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                                                                                                       Need assistance?
Assistance and forms .................................................................. This page      You can download forms and find other 
Changes for 2024 ................................................................................... 1 information on our website at:  
General instructions ................................................................................2
  Who must file .....................................................................................2
                                                                                                       Individual, estate, trust, partnership, 
  When and where to file ........................................................................    2 and S corporation income tax at
  Extension of time to file .......................................................................  2  individualtax@nd.gov
  Penalty and interest ............................................................................  2
  Estimated tax payment (for 2025) ........................................................          3 Call
  Withholding from nonresident partners ..................................................           3 Individual income tax:
  Composite filing ..................................................................................3   Questions        701-328-1247
  Correcting a previously filed return ........................................................      3   Forms            701-328-1243
  Reporting federal changes ....................................................................     4 Partnership income tax:
  W-2/1099 reporting requirement ..........................................................          4   Questions        701-328-1258
  Disclosure notification .........................................................................  4   Forms            701-328-1243
  Use of information ..............................................................................  4 Speech/hearing impaired:
                                                                                                         TDD              800-366-6888
General instructions for completing Form 58 ..............................................           4
Specific line instructions ..........................................................................5 Write
  Form 58, Page 1, Items A-J ..................................................................      5 Office of State Tax Commissioner
  Schedule FACT ...................................................................................  5 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 127
                                                                                                       Bismarck, North Dakota 58505-0599
  Schedule K ........................................................................................6
  Schedule KP ..................................................................................... 10 Walk-in or appointment 
  Form 58, Page 1, Lines 1-12 ............................................................... 12       service
  Schedule K-1 .................................................................................... 13 State Capitol Building, 8th Floor
  Before you file Form 58 ..................................................................... 14     600 E. Boulevard Ave., Bismarck, 
                                                                                                       North Dakota
Required forms                                                                                         Monday through Friday
The following forms are needed to complete Form 58:                                                    8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
                                                                                                       (except holidays)
 Form 58            Partnership return
 Schedule FACT  Calculation of North Dakota apportionment factor                                       Walk-ins are welcome. To assure 
 Schedule K         Total North Dakota adjustments, credits, and other                                 availability and promptness of 
                    items distributable to partners                                                    service, call in advance to make an 
 Schedule KP        Partner information                                                                appointment.
 Schedule K-1       Partner’s share of North Dakota income (loss), deductions,  
                    adjustments, credits, and other items
The following forms may be needed:
 Form 58-PV         Partnership return payment voucher
 Form 58-EXT        Partnership extension payment voucher
 Form 101           Application for extension of time to file a North Dakota                           Privacy Act Notification
                                                                                                       In compliance with the Privacy Act of 
                    income tax return                                                                  1974, disclosure of a Federal Employer 
 Form PWA           Passthrough entity withholding adjustment                                          Identification Number (FEIN) or social 
 Form PWE           Nonresident passthrough entity member exemption and                                security number on this form is required under 
                    certification                                                                      N.D.C.C. §§ 57-01-15 and 57-38-42, and will 
                                                                                                       be used for tax reporting, identification, and 
Download these forms from our website at tax.nd.gov.                                                   administration of North Dakota tax laws. 
                                                                                                       Disclosure is mandatory. Failure to provide 
                                                                                                       the FEIN or social security number may 
                                                                                                       delay or prevent the processing of this form.

                          Taxpayer Bill of Rights
  Obtain a copy of the North Dakota Taxpayer Bill of Rights on the 
               Office of State Tax Commissioner’s website at
                                  tax.nd.gov                                                           28703 December 2024

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Changes affecting partnerships 
Developments, updates, and items of interest relating to partnership income tax

Form 1099/K-1 withholding                Renaissance Zone tax incentive            Disabled employment tax credit 
Partnerships claiming North Dakota       changes effective August 1, 2023          In 2023, the North Dakota Legislature 
withholding reported on a Form 1099                                                reenacted and made permanent the 
or ND Schedule K-1 must correctly        A variety of changes occurred to the      existing income tax credit related to 
identify which form the withholding      Renaissance Zone program. One of          the employment of an individual with 
was reported on in their tax software    the changes is the maximum length of      developmental disabilities or severe 
program. These forms are not             an income tax incentive was changed       mental illness. The existing provisions 
interchangeable when e-filing. If the    from 5 years to 8 years for a project     of the tax credit were unchanged, 
forms are not identified correctly, this that meets certain rehabilitation         except the statewide limitation on 
will delay processing of your return.    thresholds. Specifically, for residential the number of eligible employees was 
                                         (except owner occupied) and               removed and there is no limit.
Electronic filing                        commercial property, a rehabilitation 
Partnerships with 10 or more owners      level exceeding 75% is required           Stay informed 
are required to file the North Dakota    to allow for an exemption up to 8         Individuals, businesses, or other 
income tax return and pay any tax        years. Rehabilitation exceeding 50%       interested persons may sign up to 
due on it by electronic means. If a      is required for an exemption up to 5      receive email notifications when 
partnership return with 10 or more       years. For owner occupied residential     a newsletter or other important 
owners is filed on paper, the return     property, rehabilitation exceeding        information is issued by the Office of 
will not be processed and may be         20% may qualify for an exemption up       State Tax Commissioner. To sign up, 
subject to penalties due to the failure  to 8 years.                               go to tax.nd.gov and select “News 
to file electronically.                                                            Center” at the top of the page. Then 
                                         For additional RZ information, please     select “Email Sign-Up”. 
Tax credit for contributions to          refer to our website:  
a maternity home, child placing          tax.nd.gov/renaissance-zone-
agency, or pregnancy help center         incentives.
An income tax credit is allowed          Automation tax credit
for contributions to a child placing 
agency licensed by the North Dakota      The 2023 North Dakota Legislature 
Department of Health and Human           made changes to the automation 
Services (DHS), a nonprofit maternity    tax credit program. The program 
home located in North Dakota, or a       was expanded to include automation 
pregnancy help center recognized by      or robotic equipment purchased 
DHS. See Schedule MCP.                   to upgrade or advance an animal 
                                         agricultural process.
Tax credit for compensation paid 
to an apprentice                         The tax rate was changed to 15% of 
                                         the cost of the qualifying equipment. 
Beginning with tax year 2023, an         The annual maximum statewide tax 
income tax credit was created for the    credits authorized was increased from 
employment of a qualified apprentice     $1 million to $3 million per year. 
in an apprenticeship program position 
in North Dakota.                         Of the $3 million annual total amount, 
                                         $500,000 of tax credits is reserved 
The apprentice must be in an             each year for first-time claimants for 
apprenticeship program certified by      automation equipment and $500,000 
the U.S. Department of Labor or be       of tax credits is reserved each year 
an electrical apprentice registered      for first-time claimants for animal 
under North Dakota law.                  agriculture equipment.
The credit is equal to 10% of the        The program was also made 
stipend or salary paid to the qualified  permanent. Other provisions were 
apprentice. The maximum credit a         unchanged.
taxpayer can claim in all tax years is 
$3,000 and limits the earning of a tax   The requirement continues to exist for 
credit to only five apprentices at the   a claimant to subsequently file with 
same time.                               the Office of State Tax Commissioner 
                                         a report of Improved Job Quality or 
                                         Increased Productivity.

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Form 58 Instructions                                                                                           2024
North Dakota Partnership Income Tax Return
“N.D.C.C.” references are to the North Dakota Century Code, which contains North Dakota’s statutes.
“N.D. Admin. Code” references are to the North Dakota Administrative Code, which contains North Dakota’s rules.

