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                                APPLICATION FOR BRANCH BANK 
                                     submitted to the 
                              ARKANSAS STATE BANK DEPARTMENT 


Corporate Title of Applicant                                                             Charter Number 

Street Address 

City                          County                         State                          Zip Code 

                                (hereinafter referred to as "Applicant") 

hereby applies to the State Bank Commissioner for written consent for the establishment and maintenance 
of a full service branch bank to be operated at the following location: 

Street Address 

City                          County                         State                          Zip Code 

Will a temporary facility be utilized until the permanent facility is completed? 
Yes              No 

Will this branch location be operated under a different trade name than the corporate title of Applicant? 
Yes              No 

If the answer is Yes, please provide the proposed trade name of the branch and complete the enclosed 
Application for Fictitious Name.  Please remain aware of the Interagency Statement on Branch Names, 
dated May 1, 1998, which details federal guidelines for depository institutions operating branches under 
different trade names. 

Name, title, address, and telephone number of person(s) to whom inquiries concerning this application 
may be directed: 

I hereby certify that the bank's board of directors has authorized the filing of this application and that to the 
best of my knowledge, it contains no misrepresentations or omissions of material facts. 

Signature of Authorized Officer                                         Date of Application 

Typed Name                           Title                              Telephone Number 

Branch Application – Standard              1                                                05/22          

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A bank may establish one or more "full service branch" banks pursuant to the provisions of A.C.A. § 23-
48-703 and Arkansas State Bank Department Rules § 48-703.1.

                                          FICTITIOUS NAME 

Pursuant to A.C.A. § 23-48-309 – Names of state banks and subsidiary trust companies; “No state bank or 
subsidiary trust company shall conduct any business in this state under a fictitious name unless it first files 
with the  Commissioner a form supplied  or approved  by the  Commissioner  giving the following 

a) the fictitious  name under which business is  being or will be  conducted by  the  applicant

b) a brief statement of the character of business to be conducted under the fictitious name; and

c) the corporate name, state of incorporation, and location (address, city, county and state) of
    the registered office in the state of the applicant corporation.”

If it is Applicant’s intention to use a fictitious name, a separate “Application for Fictitious Name” must be 

See Attachment – Application for Fictitious Name 


An application received by the State Bank Department (hereinafter "Department") will be reviewed 
for legality and receipt of all requested documentation prior to filing.  Applicant will be notified in 
writing of the filing of the application. 

In accordance with Arkansas State Bank Department Rule § 48-703.1: 

An Applicant desiring to establish a new branch bank that does not meet the guidelines as defined in 
Arkansas State Bank Department Rules § 48-701, must file a standard branch application. 

Fee:  Applicant shall submit to the Department a non-refundable filing fee of $500 for the establishment of 
a new branch office. 

Notice Published by Applicant: Notice of intent to file an application must appear in a newspaper of 
statewide circulation one (1) time per week for four (4) consecutive weeks prior to filing the application 
with the Commissioner.  The application may not be filed with the Commissioner less than thirty (30) days 
from the date of the first publication, and  not later than twenty  (20) days after the fourth and final 
publication.  A proof of publication must be submitted to the Commissioner. 

Temporary location  –  If a temporary location is going to  be utilized  until the  permanent facility is 
completed, and the address is not the same as the permanent site, this information must also be included in 
the publication.  The address of the temporary location should be included in the publication. 

Federal publication requirements for a branch application provide that the notice shall be published once in 
a newspaper of general circulation in the community or communities in which the home office and the 
proposed branch are located.  Evidence of notice must accompany the application to the federal agency. 
The application should be submitted to the appropriate federal agency within time frames established by 
the agency. 

Branch Application – Standard                    2                                              05 2/2  

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Notice by Commissioner:       In accordance with § 48-703.1(d), the Commissioner shall give notice of the 
application  to Arkansas state-chartered banks  with  a bank  or a  full  service branch currently  open and 
operating within the market area of the proposed new branch. 

In accordance with Arkansas State Bank Department Rule § 48-703.3: 

Protest:  A written protest to a full-service branch application may be filed with the Commissioner within 
fifteen (15) days of the filing of the application.  The protest shall be filed in accordance with A.C.A. § 23-

Written Decision:  Pursuant to A.C.A. § 23-48-703(g)(2), the Bank Commissioner's decision on a branch 
bank application will be in the form of an order consisting of findings of fact and conclusions of law given 
by  the  Commissioner  within a reasonable time period following the  expiration  of the fifteen  (15) 
calendar day formal protest period. 

