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      State of Rhode Island Division of Taxation 
      2023 Form RI-1040NR-MU 
      Credit for Income Taxes Paid to Multiple States                                                                  23100799990101

Name(s) shown on Form RI-1040NR                                                                                                                      Your social security number

1  RI income tax from RI-1040NR, RI Schedule III, part 1, line 16 ..................................................................................                          1

2  RI income tax from RI-1040NR, RI Schedule III, part 1, line 16 ..................................................................................                          2
3  Income taxed by other state while a RI resident included on RI Sch III, line 10, col B ....                       3
4  Total RI income from RI Schedule III, part 1, line 13................................................             4
5  Divide line 3 by line 4................................................................................................................................................... 5  _._  _  _  _
6  Multiply line 2 by line 5................................................................................................................................................. 6
7  Tax due and paid to other state. Insert abbreviation for name of state paid ________________ ..............................                                                7
8  Amount from line 3 above ........................................................................................ 8
9  Total adjusted gross income from other state’s income tax return (attach copy of return)                          9
10 Divide line 8 by line 9................................................................................................................................................... 10 _._  _  _  _
11 Multiply line 7 by line 10...............................................................................................................................................  11
12 MAXIMUM TAX CREDIT.  Line 2, 6 or 11, whichever is the smallest .................................................................................                          12

13 RI income tax from RI-1040NR, RI Schedule III, part 1, line 16 ..................................................................................                          13
14 Income taxed by other state while a RI resident included on RI Sch III, line 10, col B ....                       14
15 Total RI income from RI Schedule III, part 1, line 13................................................             15
16 Divide line 14 by line 15...............................................................................................................................................   16 _._  _  _  _
17 Multiply line 13 by line 16.............................................................................................................................................   17
18 Tax due and paid to other state. Insert abbreviation for name of state paid ________________ ..............................                                                18
19 Amount from line 14 above......................................................................................   19
20 Total adjusted gross income from other state’s income tax return (attach copy of return)                          20
21 Divide line 19 by line 20...............................................................................................................................................   21 _._  _  _  _
22 Multiply line 18 by line 21.............................................................................................................................................   22
23 MAXIMUM TAX CREDIT.  Line 13, 17 or 22, whichever is the smallest.............................................................................                             23

24 RI income tax from RI-1040NR, RI Schedule III, part 1, line 16 ..................................................................................                          24
25 Income taxed by other state while a RI resident included on RI Sch III, line 10, col B ....                       25
26 Total RI income from RI Schedule III, part 1, line 13................................................             26
27 Divide line 25 by line 26...............................................................................................................................................   27 _._  _  _  _
28 Multiply line 24 by line 27.............................................................................................................................................   28
29 Tax due and paid to other state. Insert abbreviation for name of state paid ________________ ..............................                                                29
30 Amount from line 25 above ......................................................................................  30
31 Total adjusted gross income from other state’s income tax return (attach copy of return)                          31
32 Divide line 30 by line 31...............................................................................................................................................   32 _._  _  _  _
33 Multiply line 29 by line 32.............................................................................................................................................   33
34 MAXIMUM TAX CREDIT.  Line 24, 28 or 33, whichever is the smallest.............................................................................                             34

35 RI INCOME TAX.  Line 1 less lines 12, 23 and 34 (not less than zero).  Enter here and on  
   RI-1040NR, page 1, line 11 .....................................................................................................................                           35

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