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                             Schedule EOTC-1
                                  (FOR PERIODS AFTER JANUARY 1, 2015)

                  GENERAL INFORMATION                               investment of $20 million or more that are constructed 
The purpose of the Economic Opportunity Tax Credit is to            using construction labor and mechanics numbering 75 or 
promote net employment growth within West Virginia. In              more employees or equivalent employees, who are paid 
return for net employment growth (e.g., ten (10) new jobs)          an average wage of at least prevailing wage; the new jobs 
through capital investment, the State provides a tax credit to      percentage for the 20 to 520 employee range is increased 
o set the additional taxes directly attributable to the quali ed by 5 percentage points.
investment and new jobs.                                            If New West Virginia Jobs Total at         The Applicable 
                                                                    least:                                     Percentage is:
The Economic Opportunity Tax Credit is available to quali       ed 
businesses that make a quali ed investment (on or after January15 Corporate headquarters relocation only                     10%
1, 2003) in a new or expanded business in West Virginia and, 
                                                                    10                                                         10%
as a result of this investment, create at least ten (10) new jobs. 
Quali ed business include only those engaged in the activities     20                                                         20%
of manufacturing, information processing, warehousing, non-         280                                                        25%
retail goods distribution, quali ed research and development, 
the relocation of a corporate headquarters, or destination-         520                                                        30%
oriented recreation and tourism.
                                                                                       JOBS CALCULATION
                                                                    The new jobs percentage is based on the number of new 
Taxpayers must complete an Application for West Virginia 
                                                                    jobs created in this State that are directly attributable to 
Economic Opportunity Tax Credit (Form WV/EOTC-A) with 
                                                                    the quali ed investment in a new or expanded business 
the Tax Commissioner and receive written acknowledgment 
                                                                    facility. The number of new jobs created by the investment 
of such application prior to claiming the credit. An annual 
                                                                    is determined by the net increase in employment by the 
application must be submitted no later than the due date of 
                                                                    business (or controlled group of businesses) in West Virginia 
the WV tax return or extension due date in order to assert 
                                                                    over a base year level.  The base year is the 12-month 
the credit. Schedule EOTC-A must be     led on a timely basis 
                                                                    period immediately preceding the placement of quali  ed
before claiming tax credits. 
                                                                    investment into service or use.  The hours of quali  ed    
                  CERTIFIED PROJECTS                                part-time employees may be aggregated to determine the 
                                                                    number of equivalent full-time employees for the purpose of 
The Economic Opportunity Tax Credit may be claimed for a            ascertaining the number of new jobs created.
project certi ed by the Tax Commissioner. A project eligible 
for certi cation is one in which:                                  A “New Job” is one that did not exist in the business of the 
                                                                    taxpayer in this State prior to the investment in the new or 
The quali ed investment creates at least ten (10) new jobs         expanded business facility. This position must be  lled by a 
but such investment is placed in service or use over a period       new employee. The number of new jobs is the net of new 
of three (3) successive tax years rather than a period of 365       jobs created less any jobs lost in any part or segment of 
days or less. The investment is eligible for project certi cation the employer’s business in West Virginia over the same time 
only if made in accordance with a written business facility         period.
development plan, and the investment placed in service or 
use during the  rst year would not have been made without          A “New Employee” is a West Virginia domiciled resident 
the expectation of making the quali ed investment placed in        hired to  ll one of the new jobs on a permanent basis. 
service or use during the next two (2) succeeding tax years.        Temporary or seasonal employment does not qualify as a 
                                                                    new job. Persons hired on a temporary or seasonal basis do 
A quali ed business creating at least ten (10) new jobs            not qualify as new employees.
within three (3) tax years is allowed a credit equal to 10% 
of its quali ed investment. This percentage increases with         For all Economic Opportunity  Tax Credit applications, an 
the number of new jobs created. A business creating at least        estimation of the expected number of new jobs is made in the 
20 new jobs is allowed a credit equal to 20% of its quali ed        rst taxable year for which the credit is claimed. In the third tax 
investment, a business creating at least 280 new jobs is            year the actual number of new jobs created must be certi   ed 
allowed a credit equal to 25% of its quali  ed investment,        by the business. Adjustments must be made for the new jobs 
and a business creating at least 520 new jobs can claim             percentage if the number of new jobs certi  ed varies from the 
30% of its quali ed investment. For projects having quali ed      number of new jobs estimated. The allowable credit is then 