Appeal of Decision:   Pursuant to A.C.A. § 23-48-703(h), within thirty (30) days after the Commissioner 
issues an order accepting or rejecting a full-service branch application, an Applicant or a party that filed a 
protest to the full-service branch application may appeal the Commissioner’s order to the circuit court of 
the county where the full-service branch will be established. 

State Historic Preservation Information:   For your  benefit, the  “Request for Cultural  Resource 
Assessment” form is included with this application.  The form is not used by the Arkansas State Bank 
Department, FDIC or Federal Reserve to process this application.  However, the Arkansas State Historic 
Preservation Officer may require the information included on the form to support a Section 106 review in 
accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act.  Please contact the Arkansas Historic Preservation 
Program Section 106 manager at 501-324-9880 if you have any questions.   

Branch Application – Standard          3                                 05 2/2  

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Applicant must submit the following information and/or documentation in support of the application to 
establish a full service  branch.   The Bank  Department may  also request, on a case-by-case  basis, any 
additional information as needed to process an application.  Please number responses to correspond with 
the following: 

1) Submit an original or a certified copy, of a Board Resolution or minutes of the meeting of the Board
   at which a motion was passed authorizing establishment of the proposed branch.  The document
   must have the bank’s corporate seal.  The Board Resolution must specify an authorized expenditure
   amount, which  includes  all fixed  asset expenditures  associated with  establishment of the branch

   See Attachment - Resolution of the Board of Directors

2) Arkansas Bank Department Rules require publication in a  newspaper of statewide  circulation.
   Notice of intent to file an application must appear in a newspaper of statewide circulation one (1)
   time per week for four (4) consecutive weeks prior to filing the application with the Commissioner.
   A proof of publication must be submitted to the Commissioner.

   Federal publication requirements are addressed within the procedures section of this application.  A
   sample legal notice is attached.

   See Attachment - Legal Notices

3) Provide a brief legal  description of  any property to  be  acquired, a  physical description of any
   structures to be acquired or constructed, and an itemized schedule of costs.  Submit a copy of any
   option-to-purchase agreement executed by the bank or its representative and a copy of the proposed
   contract or estimate of costs to be incurred with the establishment of the proposed branch.  If the
   property already has been acquired, note the date of Commissioner Approval.

   See Attachment - Fixed Asset Expenditure Worksheet

4) Provide a copy of the proposed lease(s) of any property or assets associated with establishment of the
   proposed branch and any proposed temporary branch.

5) Discuss details concerning any involvement, directly or indirectly, by an insider (executive officers,
   directors, or shareholders who directly or indirectly control five (5) percent or more of any class of
   outstanding voting stock) of the bank or bank holding company (if applicable) or their immediate
   family or related interests.  Provide the following information regarding any financial arrangements
   relating to fees, the acquisition of property, leasing of property, and construction contracts:

   a) name of individual or related interest and relationship to Applicant; and
   b) information to reflect that terms and conditions are not more favorable, for seller/lessor,
      than would be available in a comparable transaction with an unrelated party (information
      should include the fair  market value or appraised  value  of any property,  building,
      fixtures, equipment, etc., to be acquired and comparative sales information).  The bank
      must submit  two  appraisals,  evaluations, or  other required documentation, with  both
      valuations being prepared by an independent party.

6) Address the following:

   a) discuss why management proposes to establish the branch office; and
   b) discuss how the proposed office complies with Applicant’s written strategic plan.

Branch Application – Standard      4                                                              05 2/2  

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7) Provide the following:

   a) the date of the most recent Compliance/CRA examination
   b) identify the federal or state regulatory agency that performed the examination
   c) the CRA rating assigned; and
   d) a  copy  of the  response letters and correspondence  addressing  corrective measures
      implemented for institutions receiving a less than “Satisfactory” rating.  No  additional
      information is required for institutions receiving a “Satisfactory” or “Outstanding” CRA

8) Comment on any changes in services to be offered, the community to be served, or any other effect
   the proposal may have on compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act.

9) Submit the following information:

   a) a projected budget and pro forma balance sheet of the bank for a three-year period from
      the date the proposed branch is to be placed into operation
   b) a separate budget, income and expense categories listed separately, for the branch office
      for a three-year period
   c) interest rate assumptions.  Also, identify the number of employees required to operate the
      branch office and the positions to be maintained
   d) schedule of loans and deposits for the proposed branch for each of the three years.  Note
      the amount of existing loans and deposits included in the projections; and
   e) the projected break-even point (deposit level).  If additional capital is anticipated, submit
      the proposed capital plan.

10) Discuss the impact of the proposed branch on the human environment, specifically, information on
   compliance with local zoning laws, rules and regulations and the effect on traffic patterns.

