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State of Rhode Island This legal document
Department of State - Business Services Division should be typed.
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Instructions for Filing will be REJECTED.
Annual Report for a Corporation
Section 7-1.2-1501 of the General Laws of Rhode Island, 1956, as amended
How to complete the form: How to pay the filing fee:
1. List the entity’s ID number. The ID number can be found The filing fee is payable either by mail via check made
by looking up your entity in the Corporate Database. payable to RI Department of State or in person via cash,
Please include this number on your check and refer to it credit card, or check at the Business Services Division, 148
in any future correspondence or filings with the Business W. River Street, Ste. 1, Providence, RI 02904. Contact our
Services Division. office at (401) 222-3040 for further information.
2. List the name of the corporation. The entity name can
be verified through our Corporate Database. If the entity How to confirm your filing:
name has changed, an amendment, form 101 or form
Entity records are retrievable and viewable through our
151, must be filed with this office. Electronic filing is
website. Successful filings will NOT result in a mailed
confirmation. Filings that cannot be processed will be posted
3. List the address of the principal office of the corporation. online and then returned. To confirm your submission and
4. Enter the six digit NAICS code that describes the primary obtain evidence of your filing:
type of business in which the entity engages. Download • Go to our Corporate Database.
our NAICS Code List. • Enter the name or ID number of your entity and click
5. List the state or country of incorporation. “Search.”
6. Provide a brief statement of the character of business in • Click on the link to your entity record, scroll down,
which the corporation is actually engaged in this state. select “All Filings” and then “View Filing.”
If the corporation is inactive, this section must still be • Identify the desired type of filing and click on “PDF”
completed. under “View PDF” to view and print the record.
7. List the names and respective addresses of the officers
of the corporation. Do not leave areas blank. If the How to maintain your status:
answer is none, write “none.” If additional space is
The entity is responsible for filing an annual report each
needed, check the box and include the entity ID number
calendar year, excluding the year of incorporation, between
on the attachment.
February 1 and May 1. A courtesy reminder will be mailed
8. List the names and respective addresses of the directors to the registered agent prior to February 1 of each year.
of the corporation. Do not leave areas blank. If the Be sure to follow up with your registered agent concerning
answer is none, write “none.” If additional space is the filing of this report. Failure to file an annual report or
needed, check the box and include the entity ID number maintain a registered agent/office will result in revocation
on the attachment. proceedings.
9. The corporation’s exact number of authorized shares
is of record in this office and can be found on the entity Every entity registered with the RI Department of State -
summary screen. If there has been a change in the Business Services Division will have filing requirements with
authorized shares of the corporation, please contact our the Rhode Island Division of Taxation, even if no business
office. is conducted within Rhode Island for a particular year. Your
business may require additional licensing. Please visit our
10. Provide the number of issued shares along with the
website for further information.
class, series and par value on the form. Do not leave
this area blank. If the answer is none, write “none.”
Your entity may also be required to report (and update, if
11. This report must be executed on behalf of the corporation necessary) information about the business and its beneficial
by an authorized representative. If the corporation is in owners to the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Financial
the hands of a receiver or trustee, this report must be Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). Visit FinCEN.gov/
executed on behalf of the corporation by the receiver or boi for more information.
12. An Authorized Representative MUST sign and date the
FORM 630- Revised: 12/2023