EOTC-1 Instructions                                                                                                        Page 1

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redetermined for prior and future years. Once certi ed, if the           expanded business facility located in this State. The amount 
number of new jobs declines in any tax year, resulting in a               of the quali ed investment is determined by the cost, or 
decreased new jobs percentage, the credit is redetermined.                other basis, and the useful life of the property.
However, if the number of new jobs subsequently increases                 Critical elements in the determination of quali  ed investment 
to the former threshold, the credit will be reinstated.                   property for purposes of this credit are how, and from whom, 
A job is attributable to the quali ed investment if:                     the property is acquired; the acquisition date; date and term 
1.  The employee’s service is performed or his base of                    of a lease; transfer date; date placed in service or use in this 
      operations is at the new or expanded facility; and                  State; as well as the useful life of the property.
2.  The position did not exist prior to the making of the                 For the Economic Opportunity Tax Credit, qualifying investment 
      investment in the new or expanded facility; and,                    property acquired and placed in service or use in this State on 
3.  The position exists only because of the investment in                 or after January 1, 2003 may be counted toward the credit.
      the new or expanded facility.                                       Quali ed Investment Property May Include:
Calculation of Full-Time Equivalent Employees                             1.  Real property and improvements thereto, having a 
The hours of quali ed part-time employees are aggregated                     useful life of four (4) or more years placed in service or 
to determine the number of equivalent full-time employees                     use in West Virginia on or after January 1, 2003.
for the purpose of determining the applicable new jobs                    2.  Real property and improvements thereto, or tangible 
percentage. However, they may not be aggregated for the                       personal property acquired by written lease with a 
purpose of determining when a job is attributable to the                      primary term of ten (10) or more years placed in service 
quali ed investment.                                                         or use in West Virginia on or after January 1, 2003.
Part-time employment quali es if the employee works at                   3.  Depreciable or amortizable tangible personal property 
least twenty (20) hours per week for at least six (6) months                  placed in service or use in West Virginia on or after 
or 520 hours per year (26 weeks @ 20 hours per week). Full-                   January 1, 2003 with a useful life of four (4) or more 
time employment is 140 hours per month or 1,680 hours per                     years at the time the property is placed in service or use 
year (140 hours times 12 months). The following example                       in this State.
illustrates a calculation of full-time equivalent employees:
                                                                          4.  Tangible personal property acquired by written lease 
Quali ed Employees            Full-Time     Net Full-Time                    having a primary term of four (4) or more years that was 
                               Equivalent    Equivalent                       commenced and executed on or after January 1, 2003.
200 @ < 520 hrs                1,680         Do not Qualify*              5.  Tangible personal property owned or leased, used at a 
50 @ 750 hrs                   1,680**       = 22.32                          business location outside this State which is moved into 
20 @ 1,500 hrs                 1,680**       = 17.86                          this State on or after January 1, 2003. If owned, property 
                                                                              must be depreciable or amortizable and have a useful 
6 @ 1,700 hrs                  1,680***      = 6.00                           life of four (4) or more years remaining at the time the 
4 @ 2,080 hrs                  1,680***      = 4.00                           property is placed in service or use in this State. If leased, 
Total Net Full-time Equivalent Employees     = 50.18                          the primary term of the lease remaining at the time the 
* Must work for at least 6 months at 20 or more hours per week to qualify     property is placed in service or use in West Virginia must 
** These employees work at least 20 hours per week for at least 6 months      be four (4) or more years.
during the year
*** Hours beyond 1,680 may not be counted as additional employees.        Quali ed Investment Property May Not Include:
Required Employment Records                                               1.  Property owned or leased, for which another tax credit 
The taxpayer must maintain records to establish the                           (e.g. for Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit, Industrial 
following:                                                                    Expansion and Revitalization; or Research and 
                                                                              Development Projects) has been taken by the taxpayer, 
1.  Total full-time equivalent employment in place during 
                                                                              seller, lessor, or other transferor.
    the year immediately preceding the year quali  ed    
    investment was  rst placed into service or use.                      2.  Repair costs, unless capitalized for federal income tax 
2.  Total full-time equivalent employment in place during                     purposes.
    each year of the project.                                             3. Airplanes.
Such records must be retained for a period of three (3) years 
                                                                          4.  Property primarily used outside this State.
after the last year for which the credit is claimed.
                                                                          5.  Property acquired incidental to the purchase of the stock 
          QUALIFIED INVESTMENT PROPERTY                                       or assets of the seller. This restriction can be waived by 
Quali ed investment property is property constructed,                        the Tax Commissioner.
purchased, leased or transferred into West Virginia and                   6.  Natural resources in place.
placed in service or use, as a component of a new or 
                                                                          7.  Property purchased or leased, the cost of which cannot 