11) State the anticipated date the proposed branch would be open for business.

12) Complete the attached Standard Branch Application worksheet.

Branch Application – Standard       5                                                              05 2/2  

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                              APPLICATION FOR BRANCH BANK 
                                          submitted to the 
                              ARKANSAS STATE BANK DEPARTMENT 
                              STANDARD FILING WORKSHEET 

Name of Bank:   

Home office location:    
                              (address, city, county, state, zip) 

Name and title of person completing worksheet:  

CAPITAL (as of the most recent month-end): 

Perpetual Preferred Stock and Related Surplus:  1. 
Common Stock:                                   2. 
Surplus:                                        3. 
Retained Earnings:                              4. 
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income:         5. 
Other Equity Capital Components:                6. 

Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses: 

Intangible Assets: 
Other Intangible Assets: 


Current total premises and fixed assets $                   (as of most recent month-end, include 
the amount of all projects outstanding and in process, previously approved by the Commissioner). 

Complete Fixed Asset Expenditure Worksheet - See Attached 

Branch Application – Standard                   6                                                05 2/2  

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               RESOLUTION                     OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 

The Board of Directors of the Applicant Bank at a meeting duly called and held on 
adopted the following Resolution: 

WHEREAS, it is the sense of this meeting that application should be made on behalf of this bank to the 
State Bank Commissioner and to the  
                                              (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation/Federal Reserve) 
for written consent to establish a branch at 

Street Address 

City or Town                                  County                                  State           Zip 

in accordance with provisions of State and Federal laws and banking rules and regulations 

NOW, THEREFORE,  IT IS RESOLVED,  that the President  or Vice President  and the  Cashier or  

Secretary of this bank are hereby authorized and directed to make application on behalf of this bank to the 

State Bank Commissioner and to the  
                                                     (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation/Federal Reserve) 
to establish a branch as indicated and to submit in connection therewith information on several factors 

enumerated in State and Federal statutes and to provide such assurances as may be required for the purpose 

of inducing the State Bank Commissioner and the Board of Directors of the  

                              (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation/Federal Reserve) 
to grant written consent to the establishment of a branch.  The Board of Directors of the Applicant Bank 

hereby authorizes expenditures up to $                 for the establishment of the proposed office. 

Additional expenditures  above the approved amount must  have  the prior approval of the  Board of 


The above Resolution has not been rescinded or modified and has been duly entered in the minutes book 

of the Applicant Bank.  Application is made, hereby, 

Name and Location of Applicant Bank 

Signature of CEO, President or Vice President                                               Date 

(Secretary)                                                                                 Date 


Branch Application – Standard                        7                                                             05 2/2  

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                                   LEGAL NOTICE 
                              (for the Arkansas State Bank Department) 

Notice is hereby given that (name and location of applicant) intends to make application to the
Arkansas State Bank Department for (subject matter of application, including the address, city, county, 
and state). 

Any person desiring to comment on this application to the Arkansas State Bank Department may do so 
by filing his or her comments in writing to the State Bank Commissioner at the office of
the department,  1 Commerce Way,   Suite  303, Little Rock, Arkansas 72202. Written comments,
including any formal protests, concerning this application must be received in the Arkansas
State Bank Department no later than fifteen (15) days following the date of the actual filing of the 

This notice is published pursuant to The Arkansas Banking Code of 1997, as amended. 

                                   LEGAL NOTICE 
                                   (for non-member banks) 

Notice is hereby given that   (name and location of applicant) intends to make application to the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Arkansas State Bank Department for (subject matter of application, 
including the address, city, county, and state). 

Any person wishing to comment on this application may submit his or her comments to the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) at          https://cra.fdic.gov Alternatively, persons may submit
comments in writing at 600 North Pearl Street, Suite 700, Dallas, Texas 75201, not later than (insert the 
date fifteen (15) days after the publication date).  The non-confidential portions of the application are on 
file at the Dallas Area Regional Office and are available for public inspection during regular business
hours. Photocopies of the non-confidential portions of the application file will be made available upon

Any person desiring to comment on this application to the Arkansas State Bank Department may do so by 
filing his or her comments in writing to the State Bank Commissioner at the office of the department, 1 
Commerce Way, Suite 303, Little Rock, Arkansas 72202. Written comments, including any formal
protests, concerning this application must be received in the Arkansas State Bank Department no later than 
fifteen (15) days following the date of actual filing of the application. 

This notice is published pursuant to Part 303.7 of the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation and The Arkansas Banking Code of 1997, as amended. 

