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                   Substitute Tax Form 


  Rev. 9/20/2023 

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  This   publication   provides   information   necessary   for   the   development  of  substitute  forms.  Software 
  developers  must  comply  with  the  requirements  in  this  publication  to  gain  approval  by  the  Tax  Division. 
  Periodically   this   publication   may   be   updated   detailing   changes   to   published   tax   forms,   stating 
  requirements  for  forms  not  included  in  this  version  of  the  document,  or  outlining  additional  processing 
  requirements   and   informing   developers   of   new   requirements   imposed   by   the   West   Virginia 
  Legislature.  It  is  the  responsibility  of  the  software  developer  to  submit  tax  forms  for  approval  based  on 
  the  latest  version  of  this  publication.  Updates  to  forms  will  be  sent  via  the  NACTP  listserv  and  can  be 
  found in the substitute forms folder of the FTA State Exchange System (SES). 

  When  reviewing  forms  for  approval,  the  Tax  Division  is  verifying  that  the  form  can  be  processed  through  the 
  system.  The  Tax  Division  will  neither  review  nor  approve  the  logic  of  specific  so ware  programs,  nor  confirm 
  calcula ons  entered  on  the  forms.  The  accuracy  of  the  program  remains  the  responsibility  of  the  so ware 

  Contact Information 

  Questions or comments may be addressed to:   TaxWVForms@wv.gov 
  When sending email, please begin subject lines with Tax type, test ETIN, and product name, followed by 
  descrip on of the email. 
  PIT 12345 Tax Fox - ques ons about Schedule M 
  CIT 98765 Tax Ninja - Forms submission 

  West Virginia MeF Calendar for Tax Year 2022 

  Ini al review begins.                                                          September 1, 2023 
  Final tes ng begins (tenta vely)                                               December 1, 2023 
  Last date to send  an ini al forms submission for approval                     January 2, 2024 

  While  submissions  may  pass  ini al  tes ng  as  early  as  September,  final  tes ng  cannot  begin  un l  the  scanner 
  system   is   updated.   This   usually   does   not   occur   un l   December.   Please   do   not   ask   the   status   of   any 
  submission un l December 7. 

  If errors are determined, correc ons must be resubmi ed within 30 days 

  Substitute Tax Forms Requirements                                                                        2  of  9 

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  West Virginia Tax Division 
  •   2023 West Virginia Business and Individual E-File (MeF) Handbook 
  •   2023 Forms Requirements 
  Internal Revenue Service 
  Publica on 1436,   Test Package for Electronic Filers  of Individual Tax Returns 
  Publica on 3112,   IRS e-file Applica on and Par cipa on 
  Publica on 4162,   Modernized e-file Handbook for Authorized  e-file Providers for Form 1120, 1120S, 
      and 1065. 
  Publica on 4164,   Modernized e-file Guide for So ware  Developers and Transmi ers 
  Publica on 4505,   Modernized e-file Test Package for  Forms 1065/1065-B 

  Related Internet Links 
  •   Credit Card Payments 
      (  h p://tax.wv.gov/Individuals/ElectronicFiling/PaymentOp ons/Pages/ 
      IndividualsCreditCardPayments.aspx  ) 
  •   MyTaxes (  h ps://mytaxes.wvtax.gov  ) 
  •   West Virginia Tax Division (  www.tax.wv.gov  ) 
  •   Informa on for So ware Vendors 
      (  h p://tax.wv.gov/TaxProfessionals/So wareDevelopers/Pages/ 
      So wareDevelopers.aspx  ) 
  •   Electronic Filing and Services 
      (  h p://tax.wv.gov/TaxProfessionals/ElectronicFiling/Pages/ 
      TaxProfessionalsElectronicFiling.aspx  ) 

  Substitute Tax Forms Requirements                                                       3  of  9 

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  New for 2023 

  Film Tax Credit added to all Credit recaps and summaries 
  Build WV Property Value Adjustment Tax Credit  added to all Credit recaps and summaries 
  Build WV refundable credit line on the main returns 
  Volunteer Firefighter Tax Credit  added to PIT and FDY Credit recaps and summaries 

  IT-210 and CIT-120U have been removed from their barcode series. 

  The gray color of labels may be omitted, but you must have lines to indicate where the field ends and begins. 

  Important Information 

  ●   Where can we find forms? Forms are posted on the FTA State Exchange System (SES). 