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    be quanti ed when such property is placed in service.           include rent for any year subsequent to the expiration 
8.  Property not directly attributable to the quali  ed            of the book life of the property, determined by use of the 
    investment activity (e.g. recreational boat, vehicle for         straight line method of depreciation.
    personal use).                                                7.  For qualifying property purchased for multiple use the 
                                                                     cost must be pro-rated.
              Date Placed In Service or Use
                                                                  8.  For self-constructed property the cost is the amount 
Property is considered to be placed in service or use in the         properly charged to the capital account for depreciation 
earlier of:                                                          in accordance with federal income tax law.
1.  The taxable year in which, under the taxpayer’s               9.  The cost of property transferred into this State is 
    depreciation practice, the period for depreciation for           determined based on remaining useful life of the 
    such property begins; or                                         property at the time it is placed in service or use in this 
2.  The taxable year in which the property is placed in a            State. The cost is the original cost of the property to the 
    condition of state or readiness and availability for a           taxpayer less straight line depreciation allowable for tax 
    speci cally assigned function.                                  years, or portions of tax years, the property was used 
                                                                     outside West Virginia.
                    Required Records
                                                                  10. For leased tangible personal property transferred into 
For each item of quali  edproperty, the taxpayer must               this State, the cost is based on the period remaining in 
maintain records to establish the following:                         the primary term of the lease after the property is brought 
1. Its identity.                                                     into this State for use in a new or expanded business. 
2.  Its actual or reasonably determined cost.                        The cost is the rent reserved for the remaining period of 
3.  The month and taxable year in which it was placed in             the primary lease term, not to exceed twenty (20) years 
    service or use.                                                  or the remaining useful life, whichever is less.
4.  Its straight line depreciation.                               11.  For leased property placed into service for which the 
5.  The amount of credit taken.                                      cost is not quanti able at the outset of the lease, only 
6.  The date it was disposed of or otherwise ceased to be            the quanti able portion, if any, may be aggregated as a 
    quali ed property.                                              quali ed investment.
Such records must be retained for a period of three (3) years  12. The cost of relocating corporate headquarters is the 
after the last year for which the credit is claimed.                 expenses incurred and paid by the corporation to 
                                                                     unrelated third parties and which have been certi ed by 
                    Cost or Other Basis                              the  Tax Commissioner to have been both reasonable 
1.  The cost of purchased property may not include the               and necessary to e     ectuate the move.
    value of property given in trade or exchange for the 
    property purchased.                                                      Corporate Headquarters Relocation
2.  The cost of replacement property may not include              The Corporate Headquarters Relocation Credit is allowable 
    any insurance proceeds received in compensation for           for corporate headquarters placed in service or use in 
    property damaged or destroyed by  re,  ood, storm or        West Virginia on or after January 1, 2003. An out-of-state 
    other casualty or is stolen.                                  corporation relocating its headquarters to West Virginia 
                                                                  is allowed a tax credit if it employs at lease   fteen (15) 
3.  The cost of real property with a written primary lease        domiciled West Virginia residents on a full-time basis at its 
    term of ten (10) or more years is 100% of the rent            new location.
    reserved for the primary term of the lease, not to exceed 
    twenty (20) years.                                            The adjusted quali ed investment is the same as the quali  ed 
                                                                  investment determined for the Economic Opportunity  Tax 
4.  The cost of tangible personal property with a written         Credit, plus the cost of reasonable and necessary expenses 
    primary lease term of at least four (4) years but less than   incurred to relocate the corporate headquarters.
    six (6) years is one-third (1/3) of the rent reserved for the 
    primary term of the lease.                                    The amount of the credit is determined by multiplying the 
                                                                  adjusted quali ed investment by 10 percent (10%). However, 
5.  For tangible personal property with a written primary         if at least twenty (20) jobs are attributable to the relocation or a 
    lease term of at least six (6) years but less than eight (8)  combination of other quali   ed investment and the relocation, 
    years, the cost is two-thirds (2/3) of the rent reserved for  the regular Economic Opportunity Tax Credit percentages 
    the primary term of the lease.                                beginning at twenty percent (20%) may be used.
6.  For tangible personal property with a written lease 
    term of eight (8) or more years, the cost is 100% of the                          CALCULATION OF 
    rent reserved for the primary term of the lease, not to             ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY TAX CREDIT
    exceed twenty (20) years. The rent reserved may not  The credit is determined by multiplying the amount of the 

