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    Schedule 6                                Indiana Department of Revenue                                      Enclosure 
    Form IT-40                                                                                           Sequence No. 05
    State Form 53999                    Schedule 6: Offset Credits                          2024
    (R15 / 9-24)
Name(s) shown on Form IT-40                                                           Your Social Security Number

                                                                                                         Round all entries

1.  Credit for local taxes paid outside Indiana ____________________________________________          1                   .00

2.  Community revitalization enhancement district credit  ___________________________________         2                   .00

3. Other Local Credits – See instructions (enclose additional sheets if necessary)

   a.  Enter credit name                                                     code no.                 3a                  .00

   b.  Enter credit name                                                     code no.                 3b                  .00

   Important:  Lines 1 through 3 cannot be greater than the county tax due on Form IT-40, line 9  
                (seeCombined Limitation  instructions).

4.  College credit – Attach Schedule CC-40 _____________________________________________              4                   .00

5.  Credit for taxes paid to other states: enclose other state’s return __________________________    5                   .00

6. Other Credits – See instructions (enclose additional sheets if necessary)

   a.  Enter credit name                                                     code no.                 6a                  .00

   b.  Enter credit name                                                     code no.                 6b                  .00

   c.  Enter credit name                                                     code no.                 6c                  .00

   d.  Enter credit name                                                     code no.                 6d                  .00

7.  Enter the total credits from Schedule IN-OCC, line 8, and enclose that schedule ______________    7                   .00

   Important:  Lines 4 through 7 added together cannot be greater than the state adjusted gross  
                income tax due on Form IT-40, line 8 (seeCombined Limitation  instructions).

8.  Add lines 1 through 7. Enter total here and on line 13 of Form IT-40 _______ Total Offset Credits 8                   .00


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