may be obtained from your pay 
that is returned due to insufficient funds. There will be a $28 fee        stub(s). DO NOT  use federal Form 4852 (Substitute for W-2). It 
for returned checks.                                                       does not provide all the necessary information and WILL NOT be 
       CREDIT FOR  ESTIMATED TAX                                                       PRIOR YEAR TAX LIABILITIES
You must make quarterly estimated tax payments if your estimated 
                                                                           Taxpayers who have delinquent state or federal tax liabilities may 
tax liability (your estimated tax reduced by any state tax withheld 
                                                                           not receive the full amount of their tax refund. If you have an 
from your income) is at least $600, unless that liability is less than 
                                                                           outstanding state or federal tax lien, your refund will be reduced 
ten percent (10%) of your estimated tax. The total estimated tax 
                                                                           and applied to your past due liability. If a portion of your refund is 
credit to be claimed on your return is the sum of the payments 
                                                                           captured, you will receive a notice and the balance of the refund. 
made with the quarterly installments for taxable year 2022, any 
                                                                           Any final unpaid West Virginia personal income tax liabilities 
overpayments applied from your 2021 personal income tax return 
                                                                           may be referred to the United States Treasury Division in order 
and any payments made with your West Virginia Application for 
                                                                           to recover the balance due from your federal income tax refund.
Extension of Time to File (WV 4868).
                                                                             IRS INFORMATION EXCHANGE
                                                                           The West Virginia Tax Division and the Internal Revenue Service 
If you obtain an extension of time to file your federal income 
                                                                           share tax information including results of any audits. Differences, 
tax return, you are automatically allowed the same extension 
                                                                           other than those allowed under state law, will be identified and 
of time to file your West Virginia income tax return. Enter the 
                                                                           may result in the assessment of a negligence penalty. Taxpayers 
date of the federal extension was granted in the appropriate box. 
                                                                           may be subject to further investigation and future audits.
If a federal extension was granted electronically, write “Federal 
Extension Granted” and the confirmation number at the top of                                  INJURED SPOUSE
the West Virginia return. Also, enter the extended due date in 
                                                                           You may be considered an injured spouse if you file a joint return 
the appropriate box. A copy of Federal Schedule 4868 must be 
                                                                           and all or part of your refund was, or is expected to be, applied 
enclosed with your return. If you only need an extension of time 
                                                                           against your spouse’s past due child support payments or a prior 
to file the West Virginia return  or to pay any tax due, you must 
                                                                           year tax liability. You must file an injured spouse allocation form 
submit a completed West Virginia Application for Extension of 
                                                                           (Form WV-8379) to claim your part of the refund if all three of the 
Time to File (WV4868). This is not an extension to pay.
                                                                           following apply:
                       SIGNATURE                                           •  You are not required to pay the past due amount;
Your return MUST be signed. A joint return must be signed by both          •  You received and reported income (such as wages, taxable interest, 
                                                                           etc.) on a joint return; and
spouses. If you and your spouse (if filing a joint return) do not sign     •  You made and reported payments such as West Virginia tax withheld 
the return, it will not be processed. If the return is prepared by an      from your wages or estimated tax payments.
authorized agent of the taxpayer, the agent must provide their FEIN, 
sign the return, date and enter their phone number. If a joint federal     If all of the above apply and you want your share of the joint return 
return was filed for a  deceased taxpayer, the  surviving spouse should    refund, you must:
write on the signature line for the deceased “filing as surviving spouse”. 1. Check the injured spouse box on the front of the return;
                                                                           2. Complete the West Virginia Injured Spouse Allocation Form, 
  WEST VIRGINIA INCOME TAX WITHHELD                                        WV-8379; and
Electronic Filing – It is not necessary to submit withholding              3. Enclose the completed form with your West Virginia personal 
documents since this information will transmit electronically once         income tax return.
entered within the software.                                               DO NOT check the injured spouse box unless you qualify as an 
Paper Filed Returns – Enter the total amount of West Virginia tax          injured spouse and have enclosed the completed form with your 
withheld as shown on your withholding documents. If you are filing         return. This will cause a delay in the processing of your refund.
a joint return, be sure to include any withholding for your spouse. 
Original withholding documents (W-2’s, 1099’s, K-1’s, and NRW-               TAX DIVISION PROCESSING AND 
2’s) must be enclosed with your paper return. Failure to submit this                         PROCEDURES
documentation will result in the disallowance of the credit claimed.       The Tax Division has implemented a modern tax system that 
Note: Local or municipal fees cannot be claimed as West Virginia           allows us to better serve you. This system decreases processing 
income tax withheld. If the withholding source is for a nonresident        time and allows us to contact taxpayers in a timely manner. If 
sale of real estate transaction, a form WV NRSR must be completed          a change has been made to your return, you will first receive a 
and on file with the Tax Division prior to submitting a tax return.        letter from us explaining the change.If there is additional tax due, 
On your tax return, mark the box on line 15, submit Schedule D, and        you will receive a Statement of Account. If you disagree with the 
form 8949 or 4797 from your federal return.                                balance due, return a copy of the statement with your comments 
                                                                           and provide any additional schedules to substantiate your claim. 
      FAILURE TO RECEIVE                                                   You will receive a statement of account on a monthly basis until 
A WITHHOLDING TAX STATEMENT (W-2)                                          your outstanding liability is either paid or your account is settled. If 
If you fail to receive a withholding tax statement (Form W-2,  you sent us information and receive a second statement of account, 
W-2G, or 1099) from an employer by February 15th, you may  it may be a timing issue. Please allow sufficient time for mailing 
file your income tax return using a substitute form. All efforts to  and processing of the additional information before you contact 
obtain a W-2 statement from the payer must be exhausted before  us again.
a substitute form will be accepted. West Virginia Substitute W-2 
(Form WV IT-102-1) must be completed and retained for your 
20 — 2022 West Virginia Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions                                                      tax.wv.gov

- 23 -
                                           FORM IT-140 INSTRUCTIONS
                                                FORM IS ON PAGES 1-2 & 51-52
The due date for filing your 2022 West Virginia Personal Income      stepsister, half-brother, half-sister, or a descendant of any of them, 
Tax return is April 18, 2023, unless you have a valid extension      etc.) or they were a part of your household for the entire year.
of time to file. The starting point for the West Virginia income     2. They were: 
tax return is your federal adjusted gross income. Therefore, you     a. Under the age of 19 at the end of 2022 and were younger than 
must complete your federal return before you can begin your state    you;
return. It is not necessary to enclose a copy of your federal return b. Under the age of 24 at the end of 2022, a student, and younger 
                                                                     than you; or
with your West Virginia return.                                      c. Any age and permanently and totally disabled.
           SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER                                    3. They did not provide over half of his or her own support for 2022.
Print your social security number as it appears on your social       4. They didn’t file a joint return for 2022 or is filing such a return 
security card.                                                       only to claim a refund of withheld income tax or estimated tax 
               NAME & ADDRESS                                        5. They lived with you for more than half of 2022.
Enter your name and current address in the spaces provided. If  You cannot claim any dependents if you can be claimed as a 
you are married and filing a joint return or married filing separate  dependent on another person’s return.
returns, fill in your spouse’s name and your spouse’s social 
security number. If the taxpayer or spouse died during the taxable   (D)  SURVIVING SPOUSE  - If you are eligible to claim 
year, check the box by the decedent’s social security number and     an additional exemption as a surviving spouse, enter the 
enter date of death on the line provided.                            spouse’s social security number and year of death and enter 
                                                                     “1” in box (d). See page 19 for additional information. A 
                AMENDED RETURN                                       surviving spouse may claim an additional exemption for the 
Enter a check mark in this box if you are filing an amended          two (2) taxable years following the year in which the spouse 
return. Be sure to use the form corresponding to the tax year being  died, provided he/she has not remarried before the end of the 
amended. Enclose the reason for amendment with the amended           taxable year for which the return is being filed.
return using the space provided on page 49 of the booklet. It may    (E) TOTAL - Enter the total number of exemptions claimed in 
also be necessary to include a copy of the federal 1040X with the    boxes (a) through (d) in box (e). 
West Virginia amended return. If you previously requested a debit 
from your account on the original return and needs to be stopped,      LINES 1 THROUGH 26 OF FORM IT-140
please contact Taxpayer Services at (304) 558-3333.
                                                                     Complete According to the Following Instructions
Enter a check mark in this box if you qualify to file as a Special   LINE 1 
Nonresident (see page 16) and complete Schedule A, Part II found     FEDERAL ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME. 
on page 10. DO NOT check the Nonresident/Part-Year Resident          Enter your federal adjusted gross income as shown on Federal 
box if you are filing as a Special Nonresident.                      Form 1040.
NONRESIDENT OR PART-YEAR RESIDENT                                    LINE 2 
Enter a check mark in this box if you are filing as a nonresident or ADDITIONS TO INCOME. 
part-year resident (See page 16).                                    Enter the total additions shown on line 58 of Schedule M (page 4). 
                                                                     See page 26 for additional information. 
                INJURED SPOUSE
If filing an injured spouse claim (Form WV-8379), enter a check      LINE 3 
mark in the Injured Spouse Box (See page 20).                        SUBTRACTIONS FROM INCOME. 
                                                                     Enter the total subtractions from income shown on line 49 of 
                FILING STATUS                                        Schedule M (page 3). See page 23 for additional information.
CHECK ONLY ONE. Your filing status is generally the same 
filing status shown on your federal return. See page 17 for more     LINE 4 
information regarding your filing status.                            WEST VIRGINIA ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME. 
                                                                     Enter the result of line 1 plus line 2 minus line 3.
You can deduct $2,000 on line 6 for every exemption claimed in       LINE 5  
your exemption schedule.                                             LOW-INCOME EARNED INCOME EXCLUSION. 
(A) YOU -  Enter “1” in box (a) for yourself if you cannot be        To determine if you qualify for this exclusion, complete the 
   claimed as a dependent on another person’s return.                worksheet on page 25 and enter the qualifying exclusion on this line.
(B) SPOUSE - Enter “1” in box (b) for your spouse only if your       LINE 6 
   filing status is married filing jointly and your spouse can’t be  EXEMPTIONS. 
   claimed as a dependent on another person’s return.                Enter the number of exemptions shown in box e (under 
(C)  DEPENDENTS - Enter the number of eligible dependents            “ Exemptions” above) and multiply that number by $2,000. If you 
   in box (c). Provide the name, SSN and date of birth in the        claimed zero exemptions, enter $500 on this line.
   dependent section. If eligible dependents total more than 4,      LINE 7 
   use the Schedule for Additional Dependents found on page 11.      WEST VIRGINIA TAXABLE INCOME. 
Generally, qualifying dependents must meet the following test:       Line 4 minus lines 5 and 6 and enter the result on this line. If less 
1. They are related to you (child, brother, sister, stepbrother,     than zero, enter zero.
tax.wv.gov                                                           2022 Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions — 21

- 24 -
LINE 8                                                                LINE 16 
WEST VIRGINIA INCOME TAX.                                             ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENTS. 
Check the appropriate box to indicate the method you used to  Enter the total amount of estimated tax payments paid by you (and 
calculate your tax.                                                   your spouse) for taxable year 2022. Include any 2021 overpayment 
                                                                      you carried forward to 2022 and any payment made with your West 
RESIDENTS – If your filing status is single, head of household,       Virginia Application for  Extension of Time to File (WV 4868).
widow(er) with a dependent child or married filing jointly and your 
taxable income is less than $100,000, apply the amount of taxable     LINE 17 
income shown on line 7 to the Tax Table on page 35 and enter your     NON-FAMILY ADOPTION TAX CREDIT. 
tax on this line. If your taxable income is over $100,000, use Rate   Enter the amount of allowable credit from the West Virginia Non-
Schedule I on page 34 to compute your tax.                            family Adoption Credit Schedule, NFA-1, found on our website. This 
                                                                      schedule must be submitted with Form IT-140 to claim this credit. If 
You MUST use RATE SCHEDULE II on page 34 if your filing               the schedule is not provided, the credit will be denied. The final court 
status is Married Filling Separately to compute your tax.             document needs to be provided
are a nonresident or part-year resident of West Virginia, you must    LINE 18 
first complete lines 1 through 7 of Form IT-140, then complete        SENIOR CITIZEN TAX CREDIT. 
Schedule A on pages 9 and 10.                                         Complete Schedule SCTC-A and enter amount of credit from line 
                                                                      2, part III if you are eligible for the credit. Note:  You only need 
LINE 9                                                                to file a return to claim the SCTC-A when you are also claiming 
CREDITS FROM TAX CREDIT RECAP SCHEDULE.                               the HEPTC-1.  If you are not claiming the HEPTC-1, then you do 
Enter Total Credits shown on last line of the Tax Credit Recap        not need to complete a return to claim this credit unless you are 
Schedule found on page 5.                                             required to file a federal return.
LINE 10                                                               LINE 19 
Line 8 minus 9. If line 9 is greater than line 8, enter 0.            HOMESTEAD EXCESS PROPERTY TAX CREDIT. 
                                                                      Enter the amount of line 9 from Schedule HEPTC-1 (page 12). The 
LINE 11                                                               Schedule HEPTC-1 and the Class II property tax receipt must be 
PREVIOUS REFUND OR CREDIT.                                            submitted with the tax return. Failure to submit these will result in 
Enter the amount of any overpayment previously refunded or  denial of the credit.
credited from your original return. 
                                                                      LINE 20 
LINE 12                                                               AMOUNT PAID WITH ORIGINAL RETURN. 
PENALTY DUE.                                                          Enter the amount, if any, paid on your original return.
If line 8 minus lines 9, 15, 17, 18, and 19 is greater than $600, you 
may be subject to a penalty for underpayment of tax. The penalty is   LINE 21 
computed separately for each installment due date. Therefore, you     TOTAL PAYMENTS AND CREDITS.
may owe the penalty for an earlier due date even if you paid enough   Add lines 15 through 20.
tax later to make up the underpayment. This is true even if you are 
due a refund when you file your tax return. However, you may          LINE 22 
be able to reduce or eliminate the penalty by using the annualized    BALANCE DUE THE STATE. 
income installment method. Check the box on this line if you are      Line 14 minus line 21. This is the total balance due the State. Write 
enclosing a written request for Waiver of Penalty or the Annualized   your social security number and “2022 Form IT-140” on your check 
Income Worksheet. See page 30 for additional information.             or money order. The Tax Division may convert your check into an 
                                                                      electronic transaction. Receipt of your check is considered your 
LINE 13                                                               authorization for the Tax Division to convert your check into an ACH 
WEST VIRGINIA USE TAX DUE.                                            Debit entry (electronic withdrawal) to your bank account. You may also 
Use tax is due on purchases of goods and services in which you        make a payment by ACH Debit through MyTaxes at mytaxes.wvtax.
did not pay Sales Tax. If you did not pay sales tax you must report   gov or a credit card payment at epay.wvsto.com/tax. 
and pay Use Tax. Use Schedule UT on page 42 to calculate this  If Line 21 is greater than line 14, complete line 23.
tax if applicable.
                                                                      LINE 23 
LINE 14                                                               TOTAL OVERPAYMENT. 
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE.                                                     Line 21 minus line 14.
Add lines 10 through 13.
                                                                      LINE 24 
LINE 15                                                               DONATIONS
WEST VIRGINIA INCOME TAX WITHHELD.                                    If you (and your spouse) wish to make a contribution, enter the 
Enter the total amount of West Virginia tax withheld as shown on      total amount of your contribution on line 24. Your overpayment 
your withholding documents. If you are filing a joint return, be sure will be reduced, or your payment increased by this amount.
to include any withholding for your spouse. Original withholding 
documents (W-2’s, 1099’s, K-1’s, and NRW-2’s) must be enclosed        24 A) THE WEST VIRGINIA CHILDREN’S  TRUST 
with your return. Failure to submit this documentation will result    FUND funds community projects that keep children free 
in the disallowance of the credit claimed. Local or municipal fees    from abuse and neglect. Examples include public awareness 
cannot be claimed as West Virginia income tax withheld. When          activities, school-based programs, programs for new parents, 
claiming withholding from NRSR, check the box on line 15 and          and family resource centers.
enclose Schedule D and Form 8949 from your federal return. Make       To learn more about the  West Virginia Children’s Trust 
sure you have filed your NRSR prior to filing the IT-140.             Fund or to make a direct contribution, visit the website http://
                                                                      wvctf.org or write to West Virginia Children’s Trust Fund, 
                                                                      P.O. Box 3192, Charleston, WV 25332 or call 304-617-0099.
22 — 2022 West Virginia Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions                                                     tax.wv.gov

- 25 -
     Donations made to the West Virginia Children’s Trust Fund       LINE 25 
     are tax deductible on your federal income tax return as an      AMOUNT TO BE CREDITED TO YOUR  2023 
     itemized deduction.                                             ESTIMATED TAX ACCOUNT. 
24 B) THE WEST VIRGINIA DIVISION OF VETERANS                         Enter the amount of your overpayment you wish to have credited 
     ASSISTANCE provides nursing home and health care for            to your 2023 estimated tax account.
     aged and disabled veterans in the West Virginia Veterans Home.
                                                                     LINE 26 
24 C) DONEL C. KINNARD MEMORIAL STATE                                REFUND. 
     VETERANS CEMETERY donations fund operation and                  Line 23 minus line 24 and line 25. This is the amount of your 
     maintenance of the cemetery.                                    refund. To receive a refund of $2 or less, you must enclose a signed 
                                                                     statement with your return requesting that the refund be sent to you.