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taxpayer’s quali ed investment by the taxpayer’s new jobs           is forfeited. Any Credit claimed during the  rst three (3) 
percentage and is generally applied over a ten (10) year             years must be paid back (recaptured) with interest and a 
period (at 1/10th per year) beginning in the taxable year in         ten (10%) percent penalty.
which the quali ed investment is placed in service or use,      2.  Failure to maintain the minimum number of new jobs 
or, at the taxpayer’s option, in the next succeeding tax year.       in any year subsequent to the initial three-year (3) 
For example, a Credit of $200,000 attributable to $1 million         period (i.e. years four (4) through ten (10)): The credit is 
of quali ed investment made in 2013 is applied at a rate of         forfeited for any year in question, but may be reinstated 
$20,000 per year for the 2013-2022 period, or alternatively,         for any remaining year in which the minimum number 
at a rate of $20,000 per year for the 2014-2023 period.              is attained, thus enabling the taxpayer to utilize the full 
This calculation of quali  edinvestment is determined by           annual credit allowance for that taxable year.
multiplying the net cost of eligible property by its applicable  3.  Failure to maintain the number of jobs necessary to 
useful life percentage based on the projected actual economic        attain a jobs percentage in the 25% to 30% category: 
useful life of the asset. The following percentages apply:           The credit for year (s) a  ected must be redetermined 
                                            The Applicable           to re ect the jobs percentage attributable to the actual 
            If Useful Life is:               Percentage is:          employment increase.
Less than 4 years                                           0 %  4.  Credit attributable to property that ceases to be used 
4 years or more but less than 6 years                 33  %         in this State prior to the end of its categorized useful 
6 years or more but less than 8 years                 66  %         life must be recalculated for all tax years according to 
                                                                     actual useful life. If the recalculation of credit according 
8 years or more                                          100 %       to actual useful life results in an overutilization in a 
For example, if a Taxpayer purchases a machine for $25,000,          previous year, then a reconciliation statement must be 
for use in a new industrial facility, which has a useful life of      led with the payment of any additional tax and interest 
six (6) years, the quali ed investment is equal to $16,666.66.      due. Credit attributable to property with a useful life of 
The $25,000 investment is multiplied by the applicable               less than four (4) years is forfeited for all years.
useful life percentage of 66 2/3% to arrive at $16,666.66 in 
quali ed investment.                                                                       EXAMPLE
The credit can o  seta portion of the tax attributable to      Company A creates 50 new jobs and invests $10 million in 
quali ed investment for the Business and Occupation Tax,        equipment with a designated useful life of eight (8) years 
Corporation Net Income Tax, and Personal Income Tax, in          in 2013.  The credit for Company A is calculated to equal 
the order stated.                                                $2,000,000 or $200,000 per year for ten (10) years. However, 
                                                                 Company A moves this equipment to New  York in 2018; 
The Economic Opportunity Tax Credit is generally available       therefore the equipment’s actual useful life in West Virginia 
for investment placed into service or use over a period of       is reduced to only  ve (5) years. The corresponding credit 
365 days, beginning on the date when property purchased          is reduced according to the above formula from $2,000,000 
or leased for business expansion is  rst placed into service    to $666,667 or $66,667 per year for ten (10) years.  A 
or use. Provisions are available for multiple year projects as   reconciliation statement for tax years 2013 through 2018 
long as project certi cation has been obtained from the Tax     re ecting an overutilization of credit must be   led with 
Commissioner.                                                    payment of any additional tax, interest, and penalties owed.

