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                                                     Florida Department of Revenue                                                                 R. 10/11
                                                     POWER OF ATTORNEY                                                                                            TC
                                                                                                                                                   Rule 12-6.0015
                                                     and Declaration of Representative                                                      Florida Administrative Code
                                                                                                                                                   Effective 01/12
                                                     See Instructions for additional information
Section 1.  Taxpayer Information. Taxpayer(s) must sign and date this form on Page 2, Part I, Section 8.
Taxpayer name(s) and address(es)                                          Federal ID no(s). (SSN*, FEIN, etc.) Florida Tax Registration Number(s)
                                                                                                               (Business Part. No., Sales Tax No., R.T. Acct No., etc.)

                                                                          Contact person
                                                                                                               Telephone number  (               )
                                                                                                               Fax number  (               )
The Taxpayer(s) hereby appoint(s) the following representative(s) as attorney(s)-in-fact:
Section 2.  Representative(s). Each representative must be listed individually, and must sign and date this form on Page 2, Part II.
Name and address (include name of firm if applicable)
                                                                                                               Telephone number  (               )

                                                                                                               Fax number  (               )

E-mail address:                                                                                                Cell phone number  (               )
Name and address (include name of firm if applicable)
                                                                                                               Telephone number  (               )
                                                                                                               Fax number  (               )

E-mail address:                                                                                                Cell phone number  (               )
Name and address (include name of firm if applicable)
                                                                                                               Telephone number  (               )

                                                                                                               Fax number  (               )

E-mail address:                                                                                                Cell phone number  (               )
To represent the taxpayer(s) before the Florida Department of Revenue in the following tax matters:
Section 3.  Tax Matters. Do not complete this section if completing Section 4.
Type of Tax (Corporate, Sales, Reemployment, formerly Unemployment, etc.) Year(s) / Period(s)                  Tax Matter(s) (Tax Audits, Protests, Refunds, etc.)

Section 4.  To Appoint a Reemployment Tax (formerly Unemployment Tax) Agent Only.  Do not complete Sections 3 and 6 if 
completing Section 4.
By completing this section, an employer (taxpayer) appoints a representative to act as its Florida reemployment tax agent before the Florida 
Department of Revenue on a continuing basis and to receive confidential information with respect to mailings, filings, and other tax matters related to 
the Florida reemployment assistance program law.  All other sections of this form (except Sections 3 and 6) must also be completed.
Do not complete Section 4 unless you wish to appoint a reemployment tax agent on a continuing basis.
Agent name                                                                                                     Agent number (required)
Firm name                                                                                                      Federal I.D. No.  (required)
Address (if different from above)                                                                              Telephone number  (               )

Mail Type: See Instructions for explanations. Check one box only.    1 (Primary)     2 (Reporting)      3(Rate)      4(Claim)
Section 5.  Acts Authorized.
The representative(s) are authorized to receive and inspect confidential tax information and to perform any and all acts that I (we) can perform with 
respect to the tax matters described in Section 3 and Section 4 (for example, the authority to sign any agreements, consents, or other documents). 
Except as otherwise provided, the authority specifically includes the power to execute waivers of restrictions on assessment or collection of 
deficiencies in tax, to execute consents extending the statutory period for assessment or claims for refund of taxes, and to execute closing agreements 
under section 213.21, Florida Statutes. This authority does not include the power to endorse or cash warrants, or the power to sign certain returns.
If you want to authorize a representative named in Section 2 to receive (but not to endorse or cash) refund warrants, write the name of the 
representative on this line and check the box  ........................u ___________________________________________________________________________ 
List any specific limitations or deletions to the acts otherwise authorized in this Power of Attorney.

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                                                                                                                                                                                R. 10/11
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                                                                       Florida Tax Registration Number:
Taxpayer Name(s):                                                      Federal Identification Number:
Taxpayer(s) must complete Page 1 of this Power of Attorney or it will not be processed.
Section 6.   Notices and Communication. Do not complete Section 6 if completing Section 4.
Notices and other written communications will be sent to the first representative listed in Part I, Section 2, unless the taxpayer selects one of the 
  options below. Receipt by either the representative or the taxpayer will be considered receipt by both. 
  a.  If you want notices and communications sent to both you and your representative, check this box ............................... u                                    
  b.  If you want notices or communications sent to you and not your representative, check this box .................................... u                                 
Certain computer-generated notices and other written communications cannot be issued in duplicate due to current system constraints. Therefore, we 
will send these communications to only the taxpayer at his or her tax registration address.
Section 7.  Retention / Nonrevocation of Prior Power(s) of Attorney.
  The filing of this Power of Attorney will not revoke earlier Power(s) of Attorney on file with the Florida Department of Revenue, 
  even for the same tax matters and years or periods covered by this document. If you want to revoke a prior Power of 
  Attorney, check this box ............................................................................................................................................. u 
  You must attach a copy of any Power of Attorney you wish to revoke.
Section 8.  Signature of Taxpayer(s).
  If a tax matter concerns a joint return, both husband and wife must sign if joint representation is requested. If signed by a corporate officer, 
  partner, member/managing member, guardian, tax matters partner/person, executor, receiver, administrator, trustee, or fiduciary on behalf of the 
  taxpayer, I declare under penalties of perjury that I have the authority to execute this form on behalf of the taxpayer. 
  Under penalties of perjury, I (we) declare that I (we) have read the foregoing document, and the facts stated in it are true.
If this Power of Attorney is not signed and dated, it will be returned.
_______________________________________________________________________________________   ________________________________________   _________________________________________
                           Signature                                                               Date                             Title (if applicable)
                           Print name
_______________________________________________________________________________________   ________________________________________   _________________________________________
                           Signature                                                               Date                             Title (if applicable)
                           Print name

