Enlarge image | 1111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888 34567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 4 State of Rhode Island Division of Taxation 4 5 2024 RI Schedule M for RI-1041 - page 1 5 6 RI Modifications to Federal Total Income 24100999990101 6 7 7 8 Name of estate or trust shown on Form RI-1041 Federal employer identification number 8 9 9 10 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999999999 10 11 11 NOTE: For each modification being claimed you must enter the modification amount on the corresponding modification line and attach 12 documentation supporting your modification. Otherwise, the processing of your return may be delayed. Refer to the instructions for 12 13 more information on each modification. If a modification is not listed below, it is not valid and, therefore, not allowable. 13 14 MODIFICATIONS DECREASING FEDERAL TOTAL INCOME 14 15 1a Income from obligations of the US government included in Federal Total Income but exempt from state in- 1a 15 16 come taxes reduced by investment interest on the obligations taken as a federal itemized deduction............... 999999999 99 16 17 17 18 b Rhode Island fiduciary adjustment as beneficiary of an estate or trust under RIGL §44-30-17..................... 1b 999999999 99 18 19 19 20 c Elective deduction for new research and development facilities under RIGL §44-32-1................................. 1c 999999999 99 20 21 21 22 d Railroad Retirement benefits paid by the Railroad Retirement Board............................................................ 1d 999999999 99 22 23 23 24 e Qualifying investment in a certified venture capital partnership under RIGL §44-43-2.................................. 1e 999999999 99 24 25 25 26 f Family Education Accounts under RIGL §44-30-25....................................................................................... 1f 999999999 99 26 27 g Tuition Saving Program contributions (section 529 accounts) under RIGL §44-30-12. 1g 27 28 Not to exceed $500 ($1,000 if joint return)..................................................................................................... 999999999 99 28 29 29 30 h Exemptions from tax on profit or gain for writers, composers and artists under RIGL §44-30-1.1................. 1h 999999999 99 30 31 i Bonus depreciation taken on the Federal return that has not yet been subtracted from Rhode Island 1i 31 32 income underRIGL §44-61-1......................................................................................................................... 999999999 99 32 33 j Section 179 depreciation taken on the Federal return that has not yet been subtracted from Rhode Island 1j 33 34 under RIGL §44-61-1.1.................................................................................................................................. 999999999 99 34 35 k Modification for performance based compensation realized by an eligible employee under the Jobs 1k 35 36 Growth Act under RIGL §42-64.11-4.............................................................................................................. 999999999 99 36 37 l Modification for exclusion for qualifying option underRIGL §44-39.3 ANDmodification for exclusion for quali- 1l 37 38 fying securities or investment under RIGL §44-43-8.............................................................................................. 999999999 99 38 39 39 40 m Modification for Tax Incentives for Employers under RIGL §44-55-4.1.......................................................... 1m 999999999 99 40 41 n Tax Credit income reported on Federal return exempt for Rhode Island purposes (see instructions for eli- 1n 41 42 gible credits)...................................................................................................................................................DRAFT 999999999 99 42 43 o Active duty militaryNonresidentspay of stationed in Rhode Island and income for services performed in 1o 43 44 Rhode Island by the servicemember’s spouse............................................................................................... 999999999 99 44 45 p Scituate Medical Savings Account contributions taxable on the Federal Return but exempt from Rhode Island 1p 45 46 under RIGL §44-30-25.1(d)(3)(i).................................................................................................................................. 999999999 99 46 47 q Amounts of insurance benefits for dependents and domestic partners included in Federal Total Income 1q 47 48 pursuant to chapter 12 of title 36 or other coverage plan under RIGL §44-30-12(c)(6)................................ 999999999 99 48 49 r Modification for Organ Transplantation for specific unreimbursed expenses incurred by Rhode Island 1r 49 50 Resident pursuantRIGLto§44-30-12(c)(7) .................................................................................................. 