        REDETERMINATION, FORFEITURE, AND                                     Redetermination is not Required:
                  RECAPTURE OF CREDIT
                                                                 1.  For a mere change in the form of conducting business. 
If during any taxable year, property used as a quali  ed           However, the property must be retained in a business 
investment for any of these credits is disposed of prior to          in this State and the taxpayer must retain a controlling 
the end of its useful life or ceases to be used in an eligible       interest in the successor business .
business, the unused portion of the credit attributable 
to that investment is forfeited for the taxable year and all     2.  If the forfeiture occurs because property is stolen, or 
ensuing years. Forfeiture also applies if the taxpayer ceases        damaged by  re,   ood, storm, or other casualty.
operation of a business facility for which credit was allowed  3.  If the business is transferred or sold to a successor 
before expiration of the useful life of the quali ed investment     business in this State. According to laws governing the 
property.  The failure to create or maintain the necessary           credit, any available credit allowed for is subsequent tax 
number of new jobs for credit entitlement also results in            years.
credit forfeiture.
                                                                 The  Tax Credit  Application Computation is designed to 
Redetermination, Forfeiture, and Recapture of Credit             accommodate all or any part of these tax credits. Contained 
                                                                 within the schedule and instructions is more detailed 
1.  Failure to create the minimum number of new jobs within      information regarding the Economic Opportunity Tax Credits.
    the required two to three year period: The entire credit 

