Enlarge image | New Hampshire 202 *DP22102411862* Department of DP-2210/2220 Revenue Administration DP22102411862 EXCEPTIONS AND PENALTY FOR THE UNDERPAYMENT OF ESTIMATED TAX Taxpayer Name Taxpayer Identification Number MMDDYYYY MMDDYYYY For the CALENDAR year 202 or other taxable period beginning: and ending: Check One: Business Tax Return(s) Interest & Dividends Tax Return Other PART I - CALCULATE YOUR UNDERPAYMENT 306/% 50 5)& /&"3&45 8)0-& %0--"3 1 Current year tax $ 2 90% of Line 1 (Line 1 x .90) $ 3(a) Enter in Columns A through D the installment dates A B C D that correspond to the 15th of the 4th, 6th, 9th, and 12th months of your tax period or specify statutory due dates. (I&D filers see instructions) 3(b) Applicable percentages 25% 25% 25% 25% 3(c) Enter Line 2 multiplied by Line 3(b) for Columns A through D 4 Amount paid timely or credited for each period 5 Overpayment of previous installment calculated on Line 7 6 Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7 Overpayment (Line 6 minus Line 3(c)). Enter in Line 5 of next column 8 Underpayment (Line 3(c) minus Line 6) PART II - EXCEPTIONS TO PENALTY - See Instructions 9 Cumulative amount paid or credited from the beginning A B C D of the tax year through the installment dates (see instructions) 10 Applicable percentages 25% 50% 75% 100% 11 Exception, prior period’s tax (prior year must be 12 full months) (RSA 21-J:32, IV(a)) 12 Applicable percentages 25% 50% 75% 100% 13 Exception, prior period’s tax base and facts using current years tax rate (RSA 21-J:32, IV(b)) 14 Applicable percentages 22.5% 45% 67.5% 90% 15 Exception, tax on annualized income (RSA 21-J:32, IV(c)) (Attach schedule) DP-2210/2220 202 Page 1 of 2 Version 1 0 /202 |
Enlarge image | New Hampshire 202 *DP22102421862* Department of DP-2210/2220 Revenue Administration DP22102421862 EXCEPTIONS AND PENALTY FOR THE UNDERPAYMENT OF ESTIMATED TAX - Continued Taxpayer Name Taxpayer Identification Number MMDDYYYY MMDDYYYY For the CALENDAR year 202 or other taxable period beginning: and ending: PART III - CALCULATE THE PENALTY A B C D 16 Amount of underpayment from Part I, Line 8 17 Enter the date of payment or statutory due date of tax, whichever is earlier 18 Enter the number of days from installment date (Line 3(a)) to date shown on Line 17 19 Interest due UISPVHI Number of Days x Y % Underpayment 12/31/2 at %: amount (Line 16) (see instructions) 20 Interest due BGUFS Number of DaZT Yx % Underpayment 12/31/2 at %: 365 amount (Line 16) (see instructions) 21 Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Tax (Line 19 plus Line 20) 22 Total Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Tax (Total of Columns A through D, Line 21). Note: For interest rate in other years see instructions DP-2210/2220 202 Page of 2 Version 1 0 /202 |