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                       APPLICATION FOR INSTALLMENT PAYMENT                                                  DR-534 
                                                                                                          R. 06/22 
                                     OF PROPERTY TAXES                                                   Rule 12D-16.002 
                                  Section 197.222, Florida Statutes                                       Effective 06/22  

Section 197.222, F.S., allows a taxpayer to prepay property taxes by an installment payment method. A 
taxpayer who chooses to pay taxes by the installment method will make quarterly payments based on an 
estimated tax equal to the actual taxes levied on the property in the prior year. Under Florida law, your 
estimated taxes must be more than $100 for each tax notice to qualify. You confirm your participation in the 
plan when the tax collector receives and applies your first installment payment.   
Installment Payment    Year Taxes                 Discount                        If Not Paid 
First Installment      One-quarter of the total   6% for payments applied or  The account is removed from 
Due June 30.           estimated taxes and        postmarked by June 30           the installment plan. You will 
The tax collector must assessments based on the                                   receive a tax notice for the 
accept late payment    previous year                                              entire amount due around 
through July 31.                                                                  November 1. You must reapply 
                                                                                  by the following April 30 to 
                                                                                  participate in the installment 
                                                                                  plan for future years. 
Second Installment     One-quarter of the total   4.5% for payments applied  Added to the next installment 
Due September 30       estimated taxes and        or postmarked by                due in December and results in 
                       assessments based on the  September 30                     the loss of discount 
                       previous year 
Third Installment      One-quarter of the total   3% for payments applied or  Added to the next installment 
Due December 31        estimated taxes and        postmarked by December          due in March and results in the 
                       assessments plus one-half  31                              loss of discount 
                       of any adjusted tax amount 
Fourth Installment     One-quarter of the total   No discount. Payment must  Unpaid installments are 
Due March 31           estimated taxes and        be applied or postmarked        delinquent April 1. The tax 
                       assessments plus one-half  by March 31                     collector may issue a tax 
                       of the adjusted tax amount                                 certificate on real property or a 
                                                                                  tax warrant on tangible personal 

To pay property taxes by installment, complete the form below and return this application to your county tax collector by 
April 30. The tax collector will mail your first notice of payment due, with instructions. If you have not received your first 
notice by June 15, contact your county tax collector's office. 

                                            County Tax Collector 
                                     Mailing Address: 
Phone:                 Fax:                                    Email:              Website: 
                                     (Keep this portion for your records) 
                              (Return this portion to the tax collector’s office) 
                              TO BE COMPLETED BY THE TAXPAYER 
Tax Year               County Select County                    Type of Account     Real Estate   Tangible 
                                                               Parcel ID # or 
                                                               Account  # 
Mailing address                                                City, State, ZIP 

Area code/Phone                                                Email address 

Signature  _________________________________________                              Date signed   

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