                                        Electronic filing                         North Dakota extension may be 
General                                                                           applied for by filing Form 101, 
                                        Partnerships with 10 or more owners 
instructions                            are required to file the North Dakota     Application for Extension of Time to 
                                        income tax return and pay any tax         File a North Dakota Tax Return. This 
Who must file                           due on it by electronic means.            is not an automatic extension—there 
A 2024 Form 58, Partnership Income                                                must be good cause to request a 
Tax Return, must be filed by a          When and where to file                    North Dakota extension. Form 101 
partnership that meets both of the      The 2024 Form 58 must be filed on         must be postmarked on or before the 
following:                              or before (1) April 15, 2025, if filing   due date of Form 58. Notification of 
  • It is required to file a 2024       for the 2024 calendar year, or (2) the    whether the extension is accepted or 
   Form 1065, U.S. Return of            15th day of the fourth month following    rejected will be provided by the 
   Partnership Income.                  the end of the tax year, if filing for    Office of State Tax Commissioner.
                                        a fiscal year beginning in the 2024 
  • It carries on business, or derives                                            Extension interest. If Form 58 is 
                                        calendar year. If the due date falls 
   gross income from sources, in                                                  filed on or before the extended due 
                                        on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, 
   North Dakota during the 2024 tax                                               date, and the total amount of tax due 
                                        the return may be filed on or before 
   year.                                                                          is paid with the return, no penalty will 
                                        the next day that is not a Saturday,      be charged. Interest on the tax due will 
Investment partnership. A               Sunday, or holiday.                       be charged at the rate of 12% per year 
partnership that elects out of the                                                from the original due date of the return 
                                        Note: Use the 2023 Form 58 if filing 
partnership rules under I.R.C.                                                    to the earlier of the date the return is 
                                        for a fiscal year beginning in the 2023 
§ 761(a)(1) and does not file a federal                                           filed or the extended due date.
                                        calendar year. 
partnership return must file a 2024 
Form 58 if it carries on investment     If not required to file                   Prepayment of tax due. If an 
activity, or derives any gross income   electronically, mail Form 58 and all      extension of time to file Form 58 is 
from sources, in North Dakota during    required attachments to:                  obtained, any tax expected to be due 
                                                                                  may be paid on or before the regular 
its 2024 tax year. A 2024 Form 1065     Office of State Tax Commissioner          due date to avoid paying extension 
must be completed on a pro forma        600 East Boulevard Ave., Dept. 127        interest. For more information, 
basis and attached to Form 58.          Bismarck, ND 58505-0599                   including payment options, obtain the 
Limited liability company (LLC). An                                               2024 Form 58-EXT.
LLC that is classified as a partnership Extension of time to file
for federal income tax purposes is      An extension of time to file Form 58      Alternatively, a check or money 
treated like a partnership for          may be obtained in one of the             order may be sent with a letter 
North Dakota income tax purposes        following ways:                           containing the following: (1) name of 
and must file Form 58 if it meets the                                             partnership, (2) partnership’s FEIN, 
above conditions for filing.             Obtain a federal extension.           (3) partnership’s address and phone 
                                         Separately apply for a                number, and (4) statement that the 
Nonfiler penalty. If a partnership         North Dakota extension.                payment is a 2024 Form 58-EXT 
does not file Form 58 as required,                                                payment.
a minimum $500 penalty may be           Federal extension. If an extension 
assessed if the failure continues after of time to file the federal partnership   Penalty and interest
receiving a 30-day notice to file from  return is obtained, it is automatically   If an extension of time to file 
the Office of State Tax Commissioner.   accepted as an extension of time to       Form 58 was obtained, the tax 
                                        file Form 58. If this applies, a separate due may be paid by the extended 
Disaster recovery tax exemptions.       North Dakota extension does not have      due date of the return without 
Exemptions from state and local tax     to be applied for, nor does the           penalty, but extension interest will 
filing and payment obligations are      Office of State Tax Commissioner have     apply—see “Extension interest” and 
available to out-of-state businesses    to be notified that a federal extension   “Prepayment of tax due” on this page.
and their employees who are in          has been obtained prior to filing 
North Dakota on a temporary basis       Form 58. The extended due date for        If Form 58 is filed by its due date (or 
for the sole purpose of repairing       North Dakota purposes is the same as      extended due date), but the total 
or replacing natural gas, electrical,   the federal extended due date.            amount of tax due is not paid by the 
or telecommunication transmission                                                 due date (or extended due date), a 
property that is damaged, or under      North Dakota extension. If a              penalty equal to 5% of the unpaid tax 
threat of damage, from a state- or      federal extension is not obtained,        or $5.00, whichever is greater, must 
presidentially-declared disaster or     but additional time is needed to          be paid.
emergency. For more information, go     complete and file Form 58, a separate 
to tax.nd.gov.

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If Form 58 is filed after its due date   The nonresident partner elects to   filing satisfies the North Dakota 
(or extended due date), and there          include the distributive share in a  income tax filing and payment 
is an unpaid tax due on it, a penalty      composite filing—see “Composite      obligations of the eligible nonresident 
equal to 5% of the unpaid tax due or       filing” on this page.                partners included in it, which means 
$5.00, whichever is greater, for the     The nonresident partner is a        they do not have to separately file 
month the return was due plus 5% of        passthrough entity and elects        their own North Dakota income tax 
the unpaid tax due for each additional     exemption from withholding on its    returns. The composite filing method 
month (or fraction of a month) during      distributive share of North Dakota   is optional and does not require prior 
which the return remains delinquent        income. For more information,        approval from the Office of State Tax 
must be paid. This penalty may not         obtain Form PWE.                     Commissioner, and a choice to use it 
exceed 25% of the tax due.                                                      may be made on a year-to-year basis.
                                        Withholding procedure. This 
In addition to any penalty, interest    withholding requirement applies to      Eligible nonresident partner. For 
must be paid at the rate of 1% per      a nonresident partner’s year-end        purposes of this composite filing 
month or fraction of a month, except    distributive share of North Dakota      method, a nonresident partner 
for the month in which the tax was      income, which is determined at the      has the same meaning as that 
due, on any tax due that remains        end of the partnership’s tax year and   used for withholding income tax 
unpaid after the return’s due date (or  reported on Form 58, Schedule KP,       from nonresident partners—see 
extended due date).                     Column 6. The requirement does          “Withholding from nonresident 
                                        not apply to actual distributions       partners” on this page. A nonresident 
Estimated tax payment                                                           partner is eligible to be included in a 
                                        made to a nonresident partner 
(for 2025)                              during the tax year. The withholding    composite filing if both of the following 
A partnership may, but is not required  amount is calculated and reported       apply:
to, make estimated income tax           on Schedule KP, Column 7. If a           The nonresident partner’s 
payments. For more information,         nonresident partner meets certain          only source of income within 
including payment options, obtain the   conditions, an amount less than the        North Dakota is one or more 
2025 Form 58-ES.                        amount calculated at the 2.50%             passthrough entities. A 
Withholding from                        tax rate may be withheld. For the          passthrough entity includes a trust, 
                                        qualifying conditions, see Form PWA.       partnership, S corporation, LLC 
nonresident partners                    A partnership must submit a payment        treated like a partnership or  
A partnership must withhold             for the total amount of withholding        S corporation, and any other 
North Dakota income tax at the rate of  reported on Schedule KP, Column 7,         similar entity.
2.50% from the year-end distributive    with Form 58 when it is filed.
share of North Dakota income of a                                                The nonresident partner elects 
nonresident partner. See “Publicly      Publicly traded partnership.               to be included in a composite 
traded partnership” on this page for    A publicly traded partnership, as          filing. An election is indicated by 
an exception to this requirement.       defined under Internal Revenue Code        the partnership’s calculation and 
                                        § 7704(b), does not have to withhold       reporting of a tax amount for the 
Nonresident partner. For purposes       North Dakota income tax from its           nonresident partner on Form 58, 
of this withholding requirement, a      unitholders if it meets both of the        Schedule KP, Column 8. (If the 
nonresident partner means:              following:                                 distributive share is a loss, the tax 
                                                                                   is zero.)
 an individual who is not domiciled   It is treated as a partnership for 
   in North Dakota;                        federal income tax purposes.         The distributive share of North Dakota 
 a trust, including a grantor trust,  It reports on Form 58,              income included in a composite return 
   that is not organized under             Schedule KP, every unitholder with   is subject to tax even if it is under 
   North Dakota law. This only             a North Dakota distributive share    $1,000.
   includes trusts that are subject to     of income of over $500.              Composite filing method 
   income tax; or
                                                                                procedure. The tax under the 
 a passthrough entity that has a     Composite filing                        composite filing method is calculated 
   commercial domicile outside North    A composite filing method is available  and reported on Form 58, Schedule KP, 
   Dakota. A passthrough entity         to a partnership with one or more       Column 8. A partnership must submit 
   includes a partnership,              eligible nonresident partners. Under    a payment for the total tax reported on 
   S corporation, LLC treated like a    this method, a partnership calculates   Schedule KP, Column 8, with Form 58 
   partnership or S corporation, and    the North Dakota income tax on an       when it is filed.
   any other similar entity.            eligible nonresident partner’s year-end 
Exemption from withholding. No          distributive share of North Dakota      Correcting a previously filed 
withholding is required if any of the   income and pays the tax with            return
following apply:                        Form 58. The tax is calculated at       If a partnership needs to correct an 
                                        the highest individual income tax       error on Form 58 after it is filed, the 
 The distributive share of           rate (which is 2.50% for the 2024       partnership must file an amended 
   North Dakota income is less          tax year), and no adjustments,          return. There is no special form for 
   than $1,000.                         deductions, or tax credits are allowed  this purpose. See “How to prepare an 
                                        in calculating the tax. A composite     amended 2024 return” below.

