Enlarge image | New Hampshire 202 Department of *SCHD042411862* Revenue Administration Schedule IV SCHD042411862 OTHER INTERNAL REVENUE CODE RECONCILING ADJUSTMENTS Business Organization Name Taxpayer Identification Number MMDDYYYY MMDDYYYY For the CALENDAR year 202 or other taxable period beginning: and ending: This form must be completed by any business organization reporting any amounts on Lines 2(c) or 2(e) of Form NH-1120 /) /) PS /) PS ; Lines 10(c) or 10(e) of Form NH-1120-WE Attach additional sheets if necessary. PART A - A%%*5*0/4 Detail any amounts included on -JOF D PG Form NH-1120, /) /) PS /) PS PO -JOF D PG 'PSN NH-1120-WE. The additions should equal amounts reported on the corresponding return. 3FQPSU BMM WBMVFT BT B QPTJUJWF OVNCFS 3PVOE UP UIF OFBSFTU XIPMF EPMMBS 'PSFJHO EJWJEFOET DPOTJTUJOH PG (*-5* UIBU XFSF OPU QSFWJPVTMZ TVCKFDU UP #VTJOFTT 1SPGJUT 5BY . 1 'PSFJHO EJWJEFOET DPOTJTUJOH PG EFFNFE POF UJNF SFQBUSJBUJPO VOEFS UIF 5BY $VUT BOE +PCT "DU PG. 2 5$+" OPU QSFWJPVTMZ TVCKFDU UP #VTJOFTT 1SPGJUT 5BY . Charitable deductions in excess of the limitation in the TCJA 3 . Amounts deducted under IRC §181͘ 4 . 5 6. 6 7. 7 8. 8 505"- "%%*5*0/4 9 PART B - D&%6$5*0/4 %FUBJM BOZ BNPVOUT JODMVEFE PO -JOF F PG 'PSN /) /) /) PS /) PS PO -JOF F PG 'PSN /) 8& The deductions should equal amounts reported on the corresponding return. 3FQPSU BMM WBMVFT BT B QPTJUJWF OVNCFS 3PVOE UP UIF OFBSFTU XIPMF EPMMBS 1. Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) deduction as determined under IRC § 250(a) 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. 5 505"- %&%6$5*0/4 6 SDIFEVMF IV 202 Page 1 of 1 Version 1 0 /202 |