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       Schedule C                              Indiana Department of Revenue                                          Enclosure 
       Form IT-40PNR                           Schedule C: Deductions                                      Sequence No. 03
       State Form 54031                                                                        2024
       (R15 / 9-24)
Name(s) shown on Form IT-40PNR                                                             Your Social Security Number

1.  Renter’s deduction
    Indiana address where rented if different from the one on the front page (enter below)

    Landlord’s name and address (enter below)

    Number of months rented                       Amount of rent paid  $                       .00

    Enter the lesser of $3,000 ($1,500 if married filing separately) or amount of rent paid __________ 1                    .00

2.  Homeowner’s residential property tax deduction
    Address where property tax was paid if different from front page (enter below)

    Number of months lived there           Amount of property tax paid  $                      .00
                                                                                                           Round all entries
    Enter the lesser of $2,500 ($1,250 if married filing separately) or the amount of Indiana  
    property tax paid ________________________________________________________________                 2                    .00

3.  State tax refund reported on federal return  ___________________________________________           3                    .00

4.  Interest on U.S. government obligations  _____________________________________________             4                    .00

5.  Taxable Social Security benefits ____________________________________________________              5                    .00

6.  Taxable railroad retirement benefits _________________________________________________             6                    .00

7.  Active military service deduction  ___________________________________________________             7                    .00

8.  Private school/homeschool deduction: $1,000 per qualifying child (see instructions) ___________    8                    .00

9.  Indiana net operating loss deduction ________________________________________________              9                    .00

10.  Nontaxable portion of unemployment compensation (from Unemployment Comp. Worksheet) ___           10                   .00

11. Other Deductions: See instructions (attach additional sheets if necessary)

    a. Enter deduction name                                                   code no.                 11a                  .00

    b. Enter deduction name                                                   code no.                 11b                  .00

    c. Enter deduction name                                                   code no.                 11c                  .00

12. Add lines 1 through 11. Enter total here and on line 4 of Form IT-40PNR.  ____ Total Deductions   12                    .00


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