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If a partnership paid too much tax        return, an amended North Dakota           5.  Complete Schedule KP on  
because of an error on its 2024           Form 58 must be filed within 90 days    page 5 of Form 58—see page 10.
Form 58, the partnership generally        after the final determination of the      6.  Complete lines 1 through 12 on 
has three years from the due date of      IRS changes or the filing of the        page 1 of Form 58—see page 12.
the return (excluding extensions) or      amended federal return. Enclose a 
the date the return was actually filed,   copy of the IRS audit report or the       7.  Complete Schedule K-1, if 
whichever is later, in which to file an   amended federal partnership return      required, for the partners—see 
amended return to claim a refund of       with the amended North Dakota           page 13.
the overpayment. See N.D.C.C.             Form 58.                                Rounding of numbers. Numbers 
§ 57-38-40 for other time periods that                                            may be entered on the return in 
may apply.                                W-2/1099 reporting                      dollars and cents, or they may be 
                                          requirement                             rounded to the nearest whole dollar. If 
How to prepare an amended 2024            Every partnership doing business in     rounding, drop the cents if less than 
return                                    North Dakota that is required to file   $0.50 and round up to the next whole 
  1.  Obtain a blank 2024 Form 58.        Federal Form 1099 or W-2 must also      dollar amount if $0.50 or higher. For 
  2.  Enter the partnership’s name,       file one with the Office of State Tax   example, $25.36 becomes $25.00, 
 current address, FEIN, etc., in the      Commissioner. For more information,     and $25.50 becomes $26.00.
 top portion of page 1 of Form 58.        obtain the guideline Income Tax 
                                          Withholding and see “Annual Filing      Fiscal year filers. The tax year for 
  3.  Fill in the “Amended return” circle Requirements - W-2 and 1099.”           North Dakota income tax purposes 
 at the top of page 1 of Form 58.                                                 must be the same as the tax year 
  4.  Complete Schedules FACT,            Disclosure notification                 used for federal income tax purposes. 
 K, and KP using the corrected            Upon written request from the           Use the 2023 Form 58 if the 
 information. However, unless             chairman of a North Dakota legislative  partnership’s taxable year began in 
 there is an increase in the              standing committee or Legislative       the 2023 calendar year.
 amount reported on Schedule KP,          Management, the law requires the 
 Column 6, of the amended return,         Office of State Tax Commissioner to     Specific line 
 enter on Schedule KP, Column 7,          disclose the amount of any deduction 
 the same amount reported on              or credit claimed on a tax return.      instructions for 
 the previously filed return. Then        Any other confidential information, 
 complete lines 1 through 3 on            such as a taxpayer’s name or federal    page 1 of 
 page 1 of Form 58.                       employer identification number, may 
                                          not be disclosed.                       Form 58, Items A-J
  5.  On line 5 of one of Form 58, 
                                                                                  Complete Items A through J at 
 enter the total taxes due from the       Use of information                      the top of page 1 of Form 58. 
 previously filed 2024 Form 58,           All of the information on Form 58 and   Then complete Schedule FACT, 
 page 1, line 3.                          its attachments is confidential by law  Schedule K, and Schedule KP 
  6.  Complete line 7 (overpayment)       and cannot be given to others except    before completing lines 1 
 or line 10 (tax due), whichever          as provided by state law. Information   through 12 on page 1 of Form 58. 
 applies. If there is an                  about the partners is required under 
 overpayment on line 7, enter the         state law so the Office of State        Item A - Tax year
 full amount on line 9 (refund). On       Tax Commissioner can determine          The same tax year used for federal 
 an amended return, the amount            the partner’s correct North Dakota      income tax purposes (as indicated on 
 credited to the next year’s              taxable income and verify if the        the federal partnership return) must 
 estimated tax (line 8) may not be        partner has filed a return and paid the be used for North Dakota income 
 increased or decreased.                  tax.                                    tax purposes. Fill in the applicable 
                                                                                  circle. If the partnership uses a fiscal 
  7.  Attach a statement explaining the 
                                                                                  year, enter the beginning and ending 
 reason(s) for filing the amended         General instructions                    dates of the fiscal year. Use the 2024 
 return. If it is because of changes 
 the partnership or the IRS made          for completing                          Form 58 only if the partnership’s tax 
                                                                                  year began in the 2024 calendar year.
 to the partnership’s 2024 Federal 
 Form 1065, attach a copy of the          Form 58                                 Item B - Name and address
 amended federal return or IRS            Complete Federal                        Enter the legal name of the partnership 
 notice.                                                                          on the first line of the name and 
                                          Form 1065 as follows:
  8.  Complete and provide a corrected                                            address area. If the partnership 
 Schedule K-1 (Form 58) to the              1.  Complete Federal Form 1065 (or    publicly operates under a fictitious or 
 partners, as required.                        1065-B) in its entirety.           assumed name (which, in most states, 
                                            2.  Complete Items A through J at     must be recorded or registered with 
Reporting federal changes                      the top of page 1 of               the state), enter that name on the 
If the Internal Revenue Service                Form 58—see page 4.                second line of the name and address 
(IRS) changes or audits the federal                                               area. If filing an amended return, enter 
                                            3.  Complete Schedule FACT on 
partnership return, or if a partnership                                           the most current address.
                                               page 2 of Form 58—see page 5.
files an amended federal partnership 
                                            4.  Complete Schedule K on page 3 
                                               of Form 58—see page 6.

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Item C - Federal EIN                        Item H - Professional service             Multistate partnership
North Dakota uses the federal               partnership                                  If the partnership conducted its 
employer identification number              Indicate whether the partnership is          trade or business both within 
(FEIN) for identification purposes.         a professional service partnership.          and without North Dakota during 
Enter the FEIN from page 1 of Federal       A “professional service partnership”         the tax year, complete lines 
Form 1065.                                  is a partnership that engages in the         1 through 14. However, if all 
                                            practice of law, accounting, medicine,       of the partners consist of only 
Item D - Business code number               or any other profession in which the         North Dakota resident individuals, 
Enter the business code number from         capital or the services of employees         estates, and trusts, skip lines 1 
the NAICS code list found on the            are not a material income-producing          through 13 and enter “1.000000” 
Office of State Tax Commissioner’s          factor. The services performed by            on line 14.
website at tax.nd.gov. Enter the            the partners themselves must be the 
code that most closely describes the        primary income-producing factor. A       If the partnership has a partner 
industry in which the partnership           professional service partnership does    OTHER THAN an individual, estate, 
derives most of its income.                 not include one that primarily engages   or trust, complete lines 1 through 14 
Item E - Date business started              in wholesale or retail sales activity,   of Schedule FACT.
Enter the date the business started         manufacturing activity, or any other     Apportionment factor in 
from page 1 of Federal Form 1065.           type of activity in which the capital 
                                            or the services of employees are a 
                                                                                     In general, the apportionment factor 
Item F - Indicators                         material income-producing factor.
Fill in applicable circles, as follows:                                              is a product of a formula consisting of 
                                            Item I - Publicly traded                 an equally-weighted average of three 
Initial return. Fill in circle if this is   partnership                              factors: property, payroll, and sales. 
the first return filed in North Dakota      Indicate whether the partnership is a    Each factor represents the percentage 
by the partnership.                         publicly traded partnership. A “publicly of the partnership’s North Dakota 
Final return. Fill in circle if this is the traded partnership” is a partnership in  activity compared to its total 
last return to be filed in North Dakota     which interests in it are either traded  activity everywhere. A partnership 
by this partnership.                        on an established securities market      multiplies its business income by the 
                                            or are readily tradable on a secondary   apportionment factor to determine 
Farming/ranching partnership.               market.                                  the portion of its business income 
Fill in circle if this is an LLC that is                                             attributable to North Dakota.
registered as a farming and ranching        Item J
LLC with the North Dakota Secretary         Tiered partnership                       If the partnership includes the 
of State.                                   Indicate whether the partnership         distributable share of income 
                                            holds an interest in one or more         from another partnership in its 
Filed by an LLC. Fill in circle if the      other partnerships or limited liability  apportionable business income, include 
entity filing this return is an LLC.        companies. If it does, attach a          in the numerator and denominator 
Composite return. Fill in this circle       statement to Form 58 showing             of each factor the partnership’s 
only if (1) the partnership has one or      the name and federal employer            proportionate share of the other 
more nonresident partners eligible to       identification number of each            partnership’s apportionment factors—
be included in a composite filing and       partnership or LLC in which it holds an  see the specific line instructions for 
(2) all of them elected to include their    interest.                                more information. Do not include in 
distributive shares of North Dakota                                                  the factors any property, payroll, or 
source income in a composite filing.        Instructions for                         sales related to allocable nonbusiness 
See “Composite filing” on page 3 for                                                 income—see the instructions to  
more information.                           Schedule FACT                            Form 58, Schedule K, line 24, for what 
                                                                                     constitutes allocable nonbusiness 
Amended return. Fill in circle if           (Form 58, page 2)                        income.
this return is being filed to correct a     General instructions                     If the amount of any factor’s 
previously filed 2024 Form 58. See          All partnerships must complete the       denominator is zero, exclude that 
“Correcting a previously filed return”      applicable portions of Schedule FACT.    factor from the calculation.
on page 3 for more information.
                                            If the partnership has ONLY individual,  Special apportionment rules 
Extension. Fill in circle if a federal      estate, and trust partners, complete     may apply in the case of certain 
or state extension of time to file the      Schedule FACT as follows:                industries or unique circumstances. 
return was obtained. See “Extension 
of time to file” on page 2 for more          100% North Dakota                    For additional information on the 
information.                                    partnership                          apportionment factor, see N.D.C.C. 
                                                If the partnership conducted all of  Ch. 57-38.1 and N.D. Admin. Code
Item G - Number of partners                     its business within North Dakota     Ch. 81-03-09.
Enter the total number of partners              during the tax year, skip lines 1 
and the number of each type of                  through 13 and enter “1.000000” 
partner.                                        on line 14.