  ●   Substitute forms must be visually built on the version posted in the Substitute Forms folder of the FTA SES 

  ●   Forms  are  designed  using  a  6x10  character  grid  for  fields  that  will  be  captured  by  the  scanners.  If  forms  are 
      not set to the grid as specified, data may not be properly collected and the form will not be accepted. 

  ●   DO  NOT  place  anything  next  to  the  form  number  in  the  header.   This  is  for  State  Forms  to  indicate  Form 
      Source.  Leave this area BLANK. Do not enter “B”, “W”, your vendor code, or anything else there. 

  ●   The  Tax  Division  will  only  approve  substitute  tax  forms  developed  to  produce  computer  generated  data. 
      Substitute forms completed by manual processing (handwritten or typewritten) will not be accepted. 

  ●   Forms  without  barcodes  are  not  to  be  submitted  for  substitute  forms  testing  and  are  therefore  not  placed  on 
      the SES as separate files. 

  ●   This  substitute  forms  testing  is  meant  for  West  Virginia  income  taxes,  supporting  schedules,   and  related 
      withholding and payments forms. Substitute forms for other taxes are outside the scope of this testing. 

  ●   When in doubt about margins, follow the PDF version posted in the substitute forms folder of the FTA SES. 

  ●   Each  form  must  include  the  4  digit  NACTP  vendor  code.  While  there  is  no  specific  location  for  this  on  the 
      form, this code must be printed away from the barcode, targets, and any variable data fields. 

  Substitute Tax Forms Requirements                                                                             4  of  9 

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  How do we make a substitute form test submission? 

  All test submissions must be submitted as .pdf’s via email to TaxWVForms@wv.gov. 

  ●   Use this convention for email subject lines:   Tax Type  - Test ETIN - Product Name - additional information 
      If you do not have MEF products, use your 2 character form ID and 4 digit NACTP number instead of ETIN. 

      EXAMPLE:  PIT 12345 Awesome Tax Prep - IT-140 forms test 

      CIT 67890 Best Tax Filing - CNF-120 forms test 

      PTE ZT 1234 Zebra Tax Forms Solutions - PTE-V test 

  ●   Each submission must include: 

      ■   NACTP standardized approval checklist, found on the NACTP website at www.nactp.org. 

      ■   one (1) blank copy of packet which includes all the supported forms for a given tax type 

      ■   five  (5)  data  copies  -   The  data  copies  should  be  grouped  by  test,  not  by  form.   For  example,  the 
      attachments   on   an   personal   income   submission   would   be   Checklist.pdf,   IT140blank.pdf, 
      IT140test1.pdf, IT140test2.pdf, IT140test3.pdf, IT140test4.pdf, and IT140test5.pdf 

  ●   Photocopies will not be accepted. 

  ●   Please send forms from different sets separately. DO NOT SEND ALL TAX TYPES ON ONE EMAIL. 
      If  you  are  supporting  all  substitute  forms,  you  would  have  a  separate  email  for  PIT,  FDY,  CIT,  PTE,  and 
      each of the WHT forms. 

  ●   Only forms with a barcode should be submitted for approval. 

  ●   If  the  space  of  a  single  line  in  the  field  is  insufficient  for  data  such  as  names,  addresses,  or  emails,  you  may 
      use both rows within the field, so long as the data does not touch the field outline. 

  ●   Name control field on the IT-140V must be limited to the first 4 characters of the taxpayer’s last name. 

  Substitute Tax Forms Requirements                                                                                  5  of  9 

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  General Information 

  All  software  developers  must  receive  approval  by  the  Tax  Division  to  develop  substitute  tax  forms.  The  2023 
  Letter   of   Intent  must  be  submitted  by  every  software  developer,  for  every  year,  that  it  intends  to  reproduce 
  West   Virginia   Tax  Forms.  This  form  is  available  on  the  FTA  State  Exchange  System  (SES).  The  developer 
  must  email   TaxLOI@wv.gov   in  order  to  request  access  to  the  Letter  of  Intent.  There  is  one  Letter  of  Intent  for 
  both  MeF  and  substitute  forms.  If  your  company  will  only  be  supporting  substitute  forms  then  please  disregard 
  all MeF information. 