                                      SCHEDULE M INSTRUCTIONS
                                          FORM IS ON PAGE 3 & 4.
Complete Schedule M to report increasing or decreasing  federal return which was received from any West Virginia  state 
modifications to your federal adjusted gross income.                 or local police, deputy sheriffs’ or firemen’s retirement system, 
Taxpayers who are at least age 65 OR are certified as permanently  regardless of your age. This is the taxable amount of retirement 
and totally disabled during 2022 are eligible to receive a deduction  income received from these sources including any survivorship 
of up to $8,000 of their taxable income.                             annuities. Subtractions for retirement received from West Virginia 
The  Senior Citizen Deduction can be claimed by taxpayers who        Public Employee's Retirement System is limited to $2,000 and 
were at least age 65 on December 31, 2022. Eligible taxpayers        must be claimed on line 31. 1099-R must be included with return. 
MUST enter their year of birth in the space provided and complete 
                                                                     LINE 30  
all boxes on lines 46.
                                                                     MILITARY RETIREMENT. 
The  Disability Deduction can be claimed by taxpayers under age      Enter the taxable amount reported on your federal return of military 
65 who have been medically certified as unable to engage in any      retirement income, including survivorship annuities, from the 
substantial gainful activity due to physical or mental impairment.   regular Armed Forces, Reserves, and National Guard. 1099-R must 
                  MODIFICATIONS                                      be included with return, even if no withholding is to be reported. 
                                                                     This amount should not be included on line 31b.
            ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME                                    LINE 31 
                                                                     Enter taxable amount of retirement income for the following 
If filing a joint return, enter the modification(s) for both you and categories: 
your spouse in Columns A and B. In cases of joint ownership of 
income producing tangible or intangible property, each spouse        a) WEST VIRGINIA TEACHERS’ RETIREMENT AND WEST  
should use the total income multiplied by the relative percentage    VIRGINIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT.         Regardless of 
of ownership. See example on page 25.                                age, enter the taxable amount of retirement income (not to exceed 
                                                                     $2,000) reported on your federal return received from The West 
LINE 27                                                              Virginia Teachers’ Retirement System and/or The West Virginia 
INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS ON U.S. OBLIGATIONS.                           Public Employees’ Retirement System. Do not enter more than 
Enter the total income on obligations of the United States and  $2,000. 1099-R must be included with return.
its possessions and bonds or securities from any United States       b) FEDERAL RETIREMENT. Regardless of age, enter the taxable 
authority, commission or instrumentality that are included in your   amount of retirement income (not to exceed $2,000) reported on 
federal adjusted gross income but exempt from state income tax       your federal return received from Federal Retirement and not 
under federal law. This will include United States Savings Bonds     already deducted on line 30. Do not enter more than $2,000. 
and federal interest dividends paid to shareholders of a regulated   1099-R must be included with return. 
investment company under Section 852 of the IRS Code. Include on 
                                                                     Combined amounts of 31a and 31b MUST NOT EXCEED $2,000.
this line interest earned on West Virginia bonds which are subject 
to federal tax but exempt from state tax under West Virginia law.    LINE 32 
                                                                     SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS.
LINE 28                                                              For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2022, 100 
CERTAIN     FEDERAL          LAW          ENFORCEMENT                percent of the amount of social security benefits received and 
RETIREMENT.                                                          included in federal adjusted gross income for the taxable year shall 
If you are a retired federal law enforcement officer or fireman,     be allowed as a decreasing modification from federal adjusted 
at least one of the following documents   must be submitted as       gross income when determining West Virginia taxable income 
supporting documentation of your eligibility for this reduction;     subject to the tax imposed by this article, subject to the W. Va. 
your Summary of Federal Service from FERS; federal form RI           Code §11-21-12(c). The deduction may be claimed only when the 
20-124;  your Division of Justice ID card issued to you upon your    federal adjusted gross income of a married couple filing a joint 
retirement.                                                          return does not exceed $100,000, or $50,000 in the case of a single 
LINE 29                                                              (including Head of Household, and Widow(er)) individual or a 
ANY WEST VIRGINIA STATE OR LOCAL  POLICE,                            married individual filing a separate return).
Enter the taxable amount of retirement income reported on your 
tax.wv.gov                                                           2022 Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions — 23

- 26 -
LINE 33                                                               is submitted the credit will be denied.
ASSETS HELD BY SUBCHAPTER S CORPORATION                               If you have received payments in prior years that at the time, 
A taxpayer who is a shareholder of an S corporation, or member        appeared to be valid by unrestricted right but at a later date, it was 
of a limited liability company, engaged in business as a financial    determined that excess payments were made and repayment is now 
organization as defined in §11-24-3a(a)(14) of the West Virginia      required, then you may be entitled to an adjustment under IRC 
State code, may be eligible for a modification under §11-21-12k.      1341. The amount of income repaid MUST be more than $3000.00 
LINE 34                                                               to qualify.  Enter the qualifying amount on Schedule M Line 40.   
ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY PAY.                                             For more information, consult federal Publication 525. 
Military income received while you were a member of the National      LINE 41 
Guard or Armed Forces Reserves called to active duty in support       AUTISM MODIFICATION. 
of the contingency operation as defined in Executive Order 13223      Enter the amount of any qualifying contribution to a qualified trust 
as part of Operation Noble Eagle, Operation Enduring Freedom,         maintained for the benefit of a child with autism (see instructions 
Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn, Operation Inherent       on page 19). 
Resolve, and any other current or future military operations deemed 
to be part of the Overseas Contingency Operation (OCO). The           LINE 42 
President’s memorandum applies to any West Virginia National          ABLE ACT 
Guard and Reserve service members called to active duty in support    Achieving a Better Life Experience - An ABLE account is a 
of the OCO, regardless of whether they are deployed overseas          tax-favored savings account that can accept contributions for an 
or stateside.  If you are not domiciled in West Virginia, instead     eligible individual with a disability or who is blind, and who is the 
complete Part II of  Schedule A on page 10. Instructions for Part II  designated beneficiary and owner of the account. The account is 
of Schedule A begin on page 26. See TSD 443 for additional  details.  used to provide for qualified disability expenses.  To take this credit 
Military orders and W-2 must be included with your return.            on the WV return an annual statement or equivalent document 
                                                                      MUST be attached. If the annual statement is not submitted, the 
LINE 35                                                               credit will be denied.  
If you have separated from military service, enter the amount of      You may be able to claim a credit for the qualified retirement 
active duty pay that you received, provided that you were on active   savings contribution (aka Saver's Credit) to your ABLE account 
duty for thirty continuous days prior to separation. Military orders, before January 1, 2026.  See IRS pub 907 for more information.
DD214, and W-2 must be included with your return.                     LINE 43 
LINE 36                                                               WEST VIRGINIA JUMPSTART SAVINGS PROGRAM 
Enter the amount reported on your federal return only. Only           The Jumpstart Saving Program allows West Virginians to save 
refunds included in your federal adjusted gross income qualify for    and invest money to help cover the costs of pursuing a trade or 
this modification.                                                    occupation through apprenticeship programs or technical schools. 
                                                                      You may not claim more that $25,000 modification each year. 
LINE 37                                                               You must include a copy of the annual statement to claim this 
CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE WEST VIRGINIA PREPAID                            modification.  If the annual statement is not submitted the credit 
TUITION TRUST/ WEST VIRGINIA SAVINGS PLAN                             will be denied.
Enter any payments paid to the prepaid tuition trust fund/savings     LINE 44 
plan trust. Annual statement must be submitted to support this        PBGC MODIFICATION 
deduction. If the annual statement is not submitted the credit will  Pension Benefit Guaranty Modification  - If you retired under 
be denied.                                                            an employer-provided defined benefit plan that terminated 
                                                                      prior to or after retirement and the pension plan is covered by 
LINE 38                                                               a guarantor whose maximum benefit guarantee is less than 
RAILROAD RETIREMENT.                                                  the maximum benefit to which you were entitled, you may 
Enter the amount(s) of income received from the United States         be allowed a reducing modification of the difference between 
Railroad Retirement Board including unemployment compensation,        (a) the amount you would have received had the plan not terminated and 
disability and sick pay that is included in your federal adjusted     (b) the amount actually received from the guarantor. Failure to 
gross income. West Virginia does not impose tax on this income.       provided the information in (a) and (b) so will delay the processing 
1099-RRB from United States Railroad Retirement Board must be         of your return. 
included with return. Social Security benefits that are taxable on 
your federal return are also taxable to West Virginia and should      LINE 45
NOT be included on this line.                                         QUALIFIED OPPORTUNITY ZONE BUSINESS INCOME 
                                                                      You must include a copy of IRS 8996. 
LINE 39 
LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE                                              LINE 46  
Enter the amount of long-term care insurance premiums. Supporting     SENIOR CITIZEN OR  DISABILITY DEDUCTION. 
documentation must be provided. If no supporting documentation  Taxpayers MUST be at least age 65 OR certified as permanently 
is submitted the credit will be denied.                               and totally disabled during 2022 to receive this deduction. 
                                                                      Taxpayers age 65 or older have to enter their year of birth in the 
LINE 40 
IRC 1341 REPAYMENTS                                                   space provided and complete boxes (a) through (d) of the table 
Enter the amount of money paid back under IRC 1341. Supporting        in order to claim the deduction as a Senior Citizen. Joint income 
documentation must be provided. If no supporting documentation        must be divided between spouses with regard to their respective 

24 — 2022 West Virginia Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions                                     tax.wv.gov

- 27 -
percentage of ownership. ONLY THE INCOME OF THE SPOUSE                      claims, then only the year that the disability began, entered in the 
WHO MEETS THE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS QUALIFIES                            space provided, is needed to claim the deduction. The  Surviving 
FOR THE MODIFICATION. See example below.                                    Spouse of a  deceased taxpayer may also qualify for a similar 
The Disability Deduction can be claimed by taxpayers under age              modification. See line 47 instructions for more information.
65 who have been medically certified as unable to engage in any  Box (c) Enter all income (for each spouse, if joint return) not 
substantial gainful activity due to physical or mental impairment.                      reported on lines 33 through 45 
IF 2022 is the first year of a medically certified disability, you          Box (d) Add lines 27 through 32 for each spouse and enter on this 
MUST enclose a 2022 West Virginia Schedule H or a copy of                               line.
Federal Schedule R and enter 2022 as the year the disability began 
                                                                            Line 46 Subtract BOX (d) from BOX (c) for each. If BOX (d) is 
in the space provided. IF the disability deduction has been claimed 
                                                                                        larger than BOX(c), enter zero on Line 46.
in prior years AND documentation has been submitted with prior 
John Doe, age 69, and Mary Doe, age 65, file a joint tax return. In 2022, they received the following income.
                                                                            John             Mary
                                     West Virginia Police Retirement        7,000                 0
                                     IRA Distributions                      4,000            1,000
                                     Wages and Salaries                     0               10,000
                                     Interest (jointly held)                1,500            1,500
                                     US Savings Bond Interest               500                500
                                     TOTAL INCOME                           13,000      13,000
Their federal adjusted gross income which they report on line 1 of their West Virginia IT-140 is $26,000. Property which John and Mary hold jointly is 
split between them according to their percentage of ownership. In this case, each taxpayer owned 50% of the joint income.
1.  Mr. Doe’s total income is $13,000. He claimed no deductions on lines 33 through 45. He enters the maximum amount of $8000 in column(c) of line 46.
2.  Mrs. Doe’s total income is $13,000. She claims no deductions on lines 33 through 45 and enters the maximum amount of $8000 in column(c) , of line 46. 
3.  Mr. Doe reported his police pension on line 29 and his share of their joint savings bond interest on line 27. He enters $7,500 in column (d) of line 46. 
4.  Mrs. Doe reported her share of the joint savings bond interest on line 27 of Schedule M. Therefore, she enters $500 in column(d) of line 46. 
5.  Mr. and Mrs. Doe each subtract column (d) from column (c) to determine their senior citizen deduction. 
6. Therefore, Mr. Doe enters $500 in column A of line 46 and Mrs. Doe enters $7,500 in column B of line 46.
      (a) Year of birth (b) Year  of (c) Income not included in (d) Add lines 27 through 32
          (65 or older) disability      lines 33 to 44 
                                        (NOT TO EXCEED $8000)                                  Subtract line 46 column (d) from (c) (If less than zero, enter zero) 
 You        1949                              8000        .00               7500        .00                                      500 .00
Spouse      1953                              8000        .00               500         .00 46                                                   7500        .00
You may be eligible to claim the low-income exclusion if you received earned income (see definition) during the taxable year and:
1. Your filing status is single, married filing jointly, head of household or widow(er) with a dependent child and your federal adjusted gross income is 
 $10,000 or less; or
2. Your filing status is married filing separately and your federal adjusted gross income is $5,000 or less.
This exclusion may be taken even if you are claimed as a dependent on someone else’s return.
EARNED INCOME includes wages, salaries, tips, and other employee compensation. Earned income also includes any net taxable earnings from 
self-employment reported on the federal Schedule C.
EARNED INCOME does NOT include interest, dividends, and retirement income in the form of pensions or annuities and any other income that is 
not employee compensation. Earned income does not include income received for services provided by an individual while he or she is an inmate at a 
penal institution.
 A. Enter your Federal Adjusted Gross income from line 1 of Form IT-140..........................................................
                                                                                                                                 A                           .00
       If Line A is greater than $10,000 ($5,000 if married           ling separate returns), you are 
 STOP  not eligible for the exclusion. STOP HERE
 B. List the source and amount of your earned income. Enter the total amount on Line B

 ______________________________________________________________________________________                                          B                           .00
 C. Maximum exclusion. Enter $5,000 if your  ling status is married  ling separately; otherwise enter $10,000
                                                                                                                                 C                           .00
 D. Enter the smaller of the amounts shown on Line A, Line B, or Line C here and on Line 5 of Form IT-140...
                                                                                                                                 D                           .00

LINE 47                                                                     The decedent was 65 years of age or older OR was certified as 
SURVIVING SPOUSE DEDUCTION.                                                 permanently and totally disabled prior to his death.
The surviving spouse may claim a one-time subtraction from his/             The surviving spouse did not remarry before the end of the taxable 
her income of up to $8,000 for the taxable year following the year  year.
of the spouse’s death if all of the following conditions are met:
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- 28 -
The total deductions from income shown on lines 27 through 32  Income from which is exempt from West Virginia income tax.
and line 46 of Schedule M are less than $8,000.
                                                                       LINE 53 
LINE 48                                                                LUMP SUM PENSION DISTRIBUTIONS. 
Add lines 27 through 47 for each column and enter the results here.    Enter the amount of any qualifying 402(e) lump sum distributions 
                                                                       not included in your federal adjusted gross income that was 
LINE 49                                                                separately reported and taxed on federal Form 4972.
Add Columns A and B from line 48. Enter here and on line 3 of          LINE 54 
Form IT-140.                                                           OTHER INCOME EXCLUDED FROM FEDERAL 
                                                                       ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME BUT SUBJECT TO 
INCREASING FEDERAL ADJUSTED GROSS                                      STATE TAX. 
                                                                       West Virginia income tax is based on federal adjusted gross 
INCOME (ADDITIONS TO INCOME)                                           income. However, certain income must be added back. For 
LINE 50                                                                example; income deducted under Section 199 of the Internal 
INTEREST OR DIVIDEND INCOME ON FEDERAL                                 Revenue Code. Enclose Schedule K-1(s).
Enter amount of any interest or dividend income (received by or        LINE 55 
credited to you during the taxable year) on bonds or securities of     WITHDRAWALS FROM A PREPAID TUITION/
                                                                       SAVINGS PLAN NOT USED FOR PAYMENT OF 
any United States authority, commission which the laws of the          QUALIFYING EXPENSES. 
United States exempt from federal income tax but not from state        Enter the amount of the West Virginia Prepaid Tuition/Smart 529 
income tax.                                                            withdrawal that was NOT used for qualifying educational expense 
LINE 51                                                                if you previously deducted these contributions.
INTEREST OR DIVIDEND ON STATE OR LOCAL                                 LINE 56 
BONDS (OTHER THAN WEST VIRGINIA).                                      ABLE ACT ADDITIONS 
Enter the amount of any interest or dividend income on state and       Enter any amount withdrawn from an ABLE account that was not 
local bonds (other than West Virginia and its political subdivisions)  used for qualified disability expenses pursuant to 11-21-12j(b).
received by or credited to you. See Technical Assistance Advisory 
1993-002 for more information.                                         LINE 57 
                                                                       WEST VIRGINIA JUMPSTART ADDITIONS 
LINE 52                                                                West Virginia Jumpstart Savings Program withdrawals not used 
BONDS    EARNING      EXEMPT   WEST                   VIRGINIA         for qualifying expenses.
INCOME.                                                                LINE 58 
Enter the amount of any interest deducted, as a business expense or    TOTAL ADDITIONS. 
otherwise, from your federal adjusted gross income in connection       Add lines 50 through 57. Enter the result here and on line 2 of 
with money borrowed to purchase or carry bonds or securities. 
                                                                       Form IT-140.

                                 SCHEDULE A INSTRUCTIONS
                                                      FORM IS ON PAGES 9 & 10
RESIDENTS OF KENTUCKY, MARYLAND,                                       LINE 2 AND 3 
If your only source of income is from wages and salaries, you will     Column A Enter total interest and dividend income reported on 
only need to complete Part II of Schedule A. Note: RESIDENTS                    your federal income tax return.
OF PENNSYLVANIA AND VIRGINIA   – If you were a domiciliary             Column B Enter the amount received during your period of West 
resident of Pennsylvania or Virginia and spent more than 183 days in            Virginia residency.
West Virginia, you are also considered a resident of West Virginia and Column C Enter the amount received from a business, trade, 
must file Form IT-140 as a resident of West Virginia.                           profession or occupation carried on in West Virginia 
                                                                                while you were a nonresident of West Virginia.
             AND THEIR SPOUSES                                         LINE 4 
                                                                       IRA’S, PENSIONS, AND ANNUITIES
If your domicile is outside West Virginia but you were present in 
West Virginia in compliance with military orders, and if your only  Column A Enter the total taxable amount of pensions and 
source of income is either from your own or your spouse's wages                 annuities reported on your federal return.
and salaries, you will only need to complete Part II of Schedule       Column B Enter the taxable amount of any pensions and annuities 
A and include a copy of DD Form 2058 showing your State of                      received during your period of West Virginia residency
Legal Residence.                                                       Column C Enter income from pensions and annuities derived 
                                                                                from or connected with West Virginia sources. NOTE: 
LINE 1                                                                          Pension and annuity income received by a nonresident 
WAGES SALARIES, AND TIPS                                                        is NOT subject to West Virginia tax unless the annuity 
Column A Enter total wages, salaries, tips and other employee                   is used as an asset in a business, trade, profession, or 
         compensation reported on your federal income tax return.               occupation in West Virginia.
Column B Enter the amount received during your period of West 
         Virginia residency.
Column C Enter the amount received from West Virginia source(s) 
         while you were a nonresident of West Virginia.
26 — 2022 West Virginia Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions                                                  tax.wv.gov