Branch Application – Standard                     8                                           05 2/2  

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                                           LEGAL NOTICE 
                                 (for Federal Reserve member banks) 

NOTE:  Federal Reserve  member banks are  required to  publish separate legal notices for the 
     Federal Reserve and the State Bank Department 

 (Name of Bank, City, State) intends to apply to the Federal Reserve Board for permission to (establish 
a branch at Street Address, City State).  The Federal Reserve considers a number of factors in deciding 
whether to  approve the application, including  the record  of performance of the  applicant bank in 
helping to meet local credit needs. 

 You are invited to submit comments in writing on this application to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. 
Louis, P.O. Box 442, St. Louis, Missouri 63166-0442.  Comments can also be submitted electronically 
at comments.applications@stls.frb.org.  The comment period will not end before (date-must be no less 
than fifteen (15) days from date of notice).  The Board’s procedures for processing applications may be 
found at 12 C.F.R. Part 262.  Procedures for processing protested  applications  may be found at 12 
C.F.R. 262.25. To  obtain a  copy of the Federal Reserve  Board’s procedures, or  if you need more
information about how to submit  your comments on the application, contact  Holly Rieser,  Senior
Manager, 314-444-4713. The Federal Reserve will  consider your  comments and any request  for a
public meeting or formal hearing on the application if they are received in writing by this Reserve Bank
on or before the last day of the comment period.

 1 Although these instructions are provided for your assistance, we strongly recommend you contact the Federal Reserve 
  Bank of St. Louis with any questions or for further guidance and latest updates. 

Branch Application – Standard                     9                                              05 2/2  

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                                FIXED ASSET EXPENDITURES 

                              PERMANENT QUARTERS ANTICIPATED 
Give brief  physical description of structures to  be acquired or constructed, including  square footage, 
number of offices, number of teller windows, etc.  Also, include legal description of property. 

Circle One                          Owned           Leased    Total Cost
IF OWNED                              Land 
                                      Furniture and Equipment 
                                    TOTAL FIXED ASSET 
IF LEASED                             Leasehold Improvements 
                                      Furniture and Equipment 
                                    TOTAL FIXED ASSET 
Additional comments: 

                              TEMPORARY QUARTERS ANTICIPATED 

Are temporary quarters anticipated: Yes           No 
If yes, complete the following: 

                                               MONTHLY RENTAL OR COST (SPECIFY) 

Give brief  physical description of structures to  be acquired or constructed, including  square footage, 
number of offices, number of teller windows, etc.  Also, include legal description of property. 

Branch Application – Standard                  10                                               05 2/2  

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For use by State Historic Preservation Officer       Mail completed form to: 

Received:                                            State Historic Preservation Officer 
CH#:                                                 Arkansas Historic Preservation 
N/E:                                                 1100 North Street 
Survey:                                              Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 


I. Applicant                                   County of project 

Applicant’s address                            City                             Zip  

Contact person                                 Telephone   

Contact person’s address, if different from applicant’s 

Street/P.O. Box                                  City                           Zip   

If applicant is not a federal agency, to which federal agency is applicant applying: 

Federal Program:                                     Circle type of assistance sought: 

                                                        Grant Loan              Other 

Signature of applicant or contact person requesting this assessment 


II. 1.  Briefly describe this project:

     If program  involves more than one project/activity, complete separate assessment for 
     each one. 

2. Has the identical project been previously submitted for cultural resource assessment?
             Yes  No 

3. Project Location

          a. Attach a county, city, or USGS quad map indicating the precise location of the
             project and the acreage involved.  If  program  involves more than one
             project/activity, one map, indicating all projects, is sufficient.

          b. How many acres are in the project area?                  acres 

Branch Application – Standard                  11                                          05 2/2  

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    c. If the project is outside city limits, give a quarter-by-quarter section, township, and
        range description (not necessary if the project map contains the information).

4. To your knowledge has a cultural resources survey been conducted in the project area.
    (If yes, attach survey report.)              Yes  No 

5. a.  Will the project involve an addition to or destruction, alteration, or renovation of any
    structure?  (If no, proceed to item 6)       Yes  No 

b. Was affected structure built before World War II?
        (If no, proceed to item 6)               Yes  No 

c. Who owns the structure?

d. What was the approximate date of construction?

e. Attach snapshots of front and  rear  elevations;  another snapshot should indicate the
    location of any proposed addition/alteration.

f. Have plans and specifications for the renovation, alteration, or addition been
    completed?                Yes No

g. Attach plans.  (Plans for a new structure to replace a demolished one should not be

6. a.  Will construction take place adjacent to any structure which is approximately fifty years old
    or older?  (If no, proceed to item 6)             Yes No 

b. Give address of structure(s), and, if known, owner’s name and telephone.