  Barcode Requirements 
  The   Tax   Division   uses   an   alphanumeric   Code   39e   (3   of   9)   barcode   configuration.   The   barcode   must   be 
  centered  in  the  barcode  location  on  each  page  of  the  published  tax  form.   The  barcode  must  be  positioned  so  it 
  reads  from  left  to  right  when  printed  horizontally,  top  to  bottom  when  printed  vertically  on  the  left  edge,  and 
  bottom  to  top  when  printed  vertically  on  the  right  edge  of  the  form.  The  human  readable  value  of  the  barcode 
  must  be  printed  near  the  barcode  even  if  the  human  readable  value  is  not  printed  on  the  tax  form  published  by 
  the  Tax  Division.  On  coupon  size  forms,  the  barcode  may  be  placed  vertically  on  the  left  or  right  side.  If  the 
  back of the coupon has a barcode, they must be on opposite ends. 

  Substitute   tax   forms’   barcodes   must   contain   a   vendor’s   two   letter   ID.   This   ID  is  placed  in  the  barcode  by 
  removing  the  first  and  last  letters  in  the  barcode  of  the  published  form  and  placing  the  two-letter  unique  ID  at 
  the  beginning  of  the  barcode.  For  example,  the  barcode  for  page  one  of  the  2023  CIT-120  is  B30202301W.  A 
  software  vendor  reproducing  this  form  would  use  the  barcode  ID30202301  where  “ID”  is  the  unique  two-letter 
  vendor ID. 

  A  company  reproducing  West  Virginia  Tax  Forms  for  the  first  time  must  contact  TaxWVForms@wv.gov  to  have 
  a two-letter vendor ID assigned. 

  Each vendor must produce a barcode to fit the following specifications: 

  ●   Barcode must be surrounded by a minimum of 0.2 inch of white space. 
  ●   Barcode must be start and end with an asterisk (*) non-readable. 
  ●   Barcode must start with an assigned 2 alpha character ID. 
  ●   Barcode must measure close to 2.5” width and 0.5” in height (not including clearance space). 
  ●   The minimum wide-to-narrow ratio is 3:1. 

  Margins and Form Size 
  All  forms  must  measure  8½”x  11”.  Generally  the  printable  area  of  a  form  on  the  grid  is  from  Row  4  to  Row  63 
  and Column 6 to Column 80. Margins on substitute forms must be equal to the margins on the published form. 
  Coupon forms may be no taller than 3½”. 

  Paper Specifications 
  Paper must be white, 20lb. unlined bond – portrait orientation, unless otherwise specified. 

  Legibility & Ink 
  The  West  Virginia  Tax  Division  reserves  the  right  to  reject  any  substitute  form  because  of  poor  legibility.  The  ink 
  and   printing   method   used   must   ensure   no   part   of   the   form  develops  smears  or  other  printing  defects  that 
  reduce print quality. 

  Black non-magnetic and non-reflective ink/toner must be used on all substitute forms. 

  Substitute Tax Forms Requirements                                                                  6  of  9 

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  Certain  forms  must  be  approved  in  sets.  All  supported  forms  with  barcodes  in  the  following  tax  packets  must 
  be  approved  as  a  set.  If  your  company  will  not  support  a  particular  form  within  a  set,  please  clearly  indicate  this 
  when  submitting  your  forms  for  approval.  Submissions  will  be  rejected  if  the  packet  is  incomplete,  especially  if 
  supporting schedules do not accompany the main return. 

  ●   Personal Income Tax annual packet                                      ●   Corporate Net Income Tax annual packet 
      ○   IT-140   (required to test any of the supporting forms)                ○   CIT-120   (required to test any of the supporting forms) 
      ○   Schedule M                                                             ○   Schedule 1 
      ○   Schedule A                                                             ○   Schedule 2 
      ○   Tax Credit Recap                                                       ○   Schedule B 
      ○   Schedule FTC-1                                                         ○   Schedule B-1 
      ○   Schedule UT                                                            ○   Schedule C and D 
      ○   Schedule DP                                                            ○   Schedule NOL 
      ○   Form IT-210                                                            ○   CIT-120TC 
      ○   HEPTC-1                                                                ○   CIT-120APT 
      ○   Schedule F                                                             ○   WV K-1,WV K-1C, WV NRW-2 
      ○   WV4868    M  **                                                        ○   CIT-120EXT    M  ** 
      ○   IT-140 ES    M **                                                      ○   CIT-120ES    M ** 
      ○   IT-140V    M **                                                        ○   WV-CITV    M ** 
      The   SCTC-A   is   not   eligible   for   substitute   forms              Combined CIT-120 filing and the UBCR are for MEF 
      testing.   Do not make substitute versions of this.                        only and are not supported for paper filing. 