- 29 -
LINE 5                                                                sources outside West Virginia, attach your method of allocation 
SOCIAL SECURITY AND  RAILROAD RETIREMENT                              on a separate sheet.
BENEFITS.                                                             Do not allocate income from real property. Real property must 
Column A Enter the total amount of taxable social security and        be included in its entirety. Real property located outside West 
         railroad retirement benefits reported on your federal        Virginia must be excluded.
         return.                                                      Report in Column C your share of rent and royalty income from a 
Column B Enter the amount of taxable social security benefits         partnership of which you are a member shown on Form WV PTE-
         received during your period of West Virginia residency.      100 or from an estate or trust of which you are a beneficiary shown 
Column C Do NOT enter any amount received while you were a            on Form IT-141.
         nonresident of West Virginia.
                                                                      As a nonresident, enter in Column C your distributive share of 
                                                                      partnership income from Form NRW-2, Schedule K-1, or Form 
Column A Enter total taxable state and local income tax refunds       WV PTE-100.
         reported on your federal income tax return.
Column B Enter the amount received during your period of West               S CORPORATION SHAREHOLDERS
         Virginia residency.                                          As a nonresident, enter in Column C your pro rata share of income 
Column C Do not enter any refunds received during the period          or loss from an electing West Virginia S corporation from Form 
         you were a nonresident of West Virginia.                     NRW-2, Schedule K-1, or Form WV PTE-100
ALIMONY RECEIVED                                                                     ESTATES & TRUSTS
Column A Enter total alimony received as reported on your             Enter in Columns B and C your share of estate or trust income as 
         federal income tax return.                                   a part-year resident or a nonresident from West Virginia source(s) 
Column B Enter the amount received during your period of West         obtained from information provided by the fiduciary shown on 
         Virginia residency.                                          Form NRW-2, Schedule K-1, or Form IT-141.
Column C Do not enter any alimony received while you were a 
         nonresident of West Virginia.                                PASSIVE ACTIVITY LOSS LIMITATIONS
LINE 8                                                                A nonresident must recompute any deduction taken on the federal 
BUSINESS INCOME                                                       return for passive activity losses to determine the amounts that 
(include business profit or loss and income from rents, royalties,    would be allowed if federal adjusted gross income took into 
partnerships, estates, trusts, and S corporations)                    account only those items of income, gain, loss, or deduction 
                                                                      derived from or connected with West Virginia source(s).
Column A Enter the total amount of ALL business income 
         reported on your federal income tax return.                  LINE 9
Column B Enter the amount received during your period of West         CAPITAL GAINS OR LOSSES
         Virginia residency.                                          Column A Enter the total amount of capital gain or loss from 
Column C Enter any amount derived from West Virginia source(s)              the sale or exchange of property, including securities 
         while you were a nonresident of West Virginia.                     reported on your federal return.
BUSINESS CONDUCTED IN WEST VIRGINIA                                   Column B Enter any capital gain or loss which occurred during 
                                                                            your period of West Virginia residency.
A business, trade, profession, or occupation (not including personal  Column C Compute the amount to be reported as capital gain 
services as an employee) is considered to be conducted in West              or loss from West Virginia sources in accordance 
Virginia if you maintain, operate, or occupy desk space, an office,         with federal provisions for determining capital gains 
a shop, a store, a warehouse, a factory, an agency or other place           or losses and deductions for capital loss carryover 
where your affairs are regularly conducted in West Virginia if it is        from West Virginia sources to the extent included in 
transacted here with a fair measure of permanency and continuity.           computing your federal adjusted gross income and 
BUSINESS CONDUCTED INSIDE OR OUTSIDE                                        enter in this column.
                                                                      Capital transactions from West Virginia sources include capital 
                 WEST VIRGINIA                                        gains or losses derived from real or tangible property located 
If, while a nonresident, a business, trade or profession is conducted within West Virginia whether or not the property is connected 
inside and outside West Virginia and your accounts clearly reflect    with a business or trade and capital gains or losses from stocks, 
income from West Virginia operations, enter the net profit or loss    bonds, and other intangible personal property used in or connected 
from business conducted within West Virginia on line 8, Column C.     with a business, trade, profession, or occupation carried on in West 
                                                                      Virginia. Also include your share of any capital gain or loss derived 
           RENT & ROYALTY INCOME                                      from West Virginia sources from a partnership of which you are 
As a nonresident, enter in Column C any rents and royalties from:     a member, from an estate or trust of which you are a beneficiary 
•  Real property located in West Virginia, whether or not the  or from an electing West Virginia S corporation of which you are 
property is used in connection with a business;                       a shareholder. Any capital gains or losses from business property 
•  Tangible personal property not used in business if such property  (other than real property) of a business conducted both in and out 
is located in West Virginia; and                                      of West Virginia must be allocated for West Virginia purposes. 
•  Tangible and intangible personal property used in or connected  Gains or losses from the sale or disposition of real property are not 
with a business, trade, profession, or occupation conducted in  subject to allocation. In all cases, use the federal basis of property 
West Virginia.                                                        for computing capital gains or losses.
If a business is conducted both within West Virginia and from 
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- 30 -
LINE 10                                                                  LINE 21
Column A Enter the total of any other gains or losses from the           ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME
         sale or exchange of non-capital assets used in a trade          Column A Enter the adjustments to income reported on Federal 
         or business reported on your federal return.                              Form 1040. These adjustments include:
Column B Enter any substantial gain or loss which occurred                         Moving expenses for members of the Armed Services
         during your period of West Virginia residency.                            Alimony paid
Column C Compute the amount to be reported in this column by                       Certain business expenses of reservists, performing 
         applying the federal provisions for determining gains                     artists, and fee-basis government officials. 
         or losses from sale or exchange of other than capital                     Health savings account deduction
         assets to your West Virginia transactions                                 Student loan interest deduction 
Non-capital transactions from West Virginia sources are those                      and other deductions.
transactions from your federal return pertaining to property used in     Column B Enter any adjustments incurred during your period of 
connection with a business, trade, profession, or occupation carried               West Virginia residency.
on in West Virginia. Also included is your share of any non-capital      Column C Enter any adjustments connected with income from 
gains or losses from a partnership of which you are a member, from                 West Virginia sources while you were a nonresident 
an estate or trust of which you are a beneficiary or from an electing              of West Virginia
West Virginia S corporation of which you are a shareholder. Use          The amount shown in Column A must be the same as reported on 
the federal adjusted basis of your property in all computations.         the federal return. Include in Column B only the portion of alimony 
LINE 11                                                                  adjusted attributable to the period of West Virginia residency. The 
FARM INCOME OR LOSS                                                      adjustments should be allocated for Column B and Column C as 
Column A Enter the total amount reported on your federal return.         described above.
Column B Enter the amount that represents farm income or loss            LINE 22
         during your period of West Virginia residency.                  TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS. 
Column C Enter the amount that represents income or loss from            Enter the total of all adjustments from lines 15 through 21 for each 
         farming activity in West Virginia while you were a              column.
         nonresident of West Virginia.
LINE 12                                                                  LINE 23
UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION                                                ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME. 
Column A Enter the total amount reported on your federal return.         Subtract line 22 from line 14 in each column. Enter the result on 
Column B Enter the amount received during your period of West            this line.
         Virginia residency.
                                                                         LINE 24
Column C Enter the amount received while a nonresident but 
                                                                         WEST VIRGINIA INCOME. 
         derived or resulting from employment in West Virginia.
                                                                         Add Column B and Column C of line 23 and enter the total here.
OTHER INCOME                                                             LINE 25
Column A Enter the total of other income reported on your federal        INCOME SUBJECT TO WEST VIRGINIA TAX BUT 
         return. Identify each source in the space provided.             EXEMPT FROM FEDERAL TAX. 
         Enclose additional statements if necessary.                     Enter any income subject to West Virginia tax but not included in 
Column B Enter the amount received during your period of West            federal adjusted gross income. This income will be shown as an 
         Virginia residency.                                             addition to federal adjusted gross income on Schedule M.
Column C Enter the amount derived from or connected with 
         West Virginia sources and received while you were a             LINE 26
         nonresident of West Virginia.                                   TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA INCOME. 
NOTE: If you have special accrual income, it should be included  Add the amounts shown on lines 24 and 25 and enter the total 
in Columns A and B of this line. See page 17 for more information  here and on line 2 of Schedule A, Part I, Nonresident/Part-Year 
regarding special accruals.                                              Resident Tax Calculation on page 10.

LINE 14                                                                              SCHEDULE A, PARTS I AND II
Add lines 1 through 13 of each column and enter the result on this line. PART I: NONRESIDENT/PART-YEAR RESIDENT 
                                                                                         TAX CALCULATION
LINE 15 THROUGH 20                                                       Complete lines 1-4 and enter result on IT-140, line 8.
GROSS INCOME                                                             PART II: SPECIAL NONRESIDENT INCOME 
Column A Enter the adjustments to income reported on Federal             FOR RESIDENTS OF RECIPROCAL STATES AND 
         Form 1040.                                                      CERTAIN ACTIVE MILITARY MEMBERS 
Column B Enter any adjustments incurred during your period of 
         West Virginia residency.                                        Complete Part II only if you were a resident of Kentucky, 
Column C Enter any adjustments connected with income from  Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Virginia or you were Active 
         West Virginia sources while you were a nonresident  Military personnel stationed in West Virginia and your domicile 
         of West Virginia.                                               is outside West Virginia. 
The amount shown in Column A for any adjustments must be the 
same as reported on the federal return. The adjustments should be 
allocated for Column B and Column C as described above.
28 — 2022 West Virginia Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions                                                       tax.wv.gov

- 31 -
                                      SCHEDULE E INSTRUCTIONS
                                               FORM IS ON PAGE 7.
                       RESIDENTS                                         LINE 1
Subject to certain limitations, a West Virginia resident may be  Enter the tax imposed by the state of nonresidence on income also 
eligible to claim a credit for income taxes paid to another state. The  taxed by this state. Do not use the amount of any tax which may 
purpose of this credit is to prevent dual taxation of such income.       have been withheld from your wages; this does not represent the 
Note: Income from “guaranteed payments” shown on a W-2 as                actual tax paid to the other state. Do not include the amount of any 
wages but taxed as business income on the Ohio income tax return         interest, additions to tax, or other penalty which may have been 
qualifies for the Schedule E credit. See Publication TSD-422 for         paid with respect to such tax.
additional information.
                                                                         LINE 2
               PART-YEAR RESIDENTS                                       Enter the West Virginia total income tax shown on line 8 of Form 
Part-year residents may only claim credit for taxes paid to another  IT-140.
state on income earned while a WV resident and reported as 
taxable income to WV on Schedule A.                                      LINE 3
                                                                         Enter the net income from the state that is included in your West 
                  NONRESIDENTS                                           Virginia total income.
Nonresidents are not entitled to a Schedule E credit under any 
circumstances.                                                           LINE 4
                                                                         Enter total West Virginia income. 
The amount of a Schedule E credit is subject to the following            NOTE: Residents – enter the amount shown on line 4, Form 
limitations:                                                             IT-140. Part-year residents – enter the amount shown on IT-140 
                                                                         Schedule A, line 26.
•  The credit cannot exceed the amount of tax payable to the other state 
on income also subject to West Virginia tax. This is the amount of       LINE 5
income tax computed on the nonresident return filed with the other       LIMITATION OF CREDIT. 
state.                                                                   Multiply line 2 by line 3 and divide the result by line 4.
•  The credit cannot exceed the percentage of the West Virginia tax 
determined by dividing the portion of the taxpayer’s West Virginia       LINE 6
income subject to taxation in another state by the total amount of the   ALTERNATIVE WEST VIRGINIA TAXABLE INCOME. 
taxpayer’s West Virginia income.                                         Residents — Subtract line 3 from line 7, Form IT-140. 
•  The credit cannot reduce the West Virginia tax due to an amount 
less than what would have been due if the income subject to taxation     Part-year residents — Subtract line 3 from line 4.
by the other state was excluded from the taxpayer’s West Virginia        LINE 7
income.                                                                  ALTERNATIVE WEST VIRGINIA INCOME TAX. 
A separate Schedule E must be completed and attached for                 Apply the Tax Rate Schedule to the amount shown on line 6.
each state for which you are claiming a credit.
You must maintain a copy of the other state tax return in your           LINE 8 
files. This credit is not allowed for income tax imposed by a city,      LIMITATION OF CREDIT. 
township, borough, or any political subdivision of a state or any        Subtract line 7 from line 2.
other country. Local or municipal fees cannot be claimed. Due to         LINE 9 
existing reciprocal agreements, West Virginia residents cannot           MAXIMUM CREDIT.
claim the Schedule E credit if the credit claimed is for state income    Line 2 minus the sum of lines 2 through 22 of the Tax Credit 
taxes paid on wage and salary or unemployment compensation               Recap Schedule.
income earned in Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or 
Virginia. However, taxes paid on income derived from sources             LINE 10 
other than wage and salary or unemployment compensation                  TOTAL CREDIT. 
income is permitted as a Schedule E credit.                              (THE SMALLEST OF LINES 1, 2, 5, 8, OR 9). Enter amount here 
You may claim credit on your West Virginia Resident Income Tax           and on line 1 of the Tax Credit Recap Schedule.
Return for state income tax paid, as a nonresident, to ONLY the 
following states:                                                        SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR WEST VIRGINIA 
Alabama      Illinois    Missouri              Oregon                    RESIDENTS REGARDING THE FOLLOWING 
Arizona      Indiana     Montana               Rhode Island                                          STATES:
Arkansas     Iowa        Nebraska              South Carolina                   Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia
California   Kansas      New Hampshire Utah
Colorado     Louisiana   New Jersey            Vermont                         KENTUCKY, MARYLAND, OR OHIO
Connecticut  Maine       New Mexico            Wisconsin                 If your income during 2022 was from wages and/or salaries 
Delaware     Massachusetts New York            District of               only, you may not claim a Schedule E credit. In order to receive 
Georgia      Michigan    North Carolina        Columbia                  a refund of the erroneously withheld tax, you must file a return 
Hawaii       Minnesota   North Dakota                                    with the state in which taxes were withheld. If you had income 
Idaho        Mississippi Oklahoma                                        from a source other than wages and/or salaries, you are allowed a 
**NOTE: THE LIST ABOVE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE ANY TIME**                   credit for income taxes paid by completing Schedule E. You must 
                                                                         maintain a copy of the other state tax return in your files.
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- 32 -
            PENNSYLVANIA OR VIRGINIA                                  by completing Schedule E. You must maintain a copy of the other 
If your income during 2022 was from wages and/or salaries only,       state tax return in your files.
you may not claim a Schedule E credit. In order to receive a refund   SPECIAL NOTE: You may be relieved from having another 
of the erroneously withheld tax, you must file a return with these  state’s income tax withheld from your wages. Contact your 
states. If you spent more than 183 days in one of these states and  employer or the other state’s taxing authority for additional 
are considered an actual resident for tax purposes, or, if you had  information.
income from a source other than wages and/or salaries, you are 
allowed credit for income taxes paid to Pennsylvania or Virginia 

                                       FORM IT-210 INSTRUCTIONS
                                          FORM IS ON PAGES 46 THROUGH 48
     WHO MUST PAY THE UNDERPAYMENT                                                     WAIVER OF PENALTY
                      PENALTY?                                        If you are subject to underpayment penalty, all or part of the penalty 
You may be charged a penalty if you did not have enough West          will be waived if the West Virginia Tax Division determines that:
Virginia state income tax withheld from your income or pay  1. The penalty was caused by reason of casualty or disaster;
enough  estimated tax by any of the due dates. This may be true  2. The penalty was caused by unusual circumstances which makes 
even if you are due a refund when you file your return. The penalty   imposing the penalty unfair or inequitable.
is computed separately for each due date (quarter). You may owe  To request a waiver of the penalty, check the box for line 9 in 
a penalty for an earlier due date (quarter) even if you make large  PART I and enclose a signed statement explaining the reasons you 
enough payments later to make up the underpayment.                    believe the penalty should be waived (see page 49). If you have 
You may owe the penalty if you did not pay at least the smaller of:   documentation substantiating your statement, enclose a copy. The 
1. 90% of your 2021 tax liability; or                                 Division will notify you if your request for waiver is not approved.
2. 100% of your 2021 tax liability (if you filed a 2020 return that 
covered a full 12 months).                                                          PART I - FOR ALL FILERS
        EXCEPTIONS TO THE PENALTY                                     LINE 1 
                                                                      Enter the amount from line 8 of Form IT-140.
You will not have to pay any penalty if either of these exceptions 
apply:                                                                LINE 2
1. You had $0 tax after credit for 2021 and meet ALL of the           Add the amounts shown on lines 9, 17, 18, and line 19 of Form IT-140.
following conditions:
•  your 2021 tax return was (or would have been had you been          LINE 3
required to file) for a taxable year of twelve months;                Subtract line 2 from line 1 and enter the result.
•  you were a citizen or resident of the United States throughout the LINE 4
preceding taxable year;
•  your tax liability for 2022 is less than $5,000.                   Enter the amount of withholding tax shown on line 15 of Form IT-140.
2. The total tax shown on your 2022 return minus the tax you          LINE 5 
paid through West Virginia withholding is less than $600. To          Subtract line 4 from line 3 and enter the result. If line 5 is less than 
determine if you meet this exception, complete lines 1 through        $600, you are not subject to the penalty and need not file form IT-210.
5, PART I. If you meet this exception, you do not have to file 
Form IT-210.                                                          LINE 6
If you file your tax return and pay any tax due on or before February Multiply line 3 by ninety percent (90%) and enter the result. If you 
1, 2023, no fourth quarter penalty is due. Include the tax paid with  are a qualified farmer, multiply line 3 by sixty-six and two-thirds 
your return in column (d) of line 2, PART IV; this will result in no  percent (66 %).
penalty due for the January 18, 2023 installment.
                                                                      LINE 7
        SPECIAL RULES FOR FARMERS                                     Enter your tax after credits from your 2020 West Virginia return. 
If at least two-thirds of your gross income for 2022 was from         Your tax after credits will be line 8 reduced by lines 9, 17, 18 and 
farming sources, the following special rules apply:                   19 of Form IT-140.
1. You are only required to make one payment for the taxable year     LINE 8
(due January 18, 2023).                                               Compare the amounts shown on lines 6 and 7. If line 7 is zero 
2. The amount of estimated tax required to be paid (line 6) is sixty- and line 3 is more than $5,000, enter the amount shown on line 6. 
six and two-thirds percent (66  %)instead of ninety percent         Otherwise, enter the smaller of line 6 or line 7.
3. If you fail to pay your estimated tax by January 18, but you file            PART II - ANNUALIZED INCOME 
your return and pay the tax due on or before the first day of 
March, 2023, no penalty is due.                                                            WORKSHEET
Mark box 10 in PART I and complete PART III or only column            LINE 1 
(d) of PART IV to figure your penalty. Be sure to use 0.01908         TOTAL INCOME. 
                                                                      Compute your total income through the period indicated at the top 
instead of 0.05194 when calculating line 6 of PART III. When          of each column, including any adjustments to income includible in 
using PART IV, carry the entire figure shown on line 8 of PART I      your federal adjusted gross income.
to column (d), line 1.

30 — 2022 West Virginia Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions                                               tax.wv.gov

- 33 -
LINE 3                                                                    LINE 18 
ANNUALIZED INCOME.                                                        Subtract line 14 from line 17. If less than zero, enter zero.
Multiply the amount on line 1 by the annualization factors on line 2.
                                                                          LINE 19 
LINE 4                                                                    REQUIRED INSTALLMENT. 
WEST VIRGINIA MODIFICATIONS TO INCOME.                                    Compare lines 14 and 17 and enter the smaller figure here and on 
Enter the full amount in each column of any modification to federal  line 1, PART IV of Form IT-210.
adjusted gross income which would be allowed on your 2022 West 
Virginia Personal Income Tax Return. Do not annualize this line.                      PART III - SHORT METHOD
Be sure to show any negative figures.                                     You may use the short method to figure your penalty only if:
LINE 5                                                                    1. You made no estimated tax payments (or your only payments 
WEST VIRGINIA INCOME.                                                     were West Virginia income tax withheld); or
Combine lines 3 and 4; annualized income plus or minus                    2. You paid estimated tax and the payments were made in four 
modifications.                                                            equal installments on the due dates.
                                                                          NOTE: If any of your payments were made earlier than the due 
LINE 6                                                                    date, you may use the short method to calculate your penalty; 
EXEMPTION ALLOWANCE.                                                      however, using the short method may cause you to pay a higher 
Multiply the number of  exemptions you are allowed to claim by  penalty (if the payments were only a few days early, the difference 
$2,000; if you must claim zero exemptions, enter $500 on this line.       is likely to be very small).
LINE 7                                                                    You may NOT use the short method if:
ANNUALIZED TAXABLE INCOME.                                                1. You made any estimated tax payments late; or
Subtract line 6 from line 5.                                              2. You checked the box on line 11 PART I, or used PART II 
                                                                          (Annualized Income Worksheet).
LINE 8                                                                    If you can use the short method, complete lines 1 through 5 to 
TAX.                                                                      compute your total underpayment for the year and lines 6 through 
Compute the tax on the taxable income shown on line 7. Use the            8 to compute your penalty due. If you checked the box for line 10 
tax tables or rate schedules to calculate your tax. If you are filing 
as a nonresident/part-year resident, multiply the tax figure already      in PART I, because you are a farmer, the figure to use on line 6 is 
calculated by the ratio of your West Virginia income to your              0.01908 instead of 0.05194
federal income.
                                                                                      PART IV - REGULAR METHOD
LINE 9                                                                    Use the regular method to compute your penalty if you are not 
CREDITS AGAINST TAX.                                                      eligible to use the short method.
Show any credits against your West Virginia tax liability except 
West Virginia income tax withheld and estimated tax payments.                       SECTION A – COMPUTE YOUR 
LINE 10 
TAX AFTER CREDITS.                                                        LINE 1
Subtract line 9 from line 8; if line 9 is larger than line 8, enter zero. Enter in columns (a) through (d) the amount of your required 
                                                                          installment for the due date shown in each column heading. For 
COMPLETE LINES 12 THROUGH 19 FOR EACH                                     most taxpayers, this is the amount shown on line 8 of PART I 
COLUMN BEFORE MOVING TO THE NEXT                                          divided by four. If you used PART II, enter the amounts from 
               COLUMN.                                                    line 19 of the Annualized Income Worksheet in the appropriate 
LINE 12 
REQUIRED PAYMENTS.                                                        LINE 2
Multiply the amount on line 10 by the factor on line 11.                  Please read the following instructions carefully. Enter the 
                                                                          estimated tax payments you made plus any West Virginia income 
LINE 13                                                                   tax withheld from your income. 
PREVIOUS REQUIRED INSTALLMENTS.                                           In column (a), enter all credit carried over from your 2020 return, 
Add the amounts from line 19 of all previous columns and enter            any withholding earned on or before April 15, 2022, and any 
the sum.                                                                  estimated tax payments you made on or before April 15, 2022, for 
LINE 14                                                                   the 2022 tax year.
ANNUALIZED INSTALLMENT.                                                   In column (b), enter the withholding earned and estimated 
Subtract line 13 from line 12. If less than zero, enter zero.             payments made after April 15 and on or before June 15, 2022.
LINE 15                                                                   In column (c), enter the withholding earned and any estimated 
Enter one-fourth of line 8, Part I, of Form IT-210 in each column.        payments you made after June 15 and on or before September 15, 
LINE 16                                                                   In column (d), enter the withholding earned and estimated 
Enter the amount from line 18 of the previous column of this  payments you made after September 15 and on or before January 
worksheet.                                                                17, 2023. 
LINE 17                                                                   When calculating your payment dates and the amounts to enter on 
Add lines 15 and 16 and enter the total.                                  line 2 of each column, apply the following rules:
                                                                          1. For West Virginia income tax withheld, you are considered to have 
tax.wv.gov                                                                2022 Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions — 31

