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West Virginia Film Industry
West Virginia
WV FIIA-TCS Investment Tax Credit State Tax
Rev. 9/2020 (For periods AFTER January 1, 2020) Department
Credit Clamant Name Credit Claimant ID (EIN/SSN)
PART A Credit Source and Documentation (Check appropriate source of credit and attach indicated supporting documents)
1. Production company that earned original credit entitlement.
■ Approved Tax Credit Voucher (Form FIIA-08) From West Virginia Film O ffi ce.
2. Owner of production company that earned original credit entitlement.
■ Copy of production company’s approved Tax Credit Voucher (Form FIIA-08) From West Virginia Film O ffi ce.
■ Schedule K-1, or similar document, showing the percentage of ownership of the production company.
3. Credit obtained from a transfer or purchase of approved credit.
■ Approved Tax Credit Voucher (Form FIIA-08) From West Virginia Film O ffi ce.
4. Owner of company that received a credit allocation via a transfer or purchase of approved credit.
■ Copy of company’s approved Tax Credit Voucher (form FIIA-08) From West Virginia Film O ffi ce.
■ Schedule K-1, or similar document, showing the percentage of ownership of the company.
PART B Annual Credit Computation and Reconciliation
5. Enter the beginning and ending dates between which the qualifying film production BEGINNING
expenditures occurred. MM DD YYYY
6. Enter individual West Virginia Film O ffice Tax Credit Voucher numbers and amounts and total credit amount (Tax Credit
Voucher(s) must be attached).
7. a. Owners receiving a credit allocation from a subsidiary enter the ownership percentage
as a decimal to 6 places (Schedule K-1, or similar document, must be attached............. a.
b. Companies whose name appears on an Approved Tax Credit Voucher from the
West Virginia Film O ffice enter 1.000000.......................................................................... b.
8. Total Available Credit (multiply the amount on Line 6 by the decimal value on Line 7a or b......
9. Total Available Credit used in prior years....................................................................................
10. Total Available Credit sold or transferred....................................................................................
11. Credit Available This Period (Subtract the amounts on Lines 9 and 10 from the amount on
Line 8.........................................................................................................................................
12. Corporation Net Income Tax
a. Enter total Corporation Net Income Tax Liability................................................................. a.
b. Corporation Net Income Tax Film Industry Investment Tax Credit O ff set (Enter the
lesser of the amount on Line 11 and the amount on Line 12a) Also enter this amount
on CIT-120TC.................................................................................................................. b.
13. Credit Available This Period Adjusted for Corporation Net Income Tax O ffset (Subtract the
amount on Line 12b from the amount on Line 11).....................................................................
Schedule WV/FIIA-TCS Page 1 of 2
Rev. 9/2020