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          State of Rhode Island Division of Taxation 
          RI Schedule K-1 - 2024 
          Taxpayer’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, Etc.

                                                      GENERAL INFORMATION
RI Schedule K-1 is to be used by pass-through entities filing Form RI-1041, Form RI-1065, or Form RI-1120S to report beneficiary, member, or share-
holder level information to the beneficiary(ies), member(s), or shareholder(s).  All RI Schedule K-1s are to be attached to the entity return, as well as the 
beneficiary, member, or shareholder return.


Complete the Entity Information and Taxpayer Information boxes with the      6. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of Section 179 deduction
entity’s identification number, name, address, and entity type, and the tax- from Federal Form 1120S, Schedule K, line 11 or Federal Form 1065,
payer’s identification number, name and address.                             Schedule K, line 12.
If this is either an amended or final K-1, please indicate by checking the   7. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of Other Deductions from
applicable box.                                                              Federal Form 1120S, Schedule K, lines 12a, 12b, 12c and 12d, Federal
                                                                             Form 1065, Schedule K, line 13a, 13b, 13c and 13d or Federal Form
If the taxpayer has been included in a composite filing (Form RI-1040C)      1041, Schedule K-1, lines 9, 10 and 11.
for the entity for tax year 2024, check the “Included in Composite Filing” 
                                                                                 Section II - Taxpayer’s Other Additions 
If the Partner/Shareholder is a Grantor Trust, check the 'Partner/Share-         Does not apply to Form RI-1041 - Not to be used for Beneficiaries 
holder is a Grantor Trust.” and complete Section VIII - Grantor Trust Infor-
mation.                                                                      1. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of income from obligations of
                                                                             any state or its political subdivisions, other than Rhode Island under R.I.
In the boxes provided, enter the taxpayer’s:                                 Gen. Laws § 44-30-12(1) and R.I. Gen. Laws § 44-30-12(2) from Form RI-
          State of residency                                                 1120S, Schedule C, line 1a or Form RI-1065, Schedule C, line 1a.
          Rhode Island apportionment ratio * 
          Ownership percentage of the entity *                               2. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of bonus depreciation that has
          Profit (or loss) percentage of the entity *                        been taken for federal purposes that must be added back to Rhode island
                                                                             income under R.I. Gen. Laws § 44-61-1 from Form RI-1120S, Schedule C,
* Beneficiaries should leave these fields blank.                             line 1b or Form RI-1065, Schedule C, line 1b.
Rhode Island residents should enter 100% (1.000000) on the apportion-        3. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of Pass-through Entity tax 
ment percentage line.                                                        elected to be paid under R.I. Gen. Laws § 44-11-2.3 that has been taken for 
                                                                             federal purposes that must be added back to Rhode Island income from 
Apportionment ratios should be calculated to six (6) decimal places.         Form RI-1120S, Schedule C, line 1d or Form RI-1065, Schedule C, line 1d. 
All amounts reported on Rhode Island Schedule K-1 should reflect             4. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of the taxable portion of any 
the taxpayer’s share of the amounts, not the entity’s amounts.               Paycheck Protection Program Loan received by the entity.  Under R.I. Gen. 
Amounts should be based on the Rhode Island apportionment ratio              Laws § 44-11-11, the amount of any Paycheck Protection Program loan for-
of the entity, as well as the taxpayer’s ownership percentage.               given for federal income tax purposes under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and 
                                                                             Economic Security Act, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 and/or any 
                                                 DRAFT other subsequent federal stimulus relief package that exceeds $250,000 
Section I - Taxpayer’s Income and Deduction Information                      must be added back as income to Rhode Island. 
1. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of Ordinary Business Income
from Federal Form 1120S or 1065, Schedule K, line 1, or Federal Form             Section III - Taxpayer’s Other Deductions 
1041, Schedule K-1, line 6.                                                      Does not apply to Form RI-1041 - Not to be used for Beneficiaries 
2. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of Interest and Dividends from    1. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of income from obligations of
Federal Form 1120S, Schedule K, lines 4 and 5a, Federal Form 1065,           the US government included in Federal AGI, but exempt from state in-
Schedule K, lines 5 and 6a, or Federal Form 1041, Schedule K-1, lines 1      come taxes from Form RI-1120S, Schedule B, line 1a or Form RI-1065,
and 2a.                                                                      Schedule B, line 1a.  This amount should be reduced by any investment
                                                                             interest incurred or continued on the obligation which has been taken as a
3. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of Income from the Sale or        federal itemized deduction.
Exchange of Property from Federal Form 1120S, Schedule K, lines 7, 8a10/15/2024
and 9, Federal Form 1065, Schedule K, lines 8, 9a and 10, or Federal         2. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of Elective deduction for new
Form 1041, Schedule K-1, lines 3 and 4a.                                     research and development facilities under R.I. Gen. Laws § 44-32-1 from
                                                                             Form RI-1120S, Schedule E, line 1 or Form RI-1065, Schedule E, line 1.
4. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of Rents and Royalties from
Federal Form 1120S, Schedule K, lines 2, 3c and 6, Federal Form 1065,        3. Enter the amount of Qualifying Investment in a certified venture capital
Schedule K, lines 2, 3c and 7, or Federal Form 1041, Schedule K-1, lines     partnership under R.I. Gen. Laws § 44-32-2 from Form RI-1120S, Sched-
7 and 8.                                                                     ule E, line 2 or Form RI-1065, Schedule E, line 2.
5. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of Miscellaneous Income from      4. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of bonus depreciation that has
Federal Form 1120S, Schedule K, line 10, Federal Form 1065, Schedule         already been taken on the Federal return that has not yet been subtracted
K, lines 4c and 11, or Federal Form 1041, Schedule K-1, line 5.              from Rhode Island income under R.I. Gen. Laws § 44-61-1 from Form RI-
                                                                             1120S, Schedule B, line 1b or Form RI-1065, Schedule B, line 1b.
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 State of Rhode Island Division of Taxation 
 RI Schedule K-1 - 2024 
 Taxpayer’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, Etc.