- 34 -
paid one-fourth of these amounts on each payment due date, unless         2. Any balance due paid on or before April 18, 2023 with your 
you check the box on line 11 in Part I and show otherwise.                personal income tax return is considered a payment and should 
2. Include in your estimated tax payments any overpayment from            be listed on line 2, column (d). For the payment date, use the 
your 2021 West Virginia tax return that you elected to apply to           date you file your return, or April 18, 2023, whichever is earlier.
your 2022 estimated tax. If you filed your return by the due date         Chart of Total Days Per Rate Period
(including extensions), treat the overpayment as a payment made 
on April 15, 2022.                                                        Rate Period            Line 10
3. If you file your return and pay the tax due on or before February                (a)             368
1, 2023, include the tax you pay with your return in column (d) of                  (b)             307
line 2. In this case, you will not owe a penalty for the payment due                (c)             215
January 17, 2023.                                                                   (d)             90
LINE 3                                                                    For example, if you have an underpayment on line 8, column (a), 
Enter any overpayment from the previous column on line 3.                 you would enter 368 in column (a) of line 10.
                                                                          The following line-by-line instructions apply only to column (a) of 
LINE 4                                                                    Section B. If there is an underpayment shown in any other column 
Add lines 2 and 3 in each column and enter the result on line 4.          on line 8, complete lines 10 and 12 in a similar fashion.
LINE 5                                                                    LINE 10
Add lines 7 and 8 from the previous column and enter the result           Enter in column (a) the total number of days from April 15, 2022 
in each column.                                                           to the date of the first payment. If no payments enter 368.
LINE 6                                                                    LINE 11
Subtract line 5 from line 4 in each column and enter the result on line   The daily penalty rate is equal to the annual interest rate applied 
6. If line 5 is equal to or more than line 4 in any column, enter zero on to tax underpayments divided by 365. The annual interest rate for 
line 6 in that column.                                                    underpayments is seven and three-quarters percent (7.75%) for 
LINE 7                                                                    2022, resulting in a daily rate of 0.000212.
Subtract line 4 from line 5 for any column where line 5 is more than      LINE 12
line 4; otherwise, enter zero.                                            Make the computation requested and enter the result. Note that the 
LINE 8                                                                    computation calls for the “underpayment on line 8”. The amount to 
Subtract line 6 from line 1 for any column where line 1 is more than      use as the “underpayment” depends on whether or not a payment 
line 6; otherwise, enter zero. If line 8 is zero for all payment periods, is listed.
you do not owe a penalty. However, if you checked any box in PART         If there is a payment – if the payment is more than the 
I, you must file Form IT-210 with your return.                            underpayment, apply only an amount equal to the underpayment 
                                                                          and apply the remainder to the tax due for the next quarter. If 
LINE 9                                                                    the payment is less than your underpayment, the penalty for the 
Subtract line 1 from line 6 for any column for which line 6 is more       remaining underpayment will require a separate computation. Use 
than line 1; otherwise, enter zero. Be sure to enter the amount from      a separate sheet of paper to show any additional computations.
line 9 on line 3 of the next column.
                                                                          If there are no payments – the “underpayment” is the entire 
SECTION B – COMPUTE YOUR PENALTY                                          amount shown on line 8.
CAUTION: Read the following instructions before completing                The following conditions determine if additional computations 
Section B.                                                                are needed for Column (a):
Compute the penalty by applying the appropriate rate against each  The first payment was enough to reduce the underpayment to zero. 
underpayment on line 8. The penalty is computed for the number  There are no further computations for column (a).
of days that the underpayment remains unpaid.                             No payments. Only one computation is needed. The penalty for 
The annual rate is seven and three-quarters percent (7.75%)  column (a) is line 8 multiplied by the number of days until April 
for 2022. The resultant daily rate of 0.000212 is applied to all  18, 2023 multiplied by line 11.
underpayments.                                                            The payment did not reduce the underpayment to zero. Compute the 
Use line 10 to compute the number of days the underpayment  penalty on the remaining underpayment on a separate sheet of paper. 
remains unpaid. Use line 12 to compute the actual penalty amount  If additional payments apply, reduce the underpayment for each 
by applying the daily rate of 0.000212 to the underpayment for the  installment and compute the penalty on the remainder of tax due 
number of days it was unpaid.                                             until paid or April 18, 2023, whichever is earlier.
Each payment must be applied to the oldest outstanding  Enter the total penalty calculation on line 12 and proceed to the 
underpayment. It does not matter if you designate a payment  next column.
for a later period. For example, if you have an underpayment              Columns (b) through (d)
for September 15 installment period, the payment you make 
January 18, 2023 will first be applied to pay off the September           To complete columns (b) through (d), use the same procedures 
15 underpayment; any remaining portion of the payment will be             as for column (a). However, apply only those payments in each 
applied to the January 18 installment.                                    column which have not been used in a previous column.
Also, apply the following rules:                                          LINE 13
1. Show the West Virginia withholding tax attributable to each            Add all figures from line 12. Enter the sum on line 13 and on the 
regular installment due date; do not list the withholding  appropriate PENALTY DUE line of your personal income tax 
attributable on or after January 1, 2023.                                 return.
32 — 2022 West Virginia Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions                                                     tax.wv.gov

- 35 -
                                          FORM IS ON PAGE 5
This form is used by individuals to summarize tax credits that they  obtained by visiting our website at tax.wv.gov or by calling the 
claim against their personal income tax. In addition to completing  Taxpayer Services Division at 1-800-982-8297. 
this summary form, each tax credit has a schedule or form that       Note: If you are claiming the Schedule E credit(s) or the 
is used to determine the amount of credit that can be claimed.  Neighborhood Investment Program Credit you are no longer 
Both this summary form and the appropriate credit calculation  required to enclose the other state(s) return(s) or the NIPA-2 
schedule(s) or form(s) must be enclosed with your return in order  schedule with your return. You must maintain the other state(s) 
to claim a tax credit. Information for these tax credits may be  return(s) or NIPA-2 schedule in your files.

If you recently received a WV SCTC-A in the mail from the West  You must owe and pay a property tax liability on the homestead 
Virginia Tax Division for the Homestead Exemption program  exemption eligible home (i.e. the assessed value of the eligible 
administered at the county level, you may be entitled to claim  home must be greater than $20,000 prior to the application of the 
a refundable state income tax credit. The credit is based on the  homestead exemption) and;
amount of ad valorem property taxes paid (Class II) on the first     Your household income must meet the low-income test. Complete 
$20,000, or portion thereof, of the taxable assessed value over the  Part II of Form SCTC-A to determine your household income for 
$20,000 Homestead Exemption.                                         the year.
The refundable income tax credit eligibility is restricted to those  If you were NOT required to file a federal tax return, do not include 
who participate in the Homestead Exemption Program through the       social security benefits when calculating your household income.
County Assessor’s office and meet the following criteria:
                                            INCOME WORKSHEET
A. Wages, salaries, tips received                                                         A. __________________________
B. Interest and dividend income                                                           B. __________________________
C. Alimony received                                                                       C. __________________________
D. Taxable pensions and annuities                                                         D. __________________________
E. Unemployment compensation                                                              E. __________________________
F. Other income (include capital gains, gambling winnings, farm income, etc.)             F. __________________________
G. Add lines A through F                                                                  G. __________________________
H. Adjustments to income (i. e. alimony paid, IRA, etc.)                                  H. __________________________
I. Line G minus line H (calculated Federal Adjusted Gross Income)                           I. __________________________
Compare the amount of your household income to the maximum income which corresponds to the number of people in your household as 
listed in the table on Form WV SCTC-A. If your income is equal to or less than the maximum income, you are eligible to claim the credit.
# OF PEOPLE IN           150% OF POVERTY GUIDELINES                  # OF PEOPLE IN         150% OF POVERTY GUIDELINES
HOUSEHOLD                                                            HOUSEHOLD
1                                 $20,385                                  3                        $34,545
2                                 $27,465                                  4                        $41,625
                                  **FOR EACH ADDITIONAL PERSON, ADD $7,080
If you meet all of the required criteria as previously listed, you   IF YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FILE A FEDERAL RETURN:
may claim this refundable credit by completing the West Virginia  4. List Allowable Credit amount from Line 2, Part III of Form 
income tax return (Form IT-140).                                     SCTC-A on Form IT-140 (pages 1 & 2 or 47 & 48), line 18.
                                                                     5. Complete your West Virginia return according to the instructions 
           INSTRUCTIONS                                              given in the SCTC-A.
1. Complete Part I of Form SCTC-A by entering your social  6. Be sure to submit the         original Form SCTC-A from the Tax 
security number, your spouse’s social security number (if filing     Division with your completed West Virginia return (Form IT-
jointly) and the number of people living in your household. If       140). SCTC-A forms created by a tax preparer will be result in 
the Prime or Spouse are deceased, please enter the date of death.    denial of the credit.  No substitute SCTC-A's will be accepted.
Only include the date of death if it is within the current tax year.
2. If you are due a refund and would like it direct deposited, enter IF YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO FILE A FEDERAL RETURN:
the banking information.                                             7. Sign and date the original Form SCTC-A you received from 
3. Complete Part II of the SCTC-A. Check YES if you are required     the Tax Division and mail it to the address at the bottom of the 
to file a federal return or NO if you are not required to file a     SCTC instructions.
federal return. Complete the lines under the box you checked to  If you later determine that you are required to file an Individual 
determine your household income.                                     Income Tax return, form IT-140 MUST be marked and completed 
                                                                     as an amended return. Be sure to enter the amount of Senior Citizen 
                                                                     Tax Credit refund originally received on Line 11 of the IT-140 to 
                                                                     prevent processing delays.
tax.wv.gov                                                           2022 Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions — 33

- 36 -
                                     2022  TAX RATE SCHEDULES
                                                RATE SCHEDULE I
Use this schedule if you checked 1 (Single), 2 (Head of household), 3 (Married  ling joint      ), or 5 (Widow[er] with 
dependent child) under “FILING STATUS”.
Less than $10,000.........................................................................................................................................................................3% of the taxable income
    At least –       But less than –
    $ 10,000             $25,000                                                      $300.00 plus 4% of excess over $10,000
    $25,000              $40,000                                                 $900.00 plus 4.5% of excess over $25,000
    $40,000              $60,000                                                 $1,575.00 plus 6% of excess over $40,000
    $60,000                                                                      $2,775.00 plus 6.5% of excess over $60,000
                                               With a taxable income of $117,635
                         $       57,635.00 Income in excess of $60,000
                         x                .065 Tax Rate $60,000 and above
                         $         3,746.28 Tax on excess of $57,635
                         +         2,775.00 Tax on $60,000
                         $         6,521.00 Total Tax on $117,635 (Round to nearest whole dollar)
                                                RATE SCHEDULE II
Use this schedule if you checked box 4 (Married  ling separately) under “FILING STATUS”.
Less than $5,000...........................................................................................................................................................................3% of the taxable income
    At least –       But less than –
    $ 5,000              $12,500                                                      $150.00 plus 4% of excess over $5,000
    $12,500              $20,000                                                 $450.00 plus 4.5% of excess over $12,500
    $20,000              $30,000                                                      $787.50 plus 6% of excess over $20,000
    $30,000                                                                      $1,387.50 plus 6.5% of excess over $30,000
                                               With a taxable income of $118,460
                         $       88,460.00 Income in excess of $30,000
                         x                .065 Tax Rate $30,000 and above
                         $         5,750.00 Tax on excess of $88,460
                         +         1,387.50 Tax on $30,000
                         $         7,138.00 Total Tax on $118,460 (Round to nearest whole dollar)

- 37 -
                                    2022 WEST VIRGINIA  TAX TABLE
1. Find the income range that applies to the taxable net income you reported on line 7 of your Form IT-140.
2. Find the West Virginia tax corresponding to your income range.
3. Enter the tax amount on line 8 of Form IT-140.
4. If your filing status is Married Filing Separately, you cannot use this table. Use Rate Schedule II on page 37.
5. Make sure your taxable income is LESS than and NOT equal to the income shown in the “LESS THAN” column.
6. If your taxable income is over $100,000 refer to the Tax Rate Schedules on page 37.
If your taxable net         If your taxable net         If your taxable net           If your taxable net             If your taxable net 
income is…                  income is…                  income is…                    income is…                      income is. . .
At         But      Your    At     But           Your   At       But        Your      At     But           Your       At     But          Your
Least Less          WV      Least  Less          WV     Least    Less       WV        Least  Less          WV         Least  Less         WV
      Than          Tax is…        Than         Tax is…          Than       Tax is…          Than         Tax is…            Than         Tax is…
   25      50          1    5,900  6,000         179    12,000   12,100     382       18,100 18,200               626 24,200 24,300       870
   50      75          2    6,000  6,100         182    12,100   12,200     386       18,200 18,300               630 24,300 24,400       874
   75      100         3    6,100  6,200         185    12,200   12,300     390       18,300 18,400               634 24,400 24,500       878
100        200         5    6,200  6,300         188    12,300   12,400     394       18,400 18,500               638 24,500 24,600       882
200        300         8    6,300  6,400         191    12,400   12,500     398       18,500 18,600               642 24,600 24,700       886
300        400      11      6,400  6,500         194    12,500   12,600     402       18,600 18,700               646 24,700 24,800       890
400        500      14      6,500  6,600         197    12,600   12,700     406       18,700 18,800               650 24,800 24,900       894
500        600      17      6,600  6,700         200    12,700   12,800     410       18,800 18,900               654 24,900 25,000       898
600        700      20      6,700  6,800         203    12,800   12,900     414       18,900 19,000               658 25,000 25,060       901
700        800      23      6,800  6,900         206    12,900   13,000     418       19,000 19,100               662 25,060 25,120       904
800        900      26      6,900  7,000         209    13,000   13,100     422       19,100 19,200               666 25,120 25,180       907
900        1,000    29      7,000  7,100         212    13,100   13,200     426       19,200 19,300               670 25,180 25,240       909
1,000      1,100    32      7,100  7,200         215    13,200   13,300     430       19,300 19,400               674 25,240 25,300       912
1,100      1,200    35      7,200  7,300         218    13,300   13,400     434       19,400 19,500               678 25,300 25,360       915
1,200      1,300    38      7,300  7,400         221    13,400   13,500     438       19,500 19,600               682 25,360 25,420       918
1,300      1,400    41      7,400  7,500         224    13,500   13,600     442       19,600 19,700               686 25,420 25,480       920
1,400      1,500    44      7,500  7,600         227    13,600   13,700     446       19,700 19,800               690 25,480 25,540       923
1,500      1,600    47      7,600  7,700         230    13,700   13,800     450       19,800 19,900               694 25,540 25,600       926
1,600      1,700    50      7,700  7,800         233    13,800   13,900     454       19,900 20,000               698 25,600 25,660       928
1,700      1,800    53      7,800  7,900         236    13,900   14,000     458       20,000 20,100               702 25,660 25,720       931
1,800      1,900    56      7,900  8,000         239    14,000   14,100     462       20,100 20,200               706 25,720 25,780       934
1,900      2,000    59      8,000  8,100         242    14,100   14,200     466       20,200 20,300               710 25,780 25,840       936
2,000      2,100    62      8,100  8,200         245    14,200   14,300     470       20,300 20,400               714 25,840 25,900       939
2,100      2,200    65      8,200  8,300         248    14,300   14,400     474       20,400 20,500               718 25,900 25,960       942
2,200      2,300    68      8,300  8,400         251    14,400   14,500     478       20,500 20,600               722 25,960 26,020       945
2,300      2,400    71      8,400  8,500         254    14,500   14,600     482       20,600 20,700               726 26,020 26,080       947
2,400      2,500    74      8,500  8,600         257    14,600   14,700     486       20,700 20,800               730 26,080 26,140       950
2,500      2,600    77      8,600  8,700         260    14,700   14,800     490       20,800 20,900               734 26,140 26,200       953
2,600      2,700    80      8,700  8,800         263    14,800   14,900     494       20,900 21,000               738 26,200 26,260       955
2,700      2,800    83      8,800  8,900         266    14,900   15,000     498       21,000 21,100               742 26,260 26,320       958
2,800      2,900    86      8,900  9,000         269    15,000   15,100     502       21,100 21,200               746 26,320 26,380       961
2,900      3,000    89      9,000  9,100         272    15,100   15,200     506       21,200 21,300               750 26,380 26,440       963
3,000      3,100    92      9,100  9,200         275    15,200   15,300     510       21,300 21,400               754 26,440 26,500       966
3,100      3,200    95      9,200  9,300         278    15,300   15,400     514       21,400 21,500               758 26,500 26,560       969
3,200      3,300    98      9,300  9,400         281    15,400   15,500     518       21,500 21,600               762 26,560 26,620       972
3,300      3,400    101     9,400  9,500         284    15,500   15,600     522       21,600 21,700               766 26,620 26,680       974
3,400      3,500    104     9,500  9,600         287    15,600   15,700     526       21,700 21,800               770 26,680 26,740       977
3,500      3,600    107     9,600  9,700         290    15,700   15,800     530       21,800 21,900               774 26,740 26,800       980
3,600      3,700    110     9,700  9,800         293    15,800   15,900     534       21,900 22,000               778 26,800 26,860       982
3,700      3,800    113     9,800  9,900         296    15,900   16,000     538       22,000 22,100               782 26,860 26,920       985
3,800      3,900    116     9,900  10,000        299    16,000   16,100     542       22,100 22,200               786 26,920 26,980       988
3,900      4,000    119     10,000 10,100        302    16,100   16,200     546       22,200 22,300               790 26,980 27,040       990
4,000      4,100    122     10,100 10,200        306    16,200   16,300     550       22,300 22,400               794 27,040 27,100       993
4,100      4,200    125     10,200 10,300        310    16,300   16,400     554       22,400 22,500               798 27,100 27,160       996
4,200      4,300    128     10,300 10,400        314    16,400   16,500     558       22,500 22,600               802 27,160 27,220       999
4,300      4,400    131     10,400 10,500        318    16,500   16,600     562       22,600 22,700               806 27,220 27,280       1,001
4,400      4,500    134     10,500 10,600        322    16,600   16,700     566       22,700 22,800               810 27,280 27,340       1,004
4,500      4,600    137     10,600 10,700        326    16,700   16,800     570       22,800 22,900               814 27,340 27,400       1,007
4,600      4,700    140     10,700 10,800        330    16,800   16,900     574       22,900 23,000               818 27,400 27,460       1,009
4,700      4,800    143     10,800 10,900        334    16,900   17,000     578       23,000 23,100               822 27,460 27,520       1,012
4,800      4,900    146     10,900 11,000        338    17,000   17,100     582       23,100 23,200               826 27,520 27,580       1,015
4,900      5,000    149     11,000 11,100        342    17,100   17,200     586       23,200 23,300               830 27,580 27,640       1,017
5,000      5,100    152     11,100 11,200        346    17,200   17,300     590       23,300 23,400               834 27,640 27,700       1,020
5,100      5,200    155     11,200 11,300        350    17,300   17,400     594       23,400 23,500               838 27,700 27,760       1,023
5,200      5,300    158     11,300 11,400        354    17,400   17,500     598       23,500 23,600               842 27,760 27,820       1,026
5,300      5,400    161     11,400 11,500        358    17,500   17,600     602       23,600 23,700               846 27,820 27,880       1,028
5,400      5,500    164     11,500 11,600        362    17,600   17,700     606       23,700 23,800               850 27,880 27,940       1,031
5,500      5,600    167     11,600 11,700        366    17,700   17,800     610       23,800 23,900               854 27,940 28,000       1,034
5,600      5,700    170     11,700 11,800        370    17,800   17,900     614       23,900 24,000               858 28,000 28,060       1,036
5,700      5,800    173     11,800 11,900        374    17,900   18,000     618       24,000 24,100               862 28,060 28,120       1,039
5,800      5,900    176     11,900 12,000        378    18,000   18,100     622       24,100 24,200               866 28,120 28,180       1,042

tax.wv.gov                                                         2022 Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions — 35

