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Investments Partner A made in XYZ and the capital gain from the sale of its partnership interest in XYZ are as follows:
(The chart below reflects federal basis and has not been adjusted for Wisconsin)
Date of FMV of the Sales Price (FMV) Tax Basis of Gain on Sale
Investment Investment 12-31-2024 Investment of Investment
5-31-2017 $ 35,000
5-31-2018 $ 20,000
5-31-2019 $ 30,000
12-31-2019 $ 50,000
12-31-2020 $ 15,000
12-31-2021 $ 10,000
12-31-2022 $ 15,000
12-15-2023 $ 25,000
Total $200,000 $1,000,000 $100,000 $900,000
• Only the investments made on 5-31-2019 and 12-31-2019 are considered a qualified Wisconsin investment.
– The business did not register with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue to be a qualified Wisconsin business in 2017,
2018, and 2023. Therefore, investments in XYZ made in 2017, 2018, and 2023 do not qualify.
– The investments made in 2020, 2021, and 2022 are not qualified Wisconsin investments because the investments were
not held at least five years.
• In this example, the Wisconsin tax basis must be increased by $200,000 due to depreciation differences, and decreased
by $10,000 because the investment made on 5-31-2019 included a $10,000 deferred long-term capital gain from an asset
previously sold.
– The $200,000 increase in Wisconsin tax basis and the $10,000 decrease in Wisconsin tax basis must be reported on
Schedule T and Schedule WD.
– The basis on line 6 of Schedule QI must be adjusted to reflect the $200,000 increase in Wisconsin tax basis and the
$10,000 decrease in Wisconsin tax basis. This results in a $290,000 basis ($100,000 + $200,000 - $10,000) on line 6 of
Schedule QI.
• The allocation percentage for non-taxable qualified gain is computed as follows:
$ 80,000 = 40%
– $80,000 reflects the FMV of qualified Wisconsin investments made in XYZ ($30,000 + $50,000) by Partner A on 5-31-2019
and 12-31-2019.
– $200,000 reflects the FMV of the total investments made in XYZ by Partner A.
• The non-taxable qualified gain is computed as follows:
– $700,000 x 40% = $280,000
– $700,000 is the Wisconsin gain on the sale of the investment ($1,000,000 – ($100,000 +$200,000)). The amount does not
exceed the fair market value of the investment on the date sold, less the fair market value of the investment on the date ac-
quired, $800,000 ($1,000,000 - $200,000). Therefore, the amount used to compute the non-taxable qualified long-term capital
gain is $700,000.
– The $200,000 adjustment to increase Wisconsin tax basis for depreciation differences is recognized when computing the
gain used in the non-taxable qualified long-term capital gain allocation.
– The $10,000 adjustment to decrease Wisconsin tax basis for deferred long-term capital gain is not recognized when com-
puting the gain used in the non-taxable qualified long-term capital gain allocation.
• $280,000 is the non-taxable qualified long-term capital gain reported on line 10 of Schedule QI and must be reported on
line 15a of Schedule WD. The net taxable long-term capital gain from the sale of the investment is $430,000.
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