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Use Form CIT-139 to claim a refund resulting from the carryback Your claim for refund must be ledfiwithin 3 years from the
of a net operating loss to previous years. Losses arising from unextended due date of the West Virginia Corporate Income Tax
taxable years beginning after August 5, 1997 can be carried back Return for the period in which the net operating loss occurred.
two years and carried forward 20 years. A corporation may elect to
carry forward a net operating loss instead of first carrying it back by INTEREST PAYABLE ON REFUND CLAIMS
attaching a statement to this effect on a timely filed return (including WV CODE §11-10-17(E)(2)
any extensions) for the year of the loss. Once this election is made,
it is irrevocable for that tax year Interest is not payable when a Corporate Income Tax refund check
has been requested by the tax commissioner within 6 months of the
CARES ACT date a claim for refund is filed.
The CARES Act modi fied the NOL treatment of the Tax Cuts and
Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA). These changes included waiving the SUPPORTING FORMS REQUIRED
carryback period in the case of a NOL arising in a taxable year To expedite the processing of the claim for refund, attach a signed
beginning after Dec. 31, 2017, and before Jan. 1, 2021 to allow copy of your West Virginia combined Corporate Income Tax Return
for a 5-year carryback. NOL arising from outside of the designated (Form CIT-120) for the loss year. Do not attach Form CIT-139
periods should follow the rules de nedfiin the next section. The
to your original return for the year of the loss This will delay the
limitation of the carryback to $300,000.00 remains in e ect ffin
processing of your claim for refund.
all cases. For more guidance related to this provision, refer to
ILLUSTRATION: ABC Corporation, Inc. is a calendar year If you are filing this claim to adjust a previous net operating loss
taxpayer. The company incurs a $350,000.00 Net Operating carryback that has now changed due to federal audit adjustments
Loss (NOL) in the year ending 12/31/2018. The loss limitation is for either the year of the loss or the year to which the loss has
$300,000.00. Because the loss was incurred in a period covered by been carried back, you must provide detailed information about the
the CARES Act, the loss can be carried back for 5 years. Taxpayer
federal audit changes and how it affects the loss carryback.
had a $75,000.00 loss for the 2013 tax period, $150,000.00 for
the 2014 tax period, $100,000.00 each for 2015, 2016 and 2017 WEST VIRGINIA CAPITAL LOSS CARRYBACKS
tax periods. The NOL Carryback would cover all of the 2013 and
2014 tax periods but only $75,000.00 of the 2015 tax period. The West Virginia law does not provide for a West Virginia capital loss
remaining $25,000.00 from 2015 tax period along with the 2016 and carryback; however, West Virginia does allow federal adjustments
2017 tax periods would not be covered by the NOL carryback from to arrive at adjusted West Virginia taxable income and one of those
2018. The remaining $50,000.00 of loss can be carried forward adjustments would be a federal capital loss carryback. Therefore,
until completely used. West Virginia would allow the capital loss carryback at the federal
level to arrive at adjusted federal taxable income. This method is
di fferent than the West Virginia net operating loss carryback which
Legislative changes made during 1993 (Senate Bill 463) limits the is computed separately for West Virginia. You should compute the
amount of net operating loss that can be carried back from any capital loss carryback on Form CIT-120 marked amended.
taxable year beginning after December 31, 1992. For taxable years
beginning after December 31, 1992, taxpayers can carry back NET OPERATING LOSS DEDUCTION
to the preceding taxable years no more than $300,000 00 of net WV CODE §11-24-6(D)
operating loss. Any amount remaining after the carryback may be
West Virginia Corporate Income Tax law allows as a deduction
carried forward.
for the taxable year an amount equal to the aggregate of (1) the
ILLUSTRATION: XYZ corporation is a fiscal year taxpayer. For its West Virginia net operating loss carryovers to such year plus (2)
tax period ending on June 30, 2020, it incurs a $5 million West the net operating loss carryback to such year. A “West Virginia
Virginia net operating loss. In each of its preceding 5 taxable net operating loss deduction” is calculated in accordance with the
years, XYZ corporation reported West Virginia taxable income of provisions of Section 172 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
$200,000.00. Under the changes from the TCJA, only $300,000 00 amended. For treatment of net operating loss carryovers in certain
of the loss may be carried back. $200,000.00 can be carried back corporate acquisitions and for special limitation on net operating
to the tax period ending on June 30, 2015 and $100,000.00 can loss carryovers in case of a corporate change of ownership,
be carried back to the tax period ending on June 30, 2016. None Sections 381 and 382 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
of the loss may be carried back to the tax periods ending on June amended, apply.
30, 2017, June 30, 2018 or June 30, 2019. The rest of the loss,
$4,700,000 00, is available to be carried forward to tax years that For a multi-state corporation, the net operating loss deduction
begin after December 31, 2019, until used. There is no longer a cap shall be made allocation and apportionment of the net income to
on the carryforward period. West Virginia. The carryback shall be West Virginia net operating
CNF-139 Instructions — Rev. 8/2021 Page 1 of 2