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that:
  I am familiar with the mandatory standards of conduct governing representation before the Department of Revenue, including Rules 12-6.006 
    and 28-106.107 of the Florida Administrative Code, as amended.
  I am familiar with the law and facts related to this matter and am qualified to represent the taxpayer(s) in this matter.
  I am authorized to represent the taxpayer(s) identified in Part I for the tax matter(s) specified therein, and to receive and inspect confidential 
    taxpayer information.
  I am one of the following:
    a. Attorney - a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of the jurisdiction shown below.
    b. Certified Public Accountant - duly qualified to practice as a certified public accountant in the jurisdiction shown below.
    c. Enrolled Agent – enrolled as an agent pursuant to the requirements of Treasury Department Circular Number 230.
    d. Former Department of Revenue Employee. As a representative, I cannot accept representation in a matter upon which I had direct 
       involvement while I was a public employee.
    e. Reemployment Tax Agent authorized in Section 4 of this form.
    f. Other Qualified Representative
  I have read the foregoing Declaration of Representative and the facts stated in it are true.
If this Declaration of Representative is not signed and dated, it will not be processed.
  Designation – Insert     Jurisdiction (State) and                                      Signature                                                                          Date
  Letter from Above (a -f) Enrollment Card No. (if any) 

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                                                                                                                                      R. 10/11
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                                      POWER OF ATTORNEY INSTRUCTIONS
Purpose of this form                                                   Section 2 –  Representative(s)
A Power of Attorney (Form DR-835) signed by the taxpayer and the       Enter the individual name, firm name (if applicable), address, 
representative is required by the Florida Department of Revenue        telephone number(s), and fax number of each individual appointed as 
in order for the taxpayer’s representative to perform certain acts     attorney-in-fact and representative.  If the representatives have the 
on behalf of the taxpayer and to receive and inspect confidential      same address, simply write “same” in the appropriate box.  If you wish 
tax information.  You and your representative must complete, sign,     to appoint more than three representatives, you should attach a letter 
and return Form DR-835 if you want to grant Power of Attorney          to Form DR-835 listing those additional individuals.
to an attorney, certified public accountant, enrolled agent, former    Section 3 – Tax Matters
Department employee, reemployment tax agent, or any other qualified    Enter the type(s) of tax this Power of Attorney authorization applies to 
individual.  A Power of Attorney is a legal document authorizing       and the years or periods for which the Power of Attorney is granted. 
someone other than yourself to act as your representative.             The word “All” is not specific enough.  If your tax situation does not fit 
You may use this form for any matters affecting any tax administered   into a tax type or period (for example, a specific administrative appeal, 
by the Department of Revenue.  This includes both the audit and        audit, or collection matter), describe it in the blank space provided 
collection processes.  A Power of Attorney will remain in effect until for “Tax Matters.”  The Power of Attorney can be limited to specific 
you revoke it.  If you provide more than one Power of Attorney with    reporting period(s) that can be stated in year(s), quarter(s), month(s), 
respect to a tax and tax period, the Department employee handling      etc., or can be granted for an indefinite period.  You must indicate 
your case will address notices and correspondence relative to that     the tax types, periods, and/or matters for which you are authorizing 
issue to the first person listed on the latest Power of Attorney.      representation by your attorney-in-fact.
A Power of Attorney Form is generally not required, if the             Examples:
representative is, or is accompanied by: a trustee, a receiver, an     Sales and Use Tax                       First and second quarter 2008
administrator, an executor of an estate, a corporate officer, or an    Corporate Income Tax                                7/1/07 – 6/30/08 
authorized employee of the taxpayer.                                   Communications Services Tax                           2006 thru 2008
Photocopies and fax copies of Form DR-835 are usually acceptable.      Insurance Premium Tax                               1/1/06 – 12/31/08
