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Schedule IMSTTC-1
West Virginia Innovative Mine Safety Technology Tax Credit Information & Instructions
(For periods on AFTER January 1, 2015)
the purpose of the West Virginia innovative mine safety unless for federal income purposes, the cost of the
technology tax Credit is to encourage new investment in repair must be capitalized and not expensed;
innovative coal mine safety technology in West Virginia. (iv) motor vehicles licensed by the Department of motor
Only innovative mine safety technology tax Credit that has Vehicles;
been approved and allocated by the Office of Miners’ Health, (v) Clothing;
safety and training may be used to offset West Virginia (vi) airplanes;
(vii) Off-premises transportation equipment;
Pertinent definitions relative to the Innovative Mine Safety (viii) Lease of tangible personal property having a primary
technology tax Credit included in the statute are as follows: term of less than five years;
“eligible taxpayer” means a coal mining company which (ix) property that is used outside West Virginia; and
purchases eligible safety property. (x) property that is acquired incident to the purchase of
“eligible safety property” means safety technology the stock or assets of an industrial taxpayer, which
equipment, that at the time of acquisition, is on the list of property was or had been used by the seller in his or
approved innovative mine safety technology. her industrial business in West Virginia, or in which
investment was previously the basis of any other
“List of approved innovative mine safety technology” means West Virginia tax credit.
the list required to be compiled and maintained by the mine a proposed list of approved innovative mine safety
safety technology task Force and approved and published technology is to be compiled annually by the mine safety
by the director (Director of the Office of Miners’ Health, Technology Task Force. The Director of the Office of Miners’
safety and training). Health, Safety and Training amends or approves the list.
“Coal mining company” means: Instructions for Computation of Innovative Mine Safety
Technology Tax Credit
(a) any person subject to tax imposed on the severance
of coal by section three, article thirteen-a of the PART A — Innovative Mine Safety Technology Tax
West Virginia Code (W.Va. Code §11-13a-3); or Credit Summary
(B) Any person working as a contract miner of coal, which Line 1 enter current year allocations of innovative mine
mines coal in this state, under contract with a person safety technology tax Credit as approved by
subject to tax imposed on the severance of coal by the West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health, Safety
section three, article thirteen-a of the West Virginia and training.
Code (W.Va. Code §11-13a-3).
Line 2 Owners of a pass-through entity: enter the amount
“Director” means the Director of the Office of Miners’ Health, of innovative mine safety technology tax Credit
Safety and Training or West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health, allocated to you by the pass-through entity that
Safety and Training established under article one, chapter received a direct allocation of the credit.
twenty two-a of the West Virginia Code (W.Va. Code §22-1
et seq.). Line 3 add the amounts for lines 1 and 2.
“Qualified purchase” means and includes only acquisitions Line 4 Corporation net income tax:
of eligible safety property for use in West Virginia.
a. enter total West Virginia Corporation net
“Qualified purchase” does not include: income tax (before application of any other
tax credits). Owners of a pass-through entity
(i) Purchases or leases of realty or any cost for, or related whose innovative mine safety technology
to, the construction of any building, facility or structure tax Credit is entirely attributable to allocation
attached to realty; from a pass-through entity, enter only the
(ii) purchases or leases of any property not exclusively Corporation net income tax imposed on the
used in West Virginia; conduit income directly derived from the pass-
through entity
(iii) Repair costs including materials used in the repair,
West Virginia state tax Department
imsttC-1 instructions — rev. 10/15 page 1 of 2