                                                   INSTRUCTIONS (CONTINUED)
5. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of section 179 depreciation                   Section VI - RI Schedule PTE -  
that has already been taken on the Federal return that has not yet been                  Pass-through Entity Election Information 
subtracted from Rhode Island income from Form RI-1120S, Schedule B,           
line 1b or Form RI-1065, Schedule B, line 1b.                                1. Enter the amount of Rhode Island source income from this entity for this 
                                                                             taxpayer included on the Pass-through Entity Election Tax Return filed by 
6. Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount for the Tax Incentives for Em-    the entity. 
ployers program under R.I. Gen. Laws § 44-55 from Form RI-1120S,              
Schedule B, line 1c or Form RI-1065, Schedule B, line 1c.                    2. Enter the amount of Pass-through Entity tax elected to be paid on be-
                                                                             half of the taxpayer by the entity with it’s filing.  This amount should agree 
7. ONLY FOR INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS/SHAREHOLDERS OF CASH                          with the amount of elected tax on the Rhode Island Schedule K-1(s) is-
BASIS ENTITIES - Enter the taxpayer’s apportioned amount of the pass-        sued from the entity to the taxpayer(s).  
through entity tax claimed on Form RI-PTE in tax year 2024.                   
                                                                             Be sure to also enter the amount of increasing modification for this tax-
                                                                             payer on line 3 of Section II. 
 Section IV - RI Schedule PTW/PTW - 1041 Information                          
                                                                             Rhode Island Schedule K-1 must be attached to the taxpayer’s 
1. Enter the amount of Rhode Island source income from this entity for this  Rhode Island personal income tax return. 
taxpayer/beneficiary included in RI Schedule PTW/PTW - 1041.                  
                                                                             For returns filed through MeF, a copy of the Rhode Island Schedule 
2. Enter the amount of tax paid on behalf of the taxpayer /beneficiary by    K-1 is to be uploaded as an attachment. 
the entity with it’s RI Schedule PTW/PTW - 1041.                              
Rhode Island Schedule K-1 must be attached to the taxpayer’s/bene-                       Section VII - Taxpayer’s Credit Breakdown 
ficiary’s Rhode Island personal income tax return.                                                                
                                                                             For lines 1 through 5, enter the amount of credit passed through from the 
For returns filed through MeF, a copy of the Rhode Island Schedule           entity to the taxpayer.  For more information on each credit, refer to the law 
K-1 is to be uploaded as an attachment.                                      reference found after each credit, or the instructions on page I-7 of the 2024 
                                                                             RI-1040 Rhode Island Resident Individual Income Tax Return booklet, or 
                                                                             pages I-9 and I-10 of the 2024 RI-1040NR Rhode Island Nonresident Indi-
 Section V - Composite Filing Information                                    vidual Income Tax Return booklet.   
1. Enter the amount of Rhode Island source income from this entity for this   
taxpayer included in a composite filing made by the entity.                              Section VIII - Grantor Trust Information 
2. Enter the amount of tax paid on behalf of the taxpayer by the entity with If the Partner/Shareholder being issued a RI Schedule K-1 from the Pass-
it’s composite tax return.                                                   through entity is a Grantor Trust, enter the name and social security num-
                                                                             ber of the owner of the Grantor Trust in the space provided.
A copy of the composite filing showing the amount of income and 
tax paid on behalf of the taxpayer must still be attached to the  
taxpayer’s Rhode Island personal income tax return.   
For returns filed through MeF, a copy of the filing and Rhode Island 
Schedule K-1 are to be uploaded as an attachment. 


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