E-mail transmissions or other types of Powers of Attorney are not      Technical Assistance Advisement Request               dated 8/6/08
acceptable.  Copies of Form DR-835 are readily available by visiting   Claim for Refund                                                  3/7/07
our Internet site (www.floridarevenue.com/forms).                      Section 4 – To Appoint a Reemployment Tax Agent
How to Complete Form DR-835, Power of Attorney                         Complete this section only if you wish to appoint an agent for 
PART I POWER OF ATTORNEY                                               reemployment taxes on a continuing basis.  You should not complete 
Section 1 – Taxpayer Information                                       Section 3 or Section 6, but you must complete the remaining sections 
For individuals and sole proprietorships:  Enter your name,          of Form DR-835.
  address, social security number, and telephone number(s) in the      Enter the agent’s name. It must be the same name as found in 
  spaces provided.  Enter your federal employer identification number  Section 2.  Enter the firm name and address.  You do not need to 
  (FEIN), if you have one.  If a joint return is involved, and you and complete the address line if you reported that information in Section 2.
  your spouse are designating the same attorney(s)-in-fact, also enter 1. Enter the agent number. The agent number is a seven-digit 
  your spouse’s name and social security number, and your spouse’s        number assigned by the Department of Revenue.
  address if different from yours.
                                                                       2. Enter the federal employer identification number.  The FEIN is a 
For a corporation, limited liability company, or partnership:           nine-digit number assigned to the agent by the Internal Revenue 
  Enter the name, business address, FEIN, a contact person familiar       Service.
  with this matter, and telephone number(s).
                                                                       3. Select the mail type.
For a trust:  Enter the name, title, address, and telephone 
  number(s) of the fiduciary, and name and FEIN of the trust.          Primary Mail.  If you select primary mail, the agent will receive 
                                                                       all documents from the Department of Revenue related to this 
For an estate:  Enter the name, title, address, and telephone        reemployment tax account, and will be authorized to receive 
  number(s) of the decedent’s personal representative, and the name    confidential information and discuss matters related to the tax and 
  and identification number of the estate.  The identification number  wage report, benefit information, claims, and the employer’s rate.
  for an estate includes both the FEIN if the estate has one and the 
  decedent’s social security number.                                   Reporting Mail.  If you select reporting mail, the agent will receive 
                                                                       the Employer’s Quarterly Report (Form RT-6), certification, and 
For any other entity:  Enter the name, business address, FEIN,       correspondence related to reporting. The agent will be authorized to 
  and telephone number(s), as well as the name of a contact person     receive confidential information and discuss the tax and wage report, 
  familiar with this matter.                                           certification, and correspondence with the Department.
Identification Number:  The Department may have assigned you         Rate Mail.  If you select rate mail, the agent will receive tax rate 
  a Florida tax registration number such as a sales tax number, a      notices and correspondence related to the rate and will be authorized 
  reemployment tax account number, or a business partner number.       to receive confidential information and discuss the employer’s rate 
  These numbers further assist the Department in identifying your      notices and rate with the Department.
  particular tax matter, and you should enter them in the appropriate 
  box.  If you do not provide this information, the Department may not Claims Mail.  If you select claims mail, the agent will receive the 
  be able to process the Power of Attorney.                            notice of benefits paid, and will be authorized to receive confidential 
                                                                       information and discuss matters related to benefits.
                                                                       Note:  Duplicate copies of certain computer-generated notices and 
                                                                       other written communications cannot be issued due to current system 
                                                                       constraints and therefore, these communications will be sent only to 
                                                                       the representative.