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Specific line instructions              one state, compensation is generally    a tax measured by income in that 
                                        assigned to North Dakota based on       jurisdiction. For more complete 
Property factor                         the amount of compensation reported     information, see N.D. Admin. Code 
Lines 1 through 6                       to North Dakota for unemployment        §§ 81-03-09-29 and 81-03-09-30.
Owned and rented property               compensation purposes. Whether 
                                                                                Line 14
Enter on the applicable line the        or not state income tax was 
                                                                                Apportionment factor
average value of real and tangible      withheld from an employee’s 
                                                                                Divide line 13 by the number of 
personal property owned and rented      compensation does not affect where 
                                                                                factors having an amount greater than 
by the partnership. For owned           the compensation is assigned for 
                                                                                zero in column 1 on lines 7, 8, and 12. 
property, this generally means the      apportionment factor purposes. 
                                                                                Enter the result on this line.
average of the original cost (before    Include on this line in the applicable 
depreciation) used for federal income   column the partnership’s share of the 
tax purposes. For rented property,      payroll factor from a North Dakota 
                                                                                Instructions for 
this generally means the amount of      Schedule K-1 (Form 58), Part 6. For 
rent paid multiplied by eight. Certain  more complete information on            Schedule K
property items are subject to special   the payroll factor, see N.D. Admin. 
rules. Do not include amounts related   Code §§ 81-03-09-22 through             (Form 58, page 3) 
to construction in progress. Include on 81-03-09-25.                            All partnerships must complete 
                                                                                Schedule K. The purpose of this 
line 5 the partnership’s share of the   Sales Factor                            schedule is to show the total amount 
property factor from a North Dakota 
Schedule K-1 (Form 58), Part 6.         Line 9                                  of North Dakota adjustments, credits, 
                                        Everywhere sales                        and other items distributable to 
The average value of owned and          Enter the partnership’s total           its partners. These items may be 
rented property is assigned to North    sales or receipts, less returns or      applicable to the preparation of the 
Dakota if the property is located       allowances, for the tax year. Sales     partners’ North Dakota income tax 
in North Dakota. The amount             generally means all gross receipts      returns.
attributable to mobile property is      of a partnership. However, the types    Schedule K-1 from another 
generally assignable to North Dakota    of sales or gross receipts included     passthrough entity. 
based on a ratio of the property’s      in the sales factor depend on the       Include on the applicable lines 
time spent in North Dakota. For more    nature of the partnership’s regular     of Schedule K any adjustments, 
complete information on the property    business activities and may include     credits, etc., from a North Dakota 
factor, see N.D. Admin. Code            amounts other than sales reported       Schedule K-1, as instructed in the 
§§ 81-03-09-15 through 81-03-09-21      on Form 1065, line 1. Include on this   partner or beneficiary instructions to 
and 81-03-09-33.                        line the partnership’s share of the     that form.
Payroll factor                          everywhere sales from a North Dakota 
                                        Schedule K-1 (Form 58), Part 6.         Reminder: Be sure to attach to 
Line 8                                                                          Form 58 any prescribed schedule or 
Enter the amount of total               Line 10                                 other supporting document specified 
compensation paid to employees          North Dakota sales                      in the instructions.
for the tax year. This includes gross   For sales of tangible property, the 
wages, salaries, commissions, and       sale is assigned to North Dakota if the Property tax clearance
any other form of remuneration paid     destination of the property is in       North Dakota Century Code
to the employees. Use the amount        North Dakota, regardless of the         § 57-01-15.1 provides that, before 
before deductions for deferred          shipping terms. For sales of other      certain state tax incentives may be 
compensation, flexible spending plans,  than tangible property, the sale        claimed, a taxpayer must obtain a 
and other payroll deductions. Do not    is assigned to North Dakota if the      property tax clearance record from 
include amounts paid for employee       income-producing activity which gave    each North Dakota county in which 
benefit plans that are not considered   rise to the receipt is performed in     the taxpayer holds a 50% or more 
taxable wages to the employee. An       North Dakota. Include on this line      ownership interest in real property. 
employee is an individual treated as    the partnership’s share of the North    The property tax clearance record(s) 
an employee under the usual common      Dakota sales from a North Dakota        must be attached to the North Dakota 
law rules, which generally mirror an    Schedule K-1 (Form 58), Part 6. For     tax return on which the incentive is 
individual’s status for purposes of     more complete information, see N.D.     claimed. Certain tax incentives on 
unemployment compensation and the       Admin. Code §§ 81-03-09-26 through      Form 58, Schedule K, are subject 
Federal Insurance Contribution Act.     81-03-09-31 and 81-03-09-34.            to this requirement. The incentives 
Do not include on this line guaranteed                                          subject to this requirement are 
payments to partners.                   Line 11                                 identified in the box at the top of 
                                        Throwback sales                         Schedule K.
Compensation of an employee’s           Enter the amount of sales shipped 
services performed entirely within      from a location in North Dakota that    If the partnership is claiming any 
North Dakota is assigned to             are delivered to the U.S. government    of the specified incentives, it must 
North Dakota. For an employee whose     or to another state or country          complete the property tax clearance 
services are performed in more than     where the sales are not subject to      section at the top of Schedule K. If 
                                                                                the partnership is required to attach 

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a property tax clearance record,        Line 5                                 Line 9
obtain one by completing the form       New or expanding business              Ag commodity investment tax 
Property Tax Clearance Record, which    income exemption                       credit
is available on the Office of State Tax If the partnership qualified for the   If the partnership invested in a 
Commissioner’s website.                 new or expanding business income       qualified business for purposes of the 
                                        exemption under N.D.C.C.               agricultural commodity processing 
Line 1                                  Ch. 40-57.1, enter the exempt          facility investment tax credit, multiply 
Income from state, local, and           portion of the partnership’s business  the total amount invested during the 
foreign securities and bonds            income. See N.D. Admin. Code           2024 tax year by 30% and enter the 
Enter on this line interest and         81-03-01.1-06§ for guidance on         result on this line. The partnership 
dividend income from state, local,      calculating the amount of the exempt   is allowed no more than $250,000 
and foreign securities and bonds that   income. Attach a statement             in total credits for investments 
is exempt from federal income tax.      showing the calculation of the         made in tax years 2005 and after. 
Do not include interest income from     exempt income.                         See N.D.C.C. Ch. 57-38.6. Attach 
securities or bonds issued by                                                  a copy of the Ag Commodity 
North Dakota or its political           Line 6                                 Processing Facility Investment 
subdivisions. Do not enter on this      Eminent domain gain                    Reporting Form. Or, if claiming an 
line any income that is treated         Enter on this line the taxable portion agricultural commodity processing 
as nonbusiness income subject           of a gain from the disposition of      facility investment credit from a 
to allocation under N.D.C.C.            property due to the exercise of        North Dakota Schedule K-1, attach 
§§ 57-38.1-04 through 57-38.1-08.       eminent domain.                        a statement identifying the facility 
Include the nonbusiness income on                                              in which the investment was 
                                        Line 7a
Schedule K, line 24.                                                           made.
                                        Renaissance zone historic 
Line 2                                  property preservation tax credit       Line 10
State and local income taxes            Enter on this line the amount from     Biodiesel or green diesel fuel 
Enter on this line the taxes measured   Schedule RZ, Part 7, line 4. Attach    blending tax credit
by income that were incurred by         Schedule RZ.                           If the partnership is a licensed 
the partnership and deducted in                                                supplier of biodiesel or green diesel 
                                        Line 7b
calculating the partnership’s ordinary                                         fuel, it is allowed a credit equal to 
                                        Renaissance fund organization 
income (loss). Include franchise or                                            $0.05 per gallon for blending biodiesel 
                                        investment tax credit
privilege taxes measured by income                                             or green diesel fuel having at least 
                                        Enter on this line the amount from 
paid to any taxing authority, including                                        a 5% blend (“B5”) that meets ASTM 
                                        Schedule RZ, Part 7, line 5. Attach 
a foreign country.                                                             specifications. The blending must 
                                        Schedule RZ.
                                                                               be done in North Dakota. For this 
Line 3                                  Line 7c                                purpose, a “supplier” means a person 
Interest from U.S. obligations          Renaissance zone nonparticipating      who distributes the biodiesel or green 
Enter on this line interest income from property owner tax credit              diesel fuel from a terminal in  
U.S. obligations and from securities    Enter on this line the amount from     North Dakota. Enter the credit on this 
the interest from which is specifically Schedule RZ, Part 7, line 6. Attach    line. See N.D.C.C. § 57-38-01.22. 
exempted from state income tax by       Schedule RZ.                           Attach a statement showing the 
federal statute. Include the portion of 
dividend income from a mutual fund      Line 8                                 calculation of the credit.
attributable to the fund’s investment   Seed capital investment tax credit     Line 11
in the same kinds of securities.        If the partnership invested in a       Biodiesel or green diesel fuel sales 
                                        qualified business for purposes of the 
Do not enter on this line interest                                             equipment tax credit
                                        seed capital investment tax credit, 
income from securities of the Federal                                          If the partnership is a licensed seller 
                                        multiply the total amount invested 
Home Loan Mortgage Corporation                                                 of biodiesel or green diesel fuel, it is 
                                        during the 2024 tax year by 45% 
(Freddie Mac), Federal National                                                allowed a credit equal to 10% of the 
                                        and enter the result on this line. 
Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae),                                             costs to adapt or add equipment to 
                                        See N.D.C.C. Ch. 57-38.5. Attach a 
Government National Mortgage                                                   its North Dakota facility to enable it 
                                        copy of the Qualified Seed Capital 
Association (Ginnie Mae), or from                                              to sell diesel fuel having at least a 
                                        Business Investment Reporting 
a federal income tax refund or                                                 2% biodiesel or green diesel blend 
                                        Form. Or, if claiming a seed capital 
repurchase agreement. Attach a                                                 (“B2”) that meets ASTM specifications. 
                                        investment credit from a  
statement identifying the specific                                             For this purpose, a “seller” means a 
                                        North Dakota Schedule K-1, 
securities from which the interest                                             person who acquires the fuel from 
                                        attach a statement identifying the 
was derived.                                                                   a wholesale supplier or distributor 
                                        qualified business in which the        for resale to a consumer at a retail 
Line 4                                  investment was made.                   location. Except for costs incurred 
Renaissance zone exemption                                                     before January 1, 2005, include 
Enter on this line the amount from                                             eligible costs incurred before the tax 
Schedule RZ, Part 7, line 1c. Attach                                           year in which sales of the eligible 
Schedule RZ.                                                                   biodiesel or green diesel fuel begin. 