c. Give approximate construction date of structure(s).

d. Attach snapshot of structure(s) and on project map indicate its location in relation to the

7. Has the ground at the project location been previously developed, graded, or disturbed (Other
than in connection with any structure described in item 5)?   Yes  No

(If yes, describe disturbed/developed portion (graded, farmed, etc.) and indicate on project

Branch Application – Standard              12                                                  05 2/2  

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8. a.  Will this project necessitate the acquisition of fill material?
    (If no, proceed to item 6)         Yes    No 

b. Approximately how many cubic yards of material will be acquired:  ________ cu. yd.

c. Has the site from which material will be acquired been selected?  Yes    No
    (If no, proceed to item 9) 

d. Indicate borrow area(s) on project map and GIVE APPROXIMATE ACREAGE of each
borrow site.

e. Has material been taken from the borrow area(s) for other projects?  Yes No

9. a.  Does this project involve road/street construction?  Yes       No
    (If no, proceed to item 10) 

b. Give special attention to item 6 AND indicate on project map each:
1. New right-of-way
2. New street/road construction
3. Street/road to be overlaid
4. Street/road to be widened

10. Will this project affect any property which is  of apparent educational or scientific interest?
Yes         No 
(If yes, describe the interest (geological, biological, etc.)) 

11. Describe the present use and condition of the property?

12. If necessary, elaborate on the above questions, and/or include any additional information which
you think would be helpful in the review of this project.

Branch Application – Standard          13                                            05 2/2  

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                               ARKANSAS STATE BANK DEPARTMENT 
                              APPLICATION FOR FICTITIOUS NAME 

To: Susannah T. Marshall 
    Bank Commissioner 
    Arkansas State Bank Department 
    1 Commerce Way, Suite 303 
    Little Rock, Arkansas 72202 

Pursuant to the provisions of The Arkansas Banking Code of 1997, the undersigned applicant hereby applies for 
the use of a fictitious name and submits herewith the following statements: 

    1. The name of the applicant and its date of qualification in Arkansas:

    2. The home state of applicant:

    3. The fictitious name under which business is being or will be conducted by the applicant

    4. The location (street address, city, county, state, and zip) of the office where the fictitious
    name will be used:

    5. The character of the business to be conducted under such fictitious name is:

    6. The location  (street address, city,  county,  state,  and zip)  of the registered office of
    applicant in Arkansas is:

Signature:                                                               Date:  
          Chairman of the  Board, CEO,  President or  other officers (If 
          directors have not been selected, the incorporator may 

Branch Application – Standard      14                                                                05 2/2  

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Prepare this form in duplicate and send to the Arkansas State Bank Department, Little Rock, Arkansas. 

Publish legal notice of intention to file an application for use of a fictitious name (see example below) 
one (1) time in a newspaper of statewide circulation. Such notice shall include the current corporate
name, the proposed fictitious name, and the location or locations where the proposed fictitious name
will be used.  A copy of the legal notice must accompany the application. 

Request a current check of both state and federal trademark or service-mark filings on the proposed
fictitious name. Evidence must accompany the application for use of a fictitious name verifying the
applicant has made a trademark or service-mark search and no trademark or service-mark exists for the 
proposed fictitious name. 

Once the application for use of a fictitious name is received by the State Bank Department, notice of
the filing of the application will be sent to all state-chartered banks by electronic transmission. Any
protestant will have seven (7) days from the date the Department notice was sent to file an official
protest to the application. An official protest must be provided to the Department in written form 
delineating the reasons for the protest and must be accompanied by a filing fee of twenty-five dollars 
($25).  The Bank Commissioner will make the final determination on the use of a fictitious name. 

If accepted, the duplicate bearing the file marks of the Commissioner will be returned to the state bank, 
registered out-of-state bank or subsidiary trust company.  A.C.A. § 23-48-309 

Fee: $25.00 

                                          LEGAL NOTICE 
                              (for the Arkansas State Bank Department) 

Notice is hereby given that (Bank Name, Address, City, County), Arkansas has made application to the 
Arkansas State Bank Department for the use of the fictitious name                                       . 
 The proposed fictitious name will be used at the following branch or   limited purpose office (whichever 
is applicable), at the proposed location (address, city, county, state)                                  . 
Any person desiring to comment on this application to the Arkansas State Bank Department may do so 
by filing his or her comments in writing to the Bank Commissioner at the office of the State
Bank Department, 1 Commerce Way, Suite 303, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72202.   

Branch Application – Standard                     15                                             05 2/2  

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