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      INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHEDULE EOTC-1                                   the 2013, 2014 and 2015 tax years. This Taxpayer 
Complete business identi cation section, including business             elects to begin claiming each tax credit in the year 
name, address, tax year, federal identi cation number and               investment was   rst placed into service. Therefore, 
North American Industry Classi cation System (NAICS) code.             the Taxpayer has a pro-rated $1 million per year 
                                                                         tax credit for the 2013-2022 period, a prorated $0.5 
Line 1 Investment Years:  The investment window for                      million per year tax credit for the 2014-2023 period, 
       the Economic Opportunity Tax Credit is normally                   and a pro-rated $0.2 million per year tax credit for 
       one full year. However, the investment window                     the 2015-2024 period. An Economic Opportunity 
       for projects with a multiple year certi  cation is              Tax Credit is available to this Taxpayer for a period 
       up to three tax years. Enter the year(s) quali  ed              covering 12 years.
       investment is (was) placed into service. For             Column 1 [Year Available] – Enter the tax years for which 
       example, if you placed quali  ed investment into                a pro-rated credit is available for use (e.g., 2013 
       service during the 2013 tax year, you would                       in the  rst row, followed by 2014 in the second 
       enter 1/2013-12/2022 in the space provided for                    row, and continuing until 2022 in the tenth row). 
       Year 1. If you contemplate a multiple year project                If your investment occurred in 2013, then your 
       certi cation and your rst investment year occurred               rst year should either be 2013 or 2014 [if you 
       in 2013, you would possibly add information for                   elected to defer the beginning year of credit on 
       Year 2 when you complete this schedule for your                   your Application Form EOTC-A].
       2014 tax return, and for Year 3 when you complete        Column 2 [Year 1] – Enter the amount of pro-rated tax credit 
       this schedule for your 2015 tax return.                           available in each year over the 10-year period.
Line 2 Investment Summary [only for quali  ed                 Column 3 [Year 2] If applicable and when applicable, enter 
       investment during the year]: Enter the net costs                  the amount of pro-rated tax credit available in 
       of the property in Column (1) on the appropriate                  each year for your actual investment during the 
       line determined by the life of the property. Then                 second year of a multiple year project, beginning 
       multiply the net costs in Column (1) by the                       on the row that corresponds with the year of such 
       applicable percentages in Column (2). Enter the                   investment, or the following year if so elected by 
       results in Column (3). Add the  gures in Column                  the Taxpayer. 
       (3) and enter on Line 4 of this section. The amount      Column 4 [Year 3] – If applicable and when applicable, enter 
       on Line 4 represents the  Taxpayer’s quali  ed                  the amount of pro-rated tax credit available in each 
       investment for this year.                                         year for your actual investment during the third year 
                                                                         of a multiple year project, beginning on the row that 
Line 3 Available Credit Calculation: Enter your 
                                                                         corresponds with the year of such investment, or 
       quali ed investment from Line 4 above in Column 
                                                                         the following year if so elected by the Taxpayer.
       (1). Enter the appropriate new jobs percentage in 
                                                                Column 5 [Total Credit] – Sum up the total available tax credit 
       Column (2). Then multiply the quali     ed investment 
                                                                         for each applicable year (i.e., the amount in Column 
       in Column (1) by the new jobs percentage in 
                                                                         2, Column 3, and Column 4). This represents the 
       Column (2) and enter the result in Column (3). The 
                                                                         total available Economic Opportunity  Tax Credit 
       amount entered in Column 3 represents your total 
                                                                         available for tax liability reduction in each year, 
       available credit attributable to this year’s quali ed 
                                                                         absent carryovers.
       investment. This credit must be pro-rated for use 
       over a ten-year period. Multiply the available credit    Line 5   Annual New Jobs/Payroll Factor Computation:
       in Column (3) by 10% to arrive at the pro-rated          a). Pre-Credit Employment Levels:
       available credit in Column (4).                          Column 1 Line  1 Enter the number of full-time equivalent 
Line 4 Pro-Rated Credit  Allocation Summary: This                        employees employed by you and other members 
       section provides for 10 years of credit information. If           of your controlled group within West Virginia during 
       the Taxpayer places investment into service over a                the twelve-month period prior to the   rst placement 
       single tax year, the Taxpayer would have a pro-rated              of quali ed investment attributable to an Economic 
       credit available over a 10-year period beginning                  Opportunity Tax Credit into service or use.
       either with the year of investment or the following      Column 2 Line 1 Enter the total dollar amount of the annual 
       year per election of the Taxpayer. If the Taxpayer                payroll associated with these employees for this 
       places investment into service over a period of up                year.
       to three tax years per certi ed multiple year project, Column 1 Line  2Enter the number of full-time equivalent 
       then the Taxpayer would have as many as three                     new jobs created as the result of your quali  ed
       separate pro-rated credit streams beginning on up                 investment.
       tothree separate years. For example, a Taxpayer          Column 2 Line 2 Enter the total dollar amount of the annual 
       with a multiple project certi cation has tax credits of         payroll associated with these new jobs for this 
       $10 million, $5 million, and $2 million attributable to           year.
                                                                Column 1 Line 3 Enter the total number of full-time equivalent 

EOTC-1 Instructions                                                                                                  Page 5

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         employees employed by you and other members              Column 4Tax Subject To Credit O set On each applicable 
         of your controlled group within West Virginia for                 row, multiply the Pre-Credit Liability amount in 
         this year.                                                        Column 1 by both the Payroll Factor in Column 2 
Column 2 Line 3Enter the total dollar amount of the annual                 and the O set Factor in Column 3 to arrive at the 
         payroll associated with all employees for this year.              Tax Subject To Credit O  set in Column 4.