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The credit is allowed in each of five     Lines 14c and 14d. Enter on             category of school, the credit equals 
tax years, starting with the tax year     these lines an endowment fund           50% of the contributions made to all 
in which sales of the eligible biodiesel  credit and the related contribution     eligible schools within the category. 
or green diesel fuel begin. Enter         amount shown on a North Dakota          (Note: For a partner other than 
the credit on this line. See N.D.C.C.     Schedule K-1 received from an estate,   another passthrough entity, additional 
§ 57-38-01.23. Attach a statement         trust, partnership, or S corporation.   limitations on the allowable credit 
showing the calculation of the                                                    apply at the partner level.) A list of 
                                          Line 15
credit.                                                                           the eligible schools within each of 
                                          Workforce recruitment tax credit        the three categories of schools is 
Line 12                                   If the partnership employs              provided on page 15.
Employer internship program tax           extraordinary recruitment methods 
credit                                    to hire an employee to fill a hard-     Election. A partnership may elect, on 
If the partnership hired an eligible      to-fill position in North Dakota, it is a contribution by contribution basis, 
college student under a qualifying        allowed a tax credit equal to 5% of     to treat a contribution as having been 
internship program set up in              the compensation paid during the        made during the 2024 tax year if it 
North Dakota, it is allowed a credit      first 12 months to the employee         is made on or before the due date, 
equal to 10% of the compensation          hired to fill that position. The credit including extensions, for filing the 
paid to the intern. For details,          may be claimed in the first taxable     2024 Form 58. Make the election by 
see N.D.C.C. § 57-38-01.24. The           year beginning after the employee       attaching to the return a document 
partnership is allowed no more than       completes the first 12 consecutive      containing the following:
$3,000 of credits for all tax years.      months of employment. For details, 
                                                                                    1.  A statement that the election is 
                                          see N.D.C.C. § 57-38-01.25.
Line 12a. Enter the allowable credit                                               being made.
on this line.                             Line 15a. Enter the allowable credit      2.  Name of qualifying school.
                                          on this line.
Attach a schedule listing the names                                                 3.  Date of contribution.
of the employees, their social security   Attach a schedule listing the names       4.  Amount of contribution.
numbers, and wages paid. If the credit    of the employees, their social 
is received through a passthrough         security numbers, wages paid, and       To qualify, a contribution must be 
entity, attach a copy of the statement    employment start date. If the credit    made directly to, or specifically 
received from the passthrough entity.     is received through a passthrough       designated for the exclusive use of, a 
                                          entity, attach a copy of the statement  qualifying school.
Line 12b. Enter the number of             received from the passthrough entity.   School network or organization. 
eligible interns employed during the 
2024 tax year. Disregard this line        Line 15b. Enter the number of           If a contribution is made payable 
if the credit is from a passthrough       eligible employees whose first 12       to the account or fund of a school 
entity.                                   months of employment ended during       network or organization that governs 
                                          the partnership’s 2024 tax year.        or benefits multiple schools, the 
Line 12c. Enter on this line the                                                  contribution will qualify only if the 
total compensation paid to eligible       Line 15c. Enter the total               partnership specifically designates it 
interns during the 2024 tax year (as      compensation paid to the eligible       for the use of a qualifying school, and 
shown on their 2024 Form W-2s).           employees’ during their first 12        the network or organization separately 
Disregard this line if the credit is from consecutive months of employment        accounts for the funds on behalf of 
a passthrough entity.                     ending in the partnership’s 2023 tax    that school. The partnership must 
Line 13                                                                           obtain a statement from the network 
                                                                                  or organization that identifies the 
Research expense tax credit               Line 16                                 qualifying school and the amount 
A credit is allowed for conducting        Credit for wages paid to a              contributed to it. If the qualifying 
qualified research in North Dakota. For   mobilized employee                      school falls into both the primary and 
details, see N.D.C.C. § 57-38-30.5.       Enter on this line the amount from      high school categories, also see the 
Enter the allowable credit on this line.  Schedule ME, line 13. N.D.C.C.          next paragraph.
Attach a statement showing the            § 57-38-31. Attach Schedule ME.
computation of the base amount                                                    Schools in both primary and high 
and the credit.                           Lines 17 through 19                     school categories. If a contribution 
Line 14                                   Nonprofit private school tax            is made to a qualifying school that 
Endowment fund tax credit                 credits                                 provides education in one or more 
A tax credit is allowed for making a      Tax credits are allowed under           grades in both the primary school 
contribution to a qualified endowment     N.D.C.C. § 57-38-01.7 for making        category (kindergarten through 8th 
fund. For more information,               charitable contributions to qualifying  grades) and the high school category 
see Schedule QEC (for filers of           nonprofit private primary schools,      (9th through 12th grades), a separate 
Forms 38, 40, 58, and 60) Attach          high schools, and colleges located      credit is allowed for the portion of the 
Schedule QEC.                             in North Dakota. A separate credit      contribution designated for use within 
                                          is allowed for each of the three        each school category. The partnership 
Lines 14a and 14b. Enter on these         categories of school—primary school,    must obtain a statement from the 
lines the applicable amounts from         high school, and college. For each 
Schedule QEC.

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qualifying school or the school          Attach a copy of the Participating        Unused credit: There is no carryover 
network or organization that identifies  Angel Investor Investment                 provision to succeeding tax years.
the qualifying school and shows          Statement.
                                                                                   Line 24
the amount contributed within each 
                                         Line 21                                   Apprentice tax credit
category of school. If the partnership 
                                         Automation tax credit                     A tax credit is available for 
does not obtain a statement, one-
                                         If the partnership qualified for the      compensation paid by a partnership 
half of the total contribution will be 
                                         automation tax credit under N.D.C.C.      to an apprentice. The credit equals 
deemed to have been made to each 
                                         § 57-38-01.41, enter on this line the     10% of the stipend or salary paid to 
category of school.
                                         amount of the credit shown on the         a qualified apprentice employed in 
Line 17. Enter on this line the          credit approval letter issued to the      North Dakota. The apprentice must be 
allowable credit for contributions to    partnership by the Office of State Tax    in an apprenticeship program certified 
qualified nonprofit private primary      Commissioner.                             by the U.S. Department of Labor or 
schools.                                                                           be an electrical apprentice registered 
                                         Line 22                                   under North Dakota law. The credit 
Line 18. Enter on this line the          Credit for hiring an individual           is allowed for up to five apprentices 
allowable credit for contributions       with a developmental disability or        employed by the partnership at the 
to qualified nonprofit private high      mental illness                            same time.
schools.                                 A tax credit is available for employing 
                                         an individual with a developmental        Lifetime credit limit: A taxpayer is 
Line 19. Enter on this line the          disability or mental illness. To          allowed no more than $3,000 in total 
allowable credit for contributions to    qualify, an employer must apply for       tax credits for eligible wages paid in 
qualified nonprofit private colleges.    and obtain certification from the         all tax years.
Line 20                                  North Dakota Department of Human 
                                                                                   Line 24a.
Angel investor investment credit         Services, Vocational Rehabilitation 
                                                                                   Enter the allowable credit on this line.
                                         Division, that the individual has a 
Important! This line is only for         severe disability, is eligible for the    Attach a schedule listing the names 
credits attributable to investments      agency’s services, and requires           of the employees, their social security 
made in qualified businesses             customized or supported employment        numbers, wages paid and employment 
by angel funds organized and             to become employed. The credit is         start date. If the credit is received 
certified on or after July 1, 2017.      equal to 25% of the wages paid to the     through a passthrough entity, attach 
If a partnership is a member of a        individual during the tax year, up to a   a copy of the statement received from 
North Dakota angel fund that is          maximum credit of $1,500 per year.        the passthrough entity.
organized and certified on or after      The credit is allowed for each eligible 
July 1, 2017, a credit is allowed to     individual hired. Attach a copy           Line 24b.
the partnership if it participates in    of the certification letter from          Enter the number of eligible 
a qualified investment made by the       Human Services.                           apprentices employed during the 2024 
                                                                                   tax year. Disregard this line if the 
angel fund in a qualified business.      Line 23                                   credit is from a passthrough entity.
The angel fund is required to provide    Maternity home, child placing 
a Participating Angel Investor           agency, or pregnancy help center          Line 24c.
Statement to the partnership,            tax credit                                Enter the total amount of wages, 
which evidences the partnership’s        A tax credit is allowed for               salaries, or other compensation paid 
investment. For qualified investments    contributions to the following            to eligible apprentices employed 
made after June 30, 2017, that fall      organizations: (1) a child placing        during the 2024 tax year (as shown 
into the partnership’s 2024 tax year,    agency licensed by the North Dakota       on their 2024 Form W-2’s). Disregard 
multiply the investment amount           Department of Health and Human            this line if the credit is from a 
by the applicable credit rate shown      Services (DHS), (2) a nonprofit           passthrough entity.
on the statement. If a partnership       maternity home located in North           Line 25
participates in more than one qualified  Dakota, or (3) a pregnancy help           Professional service partnership 
investment during the tax year,          center recognized by DHS.                 guaranteed payments
calculate the credit separately for each 
Participating Angel Investor Statement   The credit is equal to 100% of the        Lines 25a through 25c apply only 
received and add the separately          contribution and is limited to 50% of     if the partnership marked “Yes” to 
calculated amounts.                      a taxpayer’s tax liability. Enter on this Item H on page 1 of Form 58. See 
                                         line the amount from Schedule MCP,        the instructions to Form 58, page 1, 
Enter the credit amount on this          line 8. Attach Schedule MCP.              Item H, on page 5. 
line. Do not enter on this line 
an angel investor credit from            The credit is available to corporations,  Line 25a. Enter the total guaranteed 
a North Dakota Schedule K-1.             individuals, estates, trusts, and         payments from Federal Form 1065, 
A partnership is not allowed to          passthrough entities. A tax credit        Schedule K, line 4.
claim an angel investor credit from      earned by a passthrough entity is         Line 25b. Enter the portion of the 
another passthrough entity. See          passed through and allowed to each        amount on line 25a that was made to 
N.D.C.C. § 57-38-01.26 (effective        owner in proportion to their respective   individual partners as a reasonable 
for investments made after June 30,      interests in the passthrough entity.