- 38 -
                                    2022 WEST VIRGINIA TAX TABLE
If your taxable net         If your taxable net         If your taxable net         If your taxable net         If your taxable net 
income is…                  income is…                  income is…                  income is…                  income is. . .
At     But          Your    At     But          Your    At     But          Your    At     But          Your    At     But          Your
Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV
       Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…
28,180 28,240       1,044   32,380 32,440       1,233   36,580 36,640       1,422   40,650 40,700       1,616   44,150 44,200       1,826
28,240 28,300       1,047   32,440 32,500       1,236   36,640 36,700       1,425   40,700 40,750       1,619   44,200 44,250       1,829
28,300 28,360       1,050   32,500 32,560       1,239   36,700 36,760       1,428   40,750 40,800       1,622   44,250 44,300       1,832
28,360 28,420       1,053   32,560 32,620       1,242   36,760 36,820       1,431   40,800 40,850       1,625   44,300 44,350       1,835
28,420 28,480       1,055   32,620 32,680       1,244   36,820 36,880       1,433   40,850 40,900       1,628   44,350 44,400       1,838
28,480 28,540       1,058   32,680 32,740       1,247   36,880 36,940       1,436   40,900 40,950       1,631   44,400 44,450       1,841
28,540 28,600       1,061   32,740 32,800       1,250   36,940 37,000       1,439   40,950 41,000       1,634   44,450 44,500       1,844
28,600 28,660       1,063   32,800 32,860       1,252   37,000 37,060       1,441   41,000 41,050       1,637   44,500 44,550       1,847
28,660 28,720       1,066   32,860 32,920       1,255   37,060 37,120       1,444   41,050 41,100       1,640   44,550 44,600       1,850
28,720 28,780       1,069   32,920 32,980       1,258   37,120 37,180       1,447   41,100 41,150       1,643   44,600 44,650       1,853
28,780 28,840       1,071   32,980 33,040       1,260   37,180 37,240       1,449   41,150 41,200       1,646   44,650 44,700       1,856
28,840 28,900       1,074   33,040 33,100       1,263   37,240 37,300       1,452   41,200 41,250       1,649   44,700 44,750       1,859
28,900 28,960       1,077   33,100 33,160       1,266   37,300 37,360       1,455   41,250 41,300       1,652   44,750 44,800       1,862
28,960 29,020       1,080   33,160 33,220       1,269   37,360 37,420       1,458   41,300 41,350       1,655   44,800 44,850       1,865
29,020 29,080       1,082   33,220 33,280       1,271   37,420 37,480       1,460   41,350 41,400       1,658   44,850 44,900       1,868
29,080 29,140       1,085   33,280 33,340       1,274   37,480 37,540       1,463   41,400 41,450       1,661   44,900 44,950       1,871
29,140 29,200       1,088   33,340 33,400       1,277   37,540 37,600       1,466   41,450 41,500       1,664   44,950 45,000       1,874
29,200 29,260       1,090   33,400 33,460       1,279   37,600 37,660       1,468   41,500 41,550       1,667   45,000 45,050       1,877
29,260 29,320       1,093   33,460 33,520       1,282   37,660 37,720       1,471   41,550 41,600       1,670   45,050 45,100       1,880
29,320 29,380       1,096   33,520 33,580       1,285   37,720 37,780       1,474   41,600 41,650       1,673   45,100 45,150       1,883
29,380 29,440       1,098   33,580 33,640       1,287   37,780 37,840       1,476   41,650 41,700       1,676   45,150 45,200       1,886
29,440 29,500       1,101   33,640 33,700       1,290   37,840 37,900       1,479   41,700 41,750       1,679   45,200 45,250       1,889
29,500 29,560       1,104   33,700 33,760       1,293   37,900 37,960       1,482   41,750 41,800       1,682   45,250 45,300       1,892
29,560 29,620       1,107   33,760 33,820       1,296   37,960 38,020       1,485   41,800 41,850       1,685   45,300 45,350       1,895
29,620 29,680       1,109   33,820 33,880       1,298   38,020 38,080       1,487   41,850 41,900       1,688   45,350 45,400       1,898
29,680 29,740       1,112   33,880 33,940       1,301   38,080 38,140       1,490   41,900 41,950       1,691   45,400 45,450       1,901
29,740 29,800       1,115   33,940 34,000       1,304   38,140 38,200       1,493   41,950 42,000       1,694   45,450 45,500       1,904
29,800 29,860       1,117   34,000 34,060       1,306   38,200 38,260       1,495   42,000 42,050       1,697   45,500 45,550       1,907
29,860 29,920       1,120   34,060 34,120       1,309   38,260 38,320       1,498   42,050 42,100       1,700   45,550 45,600       1,910
29,920 29,980       1,123   34,120 34,180       1,312   38,320 38,380       1,501   42,100 42,150       1,703   45,600 45,650       1,913
29,980 30,040       1,125   34,180 34,240       1,314   38,380 38,440       1,503   42,150 42,200       1,706   45,650 45,700       1,916
30,040 30,100       1,128   34,240 34,300       1,317   38,440 38,500       1,506   42,200 42,250       1,709   45,700 45,750       1,919
30,100 30,160       1,131   34,300 34,360       1,320   38,500 38,560       1,509   42,250 42,300       1,712   45,750 45,800       1,922
30,160 30,220       1,134   34,360 34,420       1,323   38,560 38,620       1,512   42,300 42,350       1,715   45,800 45,850       1,925
30,220 30,280       1,136   34,420 34,480       1,325   38,620 38,680       1,514   42,350 42,400       1,718   45,850 45,900       1,928
30,280 30,340       1,139   34,480 34,540       1,328   38,680 38,740       1,517   42,400 42,450       1,721   45,900 45,950       1,931
30,340 30,400       1,142   34,540 34,600       1,331   38,740 38,800       1,520   42,450 42,500       1,724   45,950 46,000       1,934
30,400 30,460       1,144   34,600 34,660       1,333   38,800 38,860       1,522   42,500 42,550       1,727   46,000 46,050       1,937
30,460 30,520       1,147   34,660 34,720       1,336   38,860 38,920       1,525   42,550 42,600       1,730   46,050 46,100       1,940
30,520 30,580       1,150   34,720 34,780       1,339   38,920 38,980       1,528   42,600 42,650       1,733   46,100 46,150       1,943
30,580 30,640       1,152   34,780 34,840       1,341   38,980 39,040       1,530   42,650 42,700       1,736   46,150 46,200       1,946
30,640 30,700       1,155   34,840 34,900       1,344   39,040 39,100       1,533   42,700 42,750       1,739   46,200 46,250       1,949
30,700 30,760       1,158   34,900 34,960       1,347   39,100 39,160       1,536   42,750 42,800       1,742   46,250 46,300       1,952
30,760 30,820       1,161   34,960 35,020       1,350   39,160 39,220       1,539   42,800 42,850       1,745   46,300 46,350       1,955
30,820 30,880       1,163   35,020 35,080       1,352   39,220 39,280       1,541   42,850 42,900       1,748   46,350 46,400       1,958
30,880 30,940       1,166   35,080 35,140       1,355   39,280 39,340       1,544   42,900 42,950       1,751   46,400 46,450       1,961
30,940 31,000       1,169   35,140 35,200       1,358   39,340 39,400       1,547   42,950 43,000       1,754   46,450 46,500       1,964
31,000 31,060       1,171   35,200 35,260       1,360   39,400 39,460       1,549   43,000 43,050       1,757   46,500 46,550       1,967
31,060 31,120       1,174   35,260 35,320       1,363   39,460 39,520       1,552   43,050 43,100       1,760   46,550 46,600       1,970
31,120 31,180       1,177   35,320 35,380       1,366   39,520 39,580       1,555   43,100 43,150       1,763   46,600 46,650       1,973
31,180 31,240       1,179   35,380 35,440       1,368   39,580 39,640       1,557   43,150 43,200       1,766   46,650 46,700       1,976
31,240 31,300       1,182   35,440 35,500       1,371   39,640 39,700       1,560   43,200 43,250       1,769   46,700 46,750       1,979
31,300 31,360       1,185   35,500 35,560       1,374   39,700 39,760       1,563   43,250 43,300       1,772   46,750 46,800       1,982
31,360 31,420       1,188   35,560 35,620       1,377   39,760 39,820       1,566   43,300 43,350       1,775   46,800 46,850       1,985
31,420 31,480       1,190   35,620 35,680       1,379   39,820 39,880       1,568   43,350 43,400       1,778   46,850 46,900       1,988
31,480 31,540       1,193   35,680 35,740       1,382   39,880 39,940       1,571   43,400 43,450       1,781   46,900 46,950       1,991
31,540 31,600       1,196   35,740 35,800       1,385   39,940 40,000       1,574   43,450 43,500       1,784   46,950 47,000       1,994
31,600 31,660       1,198   35,800 35,860       1,387   40,000 40,050       1,577   43,500 43,550       1,787   47,000 47,050       1,997
31,660 31,720       1,201   35,860 35,920       1,390   40,050 40,100       1,580   43,550 43,600       1,790   47,050 47,100       2,000
31,720 31,780       1,204   35,920 35,980       1,393   40,100 40,150       1,583   43,600 43,650       1,793   47,100 47,150       2,003
31,780 31,840       1,206   35,980 36,040       1,395   40,150 40,200       1,586   43,650 43,700       1,796   47,150 47,200       2,006
31,840 31,900       1,209   36,040 36,100       1,398   40,200 40,250       1,589   43,700 43,750       1,799   47,200 47,250       2,009
31,900 31,960       1,212   36,100 36,160       1,401   40,250 40,300       1,592   43,750 43,800       1,802   47,250 47,300       2,012
31,960 32,020       1,215   36,160 36,220       1,404   40,300 40,350       1,595   43,800 43,850       1,805   47,300 47,350       2,015
32,020 32,080       1,217   36,220 36,280       1,406   40,350 40,400       1,598   43,850 43,900       1,808   47,350 47,400       2,018
32,080 32,140       1,220   36,280 36,340       1,409   40,400 40,450       1,601   43,900 43,950       1,811   47,400 47,450       2,021
32,140 32,200       1,223   36,340 36,400       1,412   40,450 40,500       1,604   43,950 44,000       1,814   47,450 47,500       2,024
32,200 32,260       1,225   36,400 36,460       1,414   40,500 40,550       1,607   44,000 44,050       1,817   47,500 47,550       2,027
32,260 32,320       1,228   36,460 36,520       1,417   40,550 40,600       1,610   44,050 44,100       1,820   47,550 47,600       2,030
32,320 32,380       1,231   36,520 36,580       1,420   40,600 40,650       1,613   44,100 44,150       1,823   47,600 47,650       2,033

36 — 2022 West Virginia Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions                                                      tax.wv.gov

- 39 -
                                    2022 WEST VIRGINIA TAX TABLE
If your taxable net         If your taxable net         If your taxable net         If your taxable net         If your taxable net 
income is…                  income is…                  income is…                  income is…                  income is. . .
At         But      Your    At     But          Your    At     But          Your    At     But          Your    At     But          Your
Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV
       Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…
47,650     47,700   2,036   51,150 51,200       2,246   54,650 54,700       2,456   58,150 58,200       2,666   61,650 61,700       2,884
47,700     47,750   2,039   51,200 51,250       2,249   54,700 54,750       2,459   58,200 58,250       2,669   61,700 61,750       2,887
47,750     47,800   2,042   51,250 51,300       2,252   54,750 54,800       2,462   58,250 58,300       2,672   61,750 61,800       2,890
47,800     47,850   2,045   51,300 51,350       2,255   54,800 54,850       2,465   58,300 58,350       2,675   61,800 61,850       2,894
47,850     47,900   2,048   51,350 51,400       2,258   54,850 54,900       2,468   58,350 58,400       2,678   61,850 61,900       2,897
47,900     47,950   2,051   51,400 51,450       2,261   54,900 54,950       2,471   58,400 58,450       2,681   61,900 61,950       2,900
47,950     48,000   2,054   51,450 51,500       2,264   54,950 55,000       2,474   58,450 58,500       2,684   61,950 62,000       2,903
48,000     48,050   2,057   51,500 51,550       2,267   55,000 55,050       2,477   58,500 58,550       2,687   62,000 62,050       2,907
48,050     48,100   2,060   51,550 51,600       2,270   55,050 55,100       2,480   58,550 58,600       2,690   62,050 62,100       2,910
48,100     48,150   2,063   51,600 51,650       2,273   55,100 55,150       2,483   58,600 58,650       2,693   62,100 62,150       2,913
48,150     48,200   2,066   51,650 51,700       2,276   55,150 55,200       2,486   58,650 58,700       2,696   62,150 62,200       2,916
48,200     48,250   2,069   51,700 51,750       2,279   55,200 55,250       2,489   58,700 58,750       2,699   62,200 62,250       2,920
48,250     48,300   2,072   51,750 51,800       2,282   55,250 55,300       2,492   58,750 58,800       2,702   62,250 62,300       2,923
48,300     48,350   2,075   51,800 51,850       2,285   55,300 55,350       2,495   58,800 58,850       2,705   62,300 62,350       2,926
48,350     48,400   2,078   51,850 51,900       2,288   55,350 55,400       2,498   58,850 58,900       2,708   62,350 62,400       2,929
48,400     48,450   2,081   51,900 51,950       2,291   55,400 55,450       2,501   58,900 58,950       2,711   62,400 62,450       2,933
48,450     48,500   2,084   51,950 52,000       2,294   55,450 55,500       2,504   58,950 59,000       2,714   62,450 62,500       2,936
48,500     48,550   2,087   52,000 52,050       2,297   55,500 55,550       2,507   59,000 59,050       2,717   62,500 62,550       2,939
48,550     48,600   2,090   52,050 52,100       2,300   55,550 55,600       2,510   59,050 59,100       2,720   62,550 62,600       2,942
48,600     48,650   2,093   52,100 52,150       2,303   55,600 55,650       2,513   59,100 59,150       2,723   62,600 62,650       2,946
48,650     48,700   2,096   52,150 52,200       2,306   55,650 55,700       2,516   59,150 59,200       2,726   62,650 62,700       2,949
48,700     48,750   2,099   52,200 52,250       2,309   55,700 55,750       2,519   59,200 59,250       2,729   62,700 62,750       2,952
48,750     48,800   2,102   52,250 52,300       2,312   55,750 55,800       2,522   59,250 59,300       2,732   62,750 62,800       2,955
48,800     48,850   2,105   52,300 52,350       2,315   55,800 55,850       2,525   59,300 59,350       2,735   62,800 62,850       2,959
48,850     48,900   2,108   52,350 52,400       2,318   55,850 55,900       2,528   59,350 59,400       2,738   62,850 62,900       2,962
48,900     48,950   2,111   52,400 52,450       2,321   55,900 55,950       2,531   59,400 59,450       2,741   62,900 62,950       2,965
48,950     49,000   2,114   52,450 52,500       2,324   55,950 56,000       2,534   59,450 59,500       2,744   62,950 63,000       2,968
49,000     49,050   2,117   52,500 52,550       2,327   56,000 56,050       2,537   59,500 59,550       2,747   63,000 63,050       2,972
49,050     49,100   2,120   52,550 52,600       2,330   56,050 56,100       2,540   59,550 59,600       2,750   63,050 63,100       2,975
49,100     49,150   2,123   52,600 52,650       2,333   56,100 56,150       2,543   59,600 59,650       2,753   63,100 63,150       2,978
49,150     49,200   2,126   52,650 52,700       2,336   56,150 56,200       2,546   59,650 59,700       2,756   63,150 63,200       2,981
49,200     49,250   2,129   52,700 52,750       2,339   56,200 56,250       2,549   59,700 59,750       2,759   63,200 63,250       2,985
49,250     49,300   2,132   52,750 52,800       2,342   56,250 56,300       2,552   59,750 59,800       2,762   63,250 63,300       2,988
49,300     49,350   2,135   52,800 52,850       2,345   56,300 56,350       2,555   59,800 59,850       2,765   63,300 63,350       2,991
49,350     49,400   2,138   52,850 52,900       2,348   56,350 56,400       2,558   59,850 59,900       2,768   63,350 63,400       2,994
49,400     49,450   2,141   52,900 52,950       2,351   56,400 56,450       2,561   59,900 59,950       2,771   63,400 63,450       2,998
49,450     49,500   2,144   52,950 53,000       2,354   56,450 56,500       2,564   59,950 60,000       2,774   63,450 63,500       3,001
49,500     49,550   2,147   53,000 53,050       2,357   56,500 56,550       2,567   60,000 60,050       2,777   63,500 63,550       3,004
49,550     49,600   2,150   53,050 53,100       2,360   56,550 56,600       2,570   60,050 60,100       2,780   63,550 63,600       3,007
49,600     49,650   2,153   53,100 53,150       2,363   56,600 56,650       2,573   60,100 60,150       2,783   63,600 63,650       3,011
49,650     49,700   2,156   53,150 53,200       2,366   56,650 56,700       2,576   60,150 60,200       2,786   63,650 63,700       3,014
49,700     49,750   2,159   53,200 53,250       2,369   56,700 56,750       2,579   60,200 60,250       2,790   63,700 63,750       3,017
49,750     49,800   2,162   53,250 53,300       2,372   56,750 56,800       2,582   60,250 60,300       2,793   63,750 63,800       3,020
49,800     49,850   2,165   53,300 53,350       2,375   56,800 56,850       2,585   60,300 60,350       2,796   63,800 63,850       3,024
49,850     49,900   2,168   53,350 53,400       2,378   56,850 56,900       2,588   60,350 60,400       2,799   63,850 63,900       3,027
49,900     49,950   2,171   53,400 53,450       2,381   56,900 56,950       2,591   60,400 60,450       2,803   63,900 63,950       3,030
49,950     50,000   2,174   53,450 53,500       2,384   56,950 57,000       2,594   60,450 60,500       2,806   63,950 64,000       3,033
50,000     50,050   2,177   53,500 53,550       2,387   57,000 57,050       2,597   60,500 60,550       2,809   64,000 64,050       3,037
50,050     50,100   2,180   53,550 53,600       2,390   57,050 57,100       2,600   60,550 60,600       2,812   64,050 64,100       3,040
50,100     50,150   2,183   53,600 53,650       2,393   57,100 57,150       2,603   60,600 60,650       2,816   64,100 64,150       3,043
50,150     50,200   2,186   53,650 53,700       2,396   57,150 57,200       2,606   60,650 60,700       2,819   64,150 64,200       3,046
50,200     50,250   2,189   53,700 53,750       2,399   57,200 57,250       2,609   60,700 60,750       2,822   64,200 64,250       3,050
50,250     50,300   2,192   53,750 53,800       2,402   57,250 57,300       2,612   60,750 60,800       2,825   64,250 64,300       3,053
50,300     50,350   2,195   53,800 53,850       2,405   57,300 57,350       2,615   60,800 60,850       2,829   64,300 64,350       3,056
50,350     50,400   2,198   53,850 53,900       2,408   57,350 57,400       2,618   60,850 60,900       2,832   64,350 64,400       3,059
50,400     50,450   2,201   53,900 53,950       2,411   57,400 57,450       2,621   60,900 60,950       2,835   64,400 64,450       3,063
50,450     50,500   2,204   53,950 54,000       2,414   57,450 57,500       2,624   60,950 61,000       2,838   64,450 64,500       3,066
50,500     50,550   2,207   54,000 54,050       2,417   57,500 57,550       2,627   61,000 61,050       2,842   64,500 64,550       3,069
50,550     50,600   2,210   54,050 54,100       2,420   57,550 57,600       2,630   61,050 61,100       2,845   64,550 64,600       3,072
50,600     50,650   2,213   54,100 54,150       2,423   57,600 57,650       2,633   61,100 61,150       2,848   64,600 64,650       3,076
50,650     50,700   2,216   54,150 54,200       2,426   57,650 57,700       2,636   61,150 61,200       2,851   64,650 64,700       3,079
50,700     50,750   2,219   54,200 54,250       2,429   57,700 57,750       2,639   61,200 61,250       2,855   64,700 64,750       3,082
50,750     50,800   2,222   54,250 54,300       2,432   57,750 57,800       2,642   61,250 61,300       2,858   64,750 64,800       3,085
50,800     50,850   2,225   54,300 54,350       2,435   57,800 57,850       2,645   61,300 61,350       2,861   64,800 64,850       3,089
50,850     50,900   2,228   54,350 54,400       2,438   57,850 57,900       2,648   61,350 61,400       2,864   64,850 64,900       3,092
50,900     50,950   2,231   54,400 54,450       2,441   57,900 57,950       2,651   61,400 61,450       2,868   64,900 64,950       3,095
50,950     51,000   2,234   54,450 54,500       2,444   57,950 58,000       2,654   61,450 61,500       2,871   64,950 65,000       3,098
51,000     51,050   2,237   54,500 54,550       2,447   58,000 58,050       2,657   61,500 61,550       2,874   65,000 65,050       3,102
51,050     51,100   2,240   54,550 54,600       2,450   58,050 58,100       2,660   61,550 61,600       2,877   65,050 65,100       3,105
51,100     51,150   2,243   54,600 54,650       2,453   58,100 58,150       2,663   61,600 61,650       2,881   65,100 65,150       3,108

