Wisconsin Check here if homestead credit an amended return HClaimant’s social security number Spouse’s social security number Check below then fill in either the name of the city, 2024 village, or town, and the county in which you lived Claimant’s legal last name Claimant’s legal first name M.I. at the end of 2024. City Village Town Spouse’s legal last name Spouse’s legal first name M.I. City, village, or town Current home address (number and street) Apt. no. County of City or post office State Zip code Special conditions (See page 10.) 1a What was your age as of December 31, 2024? (If you were under 18, you do not qualify for homestead credit for 2024.) 1a Fill in age b What was your spouse’s age as of December 31, 2024? ........................................... 1b Fill in age c If you and your spouse were under age 62 as of December 31, 2024, were you or your spouse disabled? .... 1c Yes No d If you and your spouse were not disabled, and under age 62, did you or your spouse have positive earned income (see page 7) in 2024? (If “No”, you do not qualify) .......................................... 1d Yes No 2 Were you a legal resident of Wisconsin from 1-1-24 through 12-31-24? (If “No,” you do not qualify.) ......... 2 Yes No 3 Were you claimed or will you be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s 2024 federal income tax return? (If “Yes” and you were under age 62 on December 31, 2024, you do not qualify.) ......................... 3 Yes No 4a Are you now living in a nursing home? (If “Yes,” indicate the date you entered and the nursing home name and address ) ... 4a Yes No b If “Yes,” are you receiving medical assistance under Title XIX? (If both 4a and 4b are “Yes,” you do not qualify.) .... 4b Yes No 5 Did you become married or divorced in 2024? (If “Yes,” fill in date ; see pages 23 and 24.) 5 Yes No 6a If married for any part of 2024, did you and your spouse maintain separate homes during any part of the year? (If “Yes,” see page 22.) ....................................................................... 6a Yes No b If you and your spouse maintained separate homes while married during 2024, did either spouse notify For questionsthe other1aofthroughtheir marital1d, seepropertypagesincome?4 and 10 of(Seethepageinstructions.22) ............................................ 6b Yes No Print numbers like this Not like this NO COMMAS; NO CENTS Household Income Include all 2024 income as listed below. If married, include the incomes of both spouses. See pages 10 to 17. 7 Wisconsin income from your 2024 income tax return (see page 11) ........................ 7 .00 8 If you or you and your spouse are not filing a 2024 Wisconsin return, fill in Wisconsin taxable income on lines 8a and 8b. Wagesa .00 + Interest .00 + Dividends .00 = ... 8a .00 bOther taxable income. Attach a schedule listing each income item (see page 11) ............ 8b .00 c Medical and long-term care insurance subtraction. Enter as a negative number .............. 8c .00 9 Nontaxable household income. Do not include amounts filled in on line 7, 8a, or 8b. aUnemployment compensation ...................................................... 9a .00 bSocial security, federal and state SSI, SSI-E, SSD, and CTS payments. Include Medicare premium deductions (see page 13) .................................... 9b .00 cRailroad retirement benefits. Include Medicare premium deductions ....................... 9c .00 dPensions and annuities, including IRA, SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plan distributions ........... 9d .00 eContributions to deferred compensation plans (see box 12 of wage statements) .............. 9e .00 f Contributions to IRA, self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans ..................... 9f .00 gInterest on United States securities (e.g., U.S. Savings Bonds) and state and municipal bonds ... 9g .00 hScholarships, fellowships, grants, and military compensation or cash benefits ............... 9h .00 i Child support, maintenance payments, and other support money (court ordered) ............. 9i .00 j Wisconsin Works (W2), county relief, kinship care, and other cash public assistance (see page 14) . . 9j .00 10 Add lines 7 through 9j. Enter here and on line 11a, at the top of page 2 .................... 10 .00 I-016i |
2024 Schedule H Name SSN Page 2 of 4 11 a Enter amount from line 10 here ..................................................... 11a .00 Workers’b compensation, income continuation, and loss of time insurance (e.g., sick pay) ........ 11b .00 Gainc from sale of home excluded for federal tax purposes (see page 14) .................... 11c .00 Otherd capital gains not taxable ...................................................... 11d .00 Nete operating loss carryforward or carryback and capital loss carryforward .................. 11e .00 Incomef of nonresident spouse or part-year resident spouse; nontaxable income from sources outside Wisconsin; resident manager’s rent reduction; clergy housing allowance; and nontaxable Native American income ............................................. 