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salary for personal services,             completing lines 26a and 26b, the 
regardless of where the services          partnership must attach the following   Instructions for 
were performed. Do not include any        to Form 58:                             Schedule KP
guaranteed payments for other than 
                                           A statement on which each item 
personal services.                                                                (Form 58, page 5) 
                                             of nonbusiness income is shown       Schedule KP must be completed 
Line 25c. Enter the portion of the           along with its related expenses.     to provide information about each 
amount on line 25b that was made           A statement explaining the basis    partner. If the partnership has more 
to nonresident individual partners for       for treating the item of income      than seven partners, complete and 
personal services performed within           as nonbusiness income subject to     attach additional schedules as needed 
North Dakota.                                allocation.                          to list all partners. If more than one 
Line 26                                    If an item of nonbusiness income    Schedule KP is needed, complete 
Allocable nonbusiness income                 is allocated to a state other than   lines 1 through 4 on only one of them, 
Lines 26a and 26b apply only if the          North Dakota, a copy of that other   and include the combined amount 
partnership meets all of the following:      state’s income tax return must       for all of the schedules on that one 
                                             be attached. If the partnership is   schedule. 
 It is a multistate partnership, i.e.,    not required to file an income tax 
   it carries on its trade or business       return with the other state, the     All partners
   activity both within and without          partnership must indicate this in    (Columns 1 through 5)
   North Dakota.                             the attached statement.              Columns 1 and 2
 It has one or more nonresident                                                Enter the name, mailing address, and 
   individual, estate, or trust           Line 26a. Enter the total allocable 
   partners.                              income (less related expenses)          partner’s identifying number as shown 
                                          from all sources within and without     on the partner’s Federal Schedule K-1. 
 It has allocable nonbusiness          North Dakota.                           If the partner is a single member 
   income. Generally, all income                                                  LLC that is a disregarded entity for 
   received by a partnership is           Line 26b. Enter the portion of the      federal income tax purposes, enter 
   considered business income unless      amount on line 24a that is allocable to the owner’s name, address, and 
   clearly classifiable as nonbusiness    North Dakota.                           identifying number.
   income. The classification of 
                                          Line 27 
   income by the labels used to                                                   Column 3
                                          Disposition of I.R.C. Section 179 
   describe it—for example, interest,                                             Identify the entity type of the partner 
   dividends, rents, royalties,                                                   by entering the applicable code letter 
                                          Lines 27a through 27b apply only if 
   operating income, or nonoperating                                              as follows:
                                          the partnership sold, exchanged, or 
   income—is generally not relevant                                               Entity type        Code letter
                                          disposed of property for which an 
   in determining whether income is                                               Individual ..................... I
                                          I.R.C. Section 179 deduction was 
   business or nonbusiness income.                                                C corporation ................ C
                                          passed through to the partners.
   For more information, see N.D.                                                 S corporation ................ S
                                          Note: The partnership is required 
   Admin. Code § 81-03-09-03.                                                     Partnership ................... P
                                          to report this same information on 
Nonbusiness income is not                 a separate statement attached to        Estate .......................... E
apportioned using the apportionment       Federal Form 1065, Schedule K,          Trust ............................ T
factor (from Schedule FACT) but is        line 20c.                               Exempt organization ...... O
allocated within or without North                                                 Note: A “C corporation” is a 
                                          For lines 27a through 27d, multiply 
Dakota as provided under N.D.C.C.                                                 corporation that files Federal 
                                          the corresponding combined amount 
§§ 57-38.1-04 through 57-38.1-08                                                  Form 1120; an “S corporation” 
                                          for all partners as reported on 
and N.D. Admin. Code                                                              is a corporation that files Federal 
                                          Federal Form 1065, Schedule K, 
§ 81-03-09-09. Expenses must be                                                   Form 1120S; and the “Trust” entity 
                                          line 20c, by the apportionment factor 
attributed to the nonbusiness income                                              type applies to a trust that files 
                                          from Schedule FACT, line 14, and 
in a manner which fairly distributes                                              Federal Form 1041 or, in lieu of 
                                          enter the result. However, if the 
all of the partnership’s expenses to its                                          filing Federal Form 1041, elects an 
                                          property disposed of is treated as a 
business and nonbusiness income.                                                  alternative reporting method under 
                                          nonbusiness asset the gain or loss 
If the partnership has an item of         from which is subject to allocation     the federal income tax regulations, 
nonbusiness income subject to             under N.D.C.C. §§ 57-38.1-04 through    and to an IRA (generally filing Federal 
allocation, the partnership must take     57-38.1-08, subtract the amounts        Form 990-T to report Unrelated 
this into account when calculating        for that asset before multiplying by    Business Taxable Income.)
the North Dakota distributive share       the apportionment factor. Include the   If the partner is an LLC that is a 
of income or loss reportable on           nonbusiness gain or loss from the       disregarded entity for federal income 
Schedule KP and Schedule K-1              disposition on Form 58, Schedule K,     tax purposes or a nominee on Federal 
(Form 58). See the instructions to        line 26.                                Schedule K-1, enter the code letter 
Schedule KP, Column 6, on page 10                                                 for the type of entity of the entity’s 
for more information. In addition to                                              owner. If the LLC is treated like a 

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C corporation, partnership, or S 
corporation, enter the code letter for  Worksheet for Schedule KP, Column 6
that particular entity type.            For nonresident partners and tax-exempt organization partners only—
                                        see instructions to Schedule KP, Column 6.
Column 4                                  1. Partner’s amount from Schedule KP, Column 5 ........................1 _______________
Enter the partner’s ownership 
                                          2. Professional service partnership only:
percentage as provided in the               Guaranteed payments for services only
partnership agreement. (This percentage     included in the amount on line 1.............. 2 _______________
may differ from the partner’s profit or   3. Allocable income (less related expenses)
loss percentage.)                           included in the amount on line 1.............. 3 _______________
Column 5                                  4. Interest from U.S. obligations included
                                            in the amount on line 1 .......................... 4 _______________
Enter the sum of the following 
items from the partner’s Federal          5. Add lines 2, 3, and 4 ............................................................5 _______________
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), Part III:       6. Apportionable income (loss). Subtract line 5 from line 1 ...........6 _______________
                                          7. Apportionment factor from Schedule FACT, line 14 ...................7  __.____________
Box 1 Ordinary business income 
      (loss)                              8. Multiply line 6 by line 7 ........................................................8 _______________
                                          9. Professional service partnership only: Guaranteed payments
Box 2 Net rental real estate income         for services performed within North Dakota ......................9 _______________
      (loss)                             10. Allocable income (less related expenses) reportable to
Box 3 Other net rental income               North Dakota ...................................................................   10 ______________
      (loss)                             11. Add lines 8, 9 and 10. Enter result in Column 6 ......................   11 ______________
Box 4c  Total guaranteed payments
                                         a trust, including a grantor trust,                   payments are not apportioned, but 
Box 5 Interest income                       that is not organized under                           are allocated to the state where 
Box 6a  Ordinary dividends                  North Dakota law. This only                           the services were performed by 
Box 7 Royalties                             includes trusts that are subject to                   the partner. See the instructions 
Box 8 Net short-term capital gain           income tax; or                                        to Form 58, page 1, Item H, on 
      (loss)                             a passthrough entity that has a                       page 5 for more information.
Box 9a  Net long-term capital gain          commercial domicile outside North                   The partnership has an item of 
      (loss)                                Dakota. A passthrough entity                          nonbusiness income subject to 
                                            includes a partnership,                               allocation. See the instructions to 
Box 10  Net section 1231 gain (loss)        S corporation, LLC treated like a                     Form 58, Schedule K, line 26, on 
Box 11  Other income (loss)                 partnership or S corporation, and                     page 10 for more information.
Box 12  Section 179 deduction               any other similar entity.                           The amount in Column 5 includes 
Box 13  Other deductions (In the case   For a tax-exempt organization partner,                    interest from U.S. obligations.
      of an individual, trust, or       only report its distributive share of                  Column 7
      estate partner, only include      North Dakota income in Column 6.                       Nonresident partner only
      deductions that are allowed       Columns 7 and 8 do not apply to a                      If a nonresident partner’s distributive 
      as a deduction from gross         tax-exempt organization partner.                       share of North Dakota income 
      income in calculating adjusted                                                           in Column 6 is $1,000 or more, 
      gross income for federal          Column 6
      income tax purposes.)             Nonresident partner and tax-                           multiply the amount in Column 6 by 
                                        exempt organization partner only                       2.50% (.025) and enter the result 
Box 20  Include the gain (loss)         Complete Column 6 for each                             in Column 7. However, the following 
      from an I.R.C. Section 179        nonresident partner and tax-exempt                     exceptions apply:
      property disposition. For         organization partner. Except as                         If a nonresident partner gives you 
      purposes of calculating           provided below, multiply the                              a completed Form PWA, enter the 
      the gain or loss, include         partner’s amount in Column 5 by                           amount from line 5 of Form PWA 
      all of the Section 179            the apportionment factor from                             in Column 7 and fill in the circle 
      deduction passed through          Schedule FACT, line 14, and enter the                     under “Form PWA or Form PWE.”
      to the partner, regardless of     result in Column 6.
      whether or not the partner                                                                If a nonresident partner gives 
      actually deducted all of it.      Exception: Complete the Worksheet                         you a completed Form PWE, leave 
                                        for Schedule KP, Column 6 on this                         Column 7 blank and fill in the circle 
Nonresident partners and                page to calculate the amount to enter                     under “Form PWA or Form PWE.”
tax-exempt organization                 in Column 6 if any of the following                     If a nonresident partner elected to 
partners only                           apply:                                                    be included in a composite filing, 
                                         The partnership is a professional                     leave Column 7 blank and see the 
(Columns 6 through 8)                                                                             instructions to Column 8.
For purposes of Columns 6 through 8,        service partnership that made 
a nonresident partner means:                guaranteed payments for services                   See “Withholding from nonresident 
                                            performed by nonresident                           partners” on page 3 for more 
 an individual who is not domiciled      individual partners. These                         information.
   in North Dakota;

