Enlarge image | DO NOT STAPLE New Hampshire DP-31 Department of *00DP312411862* Revenue Administration 00DP312411862 APPLICATION FOR TOBACCO TAX LICENSE Manufacturers & Wholesalers Check A or B as applicable Current License #: Manufacturer Wholesaler A. NEW LICENSE B. RENEWAL C. Tobacco Products Sold (Dheck all applicable) % Indicate if you sell any tobacco products from /PO Cigarettes Little Cigars Cigars 1BSUJDJQBUJOH .BOVGBDUVSFST /1. VOEFS UIF .BTUFS Loose E-Cigarettes Smokeless 4FUUMFNFOU "HSFFNFOU .4" Other: Yes No 1. Business Name (DBA) 2. Name of Entity TFF JOTUSVDUJPOT 3. Business Address Number & Street 4. City/Town State Zip Code 5. Mailing Address Number & Street 6. E-mail Address 7. City/Town State Zip Code + 4 (or Canadian Postal Code) 8. Business Phone Number 9. Purchase/Established Date 10. Previous Owner/Business Name 10(a) Type of Business Entity: Proprietorship Corporation Partnership Fiduciary Non-Profit 10( ) C 'JMM JO UIF DPSSFDU UBYQBZFS JEFOUJGJDBUJPO OVNCFS GPS UIF FOUJUZ SFRVFTUJOH B MJDFOTF '&*/ 44/ DIN 10(D) List the names of all entities that you buy tobacco products from that have a NH Wholesaler Tobacco Tax License or NH Manufacturer Tobacco Tax License (attach separate sheet if additional space is needed): 10(E ) List all the states where you hold a wholesaler/distributor tobacco license (attach separate sheet if additional space is needed) .645 #& $0.1-&5&% #: 8)0-&4"-&34 10(F ) Are you a first importer? Yes No If yes, include a copy of your federal importer license and a listing of all tobacco products you import. 11. List individual owners, officers, partners, or members (attach a list of additional owners, officers, partners, or members if additional space is needed): 11(a)Last Name First Name MI Title Residence Address - No PO Boxes Social Security Number City / Town State Zip Code + 4 (or Canadian Postal Code) Phone Number DP-31 Page 1 of 7FSTJPO |
Enlarge image | New Hampshire DP-31 Department of *00DP312421862* Revenue Administration 00DP312421862 A11-*$"5*0/ '03 50#"$$0 5"9 -*$&/4& continued 11(b) Last Name First Name MI Title Residence Address - No PO Boxes Social Security Number City / Town State Zip Code + 4 (or Canadian Postal Code) Phone Number 12. License Fees: Manufacturer: Fee is $100.00 $ Wholesaler: Fee is $250.00 $ Total Amount Enclosed $ The appropriate fee(s), as listed in Line 12, must accompany this form. Make Check Payable to: STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE 13. RSA 78:9, I requires the Commissioner to consider the following information prior to issuing or renewing a Tobacco Tax License. 13(a) Did the applicant previously have a NH Tobacco Tax License revoked under RSA 78:20? Yes No 13(b) Does the applicant or any interest holder in the applicant owe any taxes, interest or penalties to the State of NH under any other tax administered by the department, or any fees, fines or penalties resulting from Yes No violations of RSA 78 or RSA 126-K? 13(c) Has the applicant or any interest holder in the applicant been convicted of a crime related to Tobacco Tax or a crime involving theft or fraud in this or any state within the past 2 years? Yes No 14. This application must be signed by an owner, officer, partner, or member in ink and dated. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct and in conformity with applicable State laws. I am aware that failure to comply with the requirements of RSA 78, REV 1000, RSA 541-C, and RSA 541-D may result in suspension or revocation of the license issued pursuant to this application. If signed by a corporate officer, partner, or member on behalf of the manufacturer or wholesaler, I certify that I have the authority to legally execute this application on behalf of the licensee. Signature of Taxpayer JO JOL MMDDYYYY Phone Number Print Signatory Name & Title File online at Granite Tax Connect HUD SFWFOVF OI HPW 5"1 @ or mail to NH DRA PO Box 637, Concord NH 03302-0637 7FSTJPO DP-31 Enclose, but do not staple or tape your payment with this application Page 2 of |