11f .00 Partner’s,g LLC member’s, and tax-option (S) corporation shareholder’s distributive share of depreciation, Section 179 expense, depletion, amortization, and intangible drilling costs. If none was claimed, write “None” on federal Schedule E, Part II, near the entity’s name ........ 11g .00 Carh or truck depreciation (standard mileage rate) ....................................... 11h .00 i Other depreciation, Section 179 expense, depletion, amortization, and intangible drilling costs ... 11i .00 j Disqualified losses (see Schedule 4, on page 4 of Schedule H) ............................ 11j .00 12 a Subtotal. Add lines 11a through 11j (if less than the total of lines 13, 14a, and 14c, see page 17) .... 12a .00 Numberb of qualifying dependents. Do not count yourself or your spouse (see page 17) x $500 = 12b .00 Householdc income. Subtract line 12b from line 12a (if $24,680 or more, no credit is allowed) ..... 12c .00 Taxes and/or Rent See pages 17 to 20. A Check here if your home was located on more than one acre of land and was not part of a farm; see Schedule 1, on page 3 of Schedule H ....................................................................... A B Check here if your home was located on more than one acre of land and was part of a farm ................... B C Check here if your home was used for other than personal or farm purposes while you lived there in 2024; see Schedule 2, on page 3 of Schedule H ............................................................ C D Check here if you received Wisconsin Works (W2) payments or county relief during 2024; see Schedule 3, on page 4 of Schedule H .......................................................................... D 13Homeowners – Net 2024 property taxes on your homestead, whether paid or not ........... 13 .00 14 Renters– Rent from your rent certificate(s), line 8a (or Shared Living Expenses Schedule) .See pages 18 to 20. Heat included (8b of rent certificate is “Yes”) ............ 14a .00 x .20 (20%) = 14b .00 Heat not included (8b of rent certificate is “No”) ......... 14c .00 x .25 (25%) = 14d .00 15Total of lines 13, 14b, and 14d (or amount from line 6 of Schedule 3) ......................... 15 .00 Don’t delay your refund. Attach all necessary documents. See page 21. Credit Computation 16Fill in the smaller of (a) amount on line 15 or (b) $1,460 ................................ 16 .00 17Using the amount on line 12c, fill in the appropriate amount from Table A (page 25) .......... 17 .00 18 Subtract line 17 from line 16 ( if line 17 is more than line 16, fill in 0 ; no credit is allowable) ... 18 .00 19Homestead credit – Using the amount on line 18, fill in the credit from Table B (page 26) ...... 19 .00 If filing a Wisconsin income tax return, fill in your homestead credit (line 19) on line 33 of Form 1 or line 63 of Form 1NPR. Caution: Sign the return on page 3 DON’T file this claim UNLESS a and mail complete return to department STOP rent certificate or property tax bill (or closing statement) is included. |
2024 Schedule H Name SSN Page 3 of 4 Under penalties of law, I declare this homestead credit claim and all attachments are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Claimant’s signature Date Daytime phone number Wisconsin Identity Protection PIN (7 characters) Sign here ( ) Spouse’s signature Date Daytime phone number Wisconsin Identity Protection PIN (7 characters) Sign here ( ) Caution: Only enter a Wisconsin Identity Protection PIN if you received one from the department (see page 21). Mail to: For Department Use Only Wisconsin Department of Revenue C PO Box 34 Madison WI 53786-0001 Schedule 1 Allowable Taxes – Home on More Than One Acre of Land • Homeowners: Complete this schedule if your home 1 Assessed value of land (from tax bill) ... 1 .00 was on more than one acre of land and was not part of 2 Number of acres of land ............. 2 . a farm (as defined on page 7 of the instructions). Claim only the property taxes on one acre of land and the 3 Divide line 1 by line 2 ................ 3 .00 buildings on it. 4 Assessed value of improvements • Renters: If your home was on more than one acre of land (from tax bill) ...................... 4 .00 and was not part of a farm, do not complete Schedule 1, 5 Add line 3 and line 4 ................ 5 .00 but see exception 4 under “Exceptions: Homeowners and/or Renters” (page 20) for instructions. 6 Add line 1 and line 4 (total assessed value) 6 .00 7 Divide line 5 by line 6 (carry the decimal • Do not complete this schedule if your home was part to four places) ..................... 7 of a farm. You may claim the property taxes on up to . 120 acres of land adjoining your home and all improve- 8 Net 2024 property taxes (see instructions ments on those 120 acres. for line 13 of Schedule H, on page 17) ..... 8 .00 • If you wish to use a different method to prorate your 9 Multiply line 8 by line 7. Fill in here and property taxes, attach to Schedule H your computation on line 13 of Schedule H or line 1 of of allowable property taxes. Schedule 2 or 3 below ............... 