tax.wv.gov                                                         2022 Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions — 37

- 40 -
                                    2022 WEST VIRGINIA TAX TABLE
If your taxable net         If your taxable net         If your taxable net         If your taxable net         If your taxable net 
income is…                  income is…                  income is…                  income is…                  income is. . .
At     But          Your    At     But          Your    At     But          Your    At     But          Your    At     But          Your
Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV
       Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…
65,150 65,200       3,111   68,650 68,700       3,339   72,150 72,200       3,566   75,650 75,700       3,794   79,150 79,200       4,021
65,200 65,250       3,115   68,700 68,750       3,342   72,200 72,250       3,570   75,700 75,750       3,797   79,200 79,250       4,025
65,250 65,300       3,118   68,750 68,800       3,345   72,250 72,300       3,573   75,750 75,800       3,800   79,250 79,300       4,028
65,300 65,350       3,121   68,800 68,850       3,349   72,300 72,350       3,576   75,800 75,850       3,804   79,300 79,350       4,031
65,350 65,400       3,124   68,850 68,900       3,352   72,350 72,400       3,579   75,850 75,900       3,807   79,350 79,400       4,034
65,400 65,450       3,128   68,900 68,950       3,355   72,400 72,450       3,583   75,900 75,950       3,810   79,400 79,450       4,038
65,450 65,500       3,131   68,950 69,000       3,358   72,450 72,500       3,586   75,950 76,000       3,813   79,450 79,500       4,041
65,500 65,550       3,134   69,000 69,050       3,362   72,500 72,550       3,589   76,000 76,050       3,817   79,500 79,550       4,044
65,550 65,600       3,137   69,050 69,100       3,365   72,550 72,600       3,592   76,050 76,100       3,820   79,550 79,600       4,047
65,600 65,650       3,141   69,100 69,150       3,368   72,600 72,650       3,596   76,100 76,150       3,823   79,600 79,650       4,051
65,650 65,700       3,144   69,150 69,200       3,371   72,650 72,700       3,599   76,150 76,200       3,826   79,650 79,700       4,054
65,700 65,750       3,147   69,200 69,250       3,375   72,700 72,750       3,602   76,200 76,250       3,830   79,700 79,750       4,057
65,750 65,800       3,150   69,250 69,300       3,378   72,750 72,800       3,605   76,250 76,300       3,833   79,750 79,800       4,060
65,800 65,850       3,154   69,300 69,350       3,381   72,800 72,850       3,609   76,300 76,350       3,836   79,800 79,850       4,064
65,850 65,900       3,157   69,350 69,400       3,384   72,850 72,900       3,612   76,350 76,400       3,839   79,850 79,900       4,067
65,900 65,950       3,160   69,400 69,450       3,388   72,900 72,950       3,615   76,400 76,450       3,843   79,900 79,950       4,070
65,950 66,000       3,163   69,450 69,500       3,391   72,950 73,000       3,618   76,450 76,500       3,846   79,950 80,000       4,073
66,000 66,050       3,167   69,500 69,550       3,394   73,000 73,050       3,622   76,500 76,550       3,849   80,000 80,050       4,077
66,050 66,100       3,170   69,550 69,600       3,397   73,050 73,100       3,625   76,550 76,600       3,852   80,050 80,100       4,080
66,100 66,150       3,173   69,600 69,650       3,401   73,100 73,150       3,628   76,600 76,650       3,856   80,100 80,150       4,083
66,150 66,200       3,176   69,650 69,700       3,404   73,150 73,200       3,631   76,650 76,700       3,859   80,150 80,200       4,086
66,200 66,250       3,180   69,700 69,750       3,407   73,200 73,250       3,635   76,700 76,750       3,862   80,200 80,250       4,090
66,250 66,300       3,183   69,750 69,800       3,410   73,250 73,300       3,638   76,750 76,800       3,865   80,250 80,300       4,093
66,300 66,350       3,186   69,800 69,850       3,414   73,300 73,350       3,641   76,800 76,850       3,869   80,300 80,350       4,096
66,350 66,400       3,189   69,850 69,900       3,417   73,350 73,400       3,644   76,850 76,900       3,872   80,350 80,400       4,099
66,400 66,450       3,193   69,900 69,950       3,420   73,400 73,450       3,648   76,900 76,950       3,875   80,400 80,450       4,103
66,450 66,500       3,196   69,950 70,000       3,423   73,450 73,500       3,651   76,950 77,000       3,878   80,450 80,500       4,106
66,500 66,550       3,199   70,000 70,050       3,427   73,500 73,550       3,654   77,000 77,050       3,882   80,500 80,550       4,109
66,550 66,600       3,202   70,050 70,100       3,430   73,550 73,600       3,657   77,050 77,100       3,885   80,550 80,600       4,112
66,600 66,650       3,206   70,100 70,150       3,433   73,600 73,650       3,661   77,100 77,150       3,888   80,600 80,650       4,116
66,650 66,700       3,209   70,150 70,200       3,436   73,650 73,700       3,664   77,150 77,200       3,891   80,650 80,700       4,119
66,700 66,750       3,212   70,200 70,250       3,440   73,700 73,750       3,667   77,200 77,250       3,895   80,700 80,750       4,122
66,750 66,800       3,215   70,250 70,300       3,443   73,750 73,800       3,670   77,250 77,300       3,898   80,750 80,800       4,125
66,800 66,850       3,219   70,300 70,350       3,446   73,800 73,850       3,674   77,300 77,350       3,901   80,800 80,850       4,129
66,850 66,900       3,222   70,350 70,400       3,449   73,850 73,900       3,677   77,350 77,400       3,904   80,850 80,900       4,132
66,900 66,950       3,225   70,400 70,450       3,453   73,900 73,950       3,680   77,400 77,450       3,908   80,900 80,950       4,135
66,950 67,000       3,228   70,450 70,500       3,456   73,950 74,000       3,683   77,450 77,500       3,911   80,950 81,000       4,138
67,000 67,050       3,232   70,500 70,550       3,459   74,000 74,050       3,687   77,500 77,550       3,914   81,000 81,050       4,142
67,050 67,100       3,235   70,550 70,600       3,462   74,050 74,100       3,690   77,550 77,600       3,917   81,050 81,100       4,145
67,100 67,150       3,238   70,600 70,650       3,466   74,100 74,150       3,693   77,600 77,650       3,921   81,100 81,150       4,148
67,150 67,200       3,241   70,650 70,700       3,469   74,150 74,200       3,696   77,650 77,700       3,924   81,150 81,200       4,151
67,200 67,250       3,245   70,700 70,750       3,472   74,200 74,250       3,700   77,700 77,750       3,927   81,200 81,250       4,155
67,250 67,300       3,248   70,750 70,800       3,475   74,250 74,300       3,703   77,750 77,800       3,930   81,250 81,300       4,158
67,300 67,350       3,251   70,800 70,850       3,479   74,300 74,350       3,706   77,800 77,850       3,934   81,300 81,350       4,161
67,350 67,400       3,254   70,850 70,900       3,482   74,350 74,400       3,709   77,850 77,900       3,937   81,350 81,400       4,164
67,400 67,450       3,258   70,900 70,950       3,485   74,400 74,450       3,713   77,900 77,950       3,940   81,400 81,450       4,168
67,450 67,500       3,261   70,950 71,000       3,488   74,450 74,500       3,716   77,950 78,000       3,943   81,450 81,500       4,171
67,500 67,550       3,264   71,000 71,050       3,492   74,500 74,550       3,719   78,000 78,050       3,947   81,500 81,550       4,174
67,550 67,600       3,267   71,050 71,100       3,495   74,550 74,600       3,722   78,050 78,100       3,950   81,550 81,600       4,177
67,600 67,650       3,271   71,100 71,150       3,498   74,600 74,650       3,726   78,100 78,150       3,953   81,600 81,650       4,181
67,650 67,700       3,274   71,150 71,200       3,501   74,650 74,700       3,729   78,150 78,200       3,956   81,650 81,700       4,184
67,700 67,750       3,277   71,200 71,250       3,505   74,700 74,750       3,732   78,200 78,250       3,960   81,700 81,750       4,187
67,750 67,800       3,280   71,250 71,300       3,508   74,750 74,800       3,735   78,250 78,300       3,963   81,750 81,800       4,190
67,800 67,850       3,284   71,300 71,350       3,511   74,800 74,850       3,739   78,300 78,350       3,966   81,800 81,850       4,194
67,850 67,900       3,287   71,350 71,400       3,514   74,850 74,900       3,742   78,350 78,400       3,969   81,850 81,900       4,197
67,900 67,950       3,290   71,400 71,450       3,518   74,900 74,950       3,745   78,400 78,450       3,973   81,900 81,950       4,200
67,950 68,000       3,293   71,450 71,500       3,521   74,950 75,000       3,748   78,450 78,500       3,976   81,950 82,000       4,203
68,000 68,050       3,297   71,500 71,550       3,524   75,000 75,050       3,752   78,500 78,550       3,979   82,000 82,050       4,207
68,050 68,100       3,300   71,550 71,600       3,527   75,050 75,100       3,755   78,550 78,600       3,982   82,050 82,100       4,210
68,100 68,150       3,303   71,600 71,650       3,531   75,100 75,150       3,758   78,600 78,650       3,986   82,100 82,150       4,213
68,150 68,200       3,306   71,650 71,700       3,534   75,150 75,200       3,761   78,650 78,700       3,989   82,150 82,200       4,216
68,200 68,250       3,310   71,700 71,750       3,537   75,200 75,250       3,765   78,700 78,750       3,992   82,200 82,250       4,220
68,250 68,300       3,313   71,750 71,800       3,540   75,250 75,300       3,768   78,750 78,800       3,995   82,250 82,300       4,223
68,300 68,350       3,316   71,800 71,850       3,544   75,300 75,350       3,771   78,800 78,850       3,999   82,300 82,350       4,226
68,350 68,400       3,319   71,850 71,900       3,547   75,350 75,400       3,774   78,850 78,900       4,002   82,350 82,400       4,229
68,400 68,450       3,323   71,900 71,950       3,550   75,400 75,450       3,778   78,900 78,950       4,005   82,400 82,450       4,233
68,450 68,500       3,326   71,950 72,000       3,553   75,450 75,500       3,781   78,950 79,000       4,008   82,450 82,500       4,236
68,500 68,550       3,329   72,000 72,050       3,557   75,500 75,550       3,784   79,000 79,050       4,012   82,500 82,550       4,239
68,550 68,600       3,332   72,050 72,100       3,560   75,550 75,600       3,787   79,050 79,100       4,015   82,550 82,600       4,242
68,600 68,650       3,336   72,100 72,150       3,563   75,600 75,650       3,791   79,100 79,150       4,018   82,600 82,650       4,246

38 — 2022 West Virginia Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions                                                      tax.wv.gov

- 41 -
                                     2022 WEST VIRGINIA TAX TABLE
If your taxable net         If your taxable net         If your taxable net         If your taxable net         If your taxable net 
income is…                  income is…                  income is…                  income is…                  income is. . .
At         But      Your    At      But         Your    At     But          Your    At     But          Your    At     But          Your
Least  Less         WV      Least   Less        WV      Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV      Least  Less         WV
       Than         Tax is…         Than        Tax is…        Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…        Than         Tax is…
82,650     82,700   4,249   86,150  86,200      4,476   89,650 89,700       4,704   93,150 93,200       4,931   96,650 96,700       5,159
82,700     82,750   4,252   86,200  86,250      4,480   89,700 89,750       4,707   93,200 93,250       4,935   96,700 96,750       5,162
82,750     82,800   4,255   86,250  86,300      4,483   89,750 89,800       4,710   93,250 93,300       4,938   96,750 96,800       5,165
82,800     82,850   4,259   86,300  86,350      4,486   89,800 89,850       4,714   93,300 93,350       4,941   96,800 96,850       5,169
82,850     82,900   4,262   86,350  86,400      4,489   89,850 89,900       4,717   93,350 93,400       4,944   96,850 96,900       5,172
82,900     82,950   4,265   86,400  86,450      4,493   89,900 89,950       4,720   93,400 93,450       4,948   96,900 96,950       5,175
82,950     83,000   4,268   86,450  86,500      4,496   89,950 90,000       4,723   93,450 93,500       4,951   96,950 97,000       5,178
83,000     83,050   4,272   86,500  86,550      4,499   90,000 90,050       4,727   93,500 93,550       4,954   97,000 97,050       5,182
83,050     83,100   4,275   86,550  86,600      4,502   90,050 90,100       4,730   93,550 93,600       4,957   97,050 97,100       5,185
83,100     83,150   4,278   86,600  86,650      4,506   90,100 90,150       4,733   93,600 93,650       4,961   97,100 97,150       5,188
83,150     83,200   4,281   86,650  86,700      4,509   90,150 90,200       4,736   93,650 93,700       4,964   97,150 97,200       5,191
83,200     83,250   4,285   86,700  86,750      4,512   90,200 90,250       4,740   93,700 93,750       4,967   97,200 97,250       5,195
83,250     83,300   4,288   86,750  86,800      4,515   90,250 90,300       4,743   93,750 93,800       4,970   97,250 97,300       5,198
83,300     83,350   4,291   86,800  86,850      4,519   90,300 90,350       4,746   93,800 93,850       4,974   97,300 97,350       5,201
83,350     83,400   4,294   86,850  86,900      4,522   90,350 90,400       4,749   93,850 93,900       4,977   97,350 97,400       5,204
83,400     83,450   4,298   86,900  86,950      4,525   90,400 90,450       4,753   93,900 93,950       4,980   97,400 97,450       5,208
83,450     83,500   4,301   86,950  87,000      4,528   90,450 90,500       4,756   93,950 94,000       4,983   97,450 97,500       5,211
83,500     83,550   4,304   87,000  87,050      4,532   90,500 90,550       4,759   94,000 94,050       4,987   97,500 97,550       5,214
83,550     83,600   4,307    87,050 87,100      4,535   90,550 90,600       4,762   94,050 94,100       4,990   97,550 97,600       5,217
83,600     83,650   4,311   87,100  87,150      4,538   90,600 90,650       4,766   94,100 94,150       4,993   97,600 97,650       5,221
83,650     83,700   4,314   87,150  87,200      4,541   90,650 90,700       4,769   94,150 94,200       4,996   97,650 97,700       5,224
83,700     83,750   4,317   87,200  87,250      4,545   90,700 90,750       4,772   94,200 94,250       5,000   97,700 97,750       5,227
83,750     83,800   4,320   87,250  87,300      4,548   90,750 90,800       4,775   94,250 94,300       5,003   97,750 97,800       5,230
83,800     83,850   4,324   87,300  87,350      4,551   90,800 90,850       4,779   94,300 94,350       5,006   97,800 97,850       5,234
83,850     83,900   4,327   87,350  87,400      4,554   90,850 90,900       4,782   94,350 94,400       5,009   97,850 97,900       5,237
83,900     83,950   4,330   87,400  87,450      4,558   90,900 90,950       4,785   94,400 94,450       5,013   97,900 97,950       5,240
83,950     84,000   4,333   87,450  87,500      4,561   90,950 91,000       4,788   94,450 94,500       5,016   97,950 98,000       5,243
84,000     84,050   4,337   87,500  87,550      4,564   91,000 91,050       4,792   94,500 94,550       5,019   98,000 98,050       5,247
84,050     84,100   4,340   87,550  87,600      4,567   91,050 91,100       4,795   94,550 94,600       5,022   98,050 98,100       5,250
84,100     84,150   4,343   87,600  87,650      4,571   91,100 91,150       4,798   94,600 94,650       5,026   98,100 98,150       5,253
84,150     84,200   4,346   87,650  87,700      4,574   91,150 91,200       4,801   94,650 94,700       5,029   98,150 98,200       5,256
84,200     84,250   4,350   87,700  87,750      4,577   91,200 91,250       4,805   94,700 94,750       5,032   98,200 98,250       5,260
84,250     84,300   4,353   87,750  87,800      4,580   91,250 91,300       4,808   94,750 94,800       5,035   98,250 98,300       5,263
84,300     84,350   4,356   87,800  87,850      4,584   91,300 91,350       4,811   94,800 94,850       5,039   98,300 98,350       5,266
84,350     84,400   4,359   87,850  87,900      4,587   91,350 91,400       4,814   94,850 94,900       5,042   98,350 98,400       5,269
84,400     84,450   4,363   87,900  87,950      4,590   91,400 91,450       4,818   94,900 94,950       5,045   98,400 98,450       5,273
84,450     84,500   4,366   87,950  88,000      4,593   91,450 91,500       4,821   94,950 95,000       5,048   98,450 98,500       5,276
84,500     84,550   4,369   88,000  88,050      4,597   91,500 91,550       4,824   95,000 95,050       5,052   98,500 98,550       5,279
84,550     84,600   4,372   88,050  88,100      4,600   91,550 91,600       4,827   95,050 95,100       5,055   98,550 98,600       5,282
84,600     84,650   4,376   88,100  88,150      4,603   91,600 91,650       4,831   95,100 95,150       5,058   98,600 98,650       5,286
84,650     84,700   4,379   88,150  88,200      4,606   91,650 91,700       4,834   95,150 95,200       5,061   98,650 98,700       5,289
84,700     84,750   4,382   88,200  88,250      4,610   91,700 91,750       4,837   95,200 95,250       5,065   98,700 98,750       5,292
84,750     84,800   4,385   88,250  88,300      4,613   91,750 91,800       4,840   95,250 95,300       5,068   98,750 98,800       5,295
84,800     84,850   4,389   88,300  88,350      4,616   91,800 91,850       4,844   95,300 95,350       5,071   98,800 98,850       5,299
84,850     84,900   4,392   88,350  88,400      4,619   91,850 91,900       4,847   95,350 95,400       5,074   98,850 98,900       5,302
84,900     84,950   4,395   88,400  88,450      4,623   91,900 91,950       4,850   95,400 95,450       5,078   98,900 98,950       5,305
84,950     85,000   4,398   88,450  88,500      4,626   91,950 92,000       4,853   95,450 95,500       5,081   98,950 99,000       5,308
85,000     85,050   4,402   88,500  88,550      4,629   92,000 92,050       4,857   95,500 95,550       5,084   99,000 99,050       5,312
85,050     85,100   4,405   88,550  88,600      4,632   92,050 92,100       4,860   95,550 95,600       5,087   99,050 99,100       5,315
85,100     85,150   4,408   88,600  88,650      4,636   92,100 92,150       4,863   95,600 95,650       5,091   99,100 99,150       5,318
85,150     85,200   4,411   88,650  88,700      4,639   92,150 92,200       4,866   95,650 95,700       5,094   99,150 99,200       5,321
85,200     85,250   4,415   88,700  88,750      4,642   92,200 92,250       4,870   95,700 95,750       5,097   99,200 99,250       5,325
85,250     85,300   4,418   88,750  88,800      4,645   92,250 92,300       4,873   95,750 95,800       5,100   99,250 99,300       5,328
85,300     85,350   4,421   88,800  88,850      4,649   92,300 92,350       4,876   95,800 95,850       5,104   99,300 99,350       5,331
85,350     85,400   4,424   88,850  88,900      4,652   92,350 92,400       4,879   95,850 95,900       5,107   99,350 99,400       5,334
85,400     85,450   4,428   88,900  88,950      4,655   92,400 92,450       4,883   95,900 95,950       5,110   99,400 99,450       5,338
85,450     85,500   4,431   88,950  89,000      4,658   92,450 92,500       4,886   95,950 96,000       5,113   99,450 99,500       5,341
85,500     85,550   4,434   89,000  89,050      4,662   92,500 92,550       4,889   96,000 96,050       5,117   99,500 99,550       5,344
85,550     85,600   4,437   89,050  89,100      4,665   92,550 92,600       4,892   96,050 96,100       5,120   99,550 99,600       5,347
85,600     85,650   4,441   89,100  89,150      4,668   92,600 92,650       4,896   96,100 96,150       5,123   99,600 99,650       5,351
85,650     85,700   4,444   89,150  89,200      4,671   92,650 92,700       4,899   96,150 96,200       5,126   99,650 99,700       5,354
85,700     85,750   4,447   89,200  89,250      4,675   92,700 92,750       4,902   96,200 96,250       5,130   99,700 99,750       5,357
85,750     85,800   4,450   89,250  89,300      4,678   92,750 92,800       4,905   96,250 96,300       5,133   99,750 99,800       5,360
85,800     85,850   4,454   89,300  89,350      4,681   92,800 92,850       4,909   96,300 96,350       5,136   99,800 99,850       5,364
85,850     85,900   4,457   89,350  89,400      4,684   92,850 92,900       4,912   96,350 96,400       5,139   99,850 99,900       5,367
85,900     85,950   4,460   89,400  89,450      4,688   92,900 92,950       4,915   96,400 96,450       5,143   99,900 99,950       5,370
85,950     86,000   4,463   89,450  89,500      4,691   92,950 93,000       4,918   96,450 96,500       5,146   99,950 100,000      5,373
86,000     86,050   4,467   89,500  89,550      4,694   93,000 93,050       4,922   96,500 96,550       5,149
86,050     86,100   4,470   89,550  89,600      4,697   93,050 93,100       4,925   96,550 96,600       5,152
86,100     86,150   4,473   89,600  89,650      4,701   93,100 93,150       4,928   96,600 96,650       5,156

