Enlarge image | PRINT FORM CLEAR FORM PEEX222 AR1155-PET 2022 ARKANSAS CORPORATION INCOME TAX REQUEST FOR ARKANSAS EXTENSION OF TIME FOR FILING INCOME TAX RETURNS Tax year beginning ___________________, 20______ and ending _________________, 20______. Software ID 7D[ \HDU EHJLQQLQJ DQG HQGLQJ GDWHV DUH UHTXLUHG ÀHOGV DFA WEB Name )HGHUDO (PSOR\HU ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ 1XPEHU Mailing Address 1XPEHU DQG 6WUHHW 3 2 %R[ RU 5XUDO 5RXWH City State or Province Zip Check if address is outside U.S. Foreign Country Name FileFile onlyonly ifif youyou areare requestingrequesting aa 6060 oror 180180 dayday ArkansasArkansas extensionextension asas referencedreferenced inin ItemItem 22 belowbelow (See Instructions for additional information) NAICS Code Date of Incorporation Date Began Business Type of Corporation &KHFN RQO\ RQH ER[ If you are a pass-through entity and are electing the ³&KHFN WKH %R[´ provision for state income tax purposes, check the type Domestic (in state) RI HQWLW\ DQG FKHFN RQH RI WKH ¿OLQJ VWDWXV ER[HV LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY PARTNERSHIP Foreign (out of state) 1. INDICATE TYPE OF RETURN FOR WHICH EXTENSION IS BEING REQUESTED: S CORPORATION (AR1100S) - Electing Pass-Through Entity Status - If the entity is the Parent Corporation, the Parent must request the H[WHQVLRQ LQFOXGH D VFKHGXOH RI 4 6XEV XQGHU WKH 3DUHQW DQG WKH 3DUHQW PXVW ¿OH WKH $UNDQVDV 5HWXUQ Partnerships (AR1050) - Electing Pass-Through Entity Status ,I UHTXHVWLQJ IRU D PHPEHU V RI D JURXS ¿OLQJ DQ $UNDQVDV FRQVROLGDWHG UHWXUQ UHTXHVW H[WHQVLRQ IRU WKH SDUHQW FRUSRUDWLRQ DQG OLVW WKH VXEVLGLDULHV LQ WKH IHGHUDO JURXS HOLJLEOH WR ¿OH LQ WKH $UNDQVDV FRQVROLGDWHG JURXS COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION (AR1100CT) EXEMPT ORGANIZATION (AR1100CT) 2. CHECK ONLY ONE BOX BELOW (BOX A OR %2; % 72 5(48(67 $1 $5.$16$6 (;7(16,21 A Check this box if requesting an additional60 day extension from the Federal Extended return due dateWR ¿OH WKH $UNDQVDV UHWXUQ B Check this box if requesting an additional 180 day extension from the Arkansas original return due dateWR ¿OH WKH $UNDQVDV UHWXUQ 3. IF ELECTING PET STATUS USE EXTENSION FORM AR1155-PET FORM. File this request by the original due date or, if applicable, the extended due date of the Arkansas return. A request for an extension which is postmarked AFTER the due date of the tax return will NOT be considered. (This also applies to an additional extension). Please mail the Pass-through Entity Tax Extensions to the following address: CORPORATION INCOME TAX SECTION APPROVED %< BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB '(1,(' ([WHQVLRQ UHTXHVW QRW ¿OHG RQ WLPHP.O. Box 919 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Little Rock, AR 72203-0919 Make check or money order payable in U.S. Dollars to “Dept. of Finance and Administration” AR1155-PET (R 12/3/2021) cut here AR1155-PET STATE of ARKANSAS Voucher Pass-through Extension Tax Payment 5 Fiscal Year Ending BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB12/31/2021 Software ID (MM/DD/YYYY) DFA WEB (PSOR\HU ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ 1XPEHU Due Date Mail To: 04/15/2022 Department of Finance and Administration Pass-through Entity Tax P.O. Box 919 Little Rock, AR 72203-919 Name Address Amount of this $ City, State, Zip Payment Include Cents Telephone # (ex. 1,234,567.00) PETEIN0000000000012312021EXTPYM00000000000000000000000 AR1155-PET (R 4/13/2022) |