  ●   Fiduciary Income Tax Return   Income Tax for Pass-Through Entities   (S Corp 
      ○   IT-141   (required to test any of the supporting forms)                and Partnerships) 
      ○   Schedule SB                                                            ○   PTE-100   (required to test any of the supporting forms) 
      ○   Schedule B                                                             ○   Schedule A 
      ○   Schedule NR                                                            ○   Schedule B 
      ○   Tax Credit Recap                                                       ○   Schedule C and D 
      ○   IT-141EXT    M  ** 
                                                                                 ○   PTE-100TC 
      ○   IT-141ES    M ** 
                                                                                 ○   PTE-100APT 
      ○   IT-141V    M ** 
                                                                                 ○   Schedule SP 
                                                                                 ○   WV K-1, WV NRW-2 
  Withholding Tax Forms                                                      ○   PTE-100EXT    M  ** 
      All  withholding  forms  listed  here  may  be  submitted                  ○   PTE-100ES    M  ** 
      separately,   but   if   you   support   any   of   these,   it   is       ○   WV-PTEV    M ** 
      recommended that you send them together. 
      ○   IT-103   M                                                         West Virginia Nonresident Composite Return 
      ○   IT-101V   M                                                            ○     IT-140NRC    M 
      ○   IT-101Q   M 
      ○   IT-101A   M 

  M   MULTI-YEAR   FORMS         -   The   stand   alone   Withholding   Tax   forms,   Estimated   Payment   forms,   and  Vouchers  are  all 
  Multi-Year   forms.   As   long  as  you  have  been  passed  on  the  most  recent  version  of  that  form,  your  prior  approval  will 
  continue.  You  do  not  need  to  test  those  unless  you  have  made  some  change  to  the  form  that  you  think  may  impact  how  it 
  would be read by the scanners. The most current barcodes for these are: 

        IT-140 ES           09091801                        CIT-120ES            59202001                  IT-103    03201801 
        IT-140V             38202001                        WV-CITV              30022001                  IT-101V   42201601 
        WV4868              40012201                        CIT-120EXT   30012201                          IT-101Q   43201001 
        IT-141ES            42060901                        PTE-100ES   55202001                           IT-101A   44201801 
        IT-141V             35032008                        WV-PTEV              54022001 
        IT-141 EXT   35012201                               PTE-100EXT  54012201 

  ** Extension requests, Estimate Payment forms, and Payment Vouchers may be tested separately from the main return if 
  you are not supporting the main return and supporting schedules. 

  Substitute Tax Forms Requirements                                                                                             7  of  9 

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  Coupon  size  forms  must  be  printed  on  the  bottom  of  the  page  to  ensure  that  three  sides  of  the  paper  have 
  straight  edges.  Only  one  coupon  form  may  be  printed  per  page.  Developers  must  include  instructions  for  the 
  user to cut the top of the tax form properly. 

  The   Targets   sit   on   the   corners   of   the   printable   area   and   are   formed   by   lines 
  positioned  at  90°  angles.  The  lines  should  be  black  and  2pt  thickness.  Each  Target 
  is  two  tenths  (0.2)  inches  wide  and  one  third  (0.3333)  inches  tall.  There  should  be  at 
  least   a   0.05   inch   clearance   around   the   target.   The   example   below   is   a   top   left 
  target.   The   horizontal   line   sits   between   rows   3   and   4   in   columns   6   and   7.   The 
  vertical  line  sits  between  columns  5  and  6  in  rows  4  and  5.  The  teal  lines  show  the 
  6x10 grid. The space clearance around the target is notated by yellow. 