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Column 8                                 Line 8                                  Interest. Calculate the interest 
Nonresident partner only                 Application of overpayment to           amount as follows:
Note: Leave Column 8 blank if            2025
                                                                                  If an extension of time to file 
Column 7 was completed for the           If there is an overpayment on line 7, 
                                                                                     Form 58 was obtained, extension 
nonresident partner.                     the partnership may elect to apply 
                                                                                     interest is calculated at the rate of 
                                         part or all of it as an estimated 
                                                                                     12% per year on any tax due from 
Complete Column 8 for each               payment toward its 2025 tax liability. 
                                                                                     the due date of the return to the 
nonresident partner electing to          To make the election, enter the 
                                                                                     earlier of the extended due date or 
be included in a composite filing.       portion of line 7 to be applied on 
                                                                                     the date the return was filed.
Multiply the amount in Column 6 by       line 8. If this election is made, the 
2.50% (.025) and enter the result in     election and the amount applied may      If the total amount of tax due 
Column 8. If the amount in Column 6      not be changed after the return is          is not paid by the due date (or 
is zero or less, enter zero in Column 8. filed. If this is an amended return, do     extended due date) of the return, 
See “Composite filing” on page 3 for     not make an entry on this line.             interest is calculated at the rate 
more information.                                                                    of 1% per month or fraction of a 
                                         Line 10                                     month on the unpaid tax, except 
Specific line                            Tax due                                     for the month in which the return 
                                         A tax due must be paid in full with the     was due.
instructions for                         return when the return is filed. See 
                                         the instructions to line 12 for payment Line 12
page 1 of                                options.                                Balance due
                                                                                 The balance due must be paid in full 
Form 58, lines 1-12                      Line 11                                 with the return. The payment may 
Complete Schedule FACT,                  Penalty and interest                    be made electronically in one of the 
                                         The Office of State Tax Commissioner    following ways:
Schedule K, and Schedule KP              will notify the partnership of any 
before completing lines 1                penalty and interest payable on a tax    Online—A payment may be made 
through 12 on page 1 of                  due shown on Form 58. However, the          online with an electronic check or a 
Form 58.                                 partnership may calculate the penalty       debit or credit card. The electronic 
                                         and interest amounts and include            check option is free. North Dakota 
Line 4                                   them in the balance due on Form 58.         contracts with a national payment 
Income tax withholding                                                               service to provide the debit or 
Enter the North Dakota income            Penalty. Calculate the penalty              credit card option. There is a fee 
tax withholding shown on a 2024          amount as follows:                          for the debit or credit option, none 
Form 1099 or North Dakota                 If Form 58 is filed by the due date     of which goes to the State of North 
Schedule K-1. Be sure the state             (or extended due date), but the          Dakota. To pay online, go to
identified on the Form 1099 is              total amount of tax due is not paid      www.tax.nd.gov/payment.
North Dakota. Also enter the                with the return, the penalty is       Electronic funds transfer—A 
North Dakota income tax withholding         equal to 5% of the unpaid tax or         payment may be made by means 
shown on a 2023 North Dakota                $5.00, whichever is greater.             of an Automated Clearing House 
Schedule K-1 if the entity that issued 
it has a fiscal tax year ending in        If Form 58 is filed after its due       (ACH) credit transaction that 
the partnership’s 2024 tax year. Do         date (or extended due date), and         the taxpayer initiates through 
not enter on this line North Dakota         there is an unpaid tax due on it, a      its banking institution. For more 
extraction or production taxes              penalty equal to 5% of the unpaid        information, go to our website at 
withheld from mineral interest income,      tax due (with a $5.00 minimum)           tax.nd.gov.
such as an oil or gas royalty, because      applies for the month the return 
                                                                                 If paying with a paper check or money 
they are not income taxes. Attach a         was due, plus 5% of the unpaid 
                                                                                 order, complete a 2024 Form 58-PV 
copy of the Form 1099 or                    tax due (with a $5.00 minimum) 
                                                                                 payment voucher and enclose it with 
North Dakota Schedule K-1.                  for each month or fraction of a 
                                                                                 the payment. Make the check or 
                                            month the return remains unfiled, 
                                                                                 money order payable to “ND State 
Line 5                                      not to exceed the greater of 25% 
                                                                                 Tax Commissioner,” and write the last 
Estimated tax payments                      of the unpaid tax due or $25.00.
Enter the amount paid with the 2024                                              four digits of the partnership’s FEIN 
Forms 58-EXT and 58-ES plus any                                                  and “2024 Form 58” on the check or 
overpayment applied from the 2023                                                money order. A check must be drawn 
Form 58. However, if filing an amended                                           on a U.S. or Canadian bank, be in U.S. 
return, do not enter any previously                                              dollars, and use a standard nine-digit 
paid estimated tax amount; instead,                                              routing number. A check drawn on a 
enter the amount of the total taxes                                              foreign bank (except one in Canada) 
due from line 3 of the previously filed                                          cannot be accepted.
original or amended return.

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                                         Amended schedule. If a partnership         Lines 3 through 5. Enter on the 
Instructions                             files an amended Form 58, the              corresponding lines the partner’s 
for completing                           partnership must issue amended             share of each amount shown on 
                                         North Dakota Schedule K-1 forms to         Form 58, Schedule K, lines 3 
Schedule K-1                             its partners. Fill in the “Amended”        through 5.
A partnership is not subject to          circle at the top of the North Dakota 
                                                                                    Line 6. Enter on this line the amount 
North Dakota income tax. Instead,        Schedule K-1 (Form 58). 
                                                                                    determined by multiplying the amount 
the partners are responsible for         Final schedule. Fill in the “Final”        on Form 58, Schedule K, line 6, by the 
reporting and paying any applicable      circle at the top of the North Dakota      same percentage used to determine 
North Dakota income tax on their         Schedule K-1 (Form 58) if it is the last   the partner’s distributive share of 
shares of the partnership’s income       one to be issued by the partnership to     income (loss) from the partnership.
reportable to North Dakota.              the partner.
                                                                                    Lines 7 through 24 Enter on the 
The North Dakota Schedule K-1            Part 2                                     corresponding lines the partner’s 
(Form 58) must be used by a                                                         share of each amount shown on  
partnership to provide its partners      Partner information
                                                                                    Form 58, Schedule K, lines 7 through 
with information they will need to       Item E                                     24. Also, for the following lines, 
complete a North Dakota income           Enter the code letter for the partner      additional supporting information 
tax return. The information to be        from Form 58, Schedule KP, Column 3.       must be provided with Schedule K-1.
included in the schedule will depend 
on the type of partner. In the case of   Item F                                     Lines 8 and 9. Provide a statement 
certain credits reported on Schedule     If the partner is an individual, estate,   identifying the qualified business 
K-1 (Form 58), additional supporting     or trust, fill in the applicable circle to or qualified agricultural commodity 
information must be provided with        indicate the legal residency status of     processing facility in which the 
Schedule K-1 — see the instructions      the partner for North Dakota income        qualifying investment was made.
to Part 3.                               tax purposes. If an individual partner 
                                         changed his or her legal residency         Line 14. Provide a statement 
A North Dakota Schedule K-1 (Form        to or from North Dakota during the         identifying the qualified nonprofit 
58) must be completed and given to:      tax year, mark the part-year resident      organization and the qualified 
                                         status. In the case of an estate or trust  endowment fund to which the 
 Each nonresident partner for                                                    qualifying contribution was made.
                                         partner, only the full-year resident or 
   which the partnership is required 
                                         full-year nonresident status will apply.
   to report the North Dakota                                                       Line 20. Provide a statement 
   distributive share of income on       Item G                                     identifying the angel fund that made 
   Form 58, Schedule KP, Column 6.       For an eligible nonresident partner,       the qualified investment in the 
 Each partner to which a share of     indicate whether the partner is            qualified business.
   a North Dakota adjustment or tax      included in a composite filing by filling  Part 4
   credit from Form 58, Schedule K,      in the applicable circle.
                                                                                    Nonresident individual, 
   lines 1 through 24, is distributable. Item I                                     estate, or trust partner  
 Each partnership or corporation      Enter the partner’s ownership              only — North Dakota income 
   partner for the purpose of            percentage from Form 58, 
   reporting a share of the              Schedule KP, Column 4.                     (loss)
   apportionment factors from                                                       Complete Part 4 for a nonresident 
   Form 58, Schedule FACT.               Part 3                                     individual, estate, or trust partner.
 Each tax-exempt organization         All partners—
                                                                                    Line 25
   partner.                              North Dakota adjustments                   Partnership’s apportionment 
If there are no North Dakota             and tax credits                            factor
                                         If there are any North Dakota 
adjustments or tax credits on Form 58,                                              Enter the partnership’s apportionment 
                                         adjustments or tax credits on 
Schedule K, lines 1 through 24, a                                                   factor from Form 58, Schedule FACT, 
                                         Form 58, Schedule K, lines 1 
North Dakota Schedule K-1 does not                                                  line 14.
                                         through 24, complete this part for all 
have to be given to a North Dakota                                                  Lines 26 through 39
resident individual, estate, or trust.                                              Income and loss items
                                         Lines 1 and 2. Enter on the 
In addition to the North Dakota                                                     Except as provided under 
                                         corresponding lines the amount 
Schedule K-1 (Form 58), the                                                         Exceptions 1 through 3 below, 
                                         determined by multiplying each 
partnership must provide the                                                        multiply the corresponding 
                                         amount shown on Form 58,  
partner with a copy of the Partner’s                                                amount from the partner’s Federal 
                                         Schedule K, lines 1 and 2, by the 
Instructions for North Dakota                                                       Schedule K-1, Part III, boxes 1 through 
                                         same percentage used to determine 
Schedule K-1 (Form 58).                                                             13, and any I.R.C. § 179 property 
                                         the partner’s distributive share of        disposition gain (loss) included in box 
A copy of all North Dakota               income (loss) from the partnership.        20 by the partnership’s apportionment 
Schedule K-1 forms must be enclosed                                                 factor from Schedule FACT, line 14, and 
with Form 58 along with any required                                                enter the result on the corresponding 
supporting statements.                                                              line of Part 4, lines 26 through 39.

