Enlarge image | New Hampshire 202 Department of *0132WE2411862* DP-132-WE Revenue Administration 0132WE2411862 NET OPERATING LOSS (NOL) DEDUCTION FOR COMBINED GROUPS Principal New Hampshire Business Organization Name Taxpayer Identification Number MMDDYYYY MMDDYYYY For the CALENDAR year 202 or and ending: other taxable period beginning: Federal Employer ID Number, Social Security Nexus Member Name Number or Department ID Number C0-6./ A C0-6./ B C0-6./ C C0-6./ D C0-6./ E Ending date of tax NOL amount available Amount of NOL carry forward Amount of NOL to be Amount of NOL to year in which NOL for carryforward. See which has been used in used as a deduction carry forward to occurred instructions for limitations taxable periods prior to in this taxable period future taxable periods from DP-131-A this taxable period (T ee nstructions)J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Line 11 - Total Columns B, C, D, & E (Sum Lines 1 - 10 in each respective column). 4VCUSBDU -JOF $PMVNO $ GSPN -JOF $PMVNO # UP PCUBJO UIF /0- BWBJMBCMF UP CF SFQPSUFE PO UIF BQQMJDBCMF #VTJOFTT 1SPGJUT 5BY SFUVSO The amount of NOL carryforward deducted this taxable period is Column D, Line 11. If you have more than one Form DP-132-WE total all Line 11 D amounts to calculate your NOL carryforward deduction (see instructions). -JOF $PMVNO % BOE $PMVNO & SFTQFDUJWFMZ BSF UIF BNPVOUT UP CF SFQPSUFE PO UIF BQQMJDBCMF #VTJOFTT 1SPGJUT 5BY SFUVSO GPS /0- UP CF VTFE JO UIF QFSJPE BOE /0- DBSSZGPSXBSE Use additional Forms DP-132-WE if you have NOL carryforward deduction(s) for more than one entity. NOTE: Column B less Column C should equal the sum of Column D plus Column E. DP-132-WE 202 Page of Version 1 /202 |