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1. Does your organization have a 501(c)(3) non-profit exemption from the Internal Revenue Service?
If yes, did you have at least four or more individuals in employment for a portion of at least one day during twenty
(20) or more different calendar weeks during the preceding year?
If yes, enter the ending date of the twentieth week:
2. Enter the amount of wages paid during each calendar quarter of the year preceding January 1 of the termination
year: (Do not include Farm & Ranch or Domestic Employment)
Jan-Mar $ Apr-June $ July-Sept $ Oct-Dec $
3. During the preceding year did you have at least one individual in employment for a portion of at least one day
during twenty (20) or more different calendar weeks?
If yes, enter the ending date of the twentieth week:
As of January 1, (enter year), the undersigned employer hereby makes application for termination
of coverage in accordance with the provisions of Section 206.004 of the Texas Unemployment
Compensation Act, Labor Code.
If the undersigned employer’s liability under the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act, Labor Code is
terminated by approval of this application, this employer will lose all of their compensation experience;
and if this employing unit again qualifies as a subject employer, the tax rate will be determined without
regard to their compensation experience for periods prior to the effective date of termination coverage
based on this application.
The filing of this application or its approval does not relieve the applicant employer of his responsibility
for filing all reports required by the Commission nor does it relieve the employer of liability for payment of
all taxes, penalty and interest due for periods prior to the first day of the year with respect to which
termination coverage is sought.
Business Name of Applicant Employer
This application must be signed by the owner, a
partner, or corporate officer, or by a person whose
signature is authorized in accordance with Texas Signed by
Workforce Commission Rules. Owner, Partner or Officer
Title Date
Texas Workforce Commission
Individuals may receive, review and correct information that TWC collects about the individual by emailing to
open.records@twc.state.tx.us or writing to TWC Open Records, 101 E. 15 St., Rm. 266, Austin, TX 78778-0001.
C-71 (052013) (Page 2 of 2)