  Font & Variable Printed Data 
  Variable  taxpayer  data  must  be  printed  in  the  same  location  as  the  published  form  in  capital  letters  using  a  10 
  to  12  point  Courier  font  (10cpi).  No  other  fonts  will  be  approved.  Variable  taxpayer  data  includes,  but  is  not 
  limited  to,  Taxpayer  Name  and  Address,  Filing  Period,  Due  Date,  Amount  Paid,  Account  ID,  SSN,  FEIN,  and  all 
  dollar fields. 
  ●   Data must be printed on a solid line or within a data box. 
  ●   Do not print dashes or slashes (a running line of numbers is preferred). 
  ●   Correct date format is MMDDYYYY with no spaces unless otherwise denoted. 
  ●   Italics and underlining is not accepted. 
  ●   Curved lines used in geometry are not accepted – use block lines where applicable. 
  ●   Do NOT print commas to separate numbers within amount fields. 
  ●   Do NOT print dollar signs unless they have been hard coded on the published form. 
  ●   Monetary  fields  with  .00  reflected  must  be  hard  coded.  If  a  monetary  field  does  not  have  hard-coded 
  zeros  (.00)  then  dollars  and  cents  must  be  reported  in  this  field.  If  the  software  is  unable  to  report  cents, 
  then it must be programmed to print the zeros. 
  ●   Monetary  fields  containing  no  data  are  to  remain  blank  (except  for  hard  coded  decimal  fields  separating 
  dollars and cents). 
  ●   Monetary amounts must be right justified. 
  ●   Indicate negative amounts by printing a negative sign (-) directly to the left of the amount. 
  ●   Taxpayer data must be printed in 6 lines per inch. 

  Abbreviations In Names and Addresses 
  Common  abbreviations,  listing  the  taxpayer  address,  may  be  used  to  generate  taxpayer  information.  Refer  to 
  the  NACTP  Tax  Form  Design  Guideline  as  a  resource  to  identify  acceptable  abbreviations  commonly  used. 
  Use  of  the  correct  two  letter  state  abbreviation  is  mandatory.  Do  not  include  apostrophes,  spaces,  or  hyphens. 
  Print the name and address information in all caps. 

  O’Toole            —   OTOOLE 
  Smith-Jones   —        SMITHJONES 
  Mac Donald   —         MACDONALD 

  Substitute Tax Forms Requirements                                                                             8  of  9 

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  Instructional Text and Signatures 
  Instructional  text  must  be  included  on  all  substitute  forms  and  must  be  printed  exactly  as  written  by  the  Tax 
  Division. Do not use abbreviations unless the abbreviation appears on the published form. 
  Taxpayer   signatures   must   be   originals   and   affixed   after   the   form   is  printed  on  all  published  tax  forms  that 
  include  signature  lines.  The  statement  above  the  signature  line  must  read  “Under  penalty  of  perjury,  I  declare 
  that  I  have  examined  this  return,  accompanying  schedules,  and  statements,  and  to  the  best  of  my  knowledge 
  and belief, it is true, correct and complete.” 

  Software Developers Responsibility 
  The  West  Virginia  Tax  Division  reserves  the  right  to  issue  revisions  to  published  tax  forms  at  any  time  and  as 
  frequently  as  it  finds  necessary.  It  is  the  sole  responsibility  of  the  software  developer  to  keep  apprised  of  new 
  editions   to   tax   forms   published   by   the  Tax  Division.  New  editions  will  be  noted  through  use  of  the  NACTP 
  listserv  and  posted  in  the  substitute  tax  forms  folder  of  the  FTA  State  Exchange  System  (SES).  If  a  published 
  form   is   revised,   software   developers   must   request   approval   of   the   revised   substitute   form.   It   is   the 
  responsibility  of  the  software  developer  to  submit  substitute  forms  for  approval  based  upon  the  requirements  in 
  the latest edition of this publication. 

  The  Tax  Division  does  not  authorize  or  encourage  software  developers  to  place  unapproved  forms  in  software 
  packages.   The   Tax   Division   requires   developers   to   place   a   draft   banner   on   the  signature  line  of  all  forms 
  reading  “DRAFT  FORM,  DO  NOT  FILE”.  This  banner  must  be  printed  in  bold  capital  letters  in  a  14  pt.  font.  If  a 
  form  does  not  contain  a  signature  line,  this  banner  must  be  printed  at  the  top  of  the  form.  If  the  form  without  a 
  signature line is coupon size, the banner must be printed directly below the cut line at the top of the form. 

  Software   developers   should   advise  their  customers  of  the  published  tax  form’s  edition  date.  The  developer 
  must  inform  the  customer  of  the  Tax  Division  requirements  as  listed  in  this  publication.  It  is  the  developer’s 
  responsibility   to  instruct  customers  to  use  the  correct  printer,  paper  weight,  size,  font  and  ink  required  by  the 
  Tax Division. Customers must also be instructed to not SCALE the page or “shrink to fit” before printing. 

  Substitute Tax Forms Requirements                                                                               9  of  9 

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