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For “Other deductions” from box 13      If the calculation of any amount on     Line 44
of Federal Schedule K-1, only include   lines 26 through 39 of Part 4 was       Total factors
deductions that are allowed as a        affected by the removal or inclusion    Enter in the corresponding column the 
deduction from gross income in          of net nonbusiness income, attach       partner’s share of the partnership’s 
calculating adjusted gross income for   a statement to the partner’s North      total factor amounts from Form 58, 
federal income tax purposes.            Dakota Schedule K-1 (Form 58)           Schedule FACT, Column 1, lines 7, 8, 
                                        identifying the net nonbusiness         and 12.
For purposes of calculating the gain    income and showing the calculation of 
or loss for I.R.C. § 179 property       the amount entered on the applicable    Before you file 
dispositions included in box 20 of      line(s) of Part 4.
Federal Schedule K-1, include all of 
                                                                                Form 58
the Section 179 deduction passed        Exception 3: Interest from U.S. 
through to the partner, regardless of   obligations. Do not include interest    Signatures
whether or not the partner actually     from U.S. obligations in determining    The return must be signed and dated 
deducted all of it.                     the amount to enter on Part 4, line 30. by a general partner or an authorized 
                                                                                representative of the partnership.
Exception 1: Professional service       Part 5
                                                                                If the partnership pays someone 
partnership. If the partnership is      Nonresident partner and                 other than one of its partners or 
a professional service partnership, 
calculate the amount to enter on        tax-exempt organization                 an employee of the partnership to 
line 29 (guaranteed payments) by        partner only                            prepare the return, the paid preparer 
adding the following two amounts:       Complete Part 5 for a nonresident       also must sign and date the return.
                                        partner and a tax-exempt organization 
 Guaranteed payments for services    partner for which an amount was         Preparer authorization check-off
   performed within North Dakota by     required to be entered on Form 58,      The partnership may authorize the 
   the partner.                         Schedule KP, Column 6.                  Office of State Tax Commissioner to 
 Guaranteed payments for other                                               discuss matters pertaining to its 2024 
                                        Line 40
   than personal services multiplied                                            Form 58 with the preparer who signed 
                                        North Dakota distributive share of 
   by the partnership’s apportionment                                           it. To do so, fill in the circle next to 
                                        income (loss)
   factor from Schedule FACT, line 14.                                          the signature area in the lower right-
                                        Enter the partner’s North Dakota        hand corner of page 1 of Form 58. 
Exception 2: Allocable                  distributive share of income (loss)     This authorization applies only to the 
nonbusiness income. If the              from Form 58, Schedule KP, Column 6.    individual whose signature and printed 
partnership treated any part of a                                               name appear in the paid preparer 
                                        Line 41
distributable item of income from                                               section of the signature area. It does 
                                        North Dakota income tax withheld
the partner’s Federal Schedule K-1                                              not apply to the firm, if any, shown in 
                                        Enter the amount of North Dakota 
as nonbusiness income subject to                                                that section.
                                        income tax withheld from the 
allocation, calculate the amount to 
                                        partner’s North Dakota distributive 
enter on the corresponding line of this                                         This authorization allows the Office of 
                                        share of income from Form 58, 
part in the following steps:                                                    State Tax Commissioner to contact the 
                                        Schedule KP, Column 7.                  preparer to answer any questions that 
  1.  Subtract the net nonbusiness                                              may arise during the processing of the 
                                        Line 42
   income (gross amount less                                                    partnership’s return. It also authorizes 
                                        North Dakota composite income 
   related expenses) from                                                       the preparer to respond to questions 
   the applicable distributable                                                 and to provide any information 
                                        Enter the amount of North Dakota 
   amount shown on the Federal                                                  missing from the return, to contact 
                                        composite income tax on the partner’s 
   Schedule K-1.                                                                the Office of State Tax Commissioner 
                                        North Dakota distributive share of 
                                                                                to inquire about the status of the 
  2.  Multiply the remaining            income from Form 58, Schedule KP, 
                                                                                return’s processing and related refund 
   distributive amount, if any, (from   Column 8.
   step one)  by the partnership’s                                              or payment, and to respond to Office 
   apportionment factor from            Part 6                                  of State Tax Commissioner notices 
   Schedule FACT, line 14.              Partnership or corporation              that the partnership shares with the 
                                                                                preparer pertaining to math errors 
  3.  Add the result (from step two)    partner only                            or return preparation. (The Office of 
   to the portion, if any, of the net   Complete Part 6 for a partner that is   State Tax Commissioner notices will 
   nonbusiness income allocable         a partnership, corporation, or other    be sent only to the partnership.)
   to North Dakota, and enter the       entity treated like a partnership or 
   result on the corresponding line     corporation.                            This authorization automatically 
   of Part 4.                                                                   expires on the due date (including 
                                        Line 43                                 extensions) for filing the 2025 
Note: If any portion of the net         North Dakota factors                    Form 58.
nonbusiness income removed from the     Enter in the corresponding column the 
distributable amount (in step 1 above)  partner’s share of the partnership’s 
is allocable outside North Dakota, do   North Dakota apportionment 
not enter it anywhere on North Dakota   factor amounts from Form 58, 
Schedule K-1 (Form 58).                 Schedule FACT, Column 2, lines 7, 8, 
                                        and 12.

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This authorization does not authorize 
the preparer to receive a refund                         Qualified nonprofit private schools
check, to bind the partnership in                       (for Form 58, Schedule K, lines 17 through 19)
any way (including any additional      For purposes of the credits on Form 58, Schedule K, lines 17 through 19, the following 
tax liability), or to represent the    lists the qualifying schools in each school category. (Note: These lists are subject to 
partnership before the Office of State 
                                                        Primary Schools (Grades K through 8)
Tax Commissioner for any other 
                                       Anne Carlsen Center (Jamestown)         School of the Holy Family (Mandan)
purpose.                               Bishop Ryan Catholic School (Minot)     Shanley High-Sacred Heart Middle School
Assembling a paper return              Brentwood Adventist Christian School      (Fargo)
Please assemble Form 58 and its          (Bismarck)                            Shiloh Christian School (Bismarck)
required attachments in the following  Capstone Classical Academy (Fargo)      SonShine Elementary (Minot)
                                       Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Elementary St Alphonsus Elementary School
order:                                   School (Bismarck)                       (Langdon)
  1.  Form 58.                         Children’s Montessori Center (Fargo)    St Anne Elementary School (Bismarck)
                                       Christ the King Catholic Montessori     St Ann’s Catholic School (Belcourt)
  2.  Schedule FACT.                     School (Mandan)                       St Bernard Mission School (Fort Yates)
  3.  Schedule K.                      Dakota Memorial School (Minot)          St Catherine Elementary School
  4.  Schedule KP.                     Dakota Montessori School (Fargo)          (Valley City)
                                       Forest River School (Fordville)         St John’s Academy (Jamestown)
  5.  All other required North Dakota  Full Circle Academy (Fargo)             St John’s Elementary School (Wahpeton)
schedules and forms (other than        Grace Lutheran Elementary School        St Joseph Elementary School (Mandan)
North Dakota Schedule K-1                (Fargo)                               St Joseph Elementary School
forms).                                Hillcrest SDA School (Jamestown)          (Devils Lake)
                                       Holy Family – St. Mary’s Elementary     St Joseph’s Elementary School (Williston)
  6.  North Dakota Schedule K-1          School (Grand Forks)                  St Mary’s Academy (Bismarck)
forms.                                 Holy Spirit Elementary School (Fargo)   St Mary’s Elementary School (Bismarck)
  7.  Required supporting statements.  Hope Christian Academy (Dickinson)      St Michael’s Elementary School
  8.  Complete copy of Form 1065       Invitation Hill Adventist School          (Grand Forks)
                                         (Dickinson)                           St. Monica’s Montessori (Fargo)
(or 1065-B) including Federal          Johnson Corners Christian Academy       The Innovation School (Bismarck)
Schedule K-1 forms.                      (Watford City)                        Trinity Elementary East School
A balance due may be paid              Little Flower Elementary School (Rugby)   (Dickinson)
electronically (see page 12 of these   Martin Luther School (Bismarck)         Trinity Elementary North School
                                       Nativity Elementary School (Fargo)        (Dickinson)
instructions). If paying with a paper  New Testament Baptist Christian School  Trinity Elementary School (West Fargo)
check, enclose the check and a 2024      (Larimore)                            Trinity Elementary West School
Form 58-PV payment voucher with the    Oak Grove Lutheran Elementary School      (Dickinson)
return.                                  (Fargo)                               Trinity Jr/High School (Dickinson)
                                       Our Redeemer’s Christian School (Minot) Valley City Christian School (Valley City)
                                       Prairie Learning Education Center       Victory Christian School (Jamestown)
                                         (Raleigh)                             Williston Trinity Christian School
                                       Prairie Voyager Adventist School          (Williston)
                                         (Grand Forks)
                                                           High Schools (Grades 9 through 12)
                                       Anne Carlsen Center (Jamestown)         Our Redeemer’s Christian School (Minot)
                                       Bishop Ryan Catholic School (Minot)     Prairie Learning Education Center
                                       Dakota Adventist Academy (Bismarck)       (Raleigh)
                                       Dakota Memorial School (Minot)          School of the Holy Family (Mandan)
                                       Hope Christian Academy (Dickinson)      Shanley High-Sacred Heart Middle School
                                       Johnson Corners Christian Academy         (Fargo)
                                         (Watford City)                        Shiloh Christian School (Bismarck)
                                       New Testament Baptist Christian School  St Mary’s Central High School (Bismarck)
                                         (Larimore)                            Trinity Jr/High School (Dickinson)
                                       Oak Grove Lutheran Middle/High School   Williston Trinity Christian School
                                         (Fargo)                                 (Williston)
                                                         Colleges (Education above 12th grade)
                                       Jamestown College (Jamestown)           United Tribes Technical College
                                       Trinity Bible College (Ellendale)         (Bismarck) 
                                       Turtle Mountain Community College       University of Mary (Bismarck)
                                        (Belcourt)                             ND Independent College Fund

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