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Note:  If you wish to appoint a representative to act on your behalf in      governing representation before the Department of Revenue. The 
a specific and non-continuing reemployment tax matter, you should            representative(s) must also declare, under penalties of perjury, that he 
complete Section 3 and Section 6 and not Section 4.  For example,            or she has been authorized to represent the taxpayer(s) in this matter 
if you hire a representative to assist you with a single matter, such as     and authorized by the taxpayer(s) to receive confidential taxpayer 
a reemployment tax audit or contesting the payment of a claim, and           information.
wish that representative to handle just that one matter, you should          The representative(s) you name must sign and date this declaration 
not complete Section 4 to authorize that representation.  Instead, you       and enter the designation (i.e., items a-f) under which he or she is 
should fill out Section 3 and specify the exact matter the representative    authorized to represent you before the Department of Revenue.
is handling.
                                                                             a. Attorney – Enter the two-letter abbreviation for the state (for 
Section 5 – Acts Authorized                                                     example “FL” for Florida) in which admitted to practice, along with 
Your signature on the back of the Power of Attorney authorizes the              your bar number.
individual(s) you designate (your representative or “attorney-in-fact”) 
to perform any act you can perform with respect to your tax matters,         b.  Certified Public Accountant – Enter the two-letter abbreviation 
except that your representative may not sign certain returns for you            for the state (for example “FL” for Florida) in which licensed to 
nor may your representative negotiate or cash your refund warrant.              practice.
This authority includes signing consents to a change in tax liability,       c. Enrolled Agent – Enter the enrollment card number issued by the 
consents to extend the time for assessing or collecting tax, closing            Internal Revenue Service.
agreements, and compromises.  You may authorize your representative 
to receive, but not negotiate or cash, your refund warrant by checking       d.  Former Department of Revenue Employee – Former employees 
the box in Section 5 and writing the name of the representative on the          may not accept representation in matters in which they were 
line below.  If you wish to limit the authority of your representative other    directly involved, and in certain cases, on any matter for a period 
than in the manner previously described, you must describe those                of two years following termination of employment.  If a former 
limits on the lines provided in Section 5.                                      Department of Revenue employee is also an attorney or CPA, 
                                                                                then the additional designation, jurisdiction, and enrollment card 
Section 6 – Mailing of Notices and Communications                               should also be entered.
If you do not check a box, the Department will send notices and other 
written communications to the first representative listed in Section 2,      e. Reemployment Tax Agent – A person(s) appointed under 
unless you select another option. If you wish to have no documents              Section 4 of the Power of Attorney to handle reemployment tax 
sent to your representative, or documents sent to both you and your             matters on a continuing basis.  A separate Power of Attorney 
representative, you should check the appropriate box in Section 6.              form must be completed in order for a reemployment tax agent to 
Check the second box if you wish to have notices and other written              handle a specific and non-continuing matter such as a protest of a 
communications sent to you and not to your representative. In                   reemployment tax rate.
certain instances, the Department can only send documents to the             f. Other Qualified Representative – An individual may represent 
taxpayer. Therefore, the taxpayer has the responsibility of keeping the         a taxpayer before the Department of Revenue if training and 
representative informed of tax matters.                                         experience qualifies that person to handle a specific matter.
Note:  Taxpayers completing Section 4 (To Appoint a Reemployment             Rule 28-106.107, Florida Administrative Code, sets out mandatory 
Tax Agent Only) should not complete Section 6.  See Section 4 of these       standards of conduct for all qualified representatives. A representative 
instructions for information regarding notices and communications sent       shall not:
to a reemployment tax agent.                                                 (a)  Engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or 
Section 7 – Retention/Nonrevocation of Prior Power(s) of Attorney               misrepresentation.
The most recent Power of Attorney will take precedence over, but will        (b)  Engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of 
not revoke, prior Powers of Attorney.  If you wish to revoke a prior            justice.
Power of Attorney, you must check the box on the form and attach a 
copy of the old Power of Attorney.                                           (c)  Handle a matter that the representative knows or should know 
                                                                                that he or she is not competent to handle.
Section 8 – Signature of Taxpayer(s)
The Power of Attorney is not valid until signed and dated by the             (d)  Handle a legal or factual matter without adequate preparation.
taxpayer. The individual signing the Power of Attorney is representing,      *Social security numbers (SSNs) are used by the Florida 
under penalties of perjury, that he or she is the taxpayer or authorized     Department of Revenue as unique identifiers for the administration of 
to execute the Power of Attorney on behalf of the taxpayer.                  Florida’s taxes.  SSNs obtained for tax administration purposes are 
For a corporation, trust, estate, or any other entity:  A corporate        confidential under sections 213.053 and 119.071, Florida Statutes, 
  officer or person having authority to bind the entity must sign.           and not subject to disclosure as public records.  Collection of your 
                                                                             SSN is authorized under state and federal law.  Visit our Internet 
For partnerships:  All partners must sign unless one partner is            site at www.floridarevenue.com and select “Privacy Notice” for 
  authorized to act in the name of the partnership.                          more information regarding the state and federal law governing the 
For a sole proprietorship:  The owner of the sole proprietorship           collection, use, or release of SSNs, including authorized exceptions.
  must sign.                                                                 Where to Mail Form DR-835
For a joint return:  Both husband and wife must sign if the                If Form DR-835 is for a specific matter, mail or fax it to the office or 
  representative represents both.  If the representative only                employee handling the specific matter.  You may send it with the 
  represents one spouse, then only that spouse should sign.                  document to which it relates.
PART II – DECLARATION OF REPRESENTATIVE                                      If Form DR-835 is for a reemployment tax matter and the taxpayer has 
Any party who appears before the Department of Revenue has the               completed Section 4, mail it to the Florida Department of Revenue, 
right, at his or her own expense, to be represented by counsel or by a       P.O. Box 6510, Tallahassee FL 32314-6510, or fax it to 850-488-5997.
qualified representative. The representative(s) you name must declare, 
under penalties of perjury, that he or she is qualified to represent you in 
this matter and will comply with the mandatory standards of conduct 

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