999999999 99 50 51 s Modification for taxable Social Security Primary Spouse 1s 51 52 Date of Birth Date of Birth 52 incomeRIGLunder§44-30-12(c)(8) (Required) 10/03/2024 / 06/12/1934 / (Required) 01/31/1950/ / 999999999 99 53 t Modification for taxable Retirement Primary Spouse 53 54 income from certain pension plans or Date of Birth / 06/12/1934 / Date of Birth 01/31/1950/ / 1t 999999999 99 54 annuities under RIGL §44-30-12(c)(9) (Required) (Required) 55 u 55 CASH BASIS ONLY - Deduction for Pass-Through Entity Tax claimed in Prior Year - NOT FOR ESTATES 1u 56 OR TRUSTS - FOR INDIVIDUALS ONLY......................................................................................................... 999999999 99 56 57 57 v Modification for taxpayers receiving military service pensions under RIGL §44-30-12(c)(11) - NOT FOR 1v1v 58 ESTATES OR TRUSTS - FOR INDIVIDUALS ONLY................................................................................... 999999999 99 58 59 59 w Total modifications DECREASING Federal Total Income. Add lines 1a through 1v. Enter as a negative amount 60 here and on RI-1041, page 1, line 3........................................................................................................................ 1w 999999999 99 60 61 61 62 62 1111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888 34567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 |
Enlarge image | 1111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888 34567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 4 State of Rhode Island Division of Taxation 4 5 2024 RI Schedule M for RI-1041 - page 2 5 6 RI Modifications to Federal Total Income 24100999990102 6 7 7 8 Name of estate or trust shown on Form RI-1041 Federal employer identification number 8 9 9 10 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999999999 10 11 11 12 12 13 NOTE: For each modification being claimed you must enter the modification amount on the corresponding modification 13 14 line and attach documentation supporting your modification. Otherwise, the processing of your return may be delayed. 14 15 15 16 Refer to the instructions for RI Schedule M for more detailed information on each of the modifications listed below. 16 17 17 18 If a modification is not listed, it is not an allowable Rhode Island adjustment to Federal Total Income. 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 MODIFICATIONS INCREASING FEDERAL TOTAL INCOME 22 23 2a Income from obligations of any state or its political subdivisions, other than Rhode Island under RIGL 2a 23 24 §44-30-12(1) and RIGL §44-30-12(2)............................................................................................................ 999999999 99 24 25 25 26 b Rhode Island fiduciary adjustment as beneficiary of an estate or trust under RIGL §44-30-17..................... 2b 999999999 99 26 27 27 28 c Recapture of Family Education Account modifications under RIGL §44-30-25(g)......................................... 2c 999999999 99 28 29 d Bonus depreciation taken for federal purposes that must be added back to Rhode Island income under 2d 29 30 RIGL §44-61-1................................................................................................................................................ 999999999 99 30 31 31 32 e Recapture of Tuition Saving Program modifications (section 529 accounts) under RIGL §44-30-12(4) .............. 2e 999999999 99 32 33 f Recapture of tax credit income previously claimed as a modification decreasing Federal Total Income 2f 33 34 underRIGL §44-31.2-9, ,RIGL §44-31.3-2 RIGL §44-33.2-3(e)(2) andRIGL §44-33.6-3(f)......................... 999999999 99 34 35 35 36 g Recapture of Scituate Medical Savings Account modifications under RIGL §44-30-25.1(d)(3)(i)................. 2g 999999999 99 36 37 h Pass-through Entity Tax Elected§44-11-2.3to be paid under RIGL - NOT FOR ESTATES OR TRUSTS - 2h 37 38 FOR INDIVIDUALS ONLY.............................................................................................................................. 999999999 99 38 39 i Unemployment compensation received but not included in federal adjusted gross income under RIGL §44-30- 2i 39 40 12(b)(6) - NOT FOR ESTATES OR TRUSTS - FOR INDIVIDUALS ONLY................................................... 999999999 99 40 41 j Taxable portion of Paycheck Protection Program loan amount under RIGL §44-30-12(b)(8) - NOT FOR 41 2j 42 ESTATES OR TRUSTS - FOR INDIVIDUALSDRAFTONLY................................................................................... 999999999 99 42 43 43 44 k .........................................................RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE......................................................... 2k 44 45 l Total modifications INCREASING Federal Total Income. Add lines 2a through 2k. Enter here and on 45 46 RI-1041, page 1, line 2................................................................................................................................... 2l 999999999 99 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 10/03/2024 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 1111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888 34567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 |