tax.wv.gov                                                         2022 Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions — 39

- 42 -
                                    2022  FAMILY TAX CREDIT TABLES
                 Table 1: Filing Single, Head of Household, Widow(er) with dependent child, Married Filing Jointly
                 Modi ed Federal    Family  Modi ed Federal    Family  Modi ed Federal    Family  Modi ed Federal   Family
                 Adjusted Gross      Credit% Adjusted Gross      Credit% Adjusted Gross      Credit% Adjusted Gross     Credit%
                      Income                      Income                      Income                      Income
                 Greater  Equal To           Greater  Equal To           Greater  Equal To           Greater    Equal To
                 Than        or              Than        or              Than        or              Than       or
                          Less Than                   Less Than                   Less Than                   Less Than
                      $0     $13,590 100%         $0     $18,310 100%         $0     $23,030 100%         $0    $27,750 100%
                 $13,590     $13,890 90%     $18,310     $18,610 90%     $23,030     $23,330 90%     $27,750    $28,050 90%
Number of Family $13,890     $14,190 80%     $18,610     $18,910 80%     $23,330     $23,630 80%     $28,050    $28,350 80%
Members in       $14,190     $14,490 70%     $18,910     $19,210 70%     $23,630     $23,930 70%     $28,350    $28,650 70%
Household        $14,490     $14,790 60%     $19,210     $19,510 60%     $23,930     $24,230 60%     $28,650    $28,950 60%
                 $14,790     $15,090 50%     $19,510     $19,810 50%     $24,230     $24,530 50%     $28,950    $29,250 50%
                 $15,090     $15,390 40%     $19,810     $20,110 40%     $24,530     $24,830 40%     $29,250    $29,550 40%
                 $15,390     $15,690 30%     $20,110     $20,410 30%     $24,830     $25,130 30%     $29,550    $29,850 30%
                 $15,690     $15,990 20%     $20,410     $20,710 20%     $25,130     $25,430 20%     $29,850    $30,150 20%
                 $15,990     $16,290 10%     $20,710     $21,010 10%     $25,430     $25,730 10%     $30,150    $30,450 10%
                 $16,290             0%      $21,010             0%      $25,730             0%      $30,450                  0%
                             5                           6                           7                       8 or More
                 Modi ed Federal    Family  Modi ed Federal    Family  Modi ed Federal    Family  Modi ed Federal   Family
                 Adjusted Gross      Credit% Adjusted Gross      Credit% Adjusted Gross      Credit% Adjusted Gross     Credit%
                      Income                      Income                      Income                      Income
                 Greater  Equal To           Greater  Equal To           Greater  Equal To           Greater    Equal To
                 Than        or              Than        or              Than        or              Than       or
                          Less Than                   Less Than                   Less Than                   Less Than
                      $0     $32,470 100%         $0     $37,190 100%         $0     $41,910 100%         $0    $46,630 100%
                 $32,470     $32,770 90%     $37,190     $37,490 90%     $41,910     $42,210 90%     $46,630    $46,930 90%
                 $32,770     $33,070 80%     $37,490     $37,790 80%     $42,210     $42,510 80%     $46,930    $47,230 80%
                 $33,070     $33,370 70%     $37,790     $38,090 70%     $42,510     $42,810 70%     $47,230    $47,530 70%
                 $33,370     $33,670 60%     $38,090     $38,390 60%     $42,810     $43,110 60%     $47,530    $47,830 60%
                 $33,670     $33,970 50%     $38,390     $38,690 50%     $43,110     $43,410 50%     $47,830    $48,130 50%
                 $33,970     $34,270 40%     $38,690     $38,990 40%     $43,410     $43,710 40%     $48,130    $48,430 40%
                 $34,270     $34,570 30%     $38,990     $39,290 30%     $43,710     $44,010 30%     $48,430    $48,730 30%
                 $34,570     $34,870 20%     $39,290     $39,590 20%     $44,010     $44,310 20%     $48,730    $49,030 20%
                 $34,870     $35,170 10%     $39,590     $39,890 10%     $44,310     $44,610 10%     $49,030    $49,330 10%
                 $35,170             0%      $39,890             0%      $44,610             0%      $49,330                  0%

                                                     Table 2: Married Filing Separately
                 Modi ed Federal    Family  Modi ed Federal    Family  Modi ed Federal    Family  Modi ed Federal   Family
                 Adjusted Gross      Credit% Adjusted Gross      Credit% Adjusted Gross      Credit% Adjusted Gross     Credit%
                      Income                      Income                      Income                      Income
                 Greater  Equal To           Greater  Equal To           Greater  Equal To           Greater    Equal To
                 Than        or              Than        or              Than        or              Than       or
                          Less Than                   Less Than                   Less Than                   Less Than
                      $0     $6,795  100%         $0     $9,155  100%         $0     $11,515 100%         $0    $13,875 100%
                 $6,795      $6,945  90%     $9,155      $9,305  90%     $11,515     $11,665 90%     $13,875    $14,025 90%
Number of Family $6,945      $7,095  80%     $9,305      $9,455  80%     $11,665     $11,815 80%     $14,025    $14,175 80%
Members in       $7,095      $7,245  70%     $9,455      $9,605  70%     $11,815     $11,965 70%     $14,175    $14,325 70%
Household        $7,245      $7,395  60%     $9,605      $9,755  60%     $11,965     $12,115 60%     $14,325    $14,475 60%
                 $7,395      $7,545  50%     $9,755      $9,905  50%     $12,115     $12,265 50%     $14,475    $14,625 50%
                 $7,545      $7,695  40%     $9,905      $10,055 40%     $12,265     $12,415 40%     $14,625    $14,775 40%
                 $7,695      $7,845  30%     $10,055     $10,205 30%     $12,415     $12,565 30%     $14,775    $14,925 30%
                 $7,845      $7,995  20%     $10,205     $10,355 20%     $12,565     $12,715 20%     $14,925    $15,075 20%
                 $7,995      $8,145  10%     $10,355     $10,505 10%     $12,715     $12,865 10%     $15,075    $15,225 10%
                 $8,145              0%      $10,505             0%      $12,865             0%      $15,225                  0%
                             5                           6                           7                       8 or More
                 Modi ed Federal    Family  Modi ed Federal    Family  Modi ed Federal    Family  Modi ed Federal   Family
                 Adjusted Gross      Credit% Adjusted Gross      Credit% Adjusted Gross      Credit% Adjusted Gross     Credit%
                      Income                      Income                      Income                      Income
                 Greater  Equal To           Greater  Equal To           Greater  Equal To           Greater    Equal To
                 Than        or              Than        or              Than        or              Than       or
                          Less Than                   Less Than                   Less Than                   Less Than
                      $0     $16,235 100%         $0     $18,595 100%         $0     $20,955 100%         $0    $23,315 100%
                 $16,235     $16,385 90%     $18,595     $18,745 90%     $20,955     $21,105 90%     $23,315    $23,465 90%
                 $16,385     $16,535 80%     $18,745     $18,895 80%     $21,105     $21,255 80%     $23,465    $23,615 80%
                 $16,535     $16,685 70%     $18,895     $19,045 70%     $21,255     $21,405 70%     $23,615    $23,765 70%
                 $16,685     $16,835 60%     $19,045     $19,195 60%     $21,405     $21,555 60%     $23,765    $23,915 60%
                 $16,835     $16,985 50%     $19,195     $19,345 50%     $21,555     $21,705 50%     $23,915    $24,065 50%
                 $16,985     $17,135 40%     $19,345     $19,495 40%     $21,705     $21,855 40%     $24,065    $24,215 40%
                 $17,135     $17,285 30%     $19,495     $19,645 30%     $21,855     $22,005 30%     $24,215    $24,365 30%
                 $17,285     $17,435 20%     $19,645     $19,795 20%     $22,005     $22,155 20%     $24,365    $24,515 20%
                 $17,435     $17,585 10%     $19,795     $19,945 10%     $22,155     $22,305 10%     $24,515    $24,665 10%
                 $17,585             0%      $19,945             0%      $22,305             0%      $24,665                  0%

40 — 2022 West Virginia Personal Income Tax Information and Instructions                                                tax.wv.gov

- 43 -
Form IT-140 B WEST VIRGINIA  PURCHASER’S USE TAX SCHEDULE                                                                                                   2022
Purchaser’s Use Tax is a tax on the use of tangible personal property or services in West Virginia where Sales Tax has not been paid. Use Tax applies to 
the following: internet purchases, magazine subscriptions, mail-order purchases, out-of-state purchases, telephone purchases originating out-of-state, TV 
shopping networks, and other purchases of taxable items.
For detailed instructions on the Schedule UT, see page 42.

Part I   State Use Tax Calculation

1. Amount of purchases subject to West Virginia Use Tax.................................................................................                1  $

2. West Virginia Use Tax Rate.......................................................................................................................... 2                                .06

3. West Virginia State Use Tax (Multiply line 1 by rate on line 2. Enter amount here and on line 9 below).......                                        3  $

Part II  Municipal Use Tax Calculation

         City/Town Name*          Purchases Subject to                                      Tax Rate                                                        Municipal Tax Due
                                  Municipal Use Tax                                                                                                        (Purchases multiplied by rate)

4a                       4b                             $     4c                                                                                        4d $

5a                       5b                             $     5c                                                                                        5d $

6a                       6b                             $     6c                                                                                        6d $

7a                       7b                             $     7c                                                                                        7d $

8. Total Municipal Use Tax (add lines 4d through 7d and enter here and on line 10)                                                                      8  $

Part III Total Amount Due

9.  Total State Use Tax due (from line 3)............................................................................................................   9  $

10. Total Municipal Use Tax due (from line 8).................................................................................................... 10       $

11. Total Use Tax Due (add lines 9 & 10 and enter total here and on line 13 of Form IT-140)                                                             11 $

*Visit www.tax.wv.gov for a complete list of West Virginia municipalities that impose a Use Tax.


- 44 -
                                             SCHEDULE UT INSTRUCTIONS
You owe use tax on the total purchase price of taxable tangible personal 
property or taxable services (hereinafter called property) that you used,                                   USE TAX – STATE
stored, or consumed in West Virginia upon which you have not previously         1.  Purchase price                                          $10,000.00
paid West Virginia sales or use tax. The use tax applies to the following: 
internet purchases, magazine subscriptions, mail-order purchases, out-of-       2.  6.0% West Virginia State use tax 
state purchases, telephone purchases originating out-of-state, TV shopping          ($10,000 x .06)                                         600.00
networks and other purchases of taxable items.Schedule UT must be  led         3.  Less 4.0% sales/use tax paid to State B 
with IT-140 if the taxpayer is reporting use tax due.                               ($10,000 x .04)                                         (400.00)
Examples of reasons you may owe use tax:                                        4.  Net use tax due to West Virginia                        200.00
 1.   You purchased property without paying sales tax from a seller             5.  Measure of tax ($200 ÷ .06 tax rate)                    $  3,333.34
      outside of West Virginia.  You would have paid sales tax if you           You should include the $3,333.34 in Part I, line 1 of the 
      purchased the property from a West Virginia seller.                       West Virginia Purchaser’s Use Tax Schedule.
 2.   You purchased property without paying sales tax for resale (to sell 
      to others) or for a nontaxable use.  You then used the property in a                               USE TAX – MUNICIPAL 
      taxable manner.
                                                                                1. Purchase price                                           $10,000.00
 3.   You purchased property without paying sales tax and later gave the        2. 1.0% Municipality A sales/use tax 
      property away free to your customers.
                                                                                    ($10,000 x .01)                                         100.00
Pඉකග I.  S  ගඉගඍ Uඛඍ ඉච              T  Cඉඔඋඝඔඉගඑ඗ඖ (includes purchases or      3.  Less .5% sales/use tax paid to Municipality B 
lease of tangible personal property or taxable service made using direct            ($10,000 x .005)                                        (50.00)
pay permit)                                                                     4. Net use tax due to municipality A                        50.00
Line 1 –  Enter the total dollar amount of all purchases made during the        5. Measure of tax ($50 ÷ .01 tax rate)                      $  5,000.00
         2022 tax year that are subject to the 6% use tax rate.
                                                                                You should include the $5,000 in Part II, line 4b-7b under 
Line 3 –  Multiply the amount on line 1 by the use tax rate on line 2.          appropriate municipality.
Pඉකග II.  Mඝඖඑඋඑ඘ඉඔ ඛඍ ඉච ඉඔඋඝඔඉගඑ඗ඖ U  T  C                                    Line 4a 7a Enter the name of the municipality.
You owe municipal use tax on the total purchase price of taxable tangible       Line 4b – 7b – Enter total purchases subject to the use tax.
personal property or taxable services that you used, stored, or consumed in     Line 4c – 7c – Enter the tax rate. See www.tax.wv.gov for a complete list of 
a municipality that has imposed sales and use tax upon which you have not       municipalities and rates.
previously paid sales or use tax.
                                                                                Line 4d – 7d – Multiply total purchases by the tax rate and enter total.
For municipal tax paid in another municipality.  West Virginia sales and use 
tax law provides a credit for sales or use taxes that are properly due and paid Line 8 – Add lines 4d through 7d and enter total.
to another state or municipality on property or services purchased outside of 
the State or municipality in which you are located and subsequently stored, 
used or consumed inside the State or municipality. The credit is allowed        Pඉකග III.  T඗ගඉඔ ඕ඗ඝඖග ඝඍ A    D
against the total of West Virginia state and municipal use taxes imposed on 
the same property or services purchased in the other state or municipality.     Line 9 – Enter total State Use Tax due (from line 3).
Note: When the combined state and municipal taxes paid to the other             Line 10 – Enter total Municipal Use Tax due (from line 8).
state/municipality equals or exceeds the combined West Virginia state and       Line 11 – Enter total Use Tax due.  Add lines 9 and 10 and enter total here 
municipal use tax, no entry is required on the West Virginia  Purchaser’s       and on line 13 of Form IT 140.
Use Tax Schedule (Schedule UT) to report the purchase or the credit for tax 
paid to the other state/municipality on the same purchase.  Example:  You 
purchase an item subject to tax in Ohio and pay 7% sales tax (6% state 
tax and 1% local tax).  You live in an area in West Virginia that imposes a 
1% municipal use tax with the State rate 6%, for a total 7%.  You would not 
report the purchase on the schedule nor on your Personal Income Tax return 
since the combined rates are the same in Ohio and the city in West Virginia. 
The following example includes a situation a person may encounter with 
respect to West Virginia state, and municipal sales and use taxes, if they 
purchase items outside West Virginia or from a di  erentmunicipality and 
are required to pay sales or use taxes to the other state and/or municipality. 
The example provides information on how to use the amount of sales tax 
paid to the other state as a credit against West Virginia state and municipal 
use taxes imposed and how to compute and report the West Virginia state 
and municipal taxes due.
You bring equipment into West Virginia for use in a municipality which 
imposes municipal sales and use tax.  You can determine the West Virginia 
state and municipal use tax as follows:

- 45 -
WV4868 B
File this form to request a six-month extension of time to file your West Virginia Personal Income Tax Return. 
Request for extension to file must be filed before the original due date of the return. Extensions received after this date will be denied. 
Your return must be filed no later than October 17 after the original due date. 