9 .00 Schedule 2 Allowable Taxes/Rent – Home Used Partly for Purposes Other Than Farm or Personal Use • Complete this schedule if your homestead (as defined 1 Net 2024 property taxes/rent or on page 8 of the instructions) was not part of a farm but amount from line 9 of Schedule 1 was used partly for purposes other than personal use (see pages 18 to 20) ................ 1 .00 while you lived there in 2024. Only the personal portion of your property taxes/rent may be claimed. 2 Percentage of homestead used solely for personal purposes .......... 2 . % • “Other uses” include part business or rental use where a deduction is allowed or allowable for tax purposes, 3 Multiply line 1 by line 2. Fill in here and and a separate unit occupied by others rent free. on line 13, 14a, or 14c of Schedule H, See paragraph 3 under “Exceptions: Homeowners or on line 1 or 2 of Schedule 3 on page 4 3 .00 and/or Renters” (page 20) for examples and additional information. I-016bi |
2024 Schedule H Name SSN Page 4 of 4 Schedule 3 Taxes/Rent Reduction – Wisconsin Works (W2) or County Relief Recipients Complete this schedule if, for any month of 2024, you 1 Homeowners – fill in the net 2024 received a) Wisconsin Works (W2) payments of any amount, property taxes on your homestead or the or b) county relief payments of $400 or more. If you received amount from line 3 of Schedule 2 ...... 1 .00 these payments for all 12 months of 2024, do not complete 2 Renters – if heat was included, fill in Schedule H; you do not qualify for homestead credit. 20% (.20), or if heat was not included, fill in 25% (.25), of rent from line 8a of the Example: You received Wisconsin Works payments for rent certificate(s) or line 3 of Schedule 2 .. 2 .00 4 months in 2024. Rent paid for 2024 was $4,500, and heat was included. 3 Add line 1 and line 2; fill in the smaller of a) the total of lines 1 and 2, or b) $1,460 .. 3 .00 Line 4 Divide line 3 by 12 ................... 4 .00 2 20% of rent paid ($4,500 x .20) ........... $900 4 Monthly rent ($900 ÷ 12) ................ $ 75 4 5 Number of months in 2024 for which you did not receive a) any Wisconsin Works 5 Number of months no Wisconsin Works (W2) payments, or b) county relief received ............................. 8 payments of $400 or more ............ 5 6 Reduced rent ($75 x 8 months) ........... $600 6 Multiply line 4 by line 5. Fill in here and In this example, “600” would be filled in on line 15 of on line 15 of Schedule H. Do not fill in Schedule H. line 13 or 14 ....................... 6 .00 Schedule 4 Disqualified Losses Complete this schedule if you had any disqualified losses. Disqualified losses are losses indicated on lines 2-10 below (see the instructions for line 11j on page 16). Disqualified losses are required to be added back to household income for homestead credit purposes. A disqualified loss does not include net gains from the sale or exchange of capital or business assets or net profits. Enter all amounts as positive numbers. 1If your primary income was from farming, did the farm generate less than $250,000 in gross receipts in 2024? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Yes No (if yes, do not complete this schedule. Your net losses do not have to be added back.) 2Net business loss from a sole proprietorship ......................................... 2 .00 3 Net capital loss (Include only current year capital losses on this line. Do not include any capital loss carryforward) ............................................................. 3 .00 4 Net rental real estate and royalty loss .............................................. 4 .00 5 Net loss from a partnership ...................................................... 5 .00 6Net loss from a tax-option (S) corporation ........................................... 6 .00 7 Net loss from a trust or estate .................................................... 7 .00 8Net loss from a real estate mortgage investment conduit ............................... 8 .00 9 Net loss from the sale of business property (not including losses from involuntary conversions) . 9 .00 10 Net farm loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 .00 11 Subtotal (add lines 2 through 10) .................................................. 11 .00 12 Amount of depreciation, Section 179 expense, depletion, amortization, and intangible drilling costs reported on lines 11g, 11h, and 11i which is included on lines 2 through 10 above ....... 12 .00 13 Total (Subtract line 12 from line 11). If zero or less, enter 0 (zero). Fill in here and on line 11j of Schedule H ................................................................ 13 .00 Note Homeowners Age 65 or Older The Property Tax Deferral Loan Program provides loans to help individuals age 65 or older pay their property taxes. Qualified applicants may participate even if they receive homestead credit. For more information, contact the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority at (608) 266-7884 (Madison), (414) 227-4039 (Milwaukee), or 1-800-755-7835. |