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               Request for Verification that Customers are                               R. 01/16
               Authorized to Purchase for Resale                                                     TC
                                                                                         Rule 12A-1.097
                                                                                         Florida Administrative Code
                                                                                         Effective 01/16

                                         (Please print or type)

           Date of Request:  _______________________________________________________________________

 Name of Your Business:  _______________________________________________________________________

 Name of Contact at Your Business:  _______________________________________________________________________
               The Department of Revenue will return your diskette or CD to the contact/address that you specify.

           Return Address:  _______________________________________________________________________

 Telephone Number of Contact:   (__________) __________ - __________

Are you sending a diskette or a CD to the Department of Revenue? 

  Diskette  CD                           Total number of records in the file: _________________________________

Mail the diskette or CD and this completed form to:         Florida Department of Revenue
                                                            Production Management
                                                            5040 W Tharpe St Ste 202
                                                            Tallahassee FL 32303-7836

For general taxpayer information, please call 850-488-6800. 

Note: Please visit our Internet site at: floridarevenue.com/taxes/certificates to verify a resale or 
exemption certificate. Results are available within 24 hours of submission. 

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R. 01/16
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                      Instructions for Requesting Verification that Customers 
                          are Authorized to Purchase for Resale

This document explains the procedures for verifying that customers of a business are authorized to purchase for resale.

Send a file containing the Certificate of Registration numbers of the customers to the Florida Department of Revenue. 
A written request may be forwarded to the Department or you may submit Form DR-600013, Request for Verification 
that Customers are Authorized to Purchase for Resale. If a written request is submitted, please provide the following 
information: date of request, name of the dealer’s business, return address, name and telephone number of a contact 

Once the Department has received your file and request, we will then identify customers who are active registered 
dealers authorized to purchase for resale. The Department will return a file containing the Certificate of Registration 
numbers and vendor authorization numbers to a user contact at your place of business. Those customers for whom the 
vendor authorization number field is left blank are NOT authorized to make purchases for resale. Your user contact will 
also receive a letter summarizing the verification process. The file of customers that we return to your place of business 
will reside on the same medium sent to the Department.


Data files that are sent to the Florida Department of Revenue must reside on 3 1/2” diskette or CD.

Diskette Requirements:    Must be high density (HD) 1.44M or double density (DD), 720K
                          Must be IBM PC compatible format
                          Data file must be ASCII text format - no embedded signs or decimals
                          The file must be named RESALE.TXT
                          Do not zip (i.e., compress) the file

CD Requirements:          Data file must be ASCII text format – no embedded signs or decimals
                          The file must be named RESALE.TXT
                          Do not zip (i.e., compress) the file

RECORD DESCRIPTION (file that you send to the Department of Revenue)

  Position Field Contents                                                       Type                Length
 1-13      Customer’s Certificate of Registration number (no hyphens or spaces) alphanumeric        13
 14-35     User-defined data, reserved for use of your business                 alphanumeric        22
 36-48     Leave blank                                                          alphanumeric        13

RECORD DESCRIPTION (file that the Department of Revenue will return to you)

  Position Field Contents                                                       Type                Length
 1-13      Customer’s Certificate of Registration number (no hyphens or spaces) alphanumeric        13
 14-35     User-defined data, reserved for use of your business                 alphanumeric        22
 36-48     Vendor authorization number (blank if not authorized)                alphanumeric        13

Write your business name, the mailing date, and a sequence number (if you send more than one diskette or CD) on an 
external label and attach the label to the diskette or CD. In case the diskette or CD is lost or damaged, we recommend 
that you create a backup copy of your file. Mail a completed request form and the diskette or CD to:

                          Florida Department of Revenue
                          Production Management
                          5040 W Tharpe St Ste 202
                          Tallahassee FL 32303-7836

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