b). Payroll Factor:                                               Line 7b  Economic Opportunity Tax Credit Applied:
Column 1 Enter the amount of new jobs payroll here [i.e., the     Column 1 Pre-Credit Liability Wherever applicable, copy 
         amount in 5a). Column 2, Line 2].                                 the amount from Section 7A, Column 1.
Column 2Enter the amount of total payroll from all jobs here      Column 2Tax Subject To Credit O  set         Wherever 
         [i.e., the amount in 5a). Column 2, Line 3].                      applicable, copy the amount from Section 7A, 
Column 3 Divide the amount in Column 1 by the amount                       Column 4.
         in Column 2 and enter the result rounded to six          Column 3 Tax Credit Applied   Use the total credit available 
         decimals here.                                                    for this year from Section 4, Column 5 plus any 
Line 6   Annual Tax O set Factor:        The annual tax credit            credit carryover from prior years [Section 8, Line 5 
         o set factor for 2015 depends upon the median                    from last year’s WV/EOTC-1] to o   set up to 100% 
         salary attributable to the new jobs in 2015. If                   of the amount of Tax Subject To Credit O  set in 
         the median salary is at least $48,198 , your*    tax              Column 2 for each applicable tax starting with 
         o set factor is one hundred percent [100%] in                    the Business and Occupation  Tax [B&O].  The 
         2015. Otherwise, your tax-o set factor is 80% in                 credit claimed may never exceed the value of Tax 
         2015. Enter the median compensation paid this                     Subject To Credit O set in Column 2.
         year to your new employees. For example, if you          Column 4 After Credit Net Tax Subtract the amount of Tax 
         have 51 new jobs and you sort these jobs from                     Credit Applied in Column 3 from the amount of 
         highest paid to lowest paid, the salary paid to the               Pre-Credit Liability in Column 1. This represents 
         26th employee in this sort represents the median                  the net amount of tax due after application of the 
         salary paid for this year. [See Administrative                    Economic Opportunity Tax Credit.
         Notices for values for other years.]
                                                                  Line 8  Tax Credit Recap:
     TAX CREDIT APPLICATION COMPUTATION                           a.       Total Credit Pro-Rated For This Year – Enter the 
Line 7a  Tax Subject to Credit O set:                                     amount of credit available for this tax year from 
Column 1 Pre-Credit Liability Wherever applicable, enter                   Section 4, Column 5.
         your adjusted pre-credit West Virginia State tax  b.              Unused Credit Carryover from Last Year: - Enter 
         liability for State Business and Occupation  Tax                  the amount of any credit carried over from last 
         [B&O], Corporation Net Income  Tax [CNIT] and                     year [the amount from Section 8, Line 5 from last 
         Personal Income Tax [PIT].                                        year’s WV/EOTC-1].
         Total these liabilities on the last line. The adjusted   c.       Total Credit Available This Year – Sum the amounts 
         pre-credit Personal Income  Tax liability is tax                  from Line 1 and Line 2. This amount represents 
         liability directly attributable to the pass-through               the total available credit for use this year.
         business pro ts of the business entity quali ed to 
         receive the Economic Opportunity Tax Credit.             d.       Total Credit Used This Year – Enter the sum of Tax 
Column 2 Payroll Factor On each applicable row, enter the                  Credit Applied this year [the sum total of Section 
         payroll factor from Section 5 b.) Column 3. This                  7B, Column 3].
         factor should roughly represent the portion of tax  e.            Credit Remaining for Carryover to Next  Year – 
         liability directly attributable to quali ed investment.          Subtract the amount of  Total Credit Used  This 
         If this project involves the relocation of a corporate            Year on Line 4 from the amount of Total Credit 
         headquarters, the payroll factor only applies to                  Available  This  Year on Line 3.  This amount is 
         tax attributable to apportioned business income,                  available for carryover to next year, unless next 
         and 100% of the tax attributable to allocated non-                year represents the 13th Tax Year following the 
         business income may also be o  set      by the tax               rst year of credit use. Any Economic Opportunity 
         credit.                                                           Tax Credit remaining after 13 years of use is 
Column 3O set Factor     On each applicable row, enter the                forfeited.
         o set factor from Section 6. This o set factor will 
         either be 80% or 100% depending upon median 
         compensation.                                                                                       — Rev. 08/2022

*      Per Administrative Notice 2014-21

EOTC-1 Instructions                                                                                                Page 6

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