This form is NOT an extension of time to PAY personal income taxes due. 
                      TAX YEAR 
                                             TAXPAYER INFORMATION
SOCIAL SECURITY                                            *SPOUSE’S SOCIAL 
NUMBER                                                     SECURITY NUMBER
LAST NAME                                                  SUFFIX               FIRST                                                                                 MI
SPOUSE’S                                                   SUFFIX               FIRST                                                                                 MI
LAST NAME                                                                       NAME
FIRST LINE OF                                              SECOND LINE OF 
ADDRESS                                                       ADDRESS

    CITY                                                      STATE             ZIP CODE

TELEPHONE                            EMAIL                                            EXTENDED DUE DATE
NUMBER                                                                                                                                                      MM/DD/YYYY


a. Total income tax liability.............................................................................................................................. a.                  .00

b. Total payments (West Virginia withholding and/or credit for estimated payments)...................................                                       b.                  .00

c. Amount of West Virginia personal income tax due (subtract line b from line a)........................................                                    c.                  .00


This form and payment must be  led on or before the due date of the return. A penalty is imposed for late                                                          ling/late payment 
of tax unless reasonable cause can be shown. If you receive an extension of time for federal income purposes and expect to 
owe no West Virginia income tax, you are not required to  le this form. To receive the same extension for state tax purposes, 
     you need only note on your West Virginia Personal Income Tax Return that a federal extension was granted. 

                                                  Mail this form to:
                                             West Virginia Tax Division
                                           Tax Account Administration
                                                  P.O. Box 2585
                                             Charleston, WV 25329-2585

                      This form must be complete and submitted in full.

                                 DO NOT CUT OR RESIZE THIS FORM.


- 46 -


- 47 -
    IT-210       B
    Rev 09/2022           UNDERPAYMENT OF  ESTIMATED TAX BY INDIVIDUALS                                                                                                     2022
                  (Enclose all pages of the IT-210 with your Personal Income Tax Return)
                                       PART I: ALL FILERS MUST COMPLETE THIS PART

 1. Enter your 2022 tax as shown on line 8 of Form IT-140...........................................................................................                      1                  .00

 2. Enter the credits against your tax from your return.............................................                      2 .00
 3. Tax after credits (subtract line 2 from line 1)..............................................................................................................         3                  .00

 4. Tax withheld......................................................................................................... 4 .00
 5. Subtract line 4 from line 3.......................................................................................................................................... 5                  .00


 6. Multiply line 3 by ninety percent (.90).................................................................              6 .00

 7. Enter the tax after credits from your 2021 return (see instructions)....................                              7 .00

 8. Enter the smaller of line 6 or line 7 (if line 7 is zero and line 3 is more than $5,000, enter the amount shown on line 6)..                                          8                  .00

  9. If you are requesting a waiver of the penalty calculated, check here and attach your written request (see form on page 49)...............................

10. If you are a quali ed farmer (see instructions for income on page 30), check here................................................................................................
11.  If you used Part IV to apply the tax withheld to the period when the corresponding income was actually received rather 
    than in equal amounts on the payment due dates, check here...............................................................................................................................

                                  THIS FORM WITH YOUR PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURN.


- 48 -
    IT-210       B
    Rev 09/2022       UNDERPAYMENT OF  ESTIMATED TAX BY INDIVIDUALS                                                          2022

    ANNUALIZED INCOME WORKSHEET                                           1/1/22 – 3/31/22 1/1/22 – 5/31/22 1/1/22 – 8/31/22 1/1/22– 12/31/22

1. Federal adjusted gross income year-to-date..........                         .00            .00                .00            .00

2. Annualized amounts...............................................      4                2.4              1.5              1

3. Annualized income (line 1 X line 2)........................                  .00            .00                .00            .00

4. Modi cations to income (see instructions)............                       .00            .00                .00            .00

5. West Virginia adjusted gross income (combine lines 3 and 4)                  .00            .00                .00            .00

6. Exemption allowance.............................................             .00            .00                .00            .00

7. West Virginia taxable income (see instructions)                              .00            .00                .00            .00

8. Annualized tax........................................................       .00            .00                .00            .00

9. Credits against tax.................................................         .00            .00                .00            .00

10. Subtract line 9 from line 8 (if less than zero, enter zero)                 .00            .00                .00            .00
                                                                          22.5%            45%              67.5%            90%
11. Applicable percentage......................................

12. Multiply line 10 by line 11................................                 .00            .00                .00            .00

13. Add the amounts in all previous columns of line 19                                         .00                .00            .00

14. Subtract line 13 from line 12 (if less than zero, enter zero)               .00            .00                .00            .00
15. Enter ¼ of line 8, Part I, of Form IT-210 in each 
    column....................................................                  .00            .00                .00            .00
16. Enter the amount from line 18 of the previous 
    column of this worksheet......................................                             .00                .00            .00

17. Add lines 15 and 16 and enter total......................                   .00            .00                .00            .00

18. Subtract line 14 from line 17 (if less than zero, enter zero)               .00            .00                .00
19. Enter the smaller of line 14 or line 17 here and 
    on Form IT-210, Part IV, line 1.............................                .00            .00                .00            .00
NOTE: The sum of all columns for line 19 should equal line 8, Part I, of IT-210.


- 49 -
   IT-210      B
   Rev 09/2022    UNDERPAYMENT OF  ESTIMATED TAX BY INDIVIDUALS                                                                                                              2022

                                                         PART III SHORT METHOD
                         Read the instructions on pages 31 to see if you can use the short method. 
           If you checked BOX 11 of PART I or annualized in PART II skip this part and go to PART IV.

1. Enter the amount from line 8 of Part I of IT-210.........................................................................................................               1     .00

2. Enter the amount from line 4, Part I.................................................................   2 .00

3. Enter the total, if any, of the estimated payments made..................................               3 .00

4. Add lines 2 and 3...................................................................................................................................................... 4     .00

5. Total underpayment for the year (subtract line 4 from line 1). If zero or less, stop here. No penalty due.................                                              5     .00

6. Multiply line 5 by 0.05194.........................................................................................................................................     6     .00

7. If the amount on line 5 was paid on or after April 18, 2023, enter zero. 
   If paid prior to April 18, 2023 line 5 X number of days paid before 
   April 18, 2023 X 0.000212 ............................................................................. 7 .00

8. Penalty due (subtract line 7 from line 6). Enter here and on the PENALTY DUE line of your personal income tax.....                                                      8     .00


- 50 -
Rev 09/2022 B   UNDERPAYMENT OF  ESTIMATED TAX BY INDIVIDUALS                                                                          2022
                                                                             PART IV REGULAR METHOD

                                                                             (a)          (b)          (c)                             (d)
SECTION A – FIGURE THE UNDERPAYMENT                                          4/15/22      6/15/22      9/15/22                         1/17/23

1.  If you are using the annualized method, enter the 
amounts from line 19 of the Annualized Income 
Worksheet; otherwise, enter 1/4 of line 8 of PART I 
in each column.....................................................       1           .00          .00                             .00         .00
2.  Estimated tax paid and tax withheld (see 
instructions). For column (a) only, enter the amount 
from line 2 on line 6. If line 2 is equal to or more 
than line 1 for all payment periods, stop here; you 
do not owe any penalty..........................                          2           .00          .00                             .00         .00

NOTE: Complete Lines 3 through 9 before going to the next column.
3.    Enter the amount, if any, from line 9 of the 
previous column..................................................         3                        .00                             .00         .00

4.    Add lines 2 and 3.................................................  4                        .00                             .00         .00

5.    Add lines 7 and 8 of the previous column............                5                        .00                             .00         .00

6.    Subtract line 5 from line 4. If zero or less, enter 
zero. For column (a) only, enter the amount from 
line 2............................................................        6           .00          .00                             .00         .00
7.    If line 6 is zero, subtract line 4 from line 5. 
Otherwise, enter zero..........................................           7           .00          .00                             .00         .00

8.    UNDERPAYMENT. If line 1 is equal to or more 
than line 6, subtract line 6 from line 1, enter the 
result here and go to line 3 of the next column. 
Otherwise, go to line 9.........................................          8           .00          .00                             .00         .00

9.    OVERPAYMENT. If line 6 is more than line 1, 
subtract line 1 from line 6, enter the result here 
and go to line 3 of the next column.....................                  9           .00          .00                             .00         .00

              NOTE: Complete Lines 10 through 12 for each column before going to the next column
                                                                             (a)          (b)          (c)                             (d)
10.  Number of days FROM the date shown at the                               4/15/22      6/15/22      9/15/212                        1/17/23
top of the column TO the date the amount on 
line 8 was paid, or 4/15/2023, whichever is 
earlier.................................................................. 10

11.  Daily penalty rate for each quarter.......................           11 0.000212     0.000212     0.000212                        0.000212

12. Penalty due for each quarter (line 8 x 10 x 11).....                  12          .00          .00                             .00         .00
13.  Penalty due (add all amounts on line 12). Enter here and on the PENALTY DUE line of your personal income tax return (line 12) 13          .00


- 51 -
PRIMARY LAST NAME                                                                             SOCIAL 
SHOWN ON FORM                                                                                 SECURITY 
   IT-140                                                                                     NUMBER

                                      AMENDED RETURN INFORMATION
If you are using this form to   lean amended return, provide an explanation of the changes made in the space below. Enclose all supporting 
forms and schedules for items changed. If you were required to   le anamended federal return (Form 1040X), you must enclose a copy of that 
return. Be sure to include your name and social security number on any enclosures.

If you are subject to the underpayment penalty, all or part of the penalty will be waived if the West Virginia Tax Division determines that:
   1.      The penalty was caused by reason of casualty or disaster;
   2.      The penalty was caused by unusual circumstances which makes imposing the penalty unfair or inequitable.
To request a waiver, please write the reason(s) a waiver is being requested on the lines below. Attach a separate page if more space is needed. Please 
sign and date your request. If you have documentation substantiating your statement, enclose a copy. 
The Division will notify you if your request for waiver was not approved.


- 52 -


- 53 -
    REV 06-22      B    WEST VIRGINIA PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURN                                                                                            2022
SOCIAL                                Deceased                                        **SPOUSE’S                                                    Deceased
SECURITY                                                                   SOCIAL SECURITY 
NUMBER                                Date of Death*                                  NUMBER                                                        Date of Death*
LAST NAME                                                                  SUFFIX                         FIRST                                                   MI
SPOUSE’S                                                                   SUFFIX                         FIRST                                                   MI
LAST NAME                                                                                                 NAME
FIRST LINE                                                                            SECOND LINE 
OF ADDRESS                                                                            OF ADDRESS

    CITY                                                                   STATE                  ZIP CODE
TELEPHONE                             EMAIL                                                                                                         DUE DATE
NUMBER                                                                                                                                              MM/DD/YYYY

FILING STATUS           1 SINGLE      2 HEAD OF                            3 MARRIED,   4 MARRIED, FILING SEPARATE                                                5 WIDOW(ER) WITH 
    (CHECK ONE)                       HOUSEHOLD                            FILING JOINT          **Enter spouse’s SS# and name in the boxes above                 DEPENDENT CHILD
(a) YOURSELF            To claim an exemption for yourself, enter 1. If someone can claim you as a dependent, leave box (a) blank.)                               (a)

(b) SPOUSE              To claim an exemption for your spouse, enter 1. They may not be claimed as an exemption by anyone else.                                   (b)

(c) DEPENDENTS          List your dependents. If over four dependents, continue on Schedule DP on page 11. Enter total number of dependents                       (c) 
              Dependent First name                                         Dependent Last name                  Social Security Number                      Date of Birth (MM DD YYYY)

(d) SURVIVING SPOUSE    (See page 21) Decedents SSN                                     Year Spouse Died:
(e) Total Exemptions    (add boxes a, b, c, and d). Enter here and on line 6 below. If box e is zero, enter $500 on line 6 below.                                 (e) 

1.  Federal Adjusted Gross Income or income to claim senior citizen tax credit from Schedule SCTC-A                                               1                       .00

2.  Additions to income (line 58 of Schedule M).............................................................................................      2                       .00

3.  Subtractions from income (line 49 of Schedule M)....................................................................................          3                       .00

4.  West Virginia Adjusted Gross Income (line 1 plus line 2 minus line 3)......................................................                   4                       .00

5.  Low-Income Earned Income Exclusion (see worksheet on page 25)........................................................                         5                       .00

6.  Total Exemptions as shown above on Exemption Box (e) ________ x $2,000 ........................................                               6                       .00

7.  West Virginia Taxable Income (line 4 minus lines 5 & 6) IF LESS THAN ZERO, ENTER ZERO ............                                            7                       .00

8.  Income Tax Due (Check One)  ................................................................................................................. 8                       .00
         Tax Table      Rate Schedule Nonresident/Part-year resident 
                                      calculation schedule
                                               (W-2s, 1099s, Etc.)                                              P40202201A

- 54 -
 PRIMARY                                                     SOCIAL SECURITY                                      8.Total Taxes Due 
 LAST NAME                                                   NUMBER                                               (line 8 from previous page)                .00

 9.  Credits from Tax Credit Recap Schedule (see schedule on page 5 ) ............................................................             9             .00

 10. Line 8 minus 9. If line 9 is greater than line 8, enter 0                                                                                 10            .00

 11. Overpayment previously refunded or credited (amended return only) ...........................................................             11            .00
                                                CHECK IF REQUESTING WAIVER/ANNUALIZED 
 12. Penalty Due from Form IT-210               WORKSHEET ATTACHED                                              If you owe penalty, enter here 12            .00
 13. West Virginia Use Tax Due on out-of-state purchases 
 (See Schedule UT on page 41).                                                                  CHECK IF NO USE TAX DUE ...............        13            .00

 14. Add lines 10 through 13. This is your total amount due..................................................................................  14            .00

                                                                                                Check if withholding from NRSR  
 15. West Virginia Income Tax Withheld (See instructions page 22)                               (Nonresident Sale of Real Estate)              15            .00

 16. Estimated Tax Payments and Payments with Schedule 4868 .......................................................................            16            .00

 17. Non-Family Adoption Tax Credit if applicable (include Schedule WV NFA-1) ................................................                 17            .00

 18. Senior Citizen Tax Credit for property tax paid (include Schedule SCTC-A) ..................................................              18            .00

 19. Homestead Excess Property Tax Credit for property tax paid (include Schedule HEPTC-1 and Class II receipt)                                19            .00

 20. Amount paid with original return (amended return only) ................................................................................   20            .00

 21. Payments and Refundable Credits (add lines 15 through 20) .......................................................................         21            .00

 22. Balance Due (line 14  minus line 21). If Line 21 is greater than line 14, complete line 23 .....     PAY THIS AMOUNT                      22            .00

 23. Line 21 minus line 14. This is your overpayment ......................................................................................... 23            .00
 24. Indicate donations from line 23. Enter below and enter the sum of columns 24A, 24B, and 24C on Line 24
       24A.                                       24B.                                                24C.
 CHILDREN’S TRUST                          WV DEPT. OF VETERANS                              STATE VETERANS 
       FUND                                       ASSISTANCE                                    CEMETERY                                       24            .00

 25. Amount of Overpayment to be credited to your 2023 estimated tax...............................................................            25            .00

 26. Refund due to you (line 23 minus line 24 and line 25).............................................................. REFUND                26            .00
 Direct Deposit             
 of Refund                  CHECKING                                SAVINGS                     ROUTING NUMBER                                 ACCOUNT NUMBER
 I authorize the Tax Division to discuss my return with my preparer          YES         NO
 Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, accompanying schedules, and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete.

Your Signature                                    Date                       Spouse’s Signature                          Date                     Telephone Number
 Preparer: Check 
 HERE if client is 
 requesting NOT 
 to e le
                         Preparer’s EIN           Signature of preparer other than above                                 Date                     Telephone Number

 Preparer’s Printed Name                          Preparer’s Firm
                   WV TAX DIVISION                                           WV TAX DIVISION
                         P.O. BOX 1071                                       P.O. BOX 3694
               CHARLESTON, WV 25324-1071                             CHARLESTON, WV 25336-3694
   Payment Options: Returns           led with a balance of tax due may pay through any of the following methods:
       Check or Money Order payable to the WV Tax Division - Enclose check or money order with your return. 
       Electronic Payment - May be made by visiting mytaxes.wvtax.gov and clicking on “Pay Personal Income Tax”.
       Credit Card Payment – May be made by visiting the Treasurer’s website at: epay.wvsto.com/tax                    *P40202202A*

- 55 -

A                                                        P
Amended Returns  16, 21                                  Payment Options  2, 52
                                                         Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Tax  19, 45, 46, 47, 48
C                                                        Prior Year Tax Liability  20
Composite Return  16                                     Purchaser’s Use Tax  11, 12, 22

D                                                        R
Deceased Taxpayer  17, 19, 20, 25                        Railroad Retirement Income  19, 24, 27
Dependents  21, 41                                       Refund Information  19
Direct Deposit  14, 19
Disability Deduction  19, 23, 25
                                                         Senior Citizens Tax Credit  18, 33
E                                                        Senior Citizens Tax Deduction  19, 23, 25
Estimated Tax  19, 20, 30, 45, 46, 47, 48                Signature Required  20
Exemptions  16, 17, 19, 22, 31                           SMART529  19, 26
Extension of Time  20, 22, 43                            Surviving Spouse  17, 19, 20, 21, 25

F                                                        T
Failure to Receive a Withholding Tax Statement (W-2)  20 Tax Computation
Family Tax Credit  6, 40                                     Nonresident, Part-Year Resident  16, 22, 26
Filing Requirements  16, 19                                  Tax Rate Schedules  34
Filing Status  21                                            Tax Table  35
Forms                                                    Tips on Filing a Paper Return  15
 IT-140  52
 Schedule A  9
 Schedule E  7                                           Worksheets
 Schedule FTC-1  6                                           Low-Income Earned Income Exclusion  25
 Schedule H  7                                               Senior Citizens Refundable Credit  33
 Schedule M  3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 41, 42        WV Children’s Trust  23
                                                         WV College Savings Plan and Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund  19, 24
H                                                        WV Police, Deputy Sheriff s’ or Firemen’s Pension, WV Teachers, 
Homestead Excess Property Tax Credit  18                      Public Employees, Military, and Federal Retirement  18, 23

Income Tax Paid to Another State (Schedule E)  7
Injured Spouse  20, 21
Interest and Additions for Late Payment of Tax  19
IRS Information Exchange  20
Itemized Deductions  17

Low-Income Earned Income Exclusion  22, 25

Military Retirement Information  18, 23


- 56 -
West Virginia Tax Division                                               PRST STD
P.O. Box 1071                                                          U.S. POSTAGE
Charleston, WV 25324-1071                                                PAID
                                                                         State of WV

1-800-982-8297              taxhelp@wv.gov            www.tax.wv.gov

If you are due a REFUND, mail your return to: If you owe taxes, mail your return to:

West Virginia Tax Division                    West Virginia Tax Division
              P.O. Box 1071                   P.O. Box 3694
Charleston, WV 25324-1071                     Charleston, WV 25336-3694

State Taxpayer Assistance Locations

                                              40 - 14th St., Suite 101 
                                              (304) 238-1152 

                                              397 Mid Atlantic Parkway, Suite 2 
                                              (304) 267-0022

                                              153 W. Main Street 
                                              (304) 627-2109

                                              400 - 5th St., Room 509 
                                              (304) 420-4570

                                              1001 Lee Street, East 
                                              (304) 558-3333

                                              407 Neville St., Suite 